Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


(Setsuna Hayate)


Setsuna sighs out of complete irritation after hearing A’s insulting and rude remarks towards her. “You know, if anything you shouldn’t be upset at me. It was Daji who threatened you, not me. Besides aren’t we both demons in some significance? Except with different upbringings and tradition.” Setsuna replies before snatching a morsel of food off from the ceramic plate on A’s lap, she then scoffs after swallowing the small portion of the meal and turning her head in the direction of A. “Mach 15 if i’m being generous. I could sling-shot him across this galaxy if I so desired. Although i’m not exactly sure if the weight of his thick skull would dampen the velocity at which I throw him at.” She responds to A before being embraced by Ryo in his grasp which immediately makes her gasp and shift her startled eyes towards his direction while embarrassment suddenly fills her entire being after noticing that Ryo reversed the exact same tactic except with her.

“Heh, right. We’ll soon find out anyway. Hopefully the faculty don’t exactly mind scrapping your unconscious body off the ground after i’m through with you.” Setsuna says to him confidently and with vast amounts of pride showing her wicked smile and joy-filled tone as her embarrassment gradually lingers off of her face before turning to Auriel with an intrigued expression. “Any potion aye? Well not that I have really a need for it, but depending on the potion it could come in handy. As for hurting Ryo don’t worry, I don’t plan on getting into a conflict just yet.” Setsuna replies to Auriel before leisurely approaching the elixir compartments where she was previously stationed at and then rummaging through the cubby looking for specific potions.

She then shivers in moderate disgust after hearing A’s remark about her and Ryo. “Jeeze, you really are a twisted piece of work devil girl. Also as if! You think I would lower myself to his standards? Psh!” Setsuna responds to her while shifting her body further into the drawer while continuing to look for something that might draw her eye.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre

(Agreed, Ryo and Setsuna might have quite the interesting relationship with each other.)
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@YungJazz 9I have this thing called a job, they keep me in one place for hours at a time and tell me to do things. They are nice enough to give me money tho xD  Sorry, i didn't realize how fast this RP moved along...)

Auriel Dwelle

"W-Well you encouraged it!" Auriel defended herself, "And no, you're not dying, Luxor prevented that.....I think." she said with an wondering expression, she quickly sprinted to grab the plate before it crashed into the wall, she did catch it, but she tripped and fell face plant into the floor, "B-Be more c-careful with t-that!" she said with an annoyed expression towards A, as she released one of her flies, healing her wounds while she went towards a cabinet, grabbing a 'Liquid Pain Alliviator', and handed it to A, she then picked her 1.000$ free pizza ticket with her other hand from her pocket and handed it to Ryo.

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Obsidian
@RaikuKawisa (My bad, sorry I didn't wait. Felt like it would be boring, on the bright side, Ryo broke their room door and is now feuding with a fox so....go team dragon god dudes?)

Ryo honestly was offended when A said he was world star at best, "Oi woman! i'm at least freakin' TV material, and also," Ryo then pointed at Setsuna angrily with a giant generic tick mark on his head, "MY STANDARDS!? WOMAN! I. AM. A. FUCK. MOTHERING. DRAGON. GOD." Ryo threw his hand up in exasperation and anger.


Ryo stopped his yelling to intake a large gust of air and letting out a gasp of relief, done with his rant. He then grabbed his pizza ticket with a polite smile and a nod of his head at Auriel. He stowed it away in his pocket and turned to A while pulling two beer cans out of nowhere, placing one next to her.

Ryo popped open his can, forgetting he was in the presence of faculty, and took a sip and shooting A with a glare, " Trick, you're ass is the one stuck in the bed with some pudgy human form that you should in no shape or way have, stuck down with all them wounds and stuff. You're the fish in the pond. No, matter of fact, you're shit in the toilet." Ryo paused in his insults, as if something ran through his mind, before shooting A with a curious glance, "I've been meaning to ask A. Why do you look like that?" Squinting his eyes in thought before taking another sip and continuing.

"The last devil I met look nothing human whatsoever. He was down right terrifying actually, cause my gramps was the one who saved me from him. Hell, his descendant is pretty scary. But you..." Ryo poked A in the stomach to prove his point, "You're all pudgy and shit."

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre
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"Tell me....about you . I'm interested in such a cute person  like you." She finished her pizza and ate a pepper whole."

He blushed again, 'Cute? I'm...', "Oh...well..." he thought of something to hide his true self, but gave up on it. "Well, I lost my family when I was...8? And lived on the streets until I was 15...I lost my mom, aunt, and dog." he said sadly... "I never got to enjoy a real life, it was always either scrounging for food, or defending myself..." he said, a tear coming out of his left eye.

(Sorry was eating)
"I'm sorry.."she stood from her chair and sat by his side. "I'll give you as many hugs you want." She said, hugging him.

She lost her family a long time ago. She lost her adoptive mother as well and hasn't seen her adoptive brother for a long time.

He blushed again, 'Cute? I'm...', "Oh...well..." he thought of something to hide his true self, but gave up on it. "Well, I lost my family when I was...8? And lived on the streets until I was 15...I lost my mom, aunt, and dog." he said sadly... "I never got to enjoy a real life, it was always either scrounging for food, or defending myself..." he said, a tear coming out of his left eye.

(Sorry was eating)

(It's all good. .)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel basically took the two cans from A and Ryo's hands, made her way to the infirmary window, and threw them far away, all while proclaiming loudly, enough for whole infirmary to hear, "I. AM. DONE!" She yelled as she made her way to her desk and tried to force herself to sleep, she was tired of everything right now, she was almost raped yesterday, she gained the rivalry of a devil, whatever, she wanted to sleep

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Obsidian (Going to go catch some Z's right now, goodnight! those damn z's will not escape my wrath)
Cody watched as she stood, and sat next to him, when she hugged him he almost burst into tears, but he couldn't, 'Am I so sad, I'm emotionless?' he thought, he accepted the hug and hugged her back, he felt happy once again, he's never felt true happiness like this before, it's also been awhile since he's been hugged like this. It was a strange feeling to him.


Just some music that can fit the mood :'D
@YungJazz Your fine that was fair. 

Raiku ignored his roommate at first. His loud boisterous attitude did not sit well with the dragon. It didn't help that he had a feeling his roommate assumed he would be dead weight. However, as brash as Ryo was, he was also scatterbrained. Before Raiku could even introduce himself, he was already gone. "I'm going to need to brush off that protection Rune.." Raiku muttered to himself as he watched Ryo fly through the hole he made through the window. Raiku shook his head. He placed the yellowed scrolls on the bookshelf on his side of the room and then started placing marks in a semi-circle around the bookshelf. Once the marks were finished Raiku closed his eyes and let his energy flow into the marks, allowing them to shape the energy into something useful. When he was done, the marks had a slight glow to them. Satisfied with his work, Raiku got up and decided to see if he could find some food. His scrolls would be safe. It would take a great deal of force for something other than Raiku to get to those scrolls.

(So what is the current setting inthe Rp. at least for most of the ppl)
@Lucremoirre @Obsidian @YungJazz

(sorry I got distracted with something but OOOOHHHHHH! them be deathmatch words! tho I think you have my character confuzzled there, sport)

"We're more different than we are alike, I promise you.", A said to Setsuna as she posted herself up against the wall using it to walk. "You know what though? Once Xiuruk and I hash this out, we should take this to combat field! It's been legit eons since I've been able to thoroughly kick somebody's ass. Oh, and bring you mom too.", A reaches Auriel's chair. "Aw, yea. Time to get turnt!", A exclaims as Auriel hands her the pain killer but then she hears Ryo's remarks and goes absolutely silent, her face completely void of emotion. She cocks her head slowly towards him. "What did you just call me? Are you out of your goddamn mind? I'm gonna fillet you alive and put you back together inside out then I'm gonna tear you pathetic lizard soul out through you ass and use it as a trash bag. Do you have any idea who you're f*cking dealing with you over-sized iguana? I create dimensions for fun, just to torture the condemned. I could wipe you and your entire lineage out of existence. Do you understand? I will zero-sum you, motherf*cker! You never existed!", A used what little strength she had could muster to throw Auriel's chair at Ryo. "Oh, YOU ARE SOOOOO FUCKED when I get this seal off!", she yells. 

I guess the file broke on the CS but that's A 

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((Lovely music((     :,) 

Kagami smiled as she hugged Cody. Her eyes traveled over to his neck , but she looked away.

"No more crying...okay ! After you are finish we can go to the arcade and do some shopping" she pulled back and looked to his face. "Promise to be happy?"

Cody watched as she stood, and sat next to him, when she hugged him he almost burst into tears, but he couldn't, 'Am I so sad, I'm emotionless?' he thought, he accepted the hug and hugged her back, he felt happy once again, he's never felt true happiness like this before, it's also been awhile since he's been hugged like this. It was a strange feeling to him.


Just some music that can fit the mood :'D


(Setsuna Hayate)


Setsuna had begun to gawk at Ryo’s statements while brushing her delicate fingers through the pink strands of her bangs after finding a mysterious and unlabeled concoction swirling around in glass vial which she placed into her baggage she left near the infirmary's front entrance. She then begins to chuckle quite softly afterwards. “For someone who i’d consider to be rather vexatious at times, you are genuinely humorous. I haven’t come across a personality such as yourself in quite a long time. Although there was this one person.. However I don’t think you two would get along that much.” She stated to him before brushing her hand underneath her chin in a contemplative posture as she begun to approach Ryo once more.

“Dragon God, hmm? So you annihilate all-powerful beings and are capable of consuming worthy deities? Despite the fact that i’m not exactly into individuals that devour people on a regular basis, you’ve managed to spark my interest.” She declared to Ryo while she positioned herself onto one of the chairs across from him making herself comfortable as she crossed her legs over each other while leaning forward and placing her hands underneath her chin. Setsuna was now captivated by the arrogant statements and boastful confidence of what Ryo said. “Interesting a divine dragon that’s proficient in destruction on multiple levels?! How jaw-dropping, even though you're a great source of irritation, I believe i’d be rather entertained by your tales. Setsuna responds to him before noticing Auriel’s outburst of anger causing her to sit backwards out of surprise, her eyes follow Auriel’s movements as she walks out of the room and into her office. “Yikes, she was so calm and innocent a minute ago, I wonder what caused her to erupt in such a fury?” She stated in a puzzled questioning tone to the others inside of the infirmary then looking back at A. "My mother Daji is very strong. I can't even describe the unimaginable feats that she's capable of. However this Xiuruk being sounds like he's on a whole different level of almighty in comparison to her. I've only met handful of people that are stronger than her." She responds to A while fluttering her tails back and forth against her waist out of anticipation.

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz
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((Lovely music((     :,) 

Kagami smiled as she hugged Cody. Her eyes traveled over to his neck , but she looked away.

"No more crying...okay ! After you are finish we can go to the arcade and do some shopping" she pulled back and looked to his face. "Promise to be happy?"

Cody nodded, "Yeah...Promise!" he said smiling, "I think I'm good for right now..." he said, taking out a small roll of money and setting the payment on the table, the pizza was pretty much gone anyways. He looked at Kagami again, feeling much more different than ever, he felt loved, like he actually mattered.

(I have another one but there's no need for it yet :D)
@Lucremoirre @Obsidian @YungJazz

(sorry I got distracted with something but OOOOHHHHHH! them be deathmatch words! tho I think you have my character confuzzled there, sport)

"We're more different than we are alike, I promise you.", A said to Setsuna as she posted herself up against the wall using it to walk. "You know what though? Once Xiuruk and I hash this out, we should take this to combat field! It's been legit eons since I've been able to thoroughly kick somebody's ass. Oh, and bring you mom too.", A reaches Auriel's chair. "Aw, yea. Time to get turnt!", A exclaims as Auriel hands her the pain killer but then she hears Ryo's remarks and goes absolutely silent, her face completely void of emotion. She cocks her head slowly towards him. "What did you just call me? Are you out of your goddamn mind? I'm gonna fillet you alive and put you back together inside out then I'm gonna tear you pathetic lizard soul out through you ass and use it as a trash bag. Do you have any idea who you're f*cking dealing with you over-sized iguana? I create dimensions for fun, just to torture the condemned. I could wipe you and your entire lineage out of existence. Do you understand? I will zero-sum you, motherf*cker! You never existed!", A used what little strength she had could muster to throw Auriel's chair at Ryo. "Oh, YOU ARE SOOOOO FUCKED when I get this seal off!", she yells. 

I guess the file broke on the CS but that's A 

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 XDXD ))

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