Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Cody's face went so red, that it put tomato's to shame, "U-Um...sure! I-I don't mind...W-What would I be wearing for this?" he asked her, curious of what he'd be wearing, and kinda scared too. 'I...hope it's swimtrunks or something like that...' he thought.

(Then, maybe Friday? Since that'd be good for us both since we have school .-. ) 

Kagami chuckled as Cody's face went red as tomato ,"Various of things. Usually I have themes for each photo shoot. I think have to wear a bikini in one ...but I check that out."

( That would be a perfect day.)
Kagami chuckled as Cody's face went red as tomato ,"Various of things. Usually I have themes for each photo shoot. I think have to wear a bikini in one ...but I check that out."

( That would be a perfect day.)

"Alright..." he said, then came the bikini thoughts, and he mentally slapped himself, "So, I'm kinda interested in where it'll take place, like, near here, or in another location?" he asked her, thinking of a beach, he didn't know if there was one near by, or just close to the general state area.
Ryujin heard footsteps approach and he stopped humming. He slowly turned around. Seeing fely he felt a small wave of guilt but shoved to the side. "Well well if it isn't wolf pup. I was just going to look fr you. After all I still need to thank you for your help." His voice was the same as always but now it had an air of authority. To the trained ear there was also hints of anger and regret.

"W-wolf pup? You know you don't normally call me that," Fley said, frowning. Her fighting mood had disappeared. She noticed Ryujin's black strands of hair. "What did you do to it? It looks good, but... why'd you dye it?" she asked, curiously. She walked around to the back and examined it, running her fingers through it absentmindedly. Why was he acting so strange? She didn't really like being called wolf pup, either...

@Dante Verren
"Human counter..." Fley tilted her head to the side as she messed with his hair for another moment. Almost as if she was electrocuted, Fley took a sudden step back. The thought dawned on her, and her oblivious nature disappeared. "Oni," she muttered. "Can you leave? I certainly prefer your human counterpart over you," she said, tapping her foot as she regained her composure.

@Dante Verren
"In different locations , but I promise the trips won't be so long." She owned an helicopter so a ride to the beach will only take an half of an hour.

"Alright..." he said, then came the bikini thoughts, and he mentally slapped himself, "So, I'm kinda interested in where it'll take place, like, near here, or in another location?" he asked her, thinking of a beach, he didn't know if there was one near by, or just close to the general state area.
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Well the system is broken again))


Cody nodded, "I don't mind the trip, I was just trying to figure out where we'd be." he said, looking and seeing the pizza coming, the waiter set it down, "Oh! Do you have any ghost chilies? Scorpion peppers maybe? Something hot would be nice..." he said, seeing the waiters face.
He chuckled as fley jumped backwards. "See now that's a better reaction. Though I fail to see the logic in me leaving. After all I've been trying to gain contro. Of this form for eighteen years. If I leave and just hand back control to him then those long hears of struggle would be worthless." 

Fley decided to pull the provocation-and-praise card. "With your power and skill, I'd have expected you to be able to control other forms as well. Why don't you just transfer your soul to me? I'm sure you won't have to fight. I'll just be good... there will be no constant war, and you'll get to do what you like." Maybe that would make Ryujin-not-oni happy.

@Dante Verren (GTG!) 
Well the system is broken again))


Cody nodded, "I don't mind the trip, I was just trying to figure out where we'd be." he said, looking and seeing the pizza coming, the waiter set it down, "Oh! Do you have any ghost chilies? Scorpion peppers maybe? Something hot would be nice..." he said, seeing the waiters face.

" You like spicy food? I love it too... , but I don't think they'll be selling ghost chilies inside a pizza place." She looked at the waiter and shrugged. "Anything hot  will be fine". She watched as the waiter walked away.
Cody looked to her with a slight smile, watching him leave, then coming back with a small jar of green peppers, "Guess this will do." he said, taking a long one and laying it on a slice and taking a bite, "Wish we had hotter peppers..." he said, though it did taste great, it needed to be a bit hotter for him. "So, you like spicy stuff? I can make a nice spicy steak, you should try it, though I'll need to put the steaks in a bag full of hot peppers for a day so the taste soaks in and comes out better..." he said smiling happily.

"I am quite powerful arnt I? However my ability isn't possesion so I can't just hop from body to body. You will have to try something else if you want me to go away." 

" Its dinner then ! You make your spicy steaks and I will bring dessert." she smiled back at him. She could ask her baker brother to make some cakes . I really should get that bunny a bakery. Too bad he's busy with being a prince and all. , she thought.

Cody looked to her with a slight smile, watching him leave, then coming back with a small jar of green peppers, "Guess this will do." he said, taking a long one and laying it on a slice and taking a bite, "Wish we had hotter peppers..." he said, though it did taste great, it needed to be a bit hotter for him. "So, you like spicy stuff? I can make a nice spicy steak, you should try it, though I'll need to put the steaks in a bag full of hot peppers for a day so the taste soaks in and comes out better..." he said smiling happily.

((Sorry, had to attend swim practice. Then I completely forgot everything))

Roy, realizing his idea isn't working, lobbed a blade at Caesar's head, not knowing that was his weakness. His idea in mind was that if blades disintegrate on his skin, then the cleaver can only disorient him a slight bit. He then charges forward with his remaining cleaver, body low to the ground, posed to do a powerful upward slash

@Destructus Kloud
" Its dinner then ! You make your spicy steaks and I will bring dessert." she smiled back at him. She could ask her baker brother to make some cakes . I really should get that bunny a bakery. Too bad he's busy with being a prince and all. , she thought.

Cody looked surprised, "A-Alright... I'll let them sit for when we come back from the pool." he said, taking another bite of pizza. Enjoying the pepper that was on it. 
Fley made a noise that probably meant disappointment. "How's a deal sound to you? I'm not sure I have much to offer apart from my soul, and I doubt you'd be interested in money - not that I have any. So, you can make your offer."

@Dante Verren
"Haveing me make the deal is hardly fair. I have what I want. If I wanted anything else I would just take it. Though I do have one qustion. Why do you want him back?" he was generally curious on Why she was trying to get human Ryujin back. In his opion his human counterpart was an annoyance and a weakling so the thought that someone wanted him back confused him.

Fley thought about the question for the moment. "Well... I don't know for sure, exactly. Maybe to sort things out. Argue with him a bit." She laughed. "If you had the patience to talk with me, I wouldn't mind doing it with you, but you hate me and everyone else," she assumed.

@Dante Verren
"that is true. I do have a strong dislike of practicly every living being here at least until they can prove themselves worthy of my respect. Though I doubt that will ever happen. Minus the arch Angel of course. Now make your offer wolf pup. In starting to get bored." his foot started to tap as he began to lose patience with her.

"Umm, umm..." Fley grew slightly uneasy. What would she give to this oni? Or rather, what could she? "How about a hug?" she joked, attempting to stall for time. "Oh come on! Help a wolf out here..."

@Dante Verren
Axel has been hidding his presence long enough and came out of the shadows " really you just respect the strong but not the weak then why are you not respecting Miss Sander's here " said axel while he came out with his Suit and a lollipop " hey Sander's why don't you fight him or should i do it after all you don't need to dirty your hands with a demi god oh wait he is just a regular oni" said Axel going next to Fley and patting her head "


@Dante Verren

ooc: sorry i just got off work and wanted to rp for a bit if its no problem i wanted to join you two 
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Fley stared at the boy. Oh, yes, the one who knew her, and the one who's given her good advice. Why was he here? She didn't question him. "Don't fight him and stay away, smart ass. Onis are scary shit and this one... you can't deal with. He's stronger than you, whatever you may be. Leave him be, this is for my problem, anyways."

@kenchin @Dante Verren

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