Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


(Setsuna Hayate)


“Maybe if you weren’t such an impulsive and careless brat and actually decided to listen to me for a change, maybe just maybe Diyu would be kept in one-piece!” Daji barks after approaching Setsuna within a 3 foot radius of where she was standing. Setsuna facial expression swiftly changes from nervous to exceedingly infuriated due to Daji’s comment which then results in her placing her right foot behind her and steadying herself into a lunging position. “Haha, are you actually serious right now Setsuna? Do you really want to strike me? Please be my guest.” Daji responds in a surprised tone while nonchalantly leaning forward in her direction while raising her hand and pressing her index finger against her own cheek.

Suddenly an enormous amount of seismic energy begins to consume Setsuna’s her entire right arm which disperses ripples of amethyst hued aura out from the palm of her hand and causes the stone-embedded ground to shake violently before she heaves herself forward with all of her might directing her fist towards the side of Daji’s face.

Without warning Daji extends her open left hand towards Setsuna’s fist instantly catching at a lightning-quick pace and clamping down onto it which promptly causes the amount of energy to extinguish inside of her grasp. “Hm, ah! Hello there young one. I’m quite flatted you’ve noticed my presence here, speaking of that how do you know me?” Daji eccentrically and boastfully states as she continues to clench Setsuna’s fist while glaring at Ryujin

@Dante Verren
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Ryo stopped walking the minute he saw a wasp fly up to him and look at him....curiously? Wow, he didn't know that wasps could actually look that way. He stopped his musings about wasps and their infinite mysteries when he heard someone call out to him. Apparently he was going the wrong way, well, it wouldn't be the first time. Ryo turned around to respond to the person when he paused.

....Was that chick attached to freaking spider legs!? I mean, that was a first. Ryo had encountered plenty of things, but a freaking spider chick? That stunned him.

Ryo's eyes squinted in thought, he couldn't help himself, he had to ask, pointing at the spider lady Ryo exclaime his thoughts with a blank face.,

"Yo, you know you're lower body is a freaking spider right?"

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Caesar was about to back off, obviously not wanting people to get too close to him, but then his surprise hit a higher notch than before as she passed through him completely, "You mean..." He almost seemed to whisper now, "You mean you can't touch people too?"

He snapped out of his state by another female voice. Glancing round, he noticed Ryujin and another girl, oh, it was the one he'd seen walking by before. He tried not to stare, it was rude to do so, but he couldn't help but want to look at her. He was right before, she was definitely his... His what? Type? He'd never had a type before, because he'd just shunned those activities for the larger part of his life. Still, it was even more rude to stay silent after she had just greeted him, "Oh, err, hi. Hi there. I'm Caesar." He extended a hand to her, but then seemed to remember the risk and pulling it back, only to take a deep breath and extend it again. He couldn't live in fear of his power all his life, "So... Are you new here then?" He seemed to notice the guy behind her again, "Oh, Ryujin! Hey man, what's up man? Seen Fley recently?" And then Smoke was making signs at him. He briefly remember trying to learn sign language at school, but he was very rusty. He was about to sign some probably very wrong from what he was trying to say when he remembered he could still just talk, "Ah I see. Nice... to... grass you? Wait, know you, know you. Of course. Yeah, you too, Smoke."

He smiled. There was so much going on now. A few new students, Ryujin had come back from wherever he and Fley had gone, Fley was off studying about gods, A was trying to resist medical care after her breakdown, Lydia was god knows where after their argument and he'd last seen Roy going to the cafeteria. And on top of all that, he still needed to find out where to sign up for the Disciplinary Committee, if it was indeed a thing. Apparently Ms Yokubo's office was nearby, so he thought about going to ask her about it after he'd cleared up the mess he was currently in.

(Okay, here we go... xD ) @Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu@SolistheSun @Fazy @anyone I missed
Miyuki had been exploring the school grounds freely. She had arrived at the school only in the morning, and she had found time to get her dorm room set up. Fresh start always meant that she could possibly make new friends. Especially at this school, where people probably won't judge her for being like this. Miyuki sighed as she walked towards the cafe. She'd seen a lot of people around here that looked pretty cool, but none that seemed approachable enough to talk to. She noticed a group of three on her way into the cafeteria - a demon, a knight and a... human wearing a tuxedo?! Without thinking, she walked up to them, maintaining a small distance - a little more than everyone else was keeping between each other. "Um, hello," she started. "I'm Miyuki Mori, and I'm new..." She wanted to kill herself - that was the worst introduction in intangible human history. 

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@SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren


"Lovely people?", gives Arian a questioning look. "What? Are you gonna sing us a ragtime?", A laughed, momentarily forgetting her situation, that is, until Smoke picks her up. "Why can't you people just leave me alone? Haven't I suffered enough? I spent the last time 24 hours in excruciating pain.." A whines in Smoke's arms. "AND I got sea(led)- sea....seen in a compromising position.", A caught herself. It was better if the whole school didn't know about her predicament. 

"Can't you all just go play with the East Asian pagan deities over there? I'm sure they'd gladly put up with you." A point to Ryujin and the others. 

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Caesar shook his head, "We're taking you to the infirmary so that you don't go through anymore pain. Come on A, stop struggling, we're trying to help." He said, trying to reason with the demon girl.

@Olivia Acerbi

(Also, I totally want a new roommate. Not there's anything wrong with my current one, other than I haven't seen them at all cos I think they're inactive. Anyone wanna swap? :D )
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"my grandfather made it a point to teach me of other nations legends. Beatuliful woman Amway managed to find their way into those lessons." he then heard Caesar  call out his name and he shrugged. "No idea. I haven't seen her since ealier. My guess is she is probably off somewhere trying to come up with a good bargain."

@Destructus Kloud

Honey quickly flew back to Lydia after he decided that the new guy was not going to start breaking Lydia apart. Lydia managed to balance for now as she was definitely making some sort of impression on him, so she better not look like a klutz in addition to surprising him. She swatted aside the finger that he was rudely pointing at her and clapped her hands in front of his face in hope to wake him up from his stupor. Perhaps she should flap her wings too? Yeah, why not. Lydia fluttered her violet wings to show that that wasn't the end of her. 

In reply to his comment, Lydia said "Yes, yes I do know my body is a flipping spider. And it's good to meet you too. My name's Lydia, the freakish spider lady. Actually it's just Lydia, the last part is from people around the school."

Caesar shook his head, "We're taking you to the infirmary so that you don't go through anymore pain. Come on A, stop struggling, we're trying to help." He said, trying to reason with the demon girl.

@Olivia Acerbi

(Also, I totally want a new roommate. Not there's anything wrong with my current one, other than I haven't seen them at all cos I think they're inactive. Anyone wanna swap? :D )

(Yeah mine too......hmmmm idk A and Caesar rooming seems like a disaster waiting to happen)
"A good bargain? For what?" Then he thought back to her asking for advice about gods and stuff. He'd assumed she meant Ryujin, but he didn't exactly know what they were trading.

@Dante Verren

( @Olivia AcerbiLol, I think that would be hilarious. xD  And it also means, seeing as he's gonna join the Disciplinary Committee, Caesar can keep you under control more easily. :P )
Miyuki nodded. What did he mean... too? Did that mean he couldn't touch people? Miyuki considered this. But he was a tangible human, like everyone else. That's impossible. She shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts. Probably just the slip of the tongue. She smiled and waved at Smoke as well - she knew little to no sign language. In a few minutes, Miyuki was staring at the blonde girl who'd introduced herself as Arian. So pretty. She winced. She didn't want to be known as the creepy girl who stared. Just as she caught herself, she noticed Caesar doing the exact same thing. So she wasn't the only one mesmerized by this person's insane beauty.

There certainly were a lot of people now. Quite the crowd. Some other newcomers apart from the pretty girl - one boy who looked completely normal except for hair and face, what looked like a fox demon, and something she didn't even know. Speaking of which, Miyuki was curious to discover what powers these people had. Why did they come here?

@Destructus Kloud @SolistheSun @Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @TheGreyCthulhu @Obsidian
@Destructus Kloud @TheGreyCthulhu

"I don't want your help! I just want to go to my dorm! That nurse is a joke anyway, it's her fault I'm basically a cripple. Her flies have done just about all they can do and I'm still f**cked I switched around all her potions and elixirs......she's already accidentally tried to give me liquid hellfire once, I can't go back." 
Ryujin looked at Caesar out of the corner of his eyes. "I told her if she wants my human counter part back she would need to find something to give me of equal value. Personally I am quite curious to see what she comes up with."

@Destructus Kloud


(Setsuna Hayate)


“Ohoho! You, you’re quite the flattering one aren’t you? If I weren’t married to a very protective colossal fox i’d definitely would grant you a kiss for you kind words and flattering remarks! Although that would be quite the reward coming from someone as beautiful as myself!” Daji responds while

Casually observing Ryujin then glancing downward at Setsuna while clenching her fist tightly in her hand. Daji’s eyes light up moderately bright while coming to a relatively quick discovery after inspecting Ryujin. “Heh, Raijin my distant Japanese friend of turmoil, he always was one with words. You are definitely an offspring of him no question about that. Although no offense you are more blessed with your mother’s looks. So Setsuna, see? Make a marvelous introduction and a cute guy comes along!” Daji announces to Setsuna after making her quick remark to Ryujin.

Setsuna promptly snatches her hand out from Daji’s grasp and catches her composure and turns around while looking up at the skies above trying to ignore Daji as her face is completely red from embarassment. “Better be careful with this one, she brings a whole new meaning to the word "Vixen!” Daji softly whispers to Ryujin while snickering.

@Dante Verren
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Caesar sighed and put her down, "Alright, fine. Which way is your dorm?" He then raised his eyebrows at Ryujin, "Your human counter part? Wait, so are you not Ryujin then?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren (It's just talking so one liners it shall be. :P )
Ryo blinked couple times as the now identified Lydia clapped him out of his stupor and knocked away his hand. He then smile that beast like smile of his and laughed. Been a while since someone surprised him like that, although he did frown when he saw her wobbling a bit.

Ryo put his bag down and waved his hand out in greeting, "Names Ryo, nice to meet you Lydia the freakish spider lady. Although i'm probably gonna refrain from calling you that. I'm guessing since you know this place, you could show me where the dorms are?" Honestly speaking, he was coming across rather nice and polite, he was doing a good job of not being a idiot on his first day.

He then had to go and ruin it when he pointed to Lydia's back side with a stupid look on his face.

"Also, how do you poop?"




Arian smiles again, her eyes full of kindness, as she did not know what else to do. She waved politely to Smoke as well, as during the last few years she had crammed everything she could, and sign language had intrigued her to the point she is nearly fluent. Not, that she wanted to show that ability yet. Bullies tended to pick people out that were different. Though, the different here was extraordinary compared to what she had known. 

She watches the group interact, and watches instantly as the ghost-like girl phases through the uptight guy's chest. So they were special too, somehow this was reassuring. 

She laughs lightly, like bells, as the red-skinned girl, A, comments about ragtime. 

"You know there's no business like show business~" she replies shaking her head. Actually, she had memorized everything song around that time and her childhood was devoted to it. Jammin' on the piano was the life. 

Then she realizes that the touch-me-not Miyuki and gloved handed man were staring at her.... 

"Is there something wrong?" she asks, cocking a head at herself, looking for any sort of displaced item or irregularity. However, the conversation went over hear head as they discussed gods and other forms.

@Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @TheGreyCthulhu @Obsidian @Fazy
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Caesar shook his head, laughing slightly, "Never mind. Seeing as your new here, how about we all get to know each other over lunch? The cafeteria is just behind you, down that hallway." He looked around to everyone, they were indeed crowding the hallway. Then, turning to Smoke, "I'll leave this one in your hands for now, okay?" He said, referring to A. Caesar turned again back to the larger group of people, "Well? Shall we go then? I think we're taking up too much space in the hallway as well, so we should move anyway."

@everyone in the hallway (I can't be asked to tag everyone again. :P )
Miyuki smiled at the girl. Her laugh was also very pretty. "No. I just think you're really... um, beautiful," she answered. "Anyway, I have to get to my dorm and get things set up. You all are talking about gods, and I've never been too interested by all that. I won't be missed." She turned to Caesar and the pretty- no, Arian, she reminded herself. "Can I please get your phone numbers? I'm kind of new here, like I said before, and you're kind of the only people I know. Not kind of. Excuse me, saying that is a kind of habit of mine," she said, her face turning slightly pink with embarrassment. She seemed socially awkward.

@SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud
Caesar sighed and put her down, "Alright, fine. Which way is your dorm?" He then raised his eyebrows at Ryujin, "Your human counter part? Wait, so are you not Ryujin then?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren (It's just talking so one liners it shall be. :P )

(I'm on my phone in organic chem, I cant exactly write novels here :/)

"It's that huge one with the balcony. Can't miss it.", A pointed to her aptly named Condorm. 

Ryujin's words peaked her interest as she heard Caesar say them back to him. She cocked her head to the group of lesser gods. "Hey, Club Pagan!", she mocks to get their attention. "Did I hear talk of human in in, maybe one of you have seen this before?", she points to the sigil branded on her arm and the talisman hung on her neck. 

@Dante Verren and friends 
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Caesar looked back to Miyuki, "Yeah sure, here you go." He gave her the slip of paper containing his number. Some might question why he had these on hand, but it was something his father had taught him to do when he was younger. Coming from a rich and well known background, it was convenient to have your number ready to give out like that in case you needed to contact a lot of people at some point and time was an issue. Clearly, it was coming in handy now.

"Thanks. Oh, I've gotta run," she said, checking the time. "See ya." She passed through Caesar and her body kind of glitches as she did so. Though she didn't love her power, it was fun to just walk through things - especially people, since her body got a strange feeling afterwards. She ran back to her dorm. 

@Destructus Kloud @SolistheSun (sorry I have to go, be back later, that's why I pulled my character out :p)
Ryo seemed quite friendly to talk to, maybe a bit dumb seeing as he was walking the opposite way and believed that her name was 'Lydia the freakish spider lady'. But he seemed like a nice lad otherwise. She decides to try to not somehow mess up this relationship, even though she still wasn't sure how the others messed up so bad. Lydia turned around and started to scuttle back to the dorms while slightly veering off to the right.

"It's actually just Lydia, now the dorms are just thi-" Lydia stopped when Ryo ruined the start of a friendship. Slowly turning around, you could tell that Lydia was pissed off from the disapproving look on her face. Did Ryo seriously just asked how she poops? SERIOUSLY?! Does everyone have to point out something weird about her or is it just impossible to keep their questions to themselves?

"Uhm, that's none of your business thank you very much. And I don't think you would really care." strained Lydia, struggling to not just snap at him at asking such a rude question. She turned back around and started to hurry off to show him the dorms and hopefully throw him away. Lydia did NOT want a friend who asks her how she poops. 


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