Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Uhm, well you can food colouring which you can put into water and drink, I suppose. But it just adds colour, that's it. I don't know if we have any here though." He replied, wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Oh, and so are you primarily a telepath then? Or can you do more than that?" It was great to get to know people, everyone had such interesting stories and such. It's a shame that they are sometimes quite painful, much like his own.

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun


Arian's eyes narrowed instantaneously the challenge. He had said such a dig and then brushed it off so easily! Abruptly, she rises, and skirts around the edge of the table, so that she was standing above Caesar, the overhead lighting giving her a ominous look. After a sigh, she turns and sits back down, and thinks about how that would've gone. 

{This is how she thinks the scenario would've gone.}

"You want to know? Fine," she replies, being just as much as... as.... The word eluded her. So then, without any warning, she presses her hand against his cheek, cupping it. She wasn't angry, or frustrated, she just wanted to prove she belonged as much as everyone else. Her hand starts disintegrating instantly, flesh, muscles, bones, all gone.

Never once did her ocean-blue eyes leave his face, daring him to challenge her. 

And as always, it didn't hurt. 

After a good third of her arm was gone, she releases him. He watches her, horrorstruck as the rest of her arm started to disintegrate too and the stop. And then regenerate. Her secret revealed. 

{End of thoughts} 

With a start, she realizes she had sent them telepathically to Smoke. She gives him a sheepish grin, before taking up her half-eaten tray to give it to the dish-washer. As she handed over the tray, she found herself shaking. Taking a deep breath, she calms herself and walks back to the table, a troubled look on her face. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @Destructus Kloud
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(Setsuna Hayate)


Setsuna snickers noisily after noticing Ryujin snatch “A” up from underneath her feet due to his impatience while following behind both of them. “Xiuruk, the demon of unmatched terror..” She repeats while casually walking alongside Ryujin as her creative imagination begins to produce a terrifying mental image in her head of it’s appearance, Setsuna’s eyes commence to tremble from the idea of meeting such an all-powerful being. “He.. He.. sounds.” She nervously mutters out her soft lips before trembling from agitation then suddenly stopping in place after her final step.

“Incredible! Someone who can incite such enormous fear into one’s being as well as causing disorder and disarray. Hahaha! I can’t wait to be in the presence of someone that influential in the dark-arts!” Setsuna exclaims while leaping behind them and laughing maniacally while catching back up with their walking-pace yet still shaking from anticipation and enjoyment. “You know, maybe Daji wasn’t lying. I might actually learn something here after all! Hopefully new strategies that i’ll be able to use in the future for inevitable deceit and havoc.” Setsuna joyful announces while a wicked smirk stretches from cheek to cheek as she begins to playfully skip beside them.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi
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"Umm, I appreciate the attempted scary look, although you're a tad too cute for that, but it didn't exactly explain anything." He looked to Smoke, "You know what just happened?"

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun (I'm assuming none of that actually happened and Caesar is just there, clueless. :P )
"Umm, I appreciate the attempted scary look, although you're a tad too cute for that, but it didn't exactly explain anything." He looked to Smoke, "You know what just happened?"

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun (I'm assuming none of that actually happened and Caesar is just there, clueless. :P )

(Correeeect! She wanted too seriously scare the crap out of him, but now she's conflicted and upset. Good job XDDD ) 
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(That's Caesar's fault? xD  He just asked how she got her, coated with loads of compliments. If anything, she has no right to be upset! :P )
Ryujin silently turned and walked closely to A. He quickly placed his left arm under her knees and lifted her up causing her to fall backwards into his right arm so he could carry her. "Xiuruk is a demon of unmatched terror. just looking at him makes me wish I could shrink down to nothing so I could avoid his gaze." he then started walking again. He explained what rooms they where passing to Sestuna. At least the ones he knew of. However he fell silent again as they past a loud room. that room was the cafeteria but Ryujin kept walking past it still carrying A.

@Olivia Acerbi


His aggressive moments cause A to wince defensively as he grabs her. "Um, th-thank you..", A mutters embarrassed and confused by the feeling of helplessness. She settles into Ryujin's arms, and returns to her normal disposition. "Be that as it may, even the Foresworn has a price. He can be convinced to help. When we get there, let me do the talking. I know Xiuru-...hey you passed the cafeteria.",
(She's sensitive, like, an exposed nerve. And Caesar sounds naturally sarcastic. Not to mention she thinks she doesn't feel like a proper living creature cause of the whole never dying thing. So if she feels the nerve to threaten/retaliate, she feels like she doesn't have the right, and then she gets a whole existence crisis and uber depressed.) 
"I'm sure for another demon he is a stellar role model. As much as I enjoy chaos I never want to see that creatures version of it." He continued walking rounding a few more corners his face was expressionless as he walked. up a head read the sign infirmary. "I'm giving you back to Mrs.Nurse for the time being. Once your back up to more strength I will keep my promise and take you Xiuruk." Ryujin's grip tightened on A preventing her from explaining his arms and bolts of small electricity danced around his skin threatening to shock her if she resisted. "you just got your seal this morning. You can live a day or two with out your magic. Setsuna open the door to the infirmary please and tell the nurse that we brought back A."

@Olivia Acerbi

(Alright, but Caesar shouldn't sound naturally sarcastic. He should sound like one of those kind, wouldn't harm a fly guys you would see in an anime. But then he has his angry side, I guess. What exactly do I do about her then? :3)

Arian's eyes narrowed instantaneously the challenge. He had said such a dig and then brushed it off so easily! Abruptly, she rises, and skirts around the edge of the table, so that she was standing above Caesar, the overhead lighting giving her a ominous look. After a sigh, she sits back down, and thinks about how that would've gone. 

{This is how she thinks the scenario would've gone.}

"You want to know? Fine," she replies, being just as much as... as.... The word eluded her. So the, without any warning, she presses her hand against his cheek, cupping it. She wasn't angry, or frustrated, she just wanted to prove she belonged as much as everyone else. Her hand starts disintegrating instantly, flesh, muscles, bones, all gone.

Never once did her ocean-blue eyes leave his face, daring him to challenge her. 

And as always, it didn't hurt. 

After a good third of her arm was gone, she releases him. He watches her, horrorstruck as the rest of her arm started to disintegrate too and the stop. And then regenerate. 

{End of thoughts} 

With a start, she realizes she had sent them telepathically to Smoke. She gives him a sheepish grin, before taking up her half-eaten tray to give it to the dish-washer. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @Destructus Kloud

Smoke looked at Arian as she walked off. 'That's your suffering hmm?' He thought empathetically. 'I'm sorry...' He turned to the wall and ate his sandwich quickly as to not reveal his face.

@Destructus Kloud (she's also an anime girl...)


(Setsuna Hayate)


Witnessing all examples of chaos could prove to be life-changing in a sense! Could even unlock significant strengths that one can use to further their own accomplishments.” Setsuna lackadaisically replies to Ryujin before stopping in front of the Luxor Academy’s infirmary. Setsuna then nods in compliance and one of her smooth snow white tinged tails unwrap from around her slim waist. “You know, i’m not sure you want to restore yourself to your previous state. There must be some alternative way to help you! Besides this look really suites you, you look positively gorgeous! Even though, i’m one of the most dazzling beings anyone has laid their eyes upon, I still get a sense of envy and jealousy from the way you look.” Setsuna calmly says to “A” before her soft poofy-like tail coils around the infirmary’s door-handle and swings it open for them. “After you Ryujin.” She announces to him while directing her arm towards the inside of the walkway.

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren
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(Setsuna Hayate)


Setsuna snickers noisily after noticing Ryujin snatch “A” up from underneath her feet due to his impatience while following behind both of them. “Xiuruk, the demon of unmatched terror..” She repeats while casually walking alongside Ryujin as her creative imagination begins to produce a terrifying mental image in her head of it’s appearance, Setsuna’s eyes commence to tremble from the idea of meeting such an all-powerful being. “He.. He.. sounds.” She nervously mutters out her soft lips before trembling from agitation then suddenly stopping in place after her final step.

“Incredible! Someone who can incite such enormous fear into one’s being as well as causing disorder and disarray. Hahaha! I can’t wait to be in the presence of someone that influential in the dark-arts!” Setsuna exclaims while leaping behind them and laughing maniacally while catching back up with their walking-pace yet still shaking from anticipation and enjoyment. “You know, maybe Daji wasn’t lying. I might actually learn something here after all! Hopefully new strategies that i’ll be able to use in the future for inevitable deceit and havoc.” Setsuna joyful announces while a wicked smirk stretches from cheek to cheek as she begins to playfully skip beside them.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi

"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend getting too chummy with him. He's not what you think."

"I'm sure for another demon he is a stellar role model. As much as I enjoy chaos I never want to see that creatures version of it." He continued walking rounding a few more corners his face was expressionless as he walked. up a head read the sign infirmary. "I'm giving you back to Mrs.Nurse for the time being. Once your back up to more strength I will keep my promise and take you Xiuruk." Ryujin's grip tightened on A preventing her from explaining his arms and bolts of small electricity danced around his skin threatening to shock her if she resisted. "you just got your seal this morning. You can live a day or two with out your magic. Setsuna open the door to the infirmary please and tell the nurse that we brought back A."

@Olivia Acerbi


Her internal wounds were still only hours fresh so Ryujin's increased grip caused A serious pain. She cried out from it, tensing up in Ryujin's arms kicking her legs outwards, "You don't understand...", she whimpers. 
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Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was too intimidated by A to stop her from leaving, yes, her powers were sealed, but that wouldn't stop A from launching herself into Auriel, after she left, Auriel pulled another chair near one of the hospital beds, and slept on the desk, she was way too tired to chase after her, however, after a few minutes on her own dormant state, she was woken up by noises on the outside of the door, as she recovered herself, she made her way to the door's handle to open it, but was stopped when a fox lady opened the door, along with Ryujin carrying a wounded A, "Put her in any of these beds right now!" she sternly commanded to Ryujin as A whimpered.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian
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"Relax Mrs.Nurse I didn't do anything to her. She just opened up some of her wounds when she was trying to make it on her own." He entered the infirmary and laid her gently down on one of the beds. "Well that settles that matter. Now I'm off to the cafeteria to go get some lunch. Want anything Mrs.Nurse?"

@Olivia Acerbi


(Heh, true, though I'll try keeping him a more refined gentlemen with a sharp tongue for later. @Destructus Kloud For now, maybe make her angry [in an embarrassed way]? Or do something lovable and unexpected? Either of those work)

(I mean you say that, but Caesar isn't exactly a confident person. He may look and speak so, but if you were to actually try to touch him, he'd have backed away so far in fear. He hates to touch people, so that's kind of hard for him. That's why he's conflicted about Arian. Anyways, I'll just have him change the subject. Although it is your turn, we are waiting on you. :P  @SolistheSun)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel sprinted towards A and checked her stomach with her hand, "Phew.... For future reference, try not to squeeze their stomach too much, there's a chance it might cause internal bleeding" she said towards Ryujin with a small smile etched in her face, "Thanks for everything by the way, and I don't think I need anything else.... Do you?" she said with a warm smile, directing the last part towards the fox lady.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian
(Sorry for late reply. The site was being funky.)

"Sorry if my grip was to tight. I'm still getting used to this human form. It's so similar to my actual form but everything feels out of place and different. Anyway I have been a player in half the crap you have had to deal with so it's only fair that I try and help out. Besides my grandftaher used to tell me all the time that causing chaos was fun in all but if you ignore someone who needs your help no matter who you are you are less then the dirt your standing on. Though his version was if you ignore a prety woman in need of help." Ryujin pointed behind him to Setsuna. "This is Setsuna. She just got here. Her mom and my grandfather are old friends so she asked me to show her daughter around the school." He then looked down at A. "Oi little devil do you want me to bring you something to eat or are you going to starve?"


@Olivia Acerbi


Auriel Dwelle

Auriel sprinted towards A and checked her stomach with her hand, "Phew.... For future reference, try not to squeeze their stomach too much, there's a chance it might cause internal bleeding" she said towards Ryujin with a small smile etched in her face, "Thanks for everything by the way, and I don't think I need anything else.... Do you?" she said with a warm smile, directing the last part towards the fox lady.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

"Don't f*cking touch me, you pestilent hag!", A shouts trying to push the nurse away, still pissed at Auriel for sealing her. Her efforts barely budging her. "I don't want your help! I don't want anything to do with you! You're so lucky I can't regenerate or you'd be knee deep in your own blood.", she continues to yell, breathing laboriously. A, unwilling to face Auriel, shifts in the bed to face the wall revealing blood stains on her clothes and the bed. The scars from where her wings had broken loose had opened. 

"Remember today, keep this memory foremost in your mind. So when the time comes that I'm standing over your mangled bodies and you go ask me why, you'll know.", A says the room collectively.



"Sorry guys... I'm being conceited," Arian confesses, placing a hand over Smoke's gauntlet, "It's... just that I'm under a lot of stress. And I'm being over sensitive..." 

She averts her azure eyes and looks at her hands. Not a single scar. Not a potchmark or odd blotch marred her body. She was whole, but yet so empty at the same time. She curls her fingers into her palms. She would see to it that void would be filled. Maybe, she thinks, it's my heart. 

" Will you guys forgive me?" she asks, extending a fist out to Caesar, an invitation to a fist bump. She gives him an apologetic look and awaits his response. Her fist was like the entrance to an unbreakable bound, and she told herself, it would not break, because she would not will it so. 

@Destructus Kloud @TheGreyCthulhu

(Sorry for delay! I was getting dinner ingredients! :And the site was being funky... P )

Auriel Dwelle

"So, you mean that you're going to kill us just because we tried to help you?, Jeez, you demons are complicated..." Auriel said with a tired sigh as she released her flies, healing A's wounds as Auriel waved at Setsuna with a small smile, and thus Auriel made her way to the desk, sitting on the chair.

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Obsidian

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