Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Well I'm going to go snag some food. You both are free to come with me if you want but Like I said I have no intention to force anyone to do anything that doesn't benefit me." His gaze lingered in the spot where Daji had disappeared. "Great things" he whispered "yeah right." Ryujin's eyes had shifted from the black and gold of his oni to have a purple tint. The same purple tint that his human self had. He shook his head and the purple was gone.


@Olivia Acerbi


(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna rolls her eyes and slightly darts them over towards Ryujin and then darts them back away attempting to distract herself with the scenery. “Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too.” She pouts while folding her arms over chest while leisurely overlooking the environment and thinking deeply about the events to come. “See, now was that so difficult. You even met someone outside Diyu. You know if I were you i’d be a bit more excited about the fact you’d be able to use your powers in an environment that’s supposedly more suitable. Also now that you’ve mentioned that Ryujin I should pay your grandfather a visit as it’s been too long since i’ve seen him!” Daji exclaims in an overjoyed manner before looking over her shoulder towards A and overhearing her comment which results in Daji swiftly turning herself around and confronting A once more and staring her down with a sickening expression of wicked enjoyment.

“Intriguing, I don’t know if that’s pure confidence speaking or careless stupidity. Although I admire the fact that you actually decided to threaten me back, especially if you understood how exceedingly formidable I may be. But nonetheless, you should be careful who you’re spouting off to. Years upon years have taught me this.” Daji explains to A in a calm manner before raising her right arm to her side and face her palm towards the empty space shoulder-length across from her.

Suddenly the surrounding atmosphere grows heavy once more and Daji’s lavender-hued aura commences to spiral out from her palm and begins to consume herself in an extraordinary amount of energy before vanishing within the tremendous amount of aura concealing her. Daji’s aura then collapses in on itself causing a substantial amount of energy to ripple throughout the surface of the ground which causes a brief shockwave, moderately resulting in cracks tearing through the stone floor below.

 @Dante Verren@Olivia Acerbi

"Oooo, I'm shaking in my flesh suit......", A says sarcastically. "Why don't you go play house somewhere else? Like in hole, maybe." 
@Dante Verren

(I just saw the post where you offered to get her where she needs to go. Sorry)

"I need to get to Xiuruk's class. Can you get me there? We can go by the cafeteria first, I don't care, but can you help me?", A pleads with Ryujin. "Please, I'll make it worth your while, I promise." 


(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna’s anxious eyes wander over towards Ryujin’s direction once more and then back over towards "A" due to the argument she had with her mother "Daji" earlier. Setsuna sighs deeply and then combs her fingers through her silky smooth bangs and gradually approaches Ryuijin and A. “Well, you’ve met my serene charmer of a mother. Although she’s not very good at controlling her temper as much due to the fact that she threatened to kill you, which I apologize for. Sometimes it’s rather difficult to control her actions.”  Setsuna says to them both before carefully kneeling down to pick up her belongings which she stuffs into her white leather satchel then swinging the strap over her right shoulder and looking once more at both of them. “Well, Ryujin, i’m in no hurry over here besides it should help me get acquainted with my surroundings. So feel free to escort her to Xiuruk’s class. I’ll be right behind you both.” Setsuna responds while yawning and stretching her arms over her head.

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren
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"Cool, I'll be there. I could use something to eat, too. See ya." In a matter of minutes, Miyuki had rushed over to the cafeteria. She had a bit of trouble pinpointing Caesar's location, but saw him in his tuxedo. "Caesar, hey!" she called, waving as she walked over.

@Destructus Kloud
"You will make it worth my while huh? Whats in it for me If I take you there?" He didn't really have a reason to refuse so he would probably accept anyway but the thought of getting a reward was a pleasing one. "Is not having your power really messing you up this badly?"  He kept looking at A but did a sideways glance at Setsuna and nodded his head.

@Olivia Acerbi

(Not sure where everyone is so I'm just going to write this post open ended XD. New to the RP btw I can't wait to meet you all. This be Raiku)

Raiku walked down the dorm's hallway, A piece of paper held out in front of him as he looked at the room numbers on the door. He passed by other students but he payed them no mind. He was surprised that he was here at least. he had been wondering the land for a few years now and he half expected the school to kick him to the curb when he asked for admittance. Yet after telling his story, the officials were interested in learning as much about him as he was learning from the school. First things first, he needed to find where he would be living while he resided at the school. 

He finally found a door that had the same number as what was marked down on the piece of paper. Raiku adjusted the bow on his back as the string had caught on the bottom of the quiver and it was uncomfortable. Once the bow was situated once more, Raiku pushed open the door to his dorm room. The administrator said that he already had a roommate who was named Ryujin, but he didn't seem to be in the room at the time. Raiku shrugged and unshouldered his bow dropping it on the bed alongside its quiver. He then opened up the small bag that contained the rest of his possessions and started putting them away.
"Hey there, we were just getting something to eat." He now came equipped with a beef burger plus sauce and cheese and a cola, with which he placed onto the nearby table and sat, "Your welcome to join us and the food here is really good."

"You will make it worth my while huh? Whats in it for me If I take you there?" He didn't really have a reason to refuse so he would probably accept anyway but the thought of getting a reward was a pleasing one. "Is not having your power really messing you up this badly?"  He kept looking at A but did a sideways glance at Setsuna and nodded his head.

@Olivia Acerbi


@Dante Verren

A lamely sat herself up against the wall and looked up to Ryujin . "No, the seal messing me up. I need it gone, Xiuruk helped get it on, he can help get it off. Once I'm free I'm gonna....well let's just say I'm gonna right some wrongs.", she said looking away, seemingly deep in thought. After a brief introsepction she spoke again. "I don't think I have to explain to you what I am or why you're gonna want me on your side. Help me and I'll give you anything you could ever want. We take care of our own." 

(A's gonna bribe Xiuruk into releasing the seal and then release her true form, the other Thrones and the rest of the Third from the Inferno, to take the revenge she'd originally set out to get.)
Ryo made his way to his dorm, passing by people and glaring once or twice at the guys who got to close to him, he had an image to keep up. As he stopped in front of his dorm room he noticed it was slightly ajar and someone was moving in it.

Ryo raised an eyebrow, someone had made it before him, well might as well introduce himself in style. Ryo gained a manic grin before he reared his leg back, then proceeded to shoot it forward, actually kicking the door off it's hinges and sending it flying across the room and out the window.....Great, no door and a broke window, excuse me, a hole in the wall where the window was.

Ryo brought his hand up in a two finger salute at Raiku, greeting his roommate like he didn't just commit an extreme act of violence.

"Yo, names Ryo, i'm ;you're roomy! Nice to meet ya future scapegoat....I MEAN FRIEND!"


(You had it wrong, Ryo is your roommate, AND SO BEGINS DRAGON FRIENDSHIPS!)
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"Hey there, we were just getting something to eat." He now came equipped with a beef burger plus sauce and cheese and a cola, with which he placed onto the nearby table and sat, "Your welcome to join us and the food here is really good."


Smoke looked at the food skeptical. 'What is this stuff? Do they have black water here?' He asked Ceaser. He grabbed a water and inspected it. 


"A goddess? " Arian exclaimed aloud, forgetting to think, "No, it's just I'm happen to be the victim some powerful magic." 

She brushes back her hair as she, Caesar and Smoke grab lunch. She hadn't really though about food in a while, since, she... really didn't need to eat. Everything was constant. Arian eventually settled down with grilled chicken and a salad, anything overly meaty sounded gross at the current moment. Though, no one said she couldn't get seconds if it was good...

She looked up in surprise when she heard Miyuki's voice call out over the light roar of the cafeteria. Her heart lifted slightly, but sank slightly again when she saw the girl saddle up beside Caesar. With a sigh, she grabs a sweet tea and slips onto the other side of the table, contemplating how she wanted the conversation to run. 

@Destructus Kloud @Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu
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(so what your saying is I shouldn't help her.)

Ryujin shrugged "why not. I don't have a reason to refuse. We are going to the cafeteria first." he motioned for the girls to follow him before a thought crossed his mind. "Are you able to walk little devil or so I have to carry you the entire way?" 

@Olivia Acerbi


"A goddess? " Arian exclaimed aloud, forgetting to think, "No, it's just I'm supposed to be the victim some powerful magic." 

She brushes back her hair as she, Caesar and Smoke grab lunch. She hadn't really though about food in a while, since, she... really didn't need to eat. Everything was constant. Arian eventually settled down with grilled chicken and a salad, anything overly meaty sounded gross at the current moment. Though, no one said she couldn't get seconds if it was good...

She looked up in surprise when she heard Miyuki's voice call out over the light roar of the cafeteria. Her heart lifted slightly, but sank slightly again when she saw the girl saddle up beside Caesar. With a sigh, she grabs a sweet tea and slips onto the other side of the table, contemplating how she wanted the conversation to run. 

@Destructus Kloud @Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu

Smoke smiled maybe she was looking for a remedy as well. 'I understand the feeling.' He 'said'. He looked at her and sent a private thought. 'Are you hollow like me?' He was nervous about the question.



"Is that a metaphor?" she thinks back, taking a metal fork and spearing a piece of chicken. She chomps on in it, and then continues, "If you mean that you no longer feel pain, you can no longer grow old, and even Death rejects you, then yes, I am hollow. I fail as a living being. My life, essentially, is meaningless. And yet, I live." 

She continues eating in silence, awaiting for more company to brighten her day. Her thoughts had grown cold, and Arian desired not to look so in too herself. It weighed her heart down too much. She eyes other kids, purposely ignoring Caesar and Miyuki. A sudden thought crosses her mind, and she digs out her crumpled schedule from her pocket. She smoothes it out, after popping a tomato in her mouth, and scans over it. 

"Do you have any classes with me?" she thinks, hoping to lighten up. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @Destructus Kloud @Fazy



(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna hastily followed behind Ryujin while surveying the neighboring classrooms and adjusting her personal belongings which are contained inside of her satchel. She begins to ponder on the thought “Who is Xiuruk?”, Whomever he might be, just the name alone sounded nerve-racking and caused her to become curious of this creature. “Excuse me, I don’t exactly know your name but. I have a question for you. Who exactly is Xiuruk? He sounds very familiar I think I heard his name before from my one of my relatives, “Hundun”, my great relative has told many stories about being heavily involved in dark arts.” Setsuna asks “A” while nonchalantly scratching the side of her forehead and heavily concentrating on trying to remember who this Xiuruk figure was..

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren
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Caesar looks up and noticed the paper she'd taken out, "What's that? Some kind of schedule, perhaps? If it's related to school then it may be wrong. Apparently the staff had a rework of the classes. We should get them redone version tomorrow though." He smiled as Smoke asked about the drink. Thinking, he said, "Yeah, it's not water. It's kind of like a chemically made drink that tastes pretty good. It's not amazingly good for you though, so I wouldn't advise having many." He finished his burger and took another sip of his cola. It had only been a day or so and already he'd made so many friends and done so much. Caesar liked it here, and then wondered whether Smoke was able to hear what he'd just thought. 

"So anyways, what brings everyone here? To the school I mean, why this one specifically?"

@Fazy @SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu (Went to get a snack :P )
(so what your saying is I shouldn't help her.)

Ryujin shrugged "why not. I don't have a reason to refuse. We are going to the cafeteria first." he motioned for the girls to follow him before a thought crossed his mind. "Are you able to walk little devil or so I have to carry you the entire way?" 

@Olivia Acerbi


(Well not unless you're cool with essentially helping start the end times, rapture, release of the horseman, ya know Judeo-Christian stuff)

"Little devil?", Ryujin's demeanor rubbed a the wrong way but she couldn't afford to fight him on it now. "Whatever. Why the hell would I ask for your help if I could get there on my own, genius?"


"Is that a metaphor?" she thinks back, taking a metal fork and spearing a piece of chicken. She chomps on in it, and then continues, "If you mean that you no longer feel pain, you can no longer grow old, and even Death rejects you, then yes, I am hollow. I fail as a living being. My life, essentially, is meaningless. And yet, I live." 

She continues eating in silence, awaiting for more company to brighten her day. Her thoughts had grown cold, and Arian desired not to look so in too herself. It weighed her heart down too much. She eyes other kids, purposely ignoring Caesar and Miyuki. A sudden thought crosses her mind, and she digs out her crumpled schedule from her pocket. She smoothes it out, after popping a tomato in her mouth, and scans over it. 

"Do you have any classes with me?" she thinks, hoping to lighten up. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @Destructus Kloud @Fazy


'I'm on the verge of a cure...Maybe I don't know. What classes do you have?' He felt bad for bringing down the mood. Normally he was a happy person but he needed someone to talk to about this stuff so he could progress in his mad scientist research. He smiled at her even though it was hard to see, it was there.



"What brought me to this school? Mostly having incredibly bad luck, around me, people tend to get injured a lot," Arian comments, still looking at the schedule regardless if it was right or not. Folding it back up, she spreads a layer of ranch over the salad and proceeds to dice her chicken, and then add it into her mixture. She smiles back at Smoke, and sends him a thought, "It's alright, don't worry about it."


"Anyways Caesar, how'd you get here? I mean, you look like a good kid, but are there any special reasons?" she inquires, turning the focus on him. Pausing critically, she smells a suspicious piece of unidentifiable food that had managed to get into her salad. She inspects it, and then sets it aside. As her thoughts wander, she finds herself inspecting Smoke again, what did he look like under that helm? 

Did he look like a dashing knight from the stories? Or was he like Caesar, resembling an aristocrat. The more she thought, the more she wanted to lift it up. 



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Ryujin silently turned and walked closely to A. He quickly placed his left arm under her knees and lifted her up causing her to fall backwards into his right arm so he could carry her. "Xiuruk is a demon of unmatched terror. just looking at him makes me wish I could shrink down to nothing so I could avoid his gaze." he then started walking again. He explained what rooms they where passing to Sestuna. At least the ones he knew of. However he fell silent again as they past a loud room. that room was the cafeteria but Ryujin kept walking past it still carrying A.

@Olivia Acerbi

"Well, it's your standard story really. Just your average guy doing average guy things at school when I get into some trouble. Long story short I wake up a monster. People who used to be my peers, family and friends alike began to fear me, fear what I became I guess. Then, my parents, being rich and well known in some areas, managed to secure me a place here for 'special students' or some crap like that." He finished his cola, "Oh, and you're probably wondering why I qualify as a 'special student'. Well, watch." He went to crush the can into his forehead, but it instead kept going until his palm was flat on his head. When he removed the gloved hand, some small metal flecks blew away on a breeze, but otherwise the can was missing, "I disintegrate anything that touches my skin. For some reason only these tuxedos my parents sent me aren't affected. So that's why I dress this way all the time." He explained. He honestly had a love/hate relationship with his powers, but it was leaning more to the hate side. It had it's uses and it gave him incredible power, but was all that worth it when he destroyed everything he touched? Caesar didn't think so, at least not right now anyway.

"What about you? Surely Ms Pretty over here isn't just in  this school because of her looks?" He asked, grinning at her with restored humour. 

@SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu


"What brought me to this school? Mostly having incredibly bad luck, around me, people tend to get injured a lot," Arian comments, still looking at the schedule regardless if it was right or not. Folding it back up, she spreads a layer of ranch over the salad and proceeds to dice her chicken, and then add it into her mixture. She smiles back at Smoke, and sends him a thought, "It's alright, don't worry about it."


"Anyways Caesar, how'd you get here? I mean, you look like a good kid, but are there any special reasons?" she inquires, turning the focus son him. Pausing critically, she smells a suspicious piece of unidentifiable food that had managed to get into her salad. She inspects it, and then sets it aside. She finds herself inspecting Smoke again, what did he look like under that helm? 

Did he look like a dashing knight from the stories? Or was he like Caesar, resembling an aristocrat. The more she thought, the more she wanted to lift it up. 




Caesar looks up and noticed the paper she'd taken out, "What's that? Some kind of schedule, perhaps? If it's related to school then it may be wrong. Apparently the staff had a rework of the classes. We should get them redone version tomorrow though." He smiled as Smoke asked about the drink. Thinking, he said, "Yeah, it's not water. It's kind of like a chemically made drink that tastes pretty good. It's not amazingly good for you though, so I wouldn't advise having many." He finished his burger and took another sip of his cola. It had only been a day or so and already he'd made so many friends and done so much. Caesar liked it here, and then wondered whether Smoke was able to hear what he'd just thought. 

"So anyways, what brings everyone here? To the school I mean, why this one specifically?"

@Fazy @SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu (Went to get a snack :P )

'Thanks dude. Do they have black water though?' He asked. He felt the peering eyes of Arian and looked at her. He turned to Ceaser. 'His name fits him well...A man of power who could abuse such said power...' He thinks to himself. It was interesting and certainly threatening to him. He grabbed a sandwich and a water bottle. He sat down at a table and waited for his friends.

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