Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Auriel Dwelle

"Oh!, you woke up!" Auriel said with a nervous smile as A asked what did she do, "Well, it seems like you overused your powers, causing that vessel of yours to be wounded, and my flies didn't work on you, so I asked the professor of the dark arts for assistance!, he said to me that sigil was going to recover your vessel and allow my flies to heal you!" she explained to A with a small smile, she then shuffled nervously as A writhed in pain, "I would look for some kind of pain recovery potion but you switched the labels.....I'm very sorry but I can't do anything about it!" Auriel said as she bowed in forgiveness facing A's bed.

@Olivia Acerbi
Izo sat his stuffed toys into his bag and put on the sideline.

He got into his fighting position and summoned his black scythe."Ready?"he asked.

Red gets into her fighting stance, and moves her tail close to her body. "Ready"

(Might be slow to respond. Cruddy internet reception)
(Holy cow i missed a lot, school has had me occupied lately.) Logan wakes up from a nightmare, panting, he reaches for one of his P226's and scans the room, slowly standing and sweeping the rest of the room he couldnt see. "Damn it... Why cant i get you out of my head!" He yells, anybody in the building or outside with good hearing being able to hear it. Logan sets the P226 on the table and sighs, flopping down on the couch.
Cody got off the bus with Kagami, he thought about her offer, he only had about 500$ from the small job he did before he started school. That was enough for everything, but he wanted to save up for something. "Please? I don't really have much... " he said sadly, kinda wishing he didn't have to lie, but he wanted some new clothes and he was sure that the tail friendly pants are going to cost a pretty penny. 

"I'll take care of it. Maybe some clothing as well? I really don't mind."she said looking at his tail. 

He couldn't even finish his paperwork without something happening. What did he expect from a full school of supernaturals.

Mei sat across the room complaining about the situation.  "Tch ! I was enjoying my lovely day until those two brats decided to nearly kill each other. I'm watching that stupid A or whatever and she pratically is beaten half to death. That's my job!"

Luxor got up from his desk and placed his glasses in his case.

"I'll go and check up on her. Even if she a very troubled person...." He walked to the door and opened it. "Go  and do something productive Mei while I'm gone". Mei whined as he left the office.

-Nurse office-

Luxor opened Door to the infirmary and looked over to A'.

"I see that your healing"

(Tired , but I'll try to respond)

(I feel ya, believe me. I was just wondering.)
"I'll take care of it. Maybe some clothing as well? I really don't mind."she said looking at his tail. 

Cody grabbed his tail out of pure instinct, due to the fact that Fley grabs it all the time, then he let it go, "T -that isn't necessary Kagami. I can find a way to buy myself some. " he said, trying to hide that he actually had money, he just... "Actually... Kagami... I have money for the whole day, I... Just wanted to buy myself clothing, and knowing most of the clothes I've seen, were expensive...I'm... Sorry for that little lie. I can pay for the food and stuff if you want me to. " he said, he still didn't want to disclose the fact that he was homeless most of his life, only when he was 15 did he have a roof over his head. He grabbed his arm, feeling bad. 
Fley grabs it all the time, then he let it go

(Should Fley be offended by this or something? xD Also, where the heck are you people? I WANNA DO SOMETHING, YOU KNOW!! A person can get bored of wandering around campus- sorry, a hybrid wolf can... still half a person...) 
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(Should Fley be offended by this or something? xD Also, where the heck are you people? I WANNA DO SOMETHING, YOU KNOW!! A person can get bored of wandering around campus- sorry, a hybrid wolf can... still half a person...) 

We are in town.
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"You don't have to feel sorry. It's really fine. " she said.

Her eyes travels over to the building behind.

"How about this. You pay for food and I pay for some clothes. We can always split up the costs for check too."she gave him an reassuring smile.

"Come on dude !Be happy that were aren't in school."

Cody grabbed his tail out of pure instinct, due to the fact that Fley grabs it all the time, then he let it go, "T -that isn't necessary Kagami. I can find a way to buy myself some. " he said, trying to hide that he actually had money, he just... "Actually... Kagami... I have money for the whole day, I... Just wanted to buy myself clothing, and knowing most of the clothes I've seen, were expensive...I'm... Sorry for that little lie. I can pay for the food and stuff if you want me to. " he said, he still didn't want to disclose the fact that he was homeless most of his life, only when he was 15 did he have a roof over his head. He grabbed his arm, feeling bad. 

Auriel Dwelle

"Oh!, you woke up!" Auriel said with a nervous smile as A asked what did she do, "Well, it seems like you overused your powers, causing that vessel of yours to be wounded, and my flies didn't work on you, so I asked the professor of the dark arts for assistance!, he said to me that sigil was going to recover your vessel and allow my flies to heal you!" she explained to A with a small smile, she then shuffled nervously as A writhed in pain, "I would look for some kind of pain recovery potion but you switched the labels.....I'm very sorry but I can't do anything about it!" Auriel said as she bowed in forgiveness facing A's bed.

@Olivia Acerbi

"HE WHAT!?", A screamed with more intensity. "This is a.....crucible sigil, you f*cking..moron!", A verbally attacked Auriel. "It's....frying me...not saving me!", she continued to writhe in agony. "Get it off!" 

(is she telling the truth or faking it? Does Xiuruk have some hidden agenda? You decide *tv show voice*)


He couldn't even finish his paperwork without something happening. What did he expect from a full school of supernaturals.

Mei sat across the room complaining about the situation.  "Tch ! I was enjoying my lovely day until those two brats decided to nearly kill each other. I'm watching that stupid A or whatever and she pratically is beaten half to death. That's my job!"

Luxor got up from his desk and placed his glasses in his case.

"I'll go and check up on her. Even if she a very troubled person...." He walked to the door and opened it. "Go  and do something productive Mei while I'm gone". Mei whined as he left the office.

-Nurse office-

Luxor opened Door to the infirmary and looked over to A'.

"I see that your healing"

(Tired , but I'll try to respond)

"HARDLY!", she yells angrily. Heat waves visibly coming off her, her body scorching the bed (..again)
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Fley got bored and decided that there was no one of particular interest around the school grounds, and there was no one familiar about the combat field, either. With a sigh, she walked toward the infirmary again, in the hopes of finding someone she knew. She spotted the trio of boys still sitting there and decided to approach them. Two she knew, and one she didn't. "Hello," she said, staring at the new guy. She recalled seeing him in the infirmary with A, though his presence had gone by unnoticed to her. She winced - that's how people treated her on occasions, as she hated being ignored. This guy didn't seemed to mind it all. "Hello," she repeated. "I'm Fley Sanders." She held out her hand, though the gesture was awkward since she was not used to doing it. 

@Storm Guardian
"HE WHAT!?", A screamed with more intensity. "This is a.....crucible sigil, you f*cking..moron!", A verbally attacked Auriel. "It's....frying me...not saving me!", she continued to writhe in agony. "Get it off!" 

(is she telling the truth or faking it? Does Xiuruk have some hidden agenda? You decide *tv show voice*)

"HARDLY!", she yells angrily. Heat waves visibly coming off her, her body scorching the bed (..again)

( ._.)

"You need to calm yourself. Your burning school property know " he said with a blank face . Luxor turned to Auriel ,"I'm assuming she's still in bad condition.  Student or not I'm here to keep people alive so is there anything I can be in use."
"You don't have to feel sorry. It's really fine. " she said.

Her eyes travels over to the building behind.

"How about this. You pay for food and I pay for some clothes. We can always split up the costs for check too."she gave him an reassuring smile.

"Come on dude !Be happy that were aren't in school."

Cody nodded, "Alright...Where should we go first? Food, arcade, clothes?" he asked her, looking around at the town, getting some bad memories, but nothing too bad, "I'm leaning, clothes, and then the arcade, if that works with you...?" he said, making a plan for the day, seeing that food would be at the top.

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel slightly recoiled as A screamed at her, shyly fidgeting her hands, "U-Um...If you are telling the truth much time do you have?" she asked A, Auriel believed Xiuruk, but she also wanted to know A's side of the story, she then heard someone walk in the room, she turnerd her head to see, "Luxor! You're finally here!" she greeted him with a warm smile, but her expression quickly got serious, "Can you check A's sigil and say what it is for me?, please?, I'll explain once you're done checking it!" she said with the best puppy eyes she could give, her mood doing a complete 180, she wanted to know what did the headmaster himself think of it.

@Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi
"Great plan! Now where would you like to eat..What about pizza!" . She hadn't had pizza for a long time...real pizza. Japan wasn't really a great place for Italian food 

Cody nodded, "Alright...Where should we go first? Food, arcade, clothes?" he asked her, looking around at the town, getting some bad memories, but nothing too bad, "I'm leaning, clothes, and then the arcade, if that works with you...?" he said, making a plan for the day, seeing that food would be at the top.
"Let's see....",he said as bent down to look at A's hand. It seemed to burning he examined. "It's rejecting her. I might be able to heal her,  but my angelic powers could have some side effects". Watching people suffer was a daily thing to see. Maybe he felt sympathetic for A...nope!

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel slightly recoiled as A screamed at her, shyly fidgeting her hands, "U-Um...If you are telling the truth much time do you have?" she asked A, Auriel believed Xiuruk, but she also wanted to know A's side of the story, she then heard someone walk in the room, she turnerd her head to see, "Luxor! You're finally here!" she greeted him with a warm smile, but her expression quickly got serious, "Can you check A's sigil and say what it is for me?, please?, I'll explain once you're done checking it!" she said with the best puppy eyes she could give, her mood doing a complete 180, she wanted to know what did the headmaster himself think of it.

@Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi
"Yep!"he exclaimed. He ran foward and gave a swing with his scythe.

Red lifts her sword and block his swing. After a few seconds she knocks him away and darts over to her staff. Muttering a few words, the lantern and chime disappears, and she yanks it out of the ground.
"Let's see....",he said as bent down to look at A's hand. It seemed to burning he examined. "It's rejecting her. I might be able to heal her,  but my angelic powers could have some side effects". Watching people suffer was a daily thing to see. Maybe he felt sympathetic for A...nope!

"No, sh*t!?", A says sarcastically. "A crucible sigil....rejecting a....sinner? Unheard..of!"

She flinches as Luxor suggests to use his power. "No..wait. What are you..gonna do?"

Auriel Dwelle

"What kind of side effects?" Auriel asked Luxor with a tint of suspicion towards Xiuruk, if A is indeed telling the truth, why would he give A something that could hurt her?, what are his reasons?, she'd have to ask him in a later meeting between the teachers, as she thinks about it more, the more suspicious he becomes, and the demoness would be the perfect victim, who was going to remember a demon anyways?, she shrugged the thoughts out of her head, her fellow staff member couldn't do something this horrifying.... right?.

@Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi
"Rajin is the japenese God of thunder and lightning . He was also the first oni. Since I'm so young for a God I don't have any goody duties. Yet. Well minus the curse of my onim which is already pretty brutal as it is." Ryujin saw fley aproach and he gave her a small wave.

@Destructus Kloud

@Storm Guardian

Izo spins his scythe again,  he makes a leap into the air and crashes down with his scythe  toward Red. He makes two swinging motions that a x. The energy from the blade heads toward her.

Red lifts her sword and block his swing. After a few seconds she knocks him away and darts over to her staff. Muttering a few words, the lantern and chime disappears, and she yanks it out of the ground.

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