Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin looked over at the struggling body of A. "The hell is wrong with her? Oi you alright over there?"  the look on his face was genuine confusion as he made his way over to A until he was standing just out of reach. He watched carefully as he horns and tailed flashed colors and his eyes went wide. "Holy crap. Did they seal your magic?"

@Olivia Acerbi

"Good to know." Fley took the slip of paper and pulled her phone out of the pocket of her jacket, which she'd worn over her crop top last minute. She added Caesar to her phone and sent him a quick text: 'Hi.' "There, you have my number, too, now." She turned and waved. "Well, see you 'round then, and thanks for the advice, it's gonna help me a lot." She waved goodbye again and ran back to her dorm room. She got there in about five minutes - a bit slower than before since she wasn't in wolf form. Once she was there, she retrieved her laptop from her suitcase and began to search up how to please a god, or what to offer. 

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud
After a nap that replenished her energy, Lydia woke up to see Honey chasing and actually nibbling on some flies. She was confused as to where they came from, but didn't really care as she was weak and wanted nothing more than to relax. She would've stayed in the infirmary but thinking about having A, the devil who snapped off her horn, be in the same room as her unnerved Lydia. Her powers ordered the flies and Honey to separate as she stood onto her wobbly legs and plodded out. Lydia felt like she had no need to interrupt what was happening just to say thank you, especially since A would probably berate her for looking weak. When Lydia had exited the room, she didn't particularly know where to go. She had no plans on fighting anytime soon due to her loss of blood, but she didn't really know where else to go. 

(Open for RPing!)
@Storm Guardian(Omg yeah, I'd forgotten you'd just got here and the first thing you did was fight people. xD )

"See ya Fley!" He waved back as she left. Caesar then ran after Roy and caught up before he went inside, "Wait up," He gave Roy a slip with his number on it to, "In case you want a rematch." He smiled at him, "Oh, and the cafeteria's that way." He pointed down the hallway, roughly in it's direction.

Then, seeing Lydia standing in the hallway, he walked over to the spider girl with a tired yawn, "Hey Lydia, how come you're by the infirmary? You here visiting A?" He asked, stretching his back slightly.

@Fazy @Storm Guardian @Cheryl
"Thanks, Caesar!" Roy said, smiling. After he left, Roy leaned against the wall, taking out his cell phone to add Caesar's phone number to his directory. He then texted Caesar 'This is my phone number in case you want to chat. -Roy' He then told Caesar from across the hall, "I sent you my phone number!" and then headed off to the cafeteria in the direction Caesar pointed to.
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Lydia jumped back in alarm as Caesar asked her a question from behind. Soon that fright turned into slight frustration as Caesar had the guts to think that Lydia would come and check on A, like she would do anything for that bitch. "No! Why would I go see that little idiot? She snapped my flipping horn off! Gah, and now I feel dizzy since I lost so much blood." cried out Lydia, tipping sideways a bit from using so much energy quickly. Lydia steadied herself on the wall before she tipped over and gingerly held her bandaged horn, not used to there only being half of it. 

@Destructus Kloud
"Thanks!" He said, putting names to the numbers he'd received in his contacts. It reminded him that he should probably get Ryujin's and Lydia's too. He looked back to Lydia, "Oh, I see, sorry then, I didn't know." He scratched the back of his head in an apologetic fashion, "Anyways, hows your, err, lack of horn? And, before I forget , can I get your number? Not in a pick-up line way, but more for convenience." He smiled at her in a jokingly sort of way.

@Storm Guardian @Cheryl
Lydia's eyebrows furrowed as Caesar simply brushed it off with a quick sorry and asked her for her phone number. She didn't care about phones, she didn't even have one after having no signal in the forest for so long. Lydia didn't have any need for one back then and probably didn't need one now. "I don't have a phone. Sorry if I'm not keeping up with the trends, and I really don't plan on getting one any time soon. And my horn is fine thank you very much." coldly said Lydia, eyes glaring at Caesar. Why did he always have to be so carefree? She almost died back there, and he just asks for a phone number and what it's like to have no horn? Lydia thought that if she was a normal human and lost an arm, she guessed Caesar would be much more concerned. But no, she's a creep like Fley says and so must not have any feelings either.

@Destructus Kloud 
"Oh, err, alright then. Can you fix your horn then? I don't exactly know a lot about... Your kind of biology, I guess. Isn't it just like, a bit of bone coming from your skull or something?" Of course, he'd studied human biology, but arachnid-humans were exactly his specialty. Still, from what he knew about horns, it didn't look that bad. He wondered why she was so woozy, perhaps a headache or something.

"Oh I don't know, the nurse just gave me this bandage and said nothing else except to lie in a bed. Then she went to look after A who looked pretty crazy but otherwise looked fine to me. Without the horn I'm going to be off my balance a lot more I think, unless I find a replacement of some sort." hissed Lydia, starting to realize that the horns were there for a reason. They weren't just some random accessory that she gained, they helped put weight on her head so she wouldn't start falling back all the time, and without it she would probably start leaning to the left and forward a lot more unless she found a replacement like she said.

@Destructus Kloud
Ryujin looked over at the struggling body of A. "The hell is wrong with her? Oi you alright over there?"  the look on his face was genuine confusion as he made his way over to A until he was standing just out of reach. He watched carefully as he horns and tailed flashed colors and his eyes went wide. "Holy crap. Did they seal your magic?"

@Olivia Acerbi


"Aw, goddammit it!", A noticed that the sigil and talisman were still on her person. She pulled herself up against the hospital bed. "Luxor didn't remove the seal, he removed the inferno..... you made the vessel my crucible and I'm still locked in. I can't use my power without breaking through it.....", A said, answering Ryujin's question but directing it to Auriel.

She hung her head, her hand clenching tightly into a fist. "I'm trapped."

After a few moments of tension she sighs, easing up slightly. 

"Heh, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't seen something like this was only a matter of time.", she smiled to herself. "My kind aren't exactly known for their good fortune."

(A won't break the seal cuz the vessel is the seal now, thanks to Auriel and Xiuruk. So she won't destroy her one means of getting what she wants most. In case I'm being hard to follow.)
A small grin landed on Ryujin face. "wow they really got you good didn't they little miss devil?" Ryujin felt a little bad for her. She was just following her demon instincts. " Guess that meand you won't be able to pull any more major antics." 

@Olivia Acerbi

Auriel Dwelle

"I-I mean, my main intention wasn't to seal you! It was to heal you! You overused your vessel and Xiuruk said the only way to heal you was to place that sigil on you..." Auriel said with an apologetic expression, "And at least you aren't in pain anymore!" she said with a nervous tone towards A.

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren

Auriel Dwelle

"I-I don't know! he did say that it would seal her but it would heal her at the same time... and that it had divine energy..." Auriel panickly said with a worried face, she didn't want him to be behind this, but she also didn't want A to be marked for death without anyone to protect her.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi
"Oi Mrs Nurse calm down. You didn't do anything wrong. Though why would a teacher tdo this to a student." He rubbed his chin in thought. "He has to have had a valid reason for doing it or else he wound't have done it. Right?"


@Olivia Acerbi
"Hmm... Now, I'm not suggesting you actually do this at all, but removing the other one would help with the balance issue. Of course you'd then be hornless, and I don't know if that's an issue for you or not. I'd imagine so because I don't think I'd appreciate getting bits of me lobbed off, but it is a solution. Otherwise, why don't you just reattached the horn? I'm sure there's some kind of magic here that can fix you up. Heck, I'm sure Luxor has some sort of angel powers that'll fix you right up." He yawned, "Do you wanna go somewhere? Standing by the infirmary door will just get us in people's way." Caesar suggested, not wanting to cause more trouble for anyone.

He'd never experienced an injury of such before he'd had his powers, either he had just been that lucky or he didn't remember, so he didn't exactly know what physical pain or injury was. He assumed it was quite bad, but he'd seen plenty of people, mainly on TV, just power through it like it was nothing. It couldn't be that bad, it was, after all, just electrical messages being sent to and from the nerves via the brain and central nervous system. It was all in the head, it wasn't real. Caesar wondered what it was like to loose a part of your body like that, how it really felt. Not that he was keen to experience it; he wasn't a masochistic, but it was always a great question of his. He'd never become a doctor or biological scientist if he didn't know when people felt pain. Then he thought back to when Roy was attacking his head. He knew his power only affected his skin, but what about the insides of his body? What if the blade pierced his eye? He wasn't keen to test it like that. But it did raise several questions, questions that he would investigate further, at a later date.

@Cheryl (Sorry for writing so much so late, I went watch a movie and then I came back and felt inspired. I've got a lot of free time now tho. :P )
"No. Stop. I don't wanna hear it.", A held her hands up to Auriel. "Don't you say another f**king word to me. You've done enough."

She lamely stood to her feet. 


Auriel Dwelle

"I-I don't know! he did say that it would seal her but it would heal her at the same time... and that it had divine energy..." Auriel panickly said with a worried face, she didn't want him to be behind this, but she also didn't want A to be marked for death without anyone to protect her, she slightly recoiled back by A's words, she was not only scared for the girl's life, but also her own life.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi
"Oi Mrs Nurse calm down. You didn't do anything wrong. Though why would a teacher tdo this to a student." He rubbed his chin in thought. "He has to have had a valid reason for doing it or else he wound't have done it. Right?"


@Olivia Acerbi

"Valid reason? Xiuruk? You people really are clueless.", a grinned in disbelief. 

She tried to keep a calm exterior but inside she was screaming, cursing all Gods and Devils. She hadn't felt so helpless, so broken, so trapped since she was first cast into the abyss, a feeling she'd hope to never feel again. She had absolutley no clue where to go or what to do; If she stayed in the vessel she'd be trapped in this weak, impaired state;if she broke through she'd be dragged back to hell and another prison. They'd successfully broken her.

She stood, still slightly hobbled with the effects of the sigil still healing. "I'm gonna go."
"Well if I did just snap off the other horn then I would be left falling backwards all the time. If you compared my human part to the spider part of my body then you would see quite a large difference in weight. The horns were the only thing that helped keep me not look like a complete idiot. And I could go to the nurse, but she's busy with A for now. Perhaps we should go outside into the garden for now, I need my fresh air." explained Lydia, twitching at the thought of snapping off the other horn.

Even if it was a solution to this problem she would probably go through immense pain, it would be the same amount of pain that happened with her other horn. And she was not prepared to go through that ordeal again. Caesar has become much more lax and careless in Lydia's opinion, maybe he always was this oblivious. Maybe it was Lydia's rage blinding her view of her friend. Lydia wasn't really in the mood to say that she was wrong. She was tense and jittery while leaning to the left a lot to try to counteract the weight on the right.

@Destructus Kloud (It's ok, I had stuff to distract myself with anyway so take your time ^^) 
"Thank you Mrs.Nurse. Sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. I will try my best not to cause anymore." He then turned to luxor and bowed respectfully. "I must apologize to you as well mighty archangel. I have caused many problems in only two days but I swear on my grandfathers name to do my best to avoid causing to much more trouble." 



"I see...but it seems that striving for best . You can also just call me Luxor rather than archangel. " He responded as he checked on A.

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