Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


"You can have my number too!" Arian replies to Miyuki as she turns to pull out her phone, "and since you're heading to your dorm, can I come with you?" 

Since the comment about her beauty was touchy, she chose to ignore it. She had never really thought herself as pretty but... She inwardly shrugs. She peaks over the man called Caesar's shoulder, quickly remembering his number. She turns on her phone and quickly taps it in, however, it for once complies willingly, saving the number. She goes to read off her number, but the girl is gone.

Oh... well... 

Still awkwardly carrying her bags, she turns, looking disheartened. 

@Destructus Kloud
"Oh, okay then. See you later." He replied, shivering as she passed through him. IT was definitely an odd sensation, to say the least.

"So, shall we all go then?" He asked, spurring them toward the cafeteria, "You should go with Miyuki to put your stuff away, but join us later, alright?" He said to the new girl with wavy gold locks. He then made his way down to the cafeteria down the hallway.

@Fazy @SolistheSun (Don't leave by myself, everyone else! xD )
"this is my human counterparts body that I took over seeing as he was weak and pathetic. My true form resembles my grandfather much more. Is this a child of yours lady Daji." Ryujin heard A approach and He turned to look at what she showed him and he shook his head. "My ordeal is not one of possesionm we share one body and one soul but we are different forms of the body. However if wolf pup doesn't come up with a good bargain soon then I Will erase my human counterparts personality as I see no need for it."

@Olivia Acerbi

Smoke sighed. He watched everyone else leave him. He waved goodbye to the ones that were leaving. A slug started to sing in a high pitch voice "Lonely! So lonely. He has nobody to call his own!!!" Smoke glared at the slug. 'Forget it!' He thought as he caught up with Ceaser and A. He waved to them. 

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud
Ryo blinked as Lydia took off after the question. He then realized she was moving pretty fast and dashed to catch up to her.

"Wait, slow down! You don't understand! I DO CARE, I NEED TO KNOW THIS FOR UUHHH......PERSONAL REASONS!"

Man, she was moving pretty fast, oh well, Ryo smiled to himself as he followed after, what he considered, his new friend as she lead him to the dorms. Poor, poor idiot, maybe if he wasn't so obsessed with fighting and women, he would understand that there are questions you don't ask.

Well anyway, Ryo caught up and smiled as he kept pace next to Lydia, "So ignoring my previous question, it's pretty wicked that you're half spider. That's pretty cool!" Ryo gave a nice guy thumbs up as he began firing off rapid questions about Lydia.

"So are you like, part of a race of spider people? WAIT WAIT, I KNOW! You're a mythical spider goddess! WAIT NO, AN ALIEN SPIDER LADY!"


(Congrats to Lydia, she just made a really annoying, violent friend, have fun with that XD)
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(Okay, lets not worry about A, just lying there in the hallway then. xD )
(I'm still here! Probably just gonna screw the 2 bags and keep the backpack and follow Caesar though. Might help A) 


(Setsuna Hayate)


Daji sluggishly glares at A while raising her right eyebrow and swiftly perking her fox ears out of curiosity then commences to calmly approach her as Daji’s facial expression chances from delighted and content to fairly irritated. “Infact I do know a thing or two about possession, to be honest with you it’s one of my specialties. Trickery and deceit is limitless when it comes to this, i’ve been able to cause numerous amounts of bloodshed throughout history! As for the sigil that’s branded across your arm, i’m unaware of that. However talismans and religious artifacts I do understand ” Daji states to A while standing within a hand's reach away from her as her aggravated expression becomes more noticeable on her face.

“One more thing. If you even attempt to mock me once more with that arrogant tone of yours, i’m afraid that very big chest of yours is going to have quite the gaping hole through it.” Daji sharply responds to her snarling while her face begins to gradually resemble that of her Nine-tailed-fox appearance as all of her elongated tails covered in an immense aura propel out  from her body before turning around to face Ryujin and the others. “Yes this is my child, Setsuna. Unlike this unholy spawn behind me she is like you in a sense, however oddly enough she was born with this appearance, as for I. Well it seems that my soul is connected to this one. Daji explains to Ryujin as her sinister facial expression begins to change back into its normal state.

“Furthermore, it seems that i’ll be leaving quite shortly. So if you may Ryujin, please show my daughter around this academy and if it’s possible see to it that she may better understand how to control her powers. Considering your heritage Ryujin I expect you to do great things.” Daji says to him while her massive tails levitate and flutter from side to side behind her.

@Dante Verren, @Olivia Acerbi
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Realizing she could always grabs her bags later, she dumps the two with her clothes down next to a bench in the hall and runs to catch up to Caesar and the guy, Smoke. The situation with the others, and the guy, Ryujin, that was going to help her, was sketchy so it was best to start out of fights. Didn't need anyone freaking out over the fact she couldn't really die. Hehe, that might be fun to prank someone really good with... She pauses and then shakes her head, she'd contemplate it more later. Now to more pressing matters. 

"Hey! Wait up!" she easily catches up to them, her body showing no signs of exhaustion. Her eyes traced over Caesar's face, from his dusty blonde hair to his off colors eyes. 

Cerebrum, remember this guy. She noted to herself, slowing to an easy walk beside him. 

"So where's the cafeteria? Oh-- wait, where's my manners? My name's Arian, again, I never quite caught yours... So you are?" she asks, hoping to nudge him into a conversation. 

@Destructus Kloud @TheGreyCthulhu
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Lydia growled as he carried on asking millions of questions about her. Could the guy apologize or was that too difficult for him? She stopped in front of the dorms building where there seemed to be a multitude of other people inside that would hopefully get this prick off of her back. Maybe someone will come and save her, she didn't know though.

"No, I'm none of those. Maybe I'm a goddess to the bugs but I used to be a normal human I swear. I have no idea if there are other people like me but if there are then I don't know them. Maybe there is a race of spider people, maybe not. Only thing I know is that people come up to me and keep on asking questions like they have no respect for others." She said the last part so that he would hopefully realize that he was agitating Lydia and stop asking so many questions. He probably wouldn't though, seeing from what he's asked so far and his replies. Honey flew onto her left shoulder to balance out the weight for now, until he flew off again.

Ryujin nodded at Daji but He was looking at setsuna as he spoke. "It is a pleaure to meet you setsuna." He directed his attention back to Daji. "I will gladly show your daughter around and help her if she wants me to. I have no intention of forcing someone to do something they do not want to do if I will gain nothing from it. Also if you must have any free time please feel free to go cause some chaos up at my grandfathers house. He has been getting to lazy."

Ryujin turned to look at A. "Did you need help getting anywhere? You look like your trying to run away from luxor again."


@Olivia Acerbi
Caesar looked around to see smoke, "Sure. I've never used telepathy before though, so I just think stuff?"

He then noticed the girl from earlier, "Oh right, of course. I'm Caesar and this is... Smoke, I believe? Yeah, so the cafeteria is just up ahead. It's about lunch time so there'll be loads of stuff from burgers to salads and deserts, basically whatever you want." He smiled as they walked. So far, life was great at the school. Life was just, really, really great right now.

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun
Miyuki finished setting up her dorm room quickly. She had forgotten to get Arian's number. Ah, well, she'll do it later. She reached for her phone and sat on her bed, before realizing there was a second one. After a brief moment of wondering who her dorm mate might be, she called Caesar, hoping he would pick up. 

@SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud (I'm back! XD)



"Then I request the blood of thine enemies!" Arian declares laughing. A happy smiles spreads across her face. For being a girl from before the Great Depression in the the modern day, she was doing pretty good for herself. It already looked like she was gaining friends, even if they were men, though admitably, it'd be nice to dress up with some girl-friends once in a while. Well, then again, it was her first day. 


She expertly signs, her hands a flurry of movement, to Smoke," I'm not sure how telepathy works. Can you explain more?" 


As she waits for an answer, she directs another topic to Caesar. 


"Joking aside, what do you guys usually get? I'm not really accustomed to getting such a large selection," she questions, looking forward to this junction. 



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A let out a sigh of relief as everyone went their separate ways, though a she was a little annoyed they showed up to harass her and then leave her 


(Setsuna Hayate)


Daji sluggishly glares at A while raising her right eyebrow and swiftly perking her fox ears out of curiosity then commences to calmly approach her as Daji’s facial expression chances from delighted and content to fairly irritated. “Infact I do know a thing or two about possession, to be honest with you it’s one of my specialties. Trickery and deceit is limitless when it comes to this, i’ve been able to cause numerous amounts of bloodshed throughout history! As for the sigil that’s branded across your arm, i’m unaware of that. However talismans and religious artifacts I do understand ” Daji states to A while standing within a hand's reach away from her as her aggravated expression becomes more noticeable on her face.

“One more thing. If you even attempt to mock me once more with that arrogant tone of yours, i’m afraid that very big chest of yours is going to have quite the gaping hole through it.” Daji sharply responds to her snarling while her face begins to gradually resemble that of her Nine-tailed-fox appearance as all of her elongated tails covered in an immense aura propel out  from her body before turning around to face Ryujin and the others. “Yes this is my child, Setsuna. Unlike this unholy spawn behind me she is like you in a sense, however oddly enough she was born with this appearance, as for I. Well it seems that my soul is connected to this one. Daji explains to Ryujin as her sinister facial expression begins to change back into its normal state.

“Furthermore, it seems that i’ll be leaving quite shortly. So if you may Ryujin, please show my daughter around this academy and if it’s possible see to it that she may better understand how to control her powers. Considering your heritage Ryujin I expect you to do great things.” Daji says to him while her massive tails levitate and flutter from side to side behind her.

@Dante Verren, @Olivia Acerbi

A experienced a fleeting sense of fear, considering her situation. Daji could realistically kill her, well her vessel, and she'd be completely powerless against her. However, she was a Throne of Hell and her ingrained arrogance took hold. 

"That's pretty big talk from a being that relies on humans for purpose. I was governing choirs of angels before foxes even evolved. I normally don't bother myself with your kind but I figured you could be useful, for once. Threaten me again and we're going to have a serious problem, mutt." 
"Well, I only got here yesterday and I was late anyways, so I've only had a breakfast here and I had the omelette, which was great. Right now though, I'm thinking about a beef burger with some barbecue sauce and cheese." He sighed in appreciation for such great food when the second opening for Tokyo Ghoul started playing in his pocket. He dug his phone out and put it to his ear, being very careful not to actually touch it to his head, "Hello? Caesar speaking." 

@Fazy @SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu (Like my ringtone, anyone? xD )
Smoke nodded. 'Just think. I won't dig too deep as to respect your privacy.' He says telepathically. Smoke could feel your soul. It was special. Smokes souls felt like they were property instead of being special. 'Just think and accept what's given to you.' The girl beside her...her soul was powerful to say the least... 'You're a form of deitie?' He asked her.
Ryo nodded his head in understanding, used to people asking him questions like that before.

"Yeah, those people have no common sense, always being rude," Ryo then flashed a smile and pointed at himself, " Good thing i'm not like those guys!"

It was you, you idiot, she was talking about you. Anyway, Ryo shuffled his bag to a more comfortable position before walking to the dorm entrance and glancing up at he building, admiring the new place he would be staying at. Ryo nodded his head in acceptance and stepped toward the entrance, but he suddenly stopped and glanced back over his shoulder, looking at Lydia with a soft smile.

"For what it's worth, thank you for showing me here." Ryo scratched his nose out of nervous habit before glancing at Lydia again, "I know I can be pretty annoying, but I just want to thank you for dealing with me for a bit, A man always remembers his debts, at least that's what my gramps says."

Ryo then pulled his hood up over his head to cover the light blush that had adorned his face, "And if anyone bothers you about how you look, just find me, i'll beat some sense into them." Ryo turned around and began walking inside, waving his hand over his should, saying goodbye to Lydia.

"All in all, thanks Lydia, you're a pretty good friend. And kinda cute, see ya around!"

Ryo then walked off to find his dorm, glad that he had made a new friend....hopefully, cause otherwise, Ryo had litterally said all that embarrassing junk for nothing and he was going to immediately hide in his room out of embarrassment.


(Well, time for Ryo to start his new school adventure! Aw yeah, delinquent time!)


(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna rolls her eyes and slightly darts them over towards Ryujin and then darts them back away attempting to distract herself with the scenery. “Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too.” She pouts while folding her arms over chest while leisurely overlooking the environment and thinking deeply about the events to come. “See, now was that so difficult. You even met someone outside Diyu. You know if I were you i’d be a bit more excited about the fact you’d be able to use your powers in an environment that’s supposedly more suitable. Also now that you’ve mentioned that Ryujin I should pay your grandfather a visit as it’s been too long since i’ve seen him!” Daji exclaims in an overjoyed manner before looking over her shoulder towards A and overhearing her comment which results in Daji swiftly turning herself around and confronting A once more and staring her down with a sickening expression of wicked enjoyment.

“Intriguing, I don’t know if that’s pure confidence speaking or careless stupidity. Although I admire the fact that you actually decided to threaten me back, especially if you understood how exceedingly formidable I may be. But nonetheless, you should be careful who you’re spouting off to. Years upon years have taught me this.” Daji explains to A in a calm manner before raising her right arm to her side and face her palm towards the empty space shoulder-length across from her.

Suddenly the surrounding atmosphere grows heavy once more and Daji’s lavender-hued aura commences to spiral out from her palm and begins to consume herself in an extraordinary amount of energy before vanishing within the tremendous amount of aura concealing her. Daji’s aura then collapses in on itself causing a substantial amount of energy to ripple throughout the surface of the ground which causes a brief shockwave, moderately resulting in cracks tearing through the stone floor below.

 @Dante Verren@Olivia Acerbi
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"Hey, Caesar, it's me. You know. Umm, Miyuki?" she says, awkwardly. "I was just wondering if you were busy right now. I don't have anything to do, so if you aren't doing anything..." she began. Miyuki waited for a response. 

@Destructus Kloud (YASSS)

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