Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Auriel Dwelle

"W-Well to be clear I am only a nurse, my job is to heal, not to supervise students!" Auriel defended herself with a neurotic smile, "You still got him injured! and you just said you're going to actually try to kill him in your next battle!" she scolded the boy, "And you think harmony, the exact opposite of fighting, is achieved by fighting?!" she asked him with a stern tone.

@kenchin @Kisaki 
Axel simply luaghed " hahaha its because it was a wake up call after all i have to use the Sky Flames and touch him and you are talking to me a Hitman trained by the best hitman in the world Reborn so yea i was going easy on him not to hurt him much but his kind can only learn from fighting strong oppenets " said axel while he got up and a dark flame appared in his hand's " but if i used this lets just say " he touches a chair and its just crumbled to piece's " i would have taken his life force


Lydia was taken aback from Caesar's sudden change in mood. Before she had a chance to retaliate back, and with quite a temper, the untouchable teenager had already gone into the building too far for her to yell at. Why does everyone say she has issues? Seriously, A said she had social awkwardness, Fley just calls her a creep and now Caesar says she has confidence issues. Lydia pondered for a moment if she was doing something wrong, and decided not to delve into that topic when she has bigger issues to worry about now.

She needed some time to think about how every relationship has gone, and why. Maybe it was the way she acted? Perhaps she's trying to get too much attention to herself? Or maybe it was how she told people her opinions on views? Lydia was considering on changing her personality up a bit. Maybe be a bit more calm, less aggressive. No, she was trying to do that with Caesar already and look at how that ended up. Lydia layed on the ground in front of a bench and just thought. Why?

@Destructus Kloud (Shit has certainly gone down xD)
( @Cheryl Actually this is perfect because I need to go to sleep now. Oh, and Caesar will probs come back to apologise later, but feel free to have your char worry about it. :P )
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Luxor twitched as the chair crumbled.He had to stop thinking about now ruined chair. "You students need to know how to use your powers in the right time. The nurse has been very busy and needs a rest. Make sure to tell your fellow classmates to be responsible and think before using an attack."

Axel simply luaghed " hahaha its because it was a wake up call after all i have to use the Sky Flames and touch him and you are talking to me a Hitman trained by the best hitman in the world Reborn so yea i was going easy on him not to hurt him much but his kind can only learn from fighting strong oppenets " said axel while he got up and a dark flame appared in his hand's " but if i used this lets just say " he touches a chair and its just crumbled to piece's " i would have taken his life force


(I like how Luxor and everyone else just let A limp out of the infirmary to do god knows what. *cough* find Xiuruk *cough* possible summoning*cough* the Bearer of Light *cough*)
( pffft, unless you want Caesar to come and start disintegrating fools, he's going to his room to cool off. xD )

Jonetsu paced around her office quickly, ignoring pretty much everything around her. "Well I got that done....I'm finishing up that...I'll get Yana to assist with that. It's not like she....he...whatever gender they are right now do anything that's productive. This way I won't be interrupting the people who are actually doing their jobs," she mumbled stuff to herself as she worked. It seemed like her schedule only had work in it not consisting of anything else excluding the few times she would go out to ''eat''. To her surprise and pleasure there was much less sexual energy going through this school than she had expected.She heard teenagers were full of hormones so she expected to have something going through the air. She put her work on a desk and paused once she noticed somebody. "How long have you been there?" she asked this person who was more than likely a student. How had she not noticed her? She most of been so engrossed that she wasn't paying much attention. 

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"Ah.... hello... " Arian was thrown off by the woman's appearance immediately, but then briefly recalled her as one of the staff members from the pamphlet," N-not long. I just got here." 

The blonde turns to one of the satchels and pulls out a cluster of papers. After shuffling them into a neat pile, she offers them up to the secretary by sliding them across the countertop.  She inwardly berated herself. No matter how one looked, the other person must be treated as an equal, and if they are your elder, even more so. 

"These are my transcripts, I'm the new kid... Arian Fulhumn."

God. She sounded awful. But seriously, what did you say to someone who had wings jutting out their back and odd batwing shaped horns, or were they extra ears? She didn't know, and so she lapsed into an awkward silence. She looks down, her blue eyes catching a snippet of her name on the files and she pulls herself together.

"I need to go to my dorms and unpack, but... I don't know where they are, or... anything really..." she stops, biting a finger as she thinks to herself, "Is there a student that can show me to my dormitory?" 
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Axel simply smiled " don't worry about money ill cover it and yea she looks extremely tired after this few day's of people fighting and causing trouble " axel got up and simply smiled and waved goodbye " sorry for the trouble ill repay you guys for everything okay " after a few minutes axel looked worried i wonder if Kori is doing okay i kinda stromed off because i had a tantrum i hope she dosen't hate me for it " said axel looking for Kori 


"Oi, where the hell am I?"

Squinting at the map of the school in frustration, Ryo couldn't make heads or tails of where he was at. Stupid old man dropping him off in the middle of the place and then chucking all his stuff at him, why when Ryo got back, he'd kick his ass to the curb.

Ryo continued down, his eyes still glaring at the school map, hoping it would magically catch on fire. He sighed before lowering the map and glaring at the sky.

"I know you're getting a kick out of this old man! And when see you and pops again, I'M KICKING BOTH YOUR ASSES!"

With that, our new resident delinquent put the map away and looked towards the building he would be staying, already cursing his parents for ruining his fun and sending him here. Why couldn't they just have let him go around bagging bad chicks and beating bad guys, IT WAS PART OF HIS IMAGE DANGIT! They could at least have given him a warning before having his gramps teleport in and send him flying into this place. Now he was lost, didn't know where he was staying, and finally....


Ryo took a seat where he was, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, he lit it up and took a quick puff before exhaling and looking to the sky and sighing once again. His eyebrow began twitching before he stood up with clenched fists and yelled:


(Looking forward to this! haven't found a good RP in a while, time for the idiocy to shine!)
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A stumbles through the halls, drawing some attention with her tattered clothes and wounded mien. She ignored or declined offers to help her, they couldn't if they tried. 

"Does this place have to be so damn big? I don't even know where I am." Having never had to actually know where anything was or actually travel there, A was totally lost in the campus. "Ah f**ck, this 'injury' stuff is a real pain in the everything. Shouldn't there be some kind of map or something?" A said as she leaned against the pillar of a canopy collecting herself. 

"There's gotta be something here I remember.", A surveyed the area for anything that'd give her some bearing. "Aha, there's that eyesore of a watchtower. Which means the Condorm™ should be over.....there.", she says spotting the lone balcony, jutting out of the side of the dormitory building. 

"It's something....I can plan my next move from there."

She pushed herself off the pillar and began making the slow hobble towards the building. 

Jesus christ! Looks like Luxor has to run after .

Jonetsu stared at her for a few seconds and came to a conclusion almost immediately. Ah. She's human. it was exactly hard for her to pick up on it. She could tell from her way of acting and not to mention she didn't give off the same energy as mostly everyone there. "Welcome Ms. Fulhumn to Luxor Academy. You caught me at a sort of bad time but no matter. I am Jonetsu Yokubo a succubus and a assistant to the principal here. Please call me Ms.Yokubo" it was best to keep introductions quick so as not to waste any time. It's not like they wore name tags...mostly because she found them stupid and explained how Yana would most likely throw it away once they were out of sight. "Well I can get somebody to lead you unless you're fine with a map type thing that's somewhere under...." she gave a long pause while looking under a few papers then in a desk drawer before finding what looked like  a small book. "It's something to guide you. I believe your new roommate will already be in the room but I'm not sure. But keep in mind you need to bring that book back later." there wasn't really anything special about that book it was just the only guide they had ever since Maddie had destroyed her office that one time. Yep...still pisses her off.

@SolistheSun (Having minor internet problems...)


Kori wasn't really dwelling on it and was actually just freezing things for entertainment. He could do whatever he wanted because he was own person she told herself. She was completely unfazed....or looked like she was anyway. A snowstorm was basically following her leaving mostly everything covered in snow. She had noticed that much but thought nothing of it. Maybe I should of waited....I should look for him...To see if he's okay.. she thought before she subconsciously started to search for him herself.

Ryujin found himself wandering through the gardens. The air smelled sweet and it was full of peaceful silence. It annoyed him. "Guess I can give it a shot." He held out his hand and electricity crawled into his hand and solidified into a small flute. He raised the flute to his lips and began to play. The eerie sound pierced the quite air. 

(Open for interaction)

( if anyone is curious there is the song)
Ryujin found himself wandering through the gardens. The air smelled sweet and it was full of peaceful silence. It annoyed him. "Guess I can give it a shot." He held out his hand and electricity crawled into his hand and solidified into a small flute. He raised the flute to his lips and began to play. The eerie sound pierced the quite air. 

(Open for interaction)

( if anyone is curious there is the song)

(he should play this instead

Axel was looking for Kori and he noticed that some of the halways were getting frozen so he started to fallow the ice with a worried look " damn she is sad or angry right now i better appoligies to Kori and soon " axel moving a bit faster he noticed that she was walking around frezzing the Hall's "Really i am so sorry but why are you making chirtmas so early in the year




"Are you sure Ms. Yokubo? I mean, if it's your only copy... I don't wish to loose it. I have... very bad luck," Arian replied, quickly glancing at the general direction of the dormitory in the book before handing the surprisingly detailed book back,, "I'll be fine on my own." 

It was a relief, though the school was large, everything seemed to have it's designated place. As her cerebellum no longer processes pain, instead it allows her to track and find patterns easier. She re-shoulders her bags, as they are uncomfortably heavy, and pops her back. She shifts, giving the secretary a respectful nod.

"Thank you Ms. Yokubu, I'll find you later if I have any problems, " Arian turns to the right, but pauses before exiting her office, "It was nice meeting you." 

Then she slips down a hallway and through a set of doors to open, clean air. The area looks very much like a park, trees, shrubs along with picnic table strew the area. She pauses, and looks around, or more specifically, up. If her brain was right, she needed to find the astronomy tower, and then figure out which way to the dormitory. Except.... was that music?

She follows the eerie sound, as it'll most likely lead to another person. And what was the worst that could happen? Be chopped to bits? Be swallowed whole? 

However, the person she stumbles upon isn't what she is excepting.... at all. Taller than she, and blonde. And having a completely normal looks. Yay. She had approached quietly thus far, but a hateful tree root pitches her forward, along with her bags, onto the ground. 

"S-sorry... your music was so lovely.... I didn't mean to interrupt, " she squeaks out, quickly picking up her things. Back in the day, her parents often took her to the opera house to listen to music. At being caught in this particular instance.... was mildly embarrassing, and she could feel her face flush red. 

@Dante Verren @TaraSobiki
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Smoke saw him left and shrugged. At least someone could actually talk with him...but that didn't matter if they had no interest in him. 'Oh well. Their loss.' He thinks to himself jokingly. He soon laid down in the grass and started to have dreams of home. They weren't dreams, they were more nightmares. He woke up shaking as if cold even though the sun was beautifully shining.


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