Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

'I think he likes me. He's cute too....Kagami get yourself back in track.'she mentally reminded herself."Good! Now let's go see how big the Arcade is. In Japan Arcades are usually 2-6 meduim buildings big , so I wonder how small it is here."

Cody nodded, "Yeah...Promise!" he said smiling, "I think I'm good for right now..." he said, taking out a small roll of money and setting the payment on the table, the pizza was pretty much gone anyways. He looked at Kagami again, feeling much more different than ever, he felt loved, like he actually mattered.

(I have another one but there's no need for it yet :D)
As the chair collided with Ryo's face, it broke apart into pieces...Literally, the chair broke against Ryo's face, doing absolutely nothing to him, god like durability remember?

Ryo sighed and gave A an irritated stare, "Really?.....Really? We throwing chairs now." Ryo face palmed before glaring at A with a, are you serious, face.

"A...calm your tits, I was just saying. One:" Ryo lifted up one finger to help his point, "You are literally in human form. Two:" Ryo lifted his second finger, "You're pudgy cause you have regular ass human skin, not the hard rough stuff that hurts when devils, demons, and fallen hit you with it." Ryo lifted up his third finger, a maniacal grin on his face, "And Three: you're sealed, which means you ain't got the power to do jack crap to me right now"

Ryo put his fingers down and rubbed his forehead in frustration, "I'm stating all this cause the last devil I met. Well," Ryo gained a far away look for a second before it was replace with one of intense seriousness, "He fucked me up. And he was one of the top dogs among you guys, if NOT the top." Ryo looked back at A, his eyes analytical and searching for answers.

"I'm just taking caution to make sure I don't have to kill you right here because you want to bring about the end times that all Fallen look for." Ryo finished before glancing at Setsuna with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk, "More like demi-dragon, demi-god, I just say the later words to not get people confused," Ryo paused in consideration, thinking for a minute and finding a satisfactory answer, a chesire grin on his face, "The World level destructive abilities, that's true."

 Ryo then stretched in his seat and got into a more comfortable position,"So stick around, I got plenty of tales, some fun and some kinda bad," Ryo grinned at Setsuna, "Looks like this may not be a bad start to our....friendship."

(Oh snap, Ryo isn't as dumb as people think! Although it's mostly just applied to fighting and what not. And be prepared for: TALES OF RYO!)

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian
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'I think he likes me. He's cute too....Kagami get yourself back in track.'she mentally reminded herself."Good! Now let's go see how big the Arcade is. In Japan Arcades are usually 2-6 meduim buildings big , so I wonder how small it is here."

Cody had wide eyes at what she said, "Alright..." he said, as that was pretty interesting to know. He got up and walked with her, "I don't think it'll be as big as the one's in Japan, but I'm sure there's enough games for us to enjoy." he said.

(God I hope I don't get more sick tomorrow, my coughs are getting worse ;-;. I'm not going to sleep yet though.)
@Dante Verren As Raiku walked through the halls, he heard the sound of a flute playing. In almost all of his experience in this realm, music was not in much of them. The sorceress didn't have an instruments and would be too busy with her research to play them if she had. Raiku found a door that led outside and followed the music back to the musician playing it. Raiku didn't say anything, he just watched Ryukin play as he sat on the ground.

(Please forgive my sloppy post. I don't quite have much to work with yet XD)
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Cody had wide eyes at what she said, "Alright..." he said, as that was pretty interesting to know. He got up and walked with her, "I don't think it'll be as big as the one's in Japan, but I'm sure there's enough games for us to enjoy." he said.

(God I hope I don't get more sick tomorrow, my coughs are getting worse ;-;. I'm not going to sleep yet though.)

(Sounds like you need some tea and some rest. I reply to this in the morning since I tired as well...)
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Ryujin don't notice anyone approach as he returned to the trance that his music out him in. The song always had a weird effect on Ryujin. It made him feel like any anger that he had. Was slowly melted away into what felt like a calming fog. He wasn't aware he was being watched until after his song finished and his trance was broken.he saw someone out of the corner of his eye and turned to face him. His curently golden and black eye seemed to flash as of lightning struck through them as his gaze fell upon the newcomer. "Did you enjoy my song stranger?"



(Setsuna Hayate)


“World level-destructive abilities, absolutely astonishing! My obsession for disharmony is thing to be noted Ryo! Maybe once i’m done whipping your confident pungent scaly ass across the sparring grounds we’ll have an enjoyable evening together destroying several arbitrary things that we might come across.” Setsuna retorts back to him a passive-aggressive yet playful tone while pressing her index finger against her underlip while quietly snickering considering the thought of going toe to toe against someone like Ryo in battle.

“Hmm, maybe consider this as a chance to be able to hook-up with someone as sophisticated and utterly awe-inspiring when it comes to my breath-takingly gorgeous appearance. That is unless you’re absolutely terrified of being around a dazzling deity of the the Chinese pantheon which you seem to abhor. But I understand if you’re petrified of the thought! Especially being with someone who’s on a different level of strength from you!” Setsuna exclaims in a disrespectful manner as she glares at Ryo while giggling to herself as a wicked smile stretches across her face.

"Although in order for someone to be worthy enough to be in the presence of me on a day-to-day basis then they'll have to defeat me. Nonetheless that is quite impossible due to the fact that i've never been defeated, especially when it comes to creatures lie yourself." Setsuna boasts with a very confident emphasis as she lazily leans towards the arm of her chair while challenging Ryo with her snotty remark as she delicately relaxes the side of her head against it.

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Raiku nodded his head. "How do you make such noises?" Raiku asked. He didn't like not knowing things, He had enough things in his life he couldn't figure out. But he was at an Academy. He might as well learn something.Ryujin's flash in his eye also caught Raiku's interest, but was more concerned about learning about the first thing. The straight metal pole Raiku thought was a weapon of some kind, but when Ryukin stopped using it, the sound also left. Making him beleive it was the source of the noise. 

Raiku then blinked as he realized he forgot to introduce himself. "My name is Raiku-Kawisa, I just joined the school." he told Ryujin.
As the chair collided with Ryo's face, it broke apart into pieces...Literally, the chair broke against Ryo's face, god like durability remember?

Ryo sigh and gave A and irritated stare, "Really?.....Really? We throwing chairs now." Ryo face palmed before glaring at A with a, are you serious, face.

"A...calm your tits, I was just saying. One:" Ryo lifted up one finger to help his point, "You are literally in human form. Two:" Ryo lifted his second finger, "You're pudgy cause you have regular ass human skin, not the hard rough stuff that hurts when devils, demons, and fallen hit you with it." Ryo lifted up his third finger, a maniacal grin on his face, "And Three: you're sealed, which means you ain't got the power to do jack crap to me right now"

Ryo put his fingers down and rubbed his forehead in frustration, "I'm stating all this cause the last devil I met. Well," Ryo gained a far away look for a second before it was replace with one of intense seriousness, "He fucked me up. And he was one of the top dogs among you guys, if NOT the top." Ryo looked back at A, his eyes analytical and searching for answers.

"I'm just taking caution to make sure I don't have to kill you right here because you want to bring about the end times that all Fallen look for." Ryo finished before glancing at Setsuna with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk, "More like demi-dragon, demi-god, I just say the later words to not get people confused," Ryo paused in consideration, thinking for a minute and finding a satisfactory answer, a chesire grin on his face, "The World level destructive abilities, that's true."

 Ryo then stretched in his seat and got into a more comfortable position,"So stick around, I got plenty of tales, some fun and some kinda bad," Ryo grinned at Setsuna, "Looks like this may not be a bad start to our....friendship."

(Oh snap, Ryo isn't as dumb as people think! Although it's mostly just applied to fighting and what not. And be prepared for: TALES OF RYO!)

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

(New York Times Best Seller, I'm sure XD)

"Absolutely impossible. Myself, the other Thrones and the Horsemen have all been locked in the Abyss since the decent. You, my very, very dead friend", A holds in a laugh. "lost against a possessed thrall.", she leans against the cabinet. "Powerful, sure, but it didn't even brush the surface of our power. Do you honestly think a glorified dinosaur is a match for a Fallen Seraph?", she shook her head in disbelief before leaning back against the cabinet. 

"Go ahead, destroy this meatsuit. I don't care, I legitimately have all the time, ever. I'll get out, its only a matter of time and when I do you're gonna spend the rest of eternity wishing you'd never had hatched or budded or however you things are made.", A starts to make her way back to the bed. "I'd be making peace with myself right now, if I were you. Maybe calling up the old dragon parents to tell their little boy ain't comin' home." 

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(Sorry for my slow/short posting but I have some good order to get everyone on the same page as to whats been going on and what is going to happen Kisaki and I are currently making an Arc- lore and background topic on the main. By some time early tomorrow you'll all be able to check out the current state of the Luxor Academy universe. I'm not gonna lie @YungJazz, things aren't looking too good for you XD) 

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Ryujin held out the flute so he could see better. "you seriously don't know what a flute is? Well short version is you blow air into it and use a different combination of finger movment to make different noises." Ryujin sighed knowing that he needed to introduce himself as well. "The names Ryujin. Nice to meet you and all that other stuff."

"I'm not exactly from around here..." Raiku said avoiding the question He still didn't see how it made such wonderful sounds. He saw the holes Ryukin mentioned before. He would have to get his own flute and see if he could figure it out. "What are you studying here at the academy?" Raiku asked the other guy.
"I guess you could say it's not so much as studying rather then searching. Well that and my grandfather forced me to. What about you. I get an off feeling from you. What's your story?" Ryujin was going to be very annoyed if he had to explson what and who he was one more time.

Ryo began shaking in his seat, as if he was terrified of something, his hood covering his face and his arms crossed against his chest, the shaking wouldn't stop. As he began looking up, soft chuckles could be heard, slowly becoming louder as Ryo's head rose. As Ryo looked up and revealed his face, it was evident that the shaking wasn't from nervousness or anxiety, but pure unadulterated laughter. Ryo was laughing, holding in stomach as if he heard the funniest joke in the world.

"HAHAHA, STOP! CAN'T BREATHE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ryo brought his hand up to wipe away the tears that had gathered from laughing too hard. He chuckled a few times to get his laughter under control, a manic grin adorning his face.

"Interesting! SO INTERESTING SETSUNA AND A! You truly are beings I can relate to!" His grin turning into a full blow smile, Ryo placed his head on top of his fist and gazed at Setsuna, "It's amazing how arrogant you are, so haughty, yet also a complete hottie. I can honestly say that you are someone I can relate to. I can't wait for the day when your undefeated streak is buried in the ground and I stand over you, making you acknowledge me as someone better than you." Ryo leaned towards Setsuna, their noses almost touching again, "Look forward to the day where this dragon devours you completely."

Ryo leaned back and stood up, glancing at A with the biggest shit eating grin he had, " AND YOU! Well, guess not only are your abilities are sealed, but your intelligence too. Where exactly do you think I fought you devils at? Here in the mortal plane? Oh please, divine realms, Mystic Thrones, Underworlds, Hell, any where is accessible to us." Ryo leaned in towards A, intensity in his eyes, "And trust me when I say, you ain't shit, the dragon of the apocalypse in your little book that your precious father made is nothing compared to what these 'little lizards' are."

Ryo leaned back and turned around head towards the infirmary entrance, before pausing and turning around, "A the fallen seraph...Hmph, Lucifer was so much more impressive, the Abyss was nothing but a joke, and you Fallen have gained confidence from a God who isn't even the oldest thing out there. You're nothing but little sparks in this universe that can't even compare to the things that travel between realms." Ryo finally stepped out of the entrance, his final words echoing.

"The Dravirik Lae'cueri are prepared to transcend your measly realms and the Devas of Samsara will completely crush your tiny faith."

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

(AW YEAH! You did it now, you done brought out the lore. @Olivia Acerbi Bring it on! Dragons aren't simply fire breathing lizards. And there's more than a dragons aspect to Ryo. About to blow all you're minds with the lore behind Ryo and his family..... If that's okay. Plus, I actually have a character, whose background is linked to Devils and what not. SO BRING IT ON!)
@Dante Verren "It would seem you are in tune with the balance of this realm." Raiku said, a little surprised. "I'm from another realm, Pulled to his one and bound here." He said with a slight growl to his voice. "I want to find a way to free myself and return to where I belong." He liked this guys, if only just a little. But he wasn't going to share all of his past.
"call it a godly intuition." he held out his hand as bolts of electricity danced in his palms. "being in touch with nature is kinda my grandfathers thing and parts of his training did run off on me.though another dimension huh?" he rubbed his chin in thought.

Raiku blinked and took out a charcoal stick wrapped in cloth. There was one of the five or six Runes he had mastered that he wanted to show. "That's right. I hail from the Shadow Realm. Its a place that exists between this one, and most of the others." Raiku explained. He finished drawing the first rune on his left palm and started on his right.

@Dante Verren
"Alright then. What's w8th the doodleing on your hands for. Is your power arts and craft?" Ryujin was genuinely confused as he watched the man draw.

(time for me to sleep. I will respond when I wake up in about 6 hours.)

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@Dante Verren (I was about to say the same thing XD)

He finished a matching Rune on his other hand. "Just watch, you will see." Raiku focused his magic into activating the runes. Lightning danced between his palms, not unlike Ryukin's demonstration. I can use special marks to influence the world around me.


(Setsuna Hayate)


Setsuna responds by unconsciously raising her right eyebrow out of surprise while heavily blushing in response to Ryo’s compliment and boastful behavior as well as his face nearly within an inch away from her face. She then glares at him in almost a mesmerized motion as he observes his movements while he steps out from the front entrance of the academy’s infirmary “Well, for self-righteous buffoon. He’s entirely filled with confidence and his intriguing disposition on subject matters is not to be taken lightly. The amount of conviction that Ryo holds firmly towards particular situations is dare i say, adorable? Setsuna mentions to “A” as she positions herself gracefully on the left side of her body while laying of the rows of chairs near her. Setsuna then glances back up towards “A” once more but then ganders her eyesight back down towards the floor-tiles while briefly letting out a small portion of air as she sighs.

“If you’re wondering why i’m still here i’ll explain. Even though you have what appears to be a vigorous hatred for everyone here, I can still sense that there is something else you want from this existence alike yourself I still have desires and wants. Opportunities like you see yourself in at this moment are rare. Being able to interact and become acquainted with intimidating figures. You should definitely make the best of this, I maybe a over presumptuous deity but I know that from living in the underworld for an extensive amount of time that figures such as ourselves are looking out for each other in some manner.” Setsuna announces to A as she whirls herself onto her back trying to make herself more comfortable.

She then begins to stare at the ceiling above her while unwrapping her tails and using them to softly lay her head against she continues to speak. “What i’m saying is us beings do stick together and after being near you for quite sometime I understand that you’re not completely hollow. If i’m able to transmit any of sorcery into that thrall of yours it could possibly assist you in healing your wounds in a more thorough manner. You’ll be able to go out of your way to find professor Xiuruk and have that sigil finally removed.” Setsuna says to her while relaxing her muscles and nonchalantly thinking to herself about the future events that might be in store for her.

@Olivia Acerbi
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A ominous figure walked slowly towards the turning point of his whole life.

"Long have I awaited for this."  The whisker faced man stared at the golden gates, soon realizing that the gates were closed he sighed in annoyed tone. "Well nothing some precise swordsmanship will do!" He then  grabbed the hilt of his blade and slowly pulled from its holster. Once the sword was fully free of its confinement sparks started to fly from the weapon. "A Mighty Sword!!!" He roared as he cut the gates open with 3 slashes. Leaving a big enough opening for him to walk through. As the Ruthless one walked towards the entrance he turned to look back at what he had done. "Let that be a warning to all who wish to do battle with Ao Wúqíng...."


(Setsuna Hayate)


Setsuna responds by unconsciously raising her right eyebrow out of surprise while heavily blushing in response to Ryo’s compliment and boastful behavior as well as his face nearly within an inch away from her face. She then glares at him in almost a mesmerized motion as he observes his movements while he steps out from the front entrance of the academy’s infirmary “Well, for self-righteous buffoon. He’s entirely filled with confidence and his intriguing disposition on subject matters is not to be taken lightly. The amount of conviction that Ryo holds firmly towards particular situations is dare i say, adorable? Setsuna mentions to “A” as she positions herself gracefully on the left side of her body while laying of the rows of chairs near her. Setsuna then glances back up towards “A” once more but then ganders her eyesight back down towards the floor-tiles while briefly letting out a small portion of air as she sighs.

“If you’re wondering why i’m still here i’ll explain. Even though you have what appears to be a vigorous hatred for everyone here, I can still sense that there is something else you want from this existence alike yourself I still have desires and wants. Opportunities like you see yourself in at this moment are rare. Being able to interact and become acquainted with intimidating figures. You should definitely make the best of this, I maybe a over presumptuous deity but I know that from living in the underworld for an extensive amount of time that figures such as ourselves are looking out for each other in some manner.” Setsuna announces to A as she whirls herself onto her back trying to make herself more comfortable.

She then begins to stare at the ceiling above her while unwrapping her tails and using them to softly lay her head against she continues to speak. “What i’m saying is us beings do stick together and after being near you for quite sometime I understand that you’re not completely hollow. If i’m able to transmit any of sorcery into that thrall of yours it could possibly assist you in healing your wounds in a more thorough manner. You’ll be able to go out of your way to find professor Xiuruk and have that sigil finally removed.” Setsuna says to her while relaxing her muscles and nonchalantly thinking to herself about the future events that might be in store for her.

@Olivia Acerbi

"The guy is a damn, loon.", A says in disbelief. "I think he's been spending to much time with the Buddhists. Half the sh*t he says sounds like something out of a work by H. P. Lovecraft. Does he really think those pocket realms he plays 'house' in hold a candle to reality zero? I'm gonna have to put him out of his misery soon.", A closes her eyes, now laying on the bed on her back.

She lays there motionless and quiet as Setsuna starts to ramble, trying to ignore her. A's eyes shoot wide open and meet hers when she mentions healing her. "Are you telling me you could have fixed me at any time but instead opted to watch me lay here suffering on this bed for who knows how long?", she brings herself up to her elbows and looks intensely at Setsuna, before breaking out into a bubbly smile. "I guess we are more alike than I thought.", she falls back into a laying position. 

"Come on over, make me work again." 
Ryo began shaking in his seat, as if he was terrified of something, his hood covering his face and his arms crossed against his chest, the shaking wouldn't stop. As he began looking up, soft chuckles could be heard, slowly becoming louder as Ryo's head rose. As Ryo looked up and revealed his face, it was evident that the shaking wasn't from nervousness or anxiety, but pure unadulterated laughter. Ryo was laughing, holding in stomach as if he heard the funniest joke in the world.

"HAHAHA, STOP! CAN'T BREATHE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Ryo brought his hand up to wipe away the tears that had gathered from laughing too hard. He chuckled a few times to get his laughter under control, a manic grin adorning his face.

"Interesting! SO INTERESTING SETSUNA AND A! You truly are beings I can relate to!" His grin turning into a full blow smile, Ryo placed his head on top of his fist and gazed at Setsuna, "It's amazing how arrogant you are, so haughty, yet also a complete hottie. I can honestly say that you are someone I can relate to. I can't wait for the day when your undefeated streak is buried in the ground and I stand over you, making you acknowledge me as someone better than you." Ryo leaned towards Setsuna, their noses almost touching again, "Look forward to the day where this dragon devours you completely."

Ryo leaned back and stood up, glancing at A with the biggest shit eating grin he had, " AND YOU! Well, guess not only are your abilities are sealed, but your intelligence too. Where exactly do you think I fought you devils at? Here in the mortal plane? Oh please, divine realms, Mystic Thrones, Underworlds, Hell, any where is accessible to us." Ryo leaned in towards A, intensity in his eyes, "And trust me when I say, you ain't shit, the dragon of the apocalypse in your little book that your precious father made is nothing compared to what these 'little lizards' are."

Ryo leaned back and turned around head towards the infirmary entrance, before pausing and turning around, "A the fallen seraph...Hmph, Lucifer was so much more impressive, the Abyss was nothing but a joke, and you Fallen have gained confidence from a God who isn't even the oldest thing out there. You're nothing but little sparks in this universe that can't even compare to the things that travel between realms." Ryo finally stepped out of the entrance, his final words echoing.

"The Dravirik Lae'cueri are prepared to transcend your measly realms and the Devas of Samsara will completely crush your tiny faith."

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

(AW YEAH! You did it now, you done brought out the lore. @Olivia Acerbi Bring it on! Dragons aren't simply fire breathing lizards. And there's more than a dragons aspect to Ryo. About to blow all you're minds with the lore behind Ryo and his family..... If that's okay. Plus, I actually have a character, whose background is linked to Devils and what not. SO BRING IT ON!)

(Whoa hey now, take it easy with the lovecraftian warhammer stuff. I like story depth but we have people here who's main power is being dead. If you want to fight the old gods as a space dragon that's fine just maybe not here. None of this hyper power I've been posting about is ever actually going to be used. It's just a literary tool to to set the frame for the conflict and identify a clear enemy, it truly doesn't exist, in the literary sense. 

I can't straight shoot you down myself, so you're gonna wanna run it past Kisaki tomorrow. It will probably be similar to what I'm telling you now. 

I will tell you that you are sorely mistaken if you think Team Underworld is gonna be out godmode'd by some Buddhism and..........I honestly don't know what that Dravirik Lalalacaia thing is, but it sounds like elf talk for big salamander and I WILL SMASH! Have fun existing outside of existence when I "absent-god" you into oblivion >:D 

Also keep in mind there will be some basic guidelines you character will have to follow, regardless; like it has to be able to coexist without massive contradictions with the established order or if Kisaki already has an absolute power named you can't surpass it with space magic and extra-dimensional universes, ya dig? You'll see what I mean tomorrow, most of this is designed with the idea of story not powerplays.) 


(Setsuna Hayate)


“See? Now that wasn’t so difficult. Also I didn’t exactly want to interfere with the nurse’s duties as I can understand she’s under a lot of pressure and tension here at this academy. To be honest i admire the overwhelming passion that she puts into her work, yet her kindness is a bit too sappy for my taste but nonetheless that’s probably a good trait to have working in this profession of hers. I apologize for my failure to act but it seems that she is more than capable of what she’s doing.” Setsuna replies to “A” before re-adjusting herself in the seat beneath her and pushing herself off of it using the the extremity of her tails then silently approaching “A” in a faintly joyful manner then begins to hover her enclosed fist over A’s abdomen.

“Here’s the complicated part, as you may know. Healing a possessed thrall is rather difficult although my mother Daji is very experienced when it comes to it as she possessed many beings on Earth for quite the extended time. Thankfully she passed down some of her wisdom to me so this shouldn’t cause any adverse effects or damage, on the contrary considering that i’m not Daji this will most likely be exceptionally painful but this pain is only temporary.” Setsuna states to her before unclenching her fist and pressing her open palm down onto A’s stomach, glistening golden aura strands errupt from out of Setsuna’ palm causing a burning yet shocking sensation throughout A’s body.

She then places her other hand over A’s mouth in a cupped motion. “Okay, I really don’t want to get in serious trouble for violating any guidelines especially since i just got to this academy. So please try not to make a lot of noise!” She responds faintly to her while she puts more pressure on her midsection causing the pain to increase a thousand-fold, suddenly the bodily wounds inhabiting her thrall begin to have clenching sensation as if they’re stitching themselves back together. Without warning a dizzy feeling begins to cloud Setsuna's mind while she continues to suture and cauterize the internal wound through the borrowed magic coursing within A's core. "There, that should be good, although I don't feel too good right now." Setsuna says to her while finalizing the healing process before immediately collapsing across from her and laying on the floor in an unconscious state.

@Olivia Acerbi
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Caesar picked up a controller and frowned, "So... Where's the on button?" He asked confused, repeatedly pressed the select button. 

"Oh, yeah that's fine. I don't know how good I'll be at it but sure." He wondered how Fley was doing in trying to retrieve Ryujin. He hoped she could, because he would have to try and he didn't exactly have the time or resources to serve a God. He sighed inwardly for a moment, but then started in surprise when he finally found the on button on the console, "There we go!"

@SolistheSun(I'm baaaaack! :D )
Natalie was wandering around aimlessly. She still wasn't used to life here. No family to speak of. No teachers who had her back. And no friends to help. But that was about to change. As she rounded a corner, she ran right into someone and fell backward. Her eyes widened with fright.


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