Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Okay, after you, madam." He said, bowing toward the way out, "It's like way past lesson times as well right now, so I don't think they're on today. Either that or we're missing loads of classes right now." He laughed, "I'm probably wrong on that front though, Luxor or someone else would have told us if there were lessons currently on. Plus I've seen loads of people just out and about, so it's unlikely. Still, it's a nice day though, right?" The suns rays were indeed shining through the schools' windows and there were only a few clouds dotted around.

@Cheryl (Nah, I go time now. Like, *I'm doing literally nothing* kind of time.)
"Don't call me madam, I want to be treated as human as possible. You do know that I was a human once right?" said Lydia, lurching to the right as she tried to walk over to the exit. She didn't know quite how useful the horns were at balancing her out, since she definitely did feel a difference in weight. "Well there's been a lot of stuff going on so I assume it's because of that. Besides, I've been injured so I wouldn't do any lessons today anyway. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have fixed this." she replied. When she finally exited the infirmary into the outside world Lydia had some scrapes from ramming into the wall and using it as a support. Either Lydia was extremely heavy or extremely weak. She'll find out at some point at this school she was sure. 

Honey was holding onto her right horn and flying, lessening the weight and allowing Lydia to walk properly. Albeit a bit off center.

@Destructus Kloud 
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"Hey it was just a joke! No need to get snappy at me." Caesar raised his eyebrows at what she said next, "Really? Then how did you become... How you are now?" He asked, genuinely interested. It was unheard of for the human body to evolve this spectacularly, which meant she had either been involved in some crazy experiment, force mutation by nature or magic. Either way, it was something Caesar was keen to know. Maybe the cause could lead to the reversal of his body's... Side effects. 




It had been a long flight. And a four hour drive. Arian was tired of sitting on her butt watching the scenery go by. Actually, if she saw another chair she might just launch it. She sighs, rubbing her elbows and reads over her schedule. It was... odd, as where the pictures of the staff. But considering where she was going, it was probably ordinary there. Immersed in her own thoughts, she failed to prepare herself for any sort of disturbance, and her head was thrown roughly against the seat in front of her as her chauffeur slammed on the vehicle's brakes. A muffled apology comes from the driver's seat and she just shakes her head.

Blasted modern technology!

Though, it did nothing to damage her, save for scattering her wavy golden locks. Pain no longer bothered her at all. The doctors were quite stumped by it. The parts of her brain that registered pain, brain stem, thalamus and cerebral cortex,  had all been greatly altered, allowing her no pain, as the pain would be unimportant to her body, and thus the body broke it down and got rid of it. Arian checked over her luggage once more, a couple of bags containing modern clothes and one that contained some essentials, that's it. Nervous, she bites her lip. She had been relentlessly cultured about the modern day way of life, but... she still used terms that most of the kids great great grandparents would of used. 

More gently this time, the chauffeur slows the vehicle, and pulls to a stop. Never missing a beat, he hops out, and opens the door, bowing to his charge. Arian bows back and grabs her luggage before he could help her, causing him to halt in confusion before backing away - understanding her wishes. The backpack slipped over her shoulders and a bag went over each shoulder. She was set. 

"Thank you~" she smiles to him, and then he turns and shuts the door and proceeds to drive away, leaving her alone on the deserted sidewalk. Taking a deep breath, she steps forward, each step with more and more determination. 

However, at the doors she hesitates, only slightly, before shoving through them. 

Only... to be met with a common office? 

Wasn't what she expected but hey, at least it wasn't something that could reduce her to splinters in ten seconds. 

Warily she calls out, "Hello? New student?" 
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Smoke watched the violent situation play out and smiled. 'Yes pheasants! Fight for my amusement!' He thought to himself as a sense of playfulness overwhelmed him. The guy named Axel seemed hurt, so he walked up to him and offered him a warm white crystal. 'Do you speak sign language?' The mute said in sign language. 


(Rorouni Kenshin is the best manga ever btw. 0.0)

Axel looked at smoke and simply did with most of his strenght a simply sign language say that he will be fine he is going to the Nurses' office " axel then started to head to the nurse's office with blood leaking through the hall way when he noticed a someone new and his heart skipped a beat seeing her axel just looked away blushing and simply said " you looking for someone they will be here soon but if your looking for the Head master Fallow me to the Nurse's office i can sense him their " said axel looking kinda nervous and after a few minute's he arrived in the nurse's office looking at Luxor and at the Nurse and Ryujin " yo how's everyone doing here " he said smiling "




@Dante Verren
"Long story short I was walking through a forest and then BAM. Weirdo bugs found me, got mad and now I'm here. Being called a freak by people like Fley who don't know that I used to be normal once, not knowing magic exists." huffed Lydia. It really was a long story short, she skipped out all of her childhood antics and how she reacted to the monstrous insects. If memory serves her right then Honey might be one himself, but Lydia wasn't too sure. She meekly flapped her wings as a meager attempt to lighten the weight on her right side, since Honey had stopped helping as he was too tired himself. 

@Destructus Kloud ( @SolistheSun You can join us outside in the garden ^^)
(Yaaaaay! xD  Me thinks you will be a very fun person to rp with. Just like, notice me and spider girl by the front entrance all the way from your dorm and swing by. Actually, I think you already passed us. :P  @SolistheSun)
Axel looked at smoke and simply did with most of his strenght a simply sign language say that he will be fine he is going to the Nurses' office " axel then started to head to the nurse's office with blood leaking through the hall way when he noticed a someone new and his heart skipped a beat seeing her axel just looked away blushing and simply said " you looking for someone they will be here soon but if your looking for the Head master Fallow me to the Nurse's office i can sense him their " said axel looking kinda nervous and after a few minute's he arrived in the nurse's office looking at Luxor and at the Nurse and Ryujin " yo how's everyone doing here " he said smiling "




@Dante Verren

Luxor sighed ,' So many student inside the infirmary.' He looked over to the students entering in and greeting the people inside.
"Hmm... Interesting." It was as he had suspected then. His mind was currently very distracted now, both flitting through possible remedies for Lydia for her bug-body problem to the new girl who had just walked by. And damn was she good looking. Caesar had refrained from going out with anyone at school back when he was a regular human, despite his popularity. He'd preferred to study and continue with his hobbies than devote time to another person. Now that devoting time to someone like that was no longer an option for him, he almost wished he could have someone like that. It was so true, people always want what they can't have. Well right now, there was too much that Caesar couldn't have and it was eating away at him. 

Shaking his head, he turned  his full attention back to Lydia, "Well that makes two of us then. I was never this... Untouchable, I guess. Just like you, I was a good ol' fashioned human, as average as they come, from a powered person's perspective of course." He sighed, "Back then... Those were the days." He trailed off, becoming slightly lost in thought, remniscing over the times when he was still a non-powered human. 

"Hmm... Interesting." It was as he had suspected then. His mind was currently very distracted now, both flitting through possible remedies for Lydia for her bug-body problem to the new girl who had just walked by. And damn was she good looking.

Axel looked at Luxor and smiled a kind smile " ahh yea old man sorry but ill heal up soon " Axel sat down and started to use Bright Yellow Flame's and healing some of his wounds " but yea old man i was wondering if my Master Reborn sent you the letter or do i have to tell you here or in your office later today " said axel while he waited to be healed but the nurse just his internal wounds and messed up arm " oh Ryujin lets have a nice spar again later but next one i might acually try and kill you"


@Dante Verren
"I unfortunately been busy and have not received any letters. You can tell me later I'd it's not so urgent." he raised a brow.

Keeping up with financial services and student profiles was a tiring task....angles don't get tired , but looking at papers does get boring. "I l will be available in 20 minutes if that's at your liking."

Axel looked at Luxor and smiled a kind smile " ahh yea old man sorry but ill heal up soon " Axel sat down and started to use Bright Yellow Flame's and healing some of his wounds " but yea old man i was wondering if my Master Reborn sent you the letter or do i have to tell you here or in your office later today " said axel while he waited to be healed but the nurse just his internal wounds and messed up arm " oh Ryujin lets have a nice spar again later but next one i might acually try and kill you"


@Dante Verren
Ryujin felt his smile turn into a weird mix of a smile and a snarl as axel made his appearance. "It seems that this room is now to crowded. Thank you once again Mrs.Nurse." He then made his way out of the infirmary and into the hallway. He had no idea where he was going but continued walking. "That kid has a lot of gutts thinking he can kill me. I didn't eve have to use my true form." he sighed loudly. "Guess their goes trying to avoid making anymore trouble."



Axel smiled naw its just the same old same old the Vongola appereciate you for taking me in as a student ask for anything you want and they will provided it lalala so on and so on simply their happy i came to your school to learn how to control my Dying will of Darkness well basicly Death's Aura " said axel while looking at the nurse and everyone with a simple smile "


"Well at least you still look like a normal guy. Now people like Fley and A are going around and hating me. Yippee." Said Lydia, sarcastically saying the last part. She started to think of the beautiful lake by her house, and how everyday she would go out into the woods to discover something new and enjoy her life. Ever since that incident things have never been the same, with this school taking her in and injuring her badly. If things were going to keep on pulling her apart, Lydia was sure to flee the second they try to pull off her legs. She knows that some people do that to bugs, so why wouldn't they do the same with her? "I'm sure you'll find a lovely life one day, even if you can't touch anything. I have to stay the rest of my life as a monster in a fairy tale.:

@Destructus Kloud
Axel smiled naw its just the same old same old the Vongola appereciate you for taking me in as a student ask for anything you want and they will provided it lalala so on and so on simply their happy i came to your school to learn how to control my Dying will of Darkness well basicly Death's Aura " said axel while looking at the nurse and everyone with a simple smile "




"I unfortunately been busy and have not received any letters. You can tell me later I'd it's not so urgent." he raised a brow.

Keeping up with financial services and student profiles was a tiring task....angles don't get tired , but looking at papers does get boring. "I l will be available in 20 minutes if that's at your liking."

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel watched as the new member entered and released her flies and healed the boy's wounds, "So, what happened to you?" she asked the boy with a curious expression etched on her face.

(Sorry for the short reply, I'm kind of busy right now)
Axel smiled at her and simply said " i tried to make Harmony of Both Ryujin's personalities because you teacher's don't know how to treat student's that can't control their own power's right " he said looking at Luxor hiting to pay attention to the student's a bit more than it has happen recently" but yea thats why he was pretty beat up but to be fair i wasn't trying to kill him "



ooc: its cool
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"Sorry for absent."said Luxor with a blank face. The youngling are very carefree and...I might as not think about it to much,Luxor thought.

Axel smiled at her and simply said " i tried to make Harmony of Both Ryujin's personalities because you teacher's don't know how to treat student's that can't control their own power's right " he said looking at Luxor hiting to pay attention to the student's a bit more than it has happen recently" but yea thats why he was pretty beat up but to be fair i wasn't trying to kill him "



ooc: its cool


Auriel Dwelle

Auriel watched as the new member entered and released her flies and healed the boy's wounds, "So, what happened to you?" she asked the boy with a curious expression etched on her face.

(Sorry for the short reply, I'm kind of busy right now)
Caesar closed his eyes and smiled somewhat grimly, "'A lovely life?' Are you joking?" He bit his lip, containing some pent up anger he had been apparently harbouring, "Do you ever find yourself awake at night, just wondering what it would be like if you didn't destroy everything you touch?" He barked a laugh, seeming to change from his kind, carefree attitude he usually had, his gaze stormy as he glared at Lydia now, "Do you ever stay awake in bed, thinking about what would happen if you removed your clothes and just fell. Yeah, it sounds stupid, but for me that's a death sentence. Do you honestly think I can live a 'lovely life' when I live in fear of falling through the fucking planet every second of my life? Or what about wanting to settle down? Getting a lover and having a kid? Do you think I would rather be me, the destroyer of all things, forever unable to make actual human contact than some half-spider forest bug person with confidence issues?" He had started to shout the last part before he stopped suddenly. The dark, raging expression he had just worn disintegrated like everything he came into contact with and he looked away sadly, "Sorry..." He muttered, walking back inside. He didn't blame Lydia, nor was she the one he was really angry at. He just... He just needed some rest, that was all. Just a lie down in his dorm. Back where he had been standing, one would find that there were two patches of earth that no longer had any grass on it, despite their being an entire field full of the stuff. 

@Cheryl (oh damn! Shit just went down! xD )

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