Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Axel simply smiled at her " i been sensing all of his aura or how us the Mafia call it Dying will and i came to see how two people with strong dying will's are scared of a weakling like this guy after all like he said it took him 18 year's to get control of your friends body and only after his emotion's made him stumbel on his will but " Axel then realised his Aura that would make even some teachers doubt that he was just a normal student " so are you going to attack me or just stand their and piss your pants little oni"


@Dante Verren
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Fley scowled unappreciatively at the boy. "Well, enjoy dying." She turned back to the oni Ryujin. "You know very well that - well, Ryujin knows - that no one would want to be my boyfriend. Actually, you've probably figured that out by now. Whatever you do and whatever you get into, I'm begging you not to hurt Ryujin. Please. Physically, and mentally," she pleaded. 

@kenchin @Dante Verren
@Kisaki @Lucremoirre 

(I decided to take another route with this character than I'd previously thought...well add another layer I should say. I edited the CS if anyone cares)

A felt a jolt and then numbness as Luxor's power pierced her, it had a familiar potency and grace. Her vision faded to black as her memories of Eden and time spent among her brother angels suddenly became foremost in her mind. The absolute peace was what she remembered most. There was no choice, no deviation, no freedom but to stand by the will of God...and it was serene, it was comfortable; like a cage with wifi and room-service.

Tranquil thoughts were broken by the echoing of Lucifer's philosophies, his sin. She recalls the rebellion, the schism, the skirmish and his decent. Her feelings of confusion, anger, distress, betrayal,........curiosity, entrapment, jealousy as she became a member of his 1/3, hit like waves against her very spirit, washing away as soon as they'd come. Memories of the most unpleasant era of her existence reinforced her animus, as she relives the feelings of humiliation, rage and resentmentof being cast down into eternal fire. 
Punished for questioning inequality, for loving God, for being hurt by his favoritism; having her freedom taken from her, just as she had achieved it and herself forever banished into torment with no means of redemption. A deep sadness loomed. 
"For what reason was I denied what he gave to humanity so plentifully? Created to serve but given a will to live. Was I not his son as well? eager to forgive man's 'transgressions', yet offer us no means of absolution. Did we mean so little...?" 
The sadness turned to outrage. "Lord of Hosts....Lord of Lies or no Lord at all. An eternal god does not give with the intention to take or grant freedom to impose immuration. I will show you your extent, I will kill you in the eyes of your children. They will see the world through my eyes, see you for what you truly are. This, I swear to you." 
A re-awakens.

(I thought the CS was confusing enough. Grammar gets weird when you're talking about supposedly gender-less beings, who are generally referred to as male in religion, inhabiting a female body and otherwise playing the part....)
Axel smiled at Fley and how she reacted to save the Ryujin " so you want to save the person you love right miss Sander's then if you promise to join my Family i will save him well more like he will save himself soon enough he just needs a little wake up call but i will tell you this it will hurt alot and i mean alot will you take care of him if i bring the man you love back to normal " Said axel while looking at Ryujin in his Oni Form " 


@Dante Verren
Ryujin' Oni eyes picked up the man's aura and caused him to laugh. "You call that an aura. You're not even worth going into my a true form. Do me a favor and don't talk big if you can't back it up. At least I ackowledge of someone is better then me. Hence why I don't want to screw with luxor." 



Axel smiled " Oh you will Fear me after all my Flame's dont hurt people unless i want them to but they do something you don't like and will hate me forever if you knew what they can do " said Axel appearing infront of Ryujin and then Hiting Ryujin with soft Palm with a full Blast of Flames that where Bright Orange But they didn't Burn Ryujin but the Oni could Feel that their was reaction to his other half " Can you feel it the wake up call i gave him after all i bring Harmony to one's soul and make them achive their true power " said axel moving in high speed kicking Ryujing directly again in the heart with flames but this time pushing him back wards"

@Dante Verren

Ryujin moved a few steps backwards from the kick then stopped. "you're right I think I did feel something. What's this feeling called? Oh yeah it's called being pissed off!" the lighting in the surrounding area went hayewaire as he spokhe like it was responding to his voice. " I suggest you stop now while you can. I ain't just a regular oni. I am the pureblood grandson of Rajin. Though I might not have earned my title as a God I still have the power of a young one. Take my advice and stand down while you still have feeling in your body." 


Axel smiled at Ryujin " your no god at all your just a regular old Devil trowing a tantrum because he didn't get to play outside " axel looked at the sky and smiled " are you that mad i though i was not worth your full power after all i am just a regular human " said axel while he walked towards Ryujin and his eye's showed no hesitation he was aiming for the heart again axel then suddenly looked like he teleported hit Ryujin in the Templas of his head and his adam's apple and the heart once again " i was train to kill people right now you have the body of a human but " hitting ryujin again in his vital points but with his Sky Harmony flames " i am just going to wake him up "

@Dante Verren


ooc: you can totally break axels arms and stuff he is a human after all lol
Ryujin's rage exploded with electricity rushshing into his right hand He banned his fist right into axel's stomache. He then follwed his punch with an uppercut from his right knee. "Don't you dare talk like you know me! I'm still I useing my human sides body so I haven't even scratched my level of power!"  He felt a small tingiling sensation in the places he had been hit but the where minor compared to the rage he felt. "I don't need that worthless fool! An oni masking friends. An oni is being feelings for someone! Patehtic!" He readied himself into a better fighting stance. " I'm an Oni damnit. And if you think your rightous ass stands a Chan e against my rage then I will show you how much of a monster an oni can be."

Axel was sent flying back he felt the pain all over his body but axel stood up and simply smiled " ahhh i now know whats wrong with both of you and especially you mister oni " axel cough out some blood and simply looked at his custom desiner suit ruined " man that old man is going to kill me if i don't fix it soon but " axel looked at Ryujin with a simply look of determination " i am going to tell you that yes your strong and angry but is it because you just hate it that they treated you like a monster instead of a friend " said axel while he powered up again but this time he was serious his smile turned into a clean emotionless face and simply looked at Ryujin and axel took a Boxing stance and simply appeared in top speed infront of Ryujin hiting him with the flames all over his body making direct hits but this time he felt them pierce right through him " Your just afraid like everyone else your alone like everyone else your just as weak as me and her but your to scared to show it aren't you Ryujin its not the oni taking over its your Fear and hatred of being called a monster so you made a persona of your true self " said axel while looking at Ryujin's reaction

@Dante Verren

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The rage He had burning died down as the flames pierced through his human body. He felt blood skill from multiple wounds as momentary fear took over. "I'm bleeding" he thought. "I am nothing like you!" with a roar of uncontrolled rage a massive lightning bolt shot down from the sky slamming into both of them and causing an explosion of decent size and splattered Fley with dust.

( I'm going to bed now. Will respond when I wake up.)


Axel Sensed the aura that he emited and knew what was going to happen thanks to his Hyper intuition and in the last moment Axel simply Kicked Ryujin away in the nick of time but he took the lighting blast after the cloud of dust and smoke was cleared Axel stood their covered in blood and wounds but he was smiling at Ryujin and the Oni because he did what he promised he would do " so do you understand it now you both are one being half and half of each other your both Ryuji the Lighitng Oni and Friend of Fley sanders and many other students and teachers in the academy so don't feel anger or hatred just enjoy the school days you have left " said axel while he just fell to the floor bleeding alot he had been burned in three degree burns all over his body and broken ribs with a broken hand and probaly internal bleeding " but he was smiling a gentle smile "

@Dante Verren


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(Holy shit guys, you're going at it! xD  Omfg @Fazy if Caesar was there!)

Caesar threw two hands in front of his face, watching through the cracks as the granules of metal flew past him in a stream. Still sliding, he jumped up high and aimed a downward kick directly at his head.

@Storm Guardian (I had to sleep, but ill be back for a while. :D  )
"STOP FIGHTING!! Dude, come down! Stop, you fucking oni, you're gonna hurt Ryujin, you asshole!" Fley screamed, her head was bleeding from having been hit with one of the other guys's attacks. 

@kenchin @Dante Verren (Sorry I went to sleep :P  )

@Destructus Kloud (Pretty sure Caesar would win the fight if he just effing took of his gloves)

Self-habit! I am not my character, so my character swears and I don't! Well, I don't swear much... I could've sworn online. Oh well, I blew it. xD  @Cheryl )
Ryujin stood looking down at axel. he had a few minor wounds but otherwise was untouched. "Oi asshole. lightning doesn't hurt me, you self righteous prick. Be glad we both attend this school. For if we didn't then I would kill you where you lay for your insolence." he pointed at Fley. "Run along to the nurse's office and ell her to get ready for a patient."  He knelt down sliding Axels good arm over hi shoulder and lifting him up from the ground. "You stood your ground n the face of a strong foe. I can at lest show you the respect of helping you get healed." He then started off towards then nurses office.


Axel smiled " acually hahaha wait a few hours and i will heal by myself but to tell you the truth i wasn't fighting to kill you just to wake you up you fool but " Axel coughing some blood smiling " you should really just say what you mean once in a while but hey thanks for the lift " Axel then started toluagh man you should have seen me when iwouldfigh my master hewould literli leave bullet holes all over my body then he would heal me on the spot to shot me again so yea kinda used todeath already" then looking at fley axel said " dummy i told you already their both ryujin just one side was hurt deeply like you are "

@Dante Verren

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Ryujin was not amused. "Go to hell." He quickly dropped the man. i ain't no freakin dansel in distress waiting for someone to come and rescue me from my tower of solitude. Nor have I ever been hurt deeply. And stop talking like you know me Dammit!"  


Fley stared down at the boy. "I'd help you, but firstly, I have no clue who you are, and secondly, you seem like an oddly creepy stalker, so..." Fley touched her head, which was still bleeding. That was the least of her worries at the moment, but the loss of blood in that short period of time had managed to give her a painful headache. Fley daringly walked up to oni-Ryujin and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Can't you go back to your human counterpart? Have some mercy! Why are you so evil? Just leave him alone! Please. RYUJIN!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE, GET THE HELL OUT!" 

@Dante Verren @kenchin
Axel smiled " hahahaha ahh calm down already your injured just as badly as i am lets go to the nurses office so you can get treated and so she can get treated aswell after all you don't want to let the person you both like suffer anymore now do you and axel getting up with all his strenght he touched Fley's head and Bright Yellow flames came out but they didn't burn fley they healed her head injury " now calm down you two and acually Fley Flanders i am your second cousin from your dad's side of the family but mostly i am doing it because i was asked by your mom to watch over you a little " said axel stumbling with his broken body trying to hold himself up

@Dante Verren

"For what reason was I denied what he gave to humanity so plentifully? Created to serve but given a will to live. Was I not his son as well? eager to forgive man's 'transgressions', yet offer us no means of absolution. Did we mean so little...?" 
The sadness turned to outrage. "Lord of Hosts....Lord of Lies or no Lord at all. An eternal god does not give with the intention to take or grant freedom to impose immuration. I will show you your extent, I will kill you in the eyes of your children. They will see the world through my eyes, see you for what you truly are. This, I swear to you." 

(Did she say it out loud or did she say it on her memories?)
"Okay, well, you asshole, guess what? I have no idea who you are, and to be honest, I don't care! And mom shouldn't be interfering with me or my life anymore. From what I remember, she hates me because I turned out exactly like her." Fley could still recall memories of when her mother had screamed at her for being a hybrid. But it wasn't her fault - it never was. "You can go home. Axel," she said, remembering the boy's name from having met him when they were younger. "As for you, Ryujin, please, please, please, please go back to your human counterpart. Please." 

@kenchin @Dante Verren
Axel smiled " what are you talking about that is Ryujin and like i said watch over you a little the main reason i came to stop this guy was because " he puts his good arm around ryujin and smiles at him " hey join my family ill teach you how to be stronger than your gramps but we have to be family to do so got it " said axel trying to stay up with all his might


@Dante Verren

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