Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Fley sniffled but refused to look up at Lydia. "I-I'm sorry," she murmured. "I just... I'm scared of spiders. I can't look at her, Ryujin..." His arm comforted her and trapped her at the same time. She hated being pushed to her limits, and this was one of those times. 

@Dante Verren @Cheryl
Ryujin sighed and looked down at fley. "If you really want me to let you go I will." his arm loosened a bit showing that he would let her go. He gave an apologetic smile to Lydia.


Fley shook her head, indicating that she did not want him to let go. "What should I do? I don't want to offend her," she murmured. She motioned for him to tighten his grip again - she felt uneasy, and if given the chance, she would run away. But what if the winged spider - no, she had to be nice - Lydia, followed her? What if she was chased? What if it ate her? The thought of it scared her so much. Fley's wet tears stained Ryujin's shirt. 

@Dante Verren @Cheryl
Ryujin wrapped his arm tighter around fley. "Hey relax. She won't hurt you." He patted Fley's head with His other hand. "Calm down. Its okay. Everyone has their fears." he looked back up at Lydia. "Please don't be offended by her."


Lydia looked at the couple with slight offence, anyone would be if someone just burst into tears after looking at them. After Ryujin's comment to not take offence, Lydia curtly replied "I already took some. You wouldn't like it either if you just made people cry when you walk into a room." and stormed off to the infirmary to find the nurse to check up on her horn. If people were going to act so rude around her, shouldn't she be rude back? Honey stayed a while back with Fley and Ryujin before chasing after Lydia, inspecting the broken piece. Lydia sat down with her arms folded while wincing slightly as she accidentally prodded the wound a bit.

@Dante Verren @Fazy 
"I-Is she gone? She was mean!" Fley said, looking up and then wiping her eyes. She hoped Ryujin had not noticed. "I wasn't scared, you know. She was just mean," she protested, in an accusing voice when talking about Lydia. "It was her fault. She could've been human if she tried." 

@Dante Verren @Cheryl
Ryujin painfully watched as Lydia angrily ran away. That's when he heard Fley"a last remark. His eyes flashed the thunderous gold of his Oni.He muttered.  "Be human if she tried. That's bullshit." he let go of fley and stepped back. It was clear by his facial expression that he was pissed. His hands where clenched into fist and bolts of electricity sparked from his body. "What the hell. So you really think she chose to be born that way? Do you really think that she likes watching people cry? Do you really think she is monster!" He was practically yelling now and with He was accidently amplifying his voice allowing it to easily be heard in the infirmary.

"All lydia has done so far that we have seen has try to introduce her self. Yet you stand their and day that she is mean! Worst of all you have the guts to stand there and day that she can be human if she wants to!" the hallway shook as he spoke and it felt as if the hallway was caught in the middle of a massive storm. "Not every one can form change! Not everyone only has to worry because they can't control their instincts! Even if it's a joke or your just covering up for your own weakness don't you dare blame her for being born the way she is!"

Ryujin was breathing heavily as he finished yelling. He liked Fley. Sure she was stubborn. A little violent and seemed a little spoiled. However Everyone had lines they didn't like people crossing and Fley had crossed one of Ryujins most exsplosive lines.


Fley looked at the floor and cursed. "Fine, then! It's not like I care what you think! I'm not covering up for any weaknesses of mine, because I have none! Sure, I can't control my wolf instincts, but that makes me stronger! At least I have the ability to control how I change! By the way, it's called MORPHING, not form change," she spat. "I'm not a winged beast of a spider, or like y-you - you - you ONI!" she yelled, morphing to wolf and running out of the infirmary. Where she was going, she didn't quite know.

How funny - the boy who'd kissed her was now yelling at her. This is why, this is why she didn't want to make 'friends' or talk to people. It always turned out this way. Fley pulled to a stop in front of the dorms. She didn't bother morphing back as she entered, though she did receive an angry glare from the secretary who was sitting at the front desk. She headed upstairs to her dorm and slammed the door shut. Fley dove into her blankets, punched her pillow a couple of times to relieve her anger, and then curled up into a tiny ball of fur and cried. That was the only thing she knew how to do, after all. Cry like a baby. She desperately hoped that Cody would not return for a long time. She needed a while by herself. While doing this, she made the firm resolve to never speak to anyone in this school again, with the only exceptions as teachers and for partners when it came to school assignments. Fley no longer wanted to associate herself with anything, much less anyone. Freaks. Everyone was a freak, including herself.

@Dante Verren @Cheryl

Mentioned: @CERBERUS177
Waiting for a nurse with the whole room shaking and electricity zipping around the room did not help Lydia's mood at all. And with herself feeling light headed from losing so much blood, Lydia felt like she could collapse at any moment. Struggling to just keep up with her head being racked around from the motion of the room, Lydia stumbled around the infirmary and tripped over beds and chairs. Why did she even come here if people were going to make her life feel like a living hell? At least back in the forest not everyone or thing wanted to set fire or insult her when they laid eyes of her. Even the people she found back there were at least not volatile like Ryujin, who she assumed to be making all of this ruckus. 

At that moment she saw A laying there. Lydia quickly tried to pretend she didn't notice her, but A probably saw her backing off with the bloody towel. She couldn't tell what was happening between the demon and a person who looks like she's causing immense pain on her, so she slowly tried to back away while falling side to side from nausea and Ryujin's powers. "Sorry if I'm disturbing anything, could you tell me where the nurse is?" asked Lydia, not knowing that the adult holding the sigil was the nurse.

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren
(Sorry for the late reply)

"Yeah, I think the combat field is a better place to do this. It seems dangerous enough as it is here right now anyway." He walked outside and towards to combat field, hoping not to get caught up in Ryujin and Fley's scufuffle. He did agree with Ryujin, but that didn't mean he wanted to face a lightning bolt or death hug as a result. Besides, it was their issue to deal with right now. If Fley couldn't come around, then he'd have a go at convincing her. One way or another, she would see Lydia as not scary at some point.

He turned back to Roy as they walked, "So, same rules right? You try to pin me and I try to touch where your heart is. And don't worry about ruining my clothes, I got loads in my room." He smiled as they got there, "Well? Shall we?"

@Storm Guardian (This should be good *rubs hands*) @Fazy @Dante Verren
Waiting for a nurse with the whole room shaking and electricity zipping around the room did not help Lydia's mood at all. And with herself feeling light headed from losing so much blood, Lydia felt like she could collapse at any moment. Struggling to just keep up with her head being racked around from the motion of the room, Lydia stumbled around the infirmary and tripped over beds and chairs. Why did she even come here if people were going to make her life feel like a living hell? At least back in the forest not everyone or thing wanted to set fire or insult her when they laid eyes of her. Even the people she found back there were at least not volatile like Ryujin, who she assumed to be making all of this ruckus. 

At that moment she saw A laying there. Lydia quickly tried to pretend she didn't notice her, but A probably saw her backing off with the bloody towel. She couldn't tell what was happening between the demon and a person who looks like she's causing immense pain on her, so she slowly tried to back away while falling side to side from nausea and Ryujin's powers. "Sorry if I'm disturbing anything, could you tell me where the nurse is?" asked Lydia, not knowing that the adult holding the sigil was the nurse.

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren

(Some of that is out of order.... Ok so far, Auriel already put the seal on A. It made her pass out and then wake up yelling and struggling about how the sigil was destructive/painful and needed to come off. Luxor shows up to see wth was going on and ends up trying to fix A's current condition wit angel powas n' stuff.)
(Sorry for the late reply)

"Yeah, I think the combat field is a better place to do this. It seems dangerous enough as it is here right now anyway." He walked outside and towards to combat field, hoping not to get caught up in Ryujin and Fley's scufuffle. He did agree with Ryujin, but that didn't mean he wanted to face a lightning bolt or death hug as a result. Besides, it was their issue to deal with right now. If Fley couldn't come around, then he'd have a go at convincing her. One way or another, she would see Lydia as not scary at some point.

He turned back to Roy as they walked, "So, same rules right? You try to pin me and I try to touch where your heart is. And don't worry about ruining my clothes, I got loads in my room." He smiled as they got there, "Well? Shall we?"

@Storm Guardian (This should be good *rubs hands*) @Fazy @Dante Verren


"Same rules," Roy said, "How about you start first?" He presumes a relaxed look, his sword was not even drawn, but in the inside, he was tensed up on what Caesar would do, and he prepared to do his drawing-slash attack if he lunged.
(Some of that is out of order.... Ok so far, Auriel already put the seal on A. It made her pass out and then wake up yelling and struggling about how the sigil was destructive/painful and needed to come off. Luxor shows up to see wth was going on and ends up trying to fix A's current condition wit angel powas n' stuff.)

(So should I change something? ^^')
Caesar gave a slightly nervous grin, but then dropped low and ran at him. As he drew near his hand darted out, open palm for the guy's heart. Both his gloves were on and he was still dressed in a full tuxedo, so he wasn't too worried about accidentally making skin contact. His only worry was strikes to the head. Not many knew this but it was only his skin that contained his power. The inside of his body, like the mouth cavity and eyes, however, were not so destructive. If Roy were to stab him there, it wouldn't go well for him. That was where he would focus his defence then, to block strikes in that area.

@Storm Guardian
(So should I change something? ^^')

(You don't have to. I'm just saying that the sigil is already in place, Auriel has been sitting at her desk for a while and right now Luxor is wiggling his fingers over A's body or something.)
Roy, suprised at this low attack, drew his sword, but instead of doing the draw-slash thing he was going to do, he lobs the sword high over Caesar, appearing behind him. he then created one of his cleavers, blindly throwing it. But because he gets a bit disoriented from teleporting to his sword, he misses completely and throws in the wrong direction

@Destructus Kloud
Watching the cleaver fly off, slightly confused, Caesar waited for Roy to get into jumping distance and leaped up to tackle him mid-air. He would hold him down when they landed and jab him in the chest, signifying his victory, if he was lucky.

@Storm Guardian
Ryujin stormed out of the hallway. Heading for an exit. Once he found an exit it led to a large open field . the same field he had found the day before. He angrily trudged out to the center of the field and let out a tell of frustration . the open sky turned instantly black as large clouds of thunder blocked out the sky surrounding the field. He fell backwards so that he was laying on the field. "Dann it. I guess I couldn't hold it back. I doubt she will forgive me for this. I would be surprised if she ever spoke to me again." 

Auriel Dwelle

"If it doesn't harm her then... go ahead I suppose" Auriel said to Luxor placing her arm in her own forehead, she was having a headache from this chaos, and the scream and shaking from the hallway down the infirmary did not help, it was then when a half-spider and half-girl creature opened the door to the infirmary, the first thing that Auriel saw on her was a crimson towel being placed and held on one of her horns and a small hornet floating next to her holding a black object, "Broken horn, might faint by bleeding, sit in that bed" she half muttered to herself and half said to the wounded girl, as she pointed to a bed far away from the bed the demoness was in, she then jumped when the sound of a thunderbolt hitting the ground echoed within the academy, "Jeez... The weather is kind of bad these days..." she unknowingly said to herself out loud.

@Cheryl @Kisaki @Dante Verren
Roy felt a force bump him to the ground, and he yells in surprise, rolling left to escape Caesar's tackle, and stops when he is facing him, creating another cleaver and doing his best to throw it at Caesar.

@Destructus Kloud
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After much undisturbed sniffling, Fley went to the washroom and took the second shower of the day. She changed into a more 'comfortable' attire consisting of a red crop top and a pair of black tights. To take her mind off of things, she decided to go outside for a bit of fresh air. Upon entering the combat field, she noticed an ongoing fight happening between Roy and Caesar. She decided to watch them, a content look spreading across her face. They looked to be equally matched, though Caesar was currently in the lead from a bystander's perspective.

@Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud
@Fazy can i join you 

@TaraSobiki i am going to do a little move foward sorry 

After the incident in the Nurse's office axel didn't like how everyone was handeling everything so axel stromed off to avoid punching everyone in the face not knowing how to control someone's true power " what is this school teaching us as student's and the teachers don't even know how to control idoitic student's that lose control for being to weak " he said in sad tone and fustrated tone" axel then suddenly he bumbed into Fley before she hurt herself he stoped in the milimeter before acually causing a accident " sorry are you okay 
Listening to the woman's advice, Lydia wobbled over to the bed where she laid down, as she couldn't exactly sit on a bed. The sight in front of her started to waver as she started to feel even more nauseous and dizzy. The throb in the rest of the horn on her started to worsen as blood flowed back through into it, making Lydia cringe. Honey dropped the black piece onto the bed and flew onto the ceiling so as to not make any sounds that might disturb them. Laying there, Lydia wondered if they'll be able to reattach the horn back onto her, but for some reason she doubted it. 

@Lucremoirre (psst, Honey is big. He isn't a normal hornet/wasp thing)
Caesar rolled to a standing position and kept running at Roy, ignoring the cleaver as it connected with his right shoulder. It tore through his tux and turned to grains upon grains of tiny metal pieces, dispersing off to the side until they became nothing in the wind. The handle flipped over his shoulder, landing uselessly in the grass, dis-bladed. Going with the same tactic, he surged forward, open gloved-palm towards the other boy's heart.

@Storm Guardian

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