Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Smoke smiled at the two. The two love birds were cute. The aristocrat and the terrifying damsel, quite the match if he said so himself, and by damn he did. He sat back down and said to them 'Should I leave? So you guys can have some one on one time?' 

@SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud

(Sorry that I'm the first one that replies to you.)
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Caesar smiled, extending his own fist, albeit slightly nervously, "Sure, no problem. Excuse my lack of nerve right now though. I'm a little tense when I have to make contact with people. I'm sure you can understand why." He bumped her fist with his and his hand came back. He seemed triumphant, like he'd achieved something very difficult for him.

"Anyway, you don't have to talk about your past leading up to here if you don't want to. I suppose it takes time to get used to whatever it is that now ails you, same as us all." He then glanced at Smoke and smiled conceitedly for a fleeting moment, "You know, I'm getting a real sense of deja vu right now." He said, chuckling as he thought back to that one time with Fley and Ryujin. It was exactly the same, except... 

"Except you kill everything you touch, right?" He thought to himself, his cynical inner voice snarled at him, "Except one finger could potentially kill everyone here, right?" He shook his head sadly. He didn't want to think about that, there was enough negativity around right now, the least anyone else needs is him having self pitying thoughts.

"So..." Caesar hummed for a moment, trying to lighten the mood, "You guys wanna do anything? We have a combat field for sparring, a nice garden, I think there was a TV with games and consoles somewhere and there's a bunch of other stuff like archery or horse riding. Or we could just wander around if you'd both prefer?" He asked.

@SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu



In that one small tap, that fist to fist, Arian saw something she'd never think to see in one as bold as Caesar, vulnerability. She ponders aloud about his suggestion, "Well, I can't fight at all, I'm an excellent gamer, and most animals seem to like me, so what about you, Smoke? What would you do?" 


She tried to express her joy at the trio finally acting as friends do. Before... the curse, she'd never had really anyone to call a friend. Now she had two. To some that might not be enough, or a lot at all, but to Arian, they were currently a lamp on a dark path. Something to guide her to a better state of mind. 


"Or do you guess wanna do something really lame like eerie, meanie, my- nnie, mo to decide?" she asks, snorting in amusement at her own suggestion. 



Realization finally hit Ryo as he soon found out, one does not simply send their room door flying out of the window and expect everything to be alright. What with the huge hole in the wall from the door colliding with the window panes and the currently doorless opening to the room, things were pretty breezy.

So what did Ryo do? Why he simply shrugged his shoulders and placed his bag by his bed before he decided to one thing and one thing only.

"Alright! Time for some food! Nothing like a good meal to get the blood flowing!"

Ryo stood up, proceeded to move towards the hole in the wall, and jump out of it, landing on the outside pavement. He stood up and grinned before walking off to find the cafeteria. Ryo paused when he was struck with a stunning revelation. 

Throwing his hand up in exasperation, Ryo yelled towards the sky, "CRAP, I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS!"

(I kinda don't know where Raiku is, so I just wanted to get Ryo moving, someone wanna help the idiot?) 
(Lol, Darksouls as well)

Hmm, well I never really got into video games much but id be more than willing to give it a go if you two want." He replied, shrugging. He was fine just to hang out. He got up and put his tray away when he heard this really loud yell from outside. He opened a window and looked out to see some large guy screaming at the sky from the side path, "Hey, err, are you okay? Not lost or anything?"

(I'm actually really into gaming irl. :P )

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun @YungJazz
Ryo stopped his cursing of gods, devils, and pretty much anything he could think of when he heard a male voice asking if he was okay. Ryo looked up to see a.....oh great, a blond pretty boy, probably an upstanding citizen too.

Screw it, beggars can't be choosers, but doesn't mean he has to like it. Ryo stood and sent slight glare at the blond man's direction, crossing his arms and a beastly snarl on his face.

"Oi, blonde tuxedo kamen, you know where to grab some grub?"

@Destructus Kloud

(Aha! Rival spotted, be prepared for sarcastic remarks, bad influences, and violent times kloud!)
(Same here! Woooooo gamers! Skyrim is more of my type of game though :P


"Then it's settled! Gaming it is! Does anyone have any Mountain Dew or chips? We have to game like there's no tomorrow!" Arian states, slamming a fist on the table to further her declaration.  Her golden locks curl around her face, framing the determined warrior girl. After realizing a minor detail, her stance falters. 

" Wait... were is this place anyway? Kinda hard to lead a quest in search of something we have no idea the location of," she reveals, looking to Caesar, as it was he who'd brought it up. Just when she was getting hyped, he better have a good answer! However, he leans out a window, helping some passerby. What a gentleman! She frowns to herself, for this conflicted with a variety of her previous ones. She shakes her head and awaits a response.

@Destructus Kloud @TheGreyCthulhu
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(Totally didn't have to restart my computer or anything)

"Yeah, sure, in here. Just, err, hop through the window I guess. The foods good here though." He smiled at the other guy despite his less than friendly demeanour. Then, turning back to Arian, he pointed to another hallway leading into the room, "I've actually got a console in my room with a tv. My parents like to send me stuff. My room's that way if you guys wanna hang there?" He offered. He didn't mind then being there and he hadn't seen his roommate yet, but he was sure they'd be okay with it, seeing as they hadn't shown up yet. 

@YungJazz @SolistheSun @TheGreyCthulhu (I gave up and am on my phone now. :P )
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Aurelion Sol


Walking around the river,Aurelion did finish his training.However,Aurelion notice apart from finding two weirdos and one friends,he did not really much thing in this school.He sigh before looking in the sky one last time and went to the beautiful garden of the school,a bird on his shoulder.Aurelion was missing his old home,but in fact he had to go at this school for some reasons.Admiring this place was atleast satisfying for him.
Ryo nodded his head in thanks before crouching down and leaping towards the window, landing on the ledge and lunging himself into the cafeteria. He stood up and looked around at the group the blond guy was with. Lanky guy, check, hot ass blond with a rocking bod, check. Yup, this blond guy was popular, oh the humanity!

Ryo shook his head to get rid of the aggressive thought. He passed by Caeser, clapping his hand on his shoulder in thanks.

"Thanks blond butler guy, was dying to get some eats, you're good in my book," Ryo paused before nodding his head and reaching into one of his many pockets and pulling out can, this underage thug had a beer can in his pocket. Ryo then placed it in Caeser's hands and smiled.

"Here's something to show my thanks! You're good people blond guy, names Ryo, see ya around."

Ryo walked off to grab some food, proud of his act of friendship, not realizing he just gave an underage person a alcoholic beverage that Ryo himself had previously stolen from a store.

@Destructus Kloud


Auriel Dwelle

"So, you mean that you're going to kill us just because we tried to help you?, Jeez, you demons are complicated..." Auriel said with a tired sigh as she released her flies, healing A's wounds as Auriel waved at Setsuna with a small smile, and thus Auriel made her way to the desk, sitting on the chair.

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Obsidian

"Help me? Asking the very reason for the first cataclysm for help and then trapping me in a state of disrepair doesn't sound like helping to me.", A keeps her back to Auriel. She holds her arm out bringing her sigil into view. She touches its seared surface, still hot as if freshly branded. "You people have done nothing but remind me why I hated you so much to begin with. You're all a bunch of unworthy, clueless morons.", A trailed off as she said this, turning her palms towards her and staring emptily at them.

"So what does that make me?", she thinks to herself, still completely unable to understand why God treated her and the others so unfairly, in favor of man. Her hands turn to fists as she pulls her legs into herself and lays in fetal position on the bed, head in hands. Introspectively, staring into nothing. 
Caesar raised an eyebrow at the 'butler' remark, but didn't comment on it. There was no need to start fights with people he'd just met, especially because he might actually hurt someone if he got angry. He was like the hulk in that respect, just not as muscled or brutish. Far from a butler in anyway, although he could see the funny side to his wardrobe predicament. 

Seeing that Smoke had left as soon as he saw the other guy, who had also gone straight to get some food, he found himself more or less alone with Arian, "So, do you want to get going then? It appears Smoke had something else to do." He said, completely forgetting about the beer in his hands. 

@SolistheSun@YungJazz (indeed it does xD  It'll be hard to anger Caesar, but if you do then watch out. I've planned some kind of final form that won't be fun to tangle with for him ;) )


Completely and utterly speechless, she makes vague motions from Caesar to the man who called himself Ryo. Arian finally just shrugs, giving up on trying to understand highschoolers. Even though, she kinda is one. Which made since, cause she really didn't know herself either. Yippee.... 

"Yeah, let's get going, shame Smoke left, well, it can't be helped," she says to him as she grabs her backpack and slings it around on her shoulders," Also, are you going to drink that or...?"  She points to the  beer can within Caesar's gloved hand. Her keen eyes meet his gaze, awaiting his reply. Back in the day, as long as you had permission from your parents, you could drink. Therefore, she had acquired a taste for the stuff. 

@Destructus Kloud
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"What?" He looked down at his hand, "Ah crap, I forgot. That guy, Ryo, gave it to me. I mean, yeah you can, but you'll be in trouble if anyone catches you." He warned out of concern, "Plus drinking is kinda bad for you as well, especially at this age." He said disapprovingly as they walked to his dorm. He wasn't sure what games he had, probably all of them knowing his parents, but he was sure whatever he had would be fine for them to play awhile. He opened the door to his room and stepped in, "Welcome to the grand castle." He said, sweeping a hand around his room. It was relatively clean with both beds tidy and little mess anywhere. Admittedly he'd only been living in it for a day, but he liked to think he was a guy that appreciated cleanliness. 



"Well, I have incredibly high metabolism, so it doesn't effect me at all," Arian replies, catching his disapproval. Luckily, they had taken the same route earlier, and she had snatched her two other bags up, and followed him all the way to his dorm. It wasn't much really, but it was tidy, and the floor was visible. So A for effort? She bows in return, "Thank you for your kind welcome, milord, it warms my heart so!" 

Knowing the statement was ridiculous, she laughs and sets her things in a vacant corner. "So where's your mighty collection of games?" she calls out as she rummages through her backpack and pulls out some cool ranch Doritos. Holding it up meticulously, she waves it back and forth along with pair of Mt Dew at hand. The only reason she had them was because she'd plan on gaming 24/7 when she wasn't studying.  The privileged can of booze was for later, when the ichor of the gods ran out.

"You want some too?" 

@Destructus Kloud
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Ryo had grabbed a plate and piled it high with an insane amount of food, satisfied with his haul, Ryo began walking around the school. Every so often he would take some food from his unnaturally tall tower of food and eat it whole, somehow balancing the large thing while walking around at the same time.

As Ryo got himself familiar with the local area, so that he wouldn't get lost even though we all know he would, he came across the infirmary and looked at it curiously. Ryo placed his hand on his chin in thought as he glanced at the infirmary sign, pondering if he should go in or not

"Huh, should probably get to know the doctor here, if i'm gonna be fighting guys, might as well know the person who can patch me up in case one of the jabronies gets a lucky hit in." Nodding his head in satisfaction, Ryo stepped into the infirmary to become friendly with the doctor.

Okay, two things. One, Ryo couldn't help but notice that the doctor was a ridiculously bodacious babe with hips that don't lie. And two, there seemed to be a red skinned hottie lying on the infirmary bed with a quite adorable scowl on her face.

Ryo then noticed the horns and immediately recognized what she was, "Neat, a devil, haven't seen one of those in a while, what's one of you're kind doing up here?"

@Olivia Acerbi

(Couldn't think of anything so I thought, hey, why not have Ryo go find other people and places?)


(Setsuna Hayate)


Setsuna subsequently follows in behind Ryujin and A which results in her uncoiling her extensive tail around the door-handle and wrapping it back around her waist on its own. “You know Nurse, even though i’m particularly new here, i’d be absolutely honored to assist you in your endeavours in helping our acquaintance here. I may not be what you consider a “Cleric” but I do dabble excessively in numerous amounts of witchcraft and sorcery! That’s if you need a helping hand at all, if not i’ll leave you to your work.” Setsuna declares to Auriel as she surveys most of the decorations and equipment in the spacious room. “However Ryujin, if this nurse doesn’t need any assistance at all, i’d be more than happy to join you for something to eat. All this walking around and my mother nagging at me constantly on the trip here really brought out my appetite.” She claims while wiggling her nose softly from the lingering smell of various types of food entering through the cracked-open door of the infirmary.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre

(Site was acting up earlier. Late reply sorry.)
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