Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

After Miyuki ate a silent lunch with Caesar, Arian and Smoke, she learned quite a few things about the three - though they still knew barely anything about her except for what she was. Miyuki supposed that was what mattered, anyway. Caesar's power of disintegration surprised her most of all. That's why he'd said 'too' earlier. So he knew the feeling of not being able to touch others, though it was slightly different. He was kind of like a bomb waiting to explode upon contact. Dangerous, and definitely not an enemy to make. As for Arian... while observing Arian, Miyuki noticed that she did not feel completely comfortable around her, strangely enough. It was because she had the insecure feeling that she was almost nothing compared to her. Not that anyone cares about something so trivial... but Miyuki could not convince herself of this. She went back to her dorm as she gave Caesar and Arian some space. She needed her own, anyways. Miyuki did not seem to notice the secretary at the front desk gape at her as she walked straight through the door without opening it. She headed for her dorm and slumped into her bed - bored, tired and somewhat lonely. 

@Destructus Kloud @SolistheSun
(I mean, you're still free to join us, but I have to sleep now. I'm thinking of leaving it at playing video games for a while until I get back. :P )

Caesar opened his wardrobe and, apart from the many hung up tuxedo suits, the bottom half was stacked with probably over a hundred or so games. He also had the latest X-box and PlayStation apparently, to which he was just as surprised at, "And you'd think its my birthday, huh?" He muttered ironically, knowing the struggle of living with misunderstanding rich parents. 

"So yeah, pick whatever you want and load it up. The screens pretty big and I think..." He dug behind the games and produced some bean bag seats, "Yeah, I totally have these right now." He grinned, chucking them down next to the tv in front of the end of his bed. He had four controllers that apparently worked with both consoles, but he'd never used them or played anything. 

"Speaking of which, I think you're gonna have to teach me to play." He told the blonde girl as he sank into the green beanbag, "I don't think I'll be too good at this."

@SolistheSun(yeah... He's got the hook up. xD  anyway g'night for now. Ttyl in like 10 hours. :P )
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Auriel Dwelle

"Well, would you rather have your vessel broken?" Auriel asked A with a raised eyebrow as she sat on the desk, Auriel was surprised when the fox lady asked her for assistance, she didn't think the students would even bother to help her, she was quite joyful for being wrong, "Well! Can you set the labels of the potions around here in the right order?, 'A' certain someone switched them" she said to Setsuna, giggling at her own joke, then, a unknown male entered the infirmary, he didn't seem wounded, so he's probaly here for information, she thought to herself, "Well hello there! I'm the nurse if you haven't noticed! You don't seem to have any wounds on your body, so I am guessing that you are here for information!" she said to the male, crossing her legs.

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @YungJazz 
@Lucremoirre @Obsidian @YungJazz

"Take a wild guess, pal........I can tell you I'm not here for the comfy beds or the SUBPAR MEDICAL PRACTICE!", A shouts so Auriel can hear. A starts to shift from her position, smelling the food Ryo had barged into the room with. Her stomach growls like a caged tiger as she remembers she hasn't eaten since the morning before. "Is-is that food?", she asks as she slowly tries to get to a sitting position. You can almost see her pupils dilate as she lays eyes on the tower of food. She gulps before staring, mouth agape. "Oohh.." 
Ryujin listened from the hallway as the nurse accepted setsunas offer to help. That meant his job was done and he could go off and do his own thing. Ryujin made his way to the cafeteria and grabbed a quick bite to eat before leaving. After all it was kinda crowded. He returned to his wandering and soon found a bench in the shade of the school building. Deciding to resume his song from earlier he summoned the flute and raised it to his lips. He blew into it and restarted the song. The flute filled the calm and quite air with a eerie yet soft sound as he continued with his song.

(open for interaction)
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"Wow!" Arian exclaims in surprise, Caesar had all the latest top-rated games from the last couple years. After studying and taking several into deep consideration, she pulls out COD: Ghosts. It had decent graphics and decent controls that weren't too sensitive. Not to mention in was a shooter, no great tactics was out there really, and you responded instantly so there wasn't any disappointment with game over screens. 

"Are you up to playing some Infected?" she inquires, showing him the case cover. She slides it over to him on his bed and continues browsing, fingering a couple other notable multi-players. But, she wanted to teach him first. She'd only had a year's worth of experience but since there was no need to sleep she'd probably beat him out... A shiny case catches her attention and she reaches up and pulls it down, bashing her elbow on the wall, resounding a hollow thunk through it. With a rueful look, she rubs it, the sensation had only jolted her, as again, she couldn't feel pain. 

"Sorry for the disturbance!" she hollers at the wall, assuming that somewhere, there was a student glaring at said wall, and she felt a little guilty.  Unbeknownst to her, her dorm room along with her roommate, Miyuki, is next door.

@Destructus Kloud @Fazy
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Ryo smiled at the friendly nurse, so she wasn't only super hot, but she was also nice, ten plus points in Ryo's book. Ryo grabbed a chair and sat down glancing at the nurse. He pointed at himself, giving the best smile he could.

"Names Ryo, i'm new here and was just looking around, thought i'd drop by to introduce myself." Ryo took another piece of food from his plate and tossed it in his mouth, swallowing it whole and letting out a loud belch before he turned to the nurse again.

"Plus I wanted to see the place i'd be sending all the punks who step to me to. Gotta say, liking the view."

Ryo finally turned to the devil that had sarcastically responded to him and gave a maniacal smile as he held the plate of food in front of A's face, yet far enough so she couldn't reach it. He then switched to a smug grin as if he was looking down upon A.

"Oho, you want some of this food? Well then let me hear a simple: Please lord Ryo can I have some of your glorious food, and i'll give some to ya little devil."

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi 


(Setsuna Hayate)


“Ha, reducing myself to sorting labels?” Setsuna states in response to Auriel’s comment in a distasteful tone while faintly scrunching her face out of vague annoyance, Her feet begin arise up from the floor they’re all standing from as a soft magenta colored aura twists on the outside of her calves and feet while she continues to levitate a few feet off the ground while she hovers across the room. “Psh, very well then. As long as it provides a mediocre amount of aid around here then I don’t think it should be too dull and tedious.” She announces to Auriel before having all nine of her extended tails unwrap from her waist and suspend themselves lazily in the air as Setsuna drifts herself over towards sturdy cabinet which is completely packed with various types of potions with several labels scattered amongst them.

Setsuna then begins to nervously laugh to herself after observing all the healing concoctions inside of the storage compartment, she proceeds to look once more at Auriel while glaring back towards the potions. “Now I understand why you need someone’s help around here.” She groans lightly while attempting to sort through all of the elixirs inside of the large cabinet in front of her, Setsuna then starts carefully lifting up a couple of the potions with her tails and snatches a couple of writing materials from off of the counter across from her. Setsuna then busily re-arranges the medicine in their correct chronological order while rewriting some of the labels back onto them. "Also, who is the arrogant fool that decided to loudly introduce himself behind me" Setsuna questions Auriel while casually pointing the tip of one of her tails towards the direction of Ryo.

@YungJazz @Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi
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Miyuki could hear loud sounds from next door, and then a thump. She grew frustrated quickly but did nothing about the situation. She wasn't too outgoing and did not want to be unwelcoming to her new dorm neighbors.

Ryo smiled at the friendly nurse, so she wasn't only super hot, but she was also nice, ten plus points in Ryo's book. Ryo grabbed a chair and sat down glancing at the nurse. He pointed at himself, giving the best smile he could.

"Names Ryo, i'm new here and was just looking around, thought i'd drop by to introduce myself." Ryo took another piece of food from his plate and tossed it in his mouth, swallowing it whole and letting out a loud belch before he turned to the nurse again.

"Plus I wanted to see the place i'd be sending all the punks who step to me to. Gotta say, liking the view."

Ryo finally turned to the devil that had sarcastically responded to him and gave a maniacal smile as he held the plate of food in front of A's face, yet far enough so she couldn't reach it. He then switched to a smug grin as if he was looking down upon A.

"Oho, you want some of this food? Well then let me hear a simple: Please lord Ryo can I have some of your glorious food, and i'll give some to ya little devil."

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi 

"Little Devil?", A asked aloud(again), sporting a 'Wtf did you just say to me?' face. First Ryujin and now this guy. "Seems like its a go-to phrase for smug bastards.", she thought. 

A glared at Ryo, a glare that said "were I not bedridden, this face would be the last one you see" and laid back against the headboard of the bed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yea, I don't think so.", she says, never breaking eye contact.

Auriel Dwelle

"M-My treatment is absolutely NOT sub par!" Auriel exclaimed to A with an irritated expression as the boy introduced himself as Ryo, "Well hello Ryo!, I'm Auriel and while I like your ambitious attitude, you shouldn't really talk big too much, you might end up getting hurt by your own arrogance!" she said with a small smile as he ate his own food, but glared at him when he teased the demoness as Setsuna asked Auriel, "Oh, you mean the arrogant fool whom I will suffocate if he doesn't stop teasing my patient?, his name is Ryo!" she loudly said towards Setsuna and Ryo, continuing to glare at him.

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Obsidian
Ryo chuckled nervously at all the aggression channeled towards and even turned pale at Auriel's threat. Ryo put his hand up in a sign of defeat, "Oi oi, I got it! No teasing the short stack devil with food, no matter how funny it is!" Ryo then busted out a smile at Auriel and A, "Nice to meet you Ms. Auriel! I'm sure we'll find out if my arrongance is misplaced or not in the future."

And for all the teasing he did, the plate of food ended up on A's lap, with a fork and a knife being placed beside it. Ryo stood up and glared at Setsuna, not exactly liking the way she addressed his presence. There were only a few people who got away with insulting Ryo, and that list was short. Especially if the tails were any indication, the girl was from 'That' pantheon. Ryo walked up to Setsuna, his face set in a vicious glare, getting close enough that their noses were almost touching.

"And I gotta ask, who's the stripper with the vermin tails waving behind her?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre @Obsidian
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Smoke fell asleep in the field as usual. This time his night terrors were horrifying due to the telepathy link being open with Arian. She was able to hear Smokes call out for help. 'Help please....I'm hurts....kill me please...' It was like a whisper but loud enough for her to hear and understand. An image of where he was flashed into her head. 

(Sorry I couldn't get creative enough xD .)

@SolistheSun@Destructus Kloud
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Ryo chuckled nervously at all the aggression channeled towards and even turned pale at Auriel's threat. Ryo put his hand up in a sign of defeat, "Oi oi, I got it! No teasing the short stack devil with food, no matter how funny it is!" Ryo then busted out a smile at Auriel and A, "Nice to meet you Ms. Auriel! I'm sure we'll find out if my arrongance is misplaced or not in the future."

And for all the teasing he did, the plate of food ended up on A's lap, with a fork and a knife being placed beside it. Ryo stood up and glared at Setsuna, not exactly liking the way she addressed his presence. There were only a few people who got away with insulting Ryo, and that list was short. Especially if the tails were any indication, the girl was from 'That' pantheon. Ryo walked up to Setsuna, his face set in a vicious glare, getting close enough that their noses were almost touching.

"And I gotta ask, who's the stripper with the vermin tails waving behind her?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre @Obsidian

A became ecstatic as she picked up the fork and knife and immediately began devouring the food with voracity that could rival the most ravenous of beasts, a grin on her face all the while. She let loose a burst of laughter at Ryo's remark.

"Ha! Looks like this guy's got your number, hairy!", she said pointing her fork at the two. "That's the daughter of some bitch, pagan trickster spirit. I think they're part fox or jackal or something. I bet those tails really come in handy in the bedroom, huh?"

She immediately returned to stuffing her face, a smile still painted on it. She was starting to feel better.
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(Setsuna Hayate)


After a meager amount of laborious effort Setsuna was finally finished methodically organizing the vast supply of concoctions ahead of her. She then exhales a brief yet relieved sigh after completing the task that Auriel assigned her. She then descends gradually towards the ground until the bottom of her feet place themselves firmly onto the surface of the floor, afterwards she spins herself around only to find her nose nearly pressed up against Ryo’s nose, her eyes briefly light up with astonishment as well as embarrassment. However after hearing his “Stripper” comment that he said about her, Setsuna’s agitated and tempered eyes directly set in towards his. “Ha, did I just hear, what I thought I just heard? The confidence and pride on you! Sure I don’t exactly mind explaining my presence to you.” She delicately responds to Ryo before wrapping her smooth arms around his neck but in a non-threatening posture as her eyes illuminate with pure desire and lust. She then arches herself so that she is pressed even more firmly against Ryo’s body.

Setsuna’s pupils slowly observe Ryo’s face and draw back once more to his onlooking gaze. She then gradually begins to blush heavily which causes the maroon filled color in her cheeks to slightly stand out. “You may call me Setsuna dear boy. I’m the daughter of the heinous Daji who happens to be a very powerful being identical to myself, we both live in the inner depths of a place called Diyu which is also known as the underworld.” Setsuna responds to him while gradually pressing her hand against his chest and sluggishly positions the side of her cheek next to his shoulder so that she’s looking back up at Ryo with an innocent gaze. “As for that stripper comment goes.” She mutters to Ryo before dragging her soft velvet lips against the side of his throat which finally become adjacent to his right ear.

“Well..” She whispers to him before her facial expression twists into a harmless yet menacing smile as she makes walking motion with her fingers on his chest making them move upward towards his chin. “If you ever call me that again, I’ll propel you out of this planet’s gravitational pull with my 'vermin tails' at Mach 15. You wouldn’t be able to speak a word before that handsome face of yours is witnessing the harsh environments of outer space and you succumb to your injuries.” She whispers in his ear very gingerly before harshly pushing herself off of him and glancing back at Auriel. “Anyway, i’m finished with re-arranging and labeling the potions Auriel.” Setsuna announces to her while she coils her tails back around her waist.

@Olivia Acerbi@Lucremoirre@YungJazz
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((Where are most of the people right now?))

Roy, finding his way into the cafeteria, ordered a cheeseburger, sitting down at a table to eat. Meanwhile, Wulf meditated at a quiet spot nobody was, his greatsword resting at his feet.


(Setsuna Hayate)


After a meager amount of laborious effort Setsuna was finally finished methodically organizing the vast supply of concoctions ahead of her. She then exhales a brief yet relieved sigh after completing the task that Auriel assigned her. She then descends gradually towards the ground until the bottom of her feet place themselves firmly onto the surface of the floor, afterwards she spins herself around only to find her nose nearly pressed up against Ryo’s nose, her eyes briefly light up with astonishment as well as embarrassment. However after hearing his “Stripper” comment that he said about her, Setsuna’s agitated and tempered eyes directly set in towards his. “Ha, did I just hear, what I thought I just heard? The confidence and pride on you! Sure I don’t exactly mind explaining my presence to you.” She delicately responds to Ryo before wrapping her smooth arms around his neck but in a non-threatening posture as her eyes illuminate with pure desire and lust. She then arches herself so that she is pressed even more firmly against Ryo’s body.

Setsuna’s pupils slowly observe Ryo’s face and draw back once more to his onlooking gaze. She then gradually begins to blush heavily which causes the maroon filled color in her cheeks to slightly stand out. “You may call me Setsuna dear boy. I’m the daughter of the heinous Daji who happens to be a very powerful being identical to myself, we both live in the inner depths of a place called Diyu which is also known as the underworld.” Setsuna responds to him while gradually pressing her hand against his chest and sluggishly positions the side of her cheek next to his shoulder so that she’s looking back up at Ryo with an innocent gaze. “As for that stripper comment goes.” She mutters to Ryo before dragging her soft velvet lips against the side of his throat which finally become adjacent to his right ear.

“Well..” She whispers to him before her facial expression twists into a harmless yet menacing smile as she makes walking motion with her fingers on his chest making them move upward towards his chin. “If you ever call me that again, I’ll propel you out of this planet’s gravitational pull at Mach 15. You wouldn’t be able to speak a word before that handsome face of yours is witnessing the harsh environments of outer space and you succumb to your injuries.” She whispers in his ear very gingerly before harshly pushing herself off of him and glancing back at Auriel. “Anyway, i’m finished with re-arranging the potions Auriel.” Setsuna announces to her while she coils her tails back around her waist.

@Olivia Acerbi@Lucremoirre@YungJazz

"Wow, you really are a stripper.", A mumbled with a mouth full of food. She swallows and point's the knife at Setsuna, winking. "I think we'll get along just fine."

A quickly turns her attention to Ryo. "Yoooo, them fightin' words! Are you gonna take that, Ryo? Mach 15 isn't even that fast, it's just Earth escape velocity. You could totally survive that, astronauts do it all the time. Fight her! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!", she chants, hitting the edge of the plate with her silverware in rhythm.  

Auriel Dwelle

"Thank you so much for you help!" Auriel said with a warm smile, "As my gift for you, you can choose any potion from here!" she said with a enthusiastic pose, "I'll turn a blind eye if you injure someone, but if you SERIOUSLY injure someone, I will not hesitate to call the headmaster, even if it leads to my last farewell to this school" she said with a stern expression, she then turned to Ryo, "And thank you for bringing food to my patient!, I will also hand you a gift!" she said to Ryo as she headed towards the desk, opening a drawer to reveal... "A 1.000$ free pizza ticket!, I found it on the road on my way to the academy, apparently the guy who gave me this had various of them, but regretted using them, maybe that's why he was vomiting? " she said, half muttering to herself and half explained it to Ryo, "BUT!" she said, with a dramatic pose, hearing A's cheers, "I won't give it to you if you fight with Setsuna!" she said with a mischievous smile as she stuffed the ticket in her pocket.

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Obsidian
Ryo's grin only became wider as Setsuna went through the whole process of threatening him. Finally reaching a complete beast smile, with his teeth becoming razor edges and his eyes turning an unnatural azure, his pupil changing from it's circle shape to a slit. As Setsuna turned around to address Auriel, Ryo quickly pulled her back into his embrace, one arm wrapped around her. Ryo raised his other arm to cup her chin as he leaned in so their foreheads were touching.

"Oi oi fox, you can't just leave like that without following through, besides..." Ryo leaned in beside Setsuna's ear as his power flowed throughout the room before suddenly collapsing back into his body, "If you even tried anything, I would devour you before you had time to blink and light all of your home ablaze and laugh as all you cherish burn to ashes."

With that said, Ryo let go of Setsuna and backed away, all semblance of rage gone from his visage. He nodded at A with in amusement, "Maybe next time devil lady, maybe by then you could get a whole gambling ring started on who would win." Ryo then sat down in a chair and slid next to Auriel with his hands behind his head.

"See, no fighting! All in good fun!" Ryo leaned back and kicked his feet up on a nearby stool and once again looked at Setsuna, "Right strip-," Ryo paused and smiled, "I mean, Setsuna?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Lucremoirre

(Well, Ryo now begins his love/hate, mostly hate, relationship with Setsuna, this should be fun)
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(Four of them are in the nurses office while Ryujin is sitting outside on a bench playing his flute. @Storm Guardian)


@Lucremoirre @Obsidian @YungJazz

"What?! She just threatened to turn this dude into a satellite and you're giving her free magic? What about me? I've been literally dying here and all I got was bugs and Ryujin trying to break my ribs!", A argued over an empty plate. "Give me a teleportation potion or something. I have places to be!", she held out the fork towards Auriel, menacingly. "Ryo don't do it, its not worth-",A notices Ryo and Setsuna getting all intimate again and gave them a skeptical glance.

"Wait....are ya'll gonna f*ck or fight? You're sending really mixed messages.", she sends her plate shattering against the far wall of the infirmary and yells "Mazel Tov!", then looks back to them. "I mean, I don't mind either way. I just wanna know if I should get my camera ready? or what?"

"Gambling ring? You two? I've seen bigger fish in a retention pond! Nah, you two are more of a worldstarhiphop, kinda deal.", she says as she slowly swings her feet off the side o f the bed and sets them on the ground. 

"Now, I wanna see blood or I wanna see ass, otherwise gtfo! I'm trying to recover.", A says with a smug, sarcastic expression as she tries standing, shakily but more capable than before. 

"Nurse, I need booze for my ailments."

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