Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History) know who you are

"It's divine energy will burn any being tainted with sin or malice, a branded sigil would make make the vessel itself into a seal. Once the Seraph is forced to retreat further into the vessel, you can safely attach the relic to the physical body by some means and reinforce the seal.", Xiuruk instructed, his hideous flesh visibly being singed by the light. "This will not last forever.", he warns. "Though, I feel the Seraph won't be too eager to attempt escape...doing so would completely the vessel. We'll see how long it can withstand the perpetual agony the seal inflicts before breaking."

Finished on the subject of A, Xiuruk turns to the students and walks towards their group. "You are all very lucky this Seraph did not rend your souls from your very beings. With classmates such as this, you'd be wise to attend my class.", he collapses into himself like a black hole before reaching them. 

(sorry, I had to pick someone up)
(Sorry, I went to eat, but now I'm back!) 

Fley poked him. "Hey, look at me. Why, am I that ugly? Jeez, I knew I was, but..." Fley gazed at the ground awkwardly. "Mm, as for your oni, I was just messin' with ya. And you know we can't afford to have him out again!" she exclaimed. She stared at the demon teacher, but said nothing, even after he collapsed. That strange feeling returned, the feeling of fear that felt like it wouldn't disappear, but it was gone shortly after he'd left. 

@Dante Verren

@Olivia Acerbi
( know who you are

"It's divine energy will burn any being tainted with sin or malice, a branded sigil would make make the vessel itself into a seal. Once the Seraph is forced to retreat further into the vessel, you can safely attach the relic to the physical body by some means and reinforce the seal.", Xiuruk instructed, his hideous flesh visibly being singed by the light. "This will not last forever.", he warns. "Though, I feel the Seraph won't be too eager to attempt escape...doing so would completely the vessel. We'll see how long it can withstand the perpetual agony the seal inflicts before breaking."

Finished on the subject of A, Xiuruk cocks his head towards the students. He turns to them and begins to walk towards their group, his body cracks and snaps as he moves and generates a strange pulling sensation inside the students. He stops in front of the group. "Though your feelings of fear are well placed, my presence here is not for harvest. You are all very lucky this Seraph did not rend your souls from your very beings. With classmates such as this, you'd be wise to attend my class."

(sorry, I had to pick someone up)

(So Auriel just needs to simply put the talisman into A's neck?, sorry I'm a dum-dum with religous words e.e)

(So Auriel just needs to simply put the talisman into A's neck?, sorry I'm a dum-dum with religous words e.e)

(put the thingy on A's skin to burn a brand into it, mean power will go "ah!" and retreat deeper into the vessel, the body will start to look less scary and your flies can actually #work and not be instantly kilt, attach thingy to A's body somehow (whatever u want), badda bing badda boom end-a-story. ya dig?)
Ryujin sighed happily. That teacher was seriously scary. Once the teacher was gone he turned to look at fley. "You're not ugly at all. Didn't I tell you earlier. You're adorable." he looked back to where the demon had vanished and turned back to face fley. " you're right it would be a pretty big pain if he was to gain control again. Twice in one day would definitely be a real pain even if it was just for a short time." he stopped as he realized that he said the last part out loud. A nervous smile crossed his face.

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Fley exhaled - she had not realized she'd been holding her breath. "I disagree. If anything, I'm scary and not adorable! But thanks for the compliment, anyways. For Mr. Oni..." Fley brought Ryujin's head close to her mouth and started whispering, "Oni, oni! Yeah, you in there? Um, you should stop bothering Ryujin, 'cause he's getting annoyed, you know?" She said the last part in a sort of hiss. "That should scare him away," she said in a satisfied voice, patting  his head and drawing it away from herself.

@Dante Verren

Auriel Dwelle

After Auriel received the instructions from the professor, she went to a hopsital bed and ripped a long and thick line from the covers of the bed and picked up a pillow, she then placed the pillow on A's head and then placed the talisman on A's arm and wrapped it in the line she ripped earlier, she then held A's arms in place, in case there's a convulsion of some sorts, she was really nervous, after all, she never worked on a demon before.

(@Olivia Acerbi Thanks!) @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Dante Verren
As fley was drawing his head back he had a really stupid idea. "Fine I will prove that your adorble." he whispered to her before quickly planting a kiss on her forehead. He then instantly retreated out of punching, kicking, or lunging range. He also held out his hand to signal to her not to freak out "save your freak out for later. I'm going to help the nurse then you can get ad much payback as you want." Ryujin then hurridly went over A's bed. "Mrs. Nurse do you need any help? I can hold her down if you would like me to?"


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Auriel Dwelle

"Oh no, thanks, your oni could awaken while you're holding her down and I don't really want to take anymore risks" Auriel said to Ryujin with a warm smile, "And I suggest all of you to go outside for the moment, the actions that may occur in the infirmary may be a little... traumatizing for all of you" She said with a nervous smile as she continued to hold A down.

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Olivia Acerbi
"Alright I will wait outside. Just yell if you need any help Mrs nurse." with that Ryujin walked out of the infirmary and walked a bit down the hall before sitting down with his back against the wall. He made sure he was still in earshot of the infirmary if the low possibility that she did need his help arose he could get there in a hurry.

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Auriel Dwelle

After Auriel received the instructions from the professor, she went to a hopsital bed and ripped a long and thick line from the covers of the bed and picked up a pillow, she then placed the pillow on A's head and then placed the talisman on A's arm and wrapped it in the line she ripped earlier, she then held A's arms in place, in case there's a convulsion of some sorts, she was really nervous, after all, she never worked on a demon before.

(@Olivia Acerbi Thanks!) @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Dante Verren

( @Lucremoirre no, thank u.)  @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Dante Verren

Auriel's assumption is correct and upon contact A reawakens and begins instinctually thrashing around, screaming and shouting. (exorcist style) 

She shoots short bursts of fire, as she her appendages flail, the mutations start to visibly burn off. She releases small blasts of magic in her struggle before falling limp again. The talisman had done the trick, she was returning to a more recognizable state. 

Auriel Dwelle

After Auriel received the instructions from the professor, she went to a hopsital bed and ripped a long and thick line from the covers of the bed and picked up a pillow, she then placed the pillow on A's head and then placed the talisman on A's arm and wrapped it in the line she ripped earlier, she then held A's arms in place, in case there's a convulsion of some sorts, she was really nervous, after all, she never worked on a demon before.

(@Olivia Acerbi Thanks!) @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Dante Verren

( @Lucremoirre no, thank u.)  @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Dante Verren

Auriel's assumption is correct and upon contact A reawakens and begins instinctually thrashing around, screaming and shouting. (exorcist style) 

She shoots short bursts of fire, as she her appendages flail, the mutations start to visibly burn off. She releases small blasts of magic in her struggle before falling limp again. The talisman had done the trick, she was returning to a more recognizable state. 
"I guess I'll step out then," Roy said, "No knowing what demons could do." He went outside, and seeing Ryujin, he joined him at the wall. "Hey," Roy said, "I don't think I got a name from you. I'm Roy." He offers a handshake
( @Lucremoirre no, thank u.)  @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Dante Verren

Auriel's assumption is correct and upon contact A reawakens and begins instinctually thrashing around, screaming and shouting. (exorcist style) 

She shoots short bursts of fire, as she her appendages flail, the mutations start to visibly burn off. She releases small blasts of magic in her struggle before falling limp again. The talisman had done the trick, she was returning to a more recognizable state. 

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was shocked when almost instantaneously after she put the talisman in A's arm, she started having a convulsion, holding her arms firmly, the demoness started producing short flames, in which caused small burns in both the hospital beds, and Auriel's arms, but she continued to firmly hold A's arms, as her mutations start to wear off, a short burst of magic hit Auriel, causing her to fall on the floor on her back, "N-No need to come in, I'm fine!" she loudly said to the students on the outside, as she ran to A's limp but now reconizable body, "Phew.... still alive..." she sighed to herself as she checked the girl's pulse, she then released a few of her flies, which now were actually healing the girl, but a few of them landed on Auriel herself, healing Auriel's burns, as she lazily made her way to the intercom, "Infirmary update, one unconsious demoness.... and one tired nurse...., four hospital beds still available"  She said into the intercom, sitting on the chair, waiting for the next person to burst in the infirmary, probaly one of the teachers or the headmaster himself.
Caesar, in an attempt to escape Fley, for he didn't want to kill her with his touch, ran outside to join the others. (Sorry @Fazy, I hadn't seen your last post :P ) He stopped just next to the two and smiled, "Hey guys, you both okay?" He grinned and looked at Ryujin, "You okay especially? You kinda just ran in as A was trying to escape in demon form." He then turned to Roy, "Oh, and do you want to do our match now then? Or has exhaustion taken hold of you already?" He smiled jokingly.

@Dante Verren @Storm Guardian (excuse my re-edit. not much changed in the end.)
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Fley was about to join the guys, but decided not to, just to give them some space. She wandered outside a bit and sat beside a tree not far from the combat field. 

[Open for Interaction]

(It's okay xD   @Destructus Kloud) 
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Caesar shook his head, still cheerful, "Nah, I didn't end up doing much. I just got tossed about. It's fine, I took a few plasters from the infirmary and patched myself up. It was Roy and whoever shot that lightning that did most of the work."

@Dante Verren @Storm Guardian
"Nice to meet'ya, Ryujin." Roy said, "I heard the nurse saying something about oni... what is it?"
@Olivia Acerbi (Oh no, we're not waitin' for someone, but anyone can barge in the infirmary at anytime!)

(fingers crossed. I'm kinda stuck on lurk since one of my chars is KO'd and the other is kinda just plot device....)

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