Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(fingers crossed. I'm kinda stuck on lurk since one of my chars is KO'd and the other is kinda just plot device....)

(I'm also kind of stuck on lurking, since my character is supervising you and i'm waiting on someone to respond to my other one...OH SHITLOOK OUT SOMEONE'S COMIN')


(So I'm back after moving out and holy shit, we actually got A?)

(Technically no, she just got injured by Ryujin and Roy, and now her vessel has been turned into a seal by a talisman in order for Auriel's flies to work on A)
"Uhh, okay. Ma'am." Caesar complied, following her and the other teacher. Noticing Fley, he turned to her and rubbed the back of his head ruefully, "Well, I think A got a bit angry and went demon mode. You know, fire and demonic body parts and such. But then a bolt of lightning and Roy injured her and she kinda just flopped to the ground." He glanced over at A, "I do hope she's okay. Stuff like this really dangerous. I mean, imagine if it was someone else about to get roasted by her instead of me? Roy can't be here to save everyone, right?" He paused for a moment, thinking, "Perhaps there's some kind of police force within the school... Like a disciplinary committee or something. Maybe if joined that, stuff like this would happen less?" He looked back over to the wolf girl, "Oh sorry, just thinking out loud. By the way," Caesar leaned in closer to her, "Don't be so afraid of Lydia. She's a nice person really, you just gotta get used to her looks."

@Fazy @Olivia Acerbi @Storm Guardian @Kisaki @Lucremoirre

"Peace nurse. I've some bussiness to attend to" she flew away.

(Sorry for the short reply , I have to focus on my homework for a bit)

Dalilia looked over at her friend and sighed, "Hobbies? Well, I guess drawing is one of them. I sing, only in the shower. I love to take photos, maybe we should come back out here later on and while you pick insects, I could take pictures of them, or maybe I could take pictures of you getting insects... I don't know?" She said softly and just smiled as she made her way back the the actual academy building. She wanted to learn more about her power, but also wanted to meet other people... She wasn't the person to be in big crowds, but she doesn't know what to talk about with only one other person. 

Cody laughed with her, "Maybe I can teach you how to cook some day. " he said, he wouldn't mind that, since cooking is easy once you get the hang of it. "So... Bunny island, sounds wonderful, just lay down and pet all the bunnies. " he said, bunnies were cute, but nothing beats kittens and puppies. 

(I would say that me and you could be friends... But compared to you... You're Albert Einstein and I'm a cave man. xD )

"I'll gladly take your offer." She nodded. The only thing she could was make japanese sweets like Dangos. She learned it from her mother ealier on.

"Yep...there's thousands of them because over breeding  so you can have a pile of bunnies on top of you."

(I wish .... It will take me a long time to get me to that level. :  (

(Finally found your qoute)

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth only nodded in response as they walked inside the building, "W-What do you think about the academy at the moment?"  He telepathically asked her as they walked up the fairly large stairs, he didn't really know on what to talk about, since he never really ever talked with someone before, reaching the second floor, he saw the entryway to the cafeteria, "G-Guess we finally arrived here..."  he telepathically said to her as his eyes looked for a free table.

@PixieDusts (Going to be out for a while, sorry if I don't respond in time.)
(So I'm back after moving out and holy shit, we actually got A?)

(nah....well kinda, she almost destroyed the vessel by overloading her powers and then Ryujin and Roy opened a whoopass canister. Then nurse and buff steve buscemi's corpse from Fargo sealed her, temporarily)
"Well I'm the one who shot the lightning. It was a pretty good shot. Though I wish she would have been able to take more then one hit." He then looked over at Roy. " Oni are japense demons. I am the grandson of the Japense God of thunder who is an oni. The form you see me in now is my form created to harbor the oni and so I can walk around in the human world. However me and my oni don't get along well and are always fighting internally to see who has control. And yes before you ask I am a pureblood witch technicly means I'm a very minor God.

@Destructus Kloud

@Storm Guardian
"Wow, on both accounts." Caesar interjected, "So you're literally a deity? Are you like Thor then, but not as powerful?" He asked, spmewhat interested that he was currently in the presence of an actual god. That didn't happen everyday.

@Dante Verren @Storm Guardian 
"I'll gladly take your offer." She nodded. The only thing she could was make japanese sweets like Dangos. She learned it from her mother ealier on.

"Yep...there's thousands of them because over breeding  so you can have a pile of bunnies on top of you."

(I wish .... It will take me a long time to get me to that level. :  (

(Finally found your qoute)

Cody laughed at the last part of the bunnies, "That's so funny! " he said, "I can't wait to see what they have in town! " he said smiling, hiding the fact that he has been on the streets for years. And the pain of sleeping in a box. "I wonder if the town has a arcade... " he said, wondering, he hasn't been in one since his aunt was alive. 

The girl smiled and with one step she sat on the stairs for a moment. "I haven't seen much of it, but it's pretty!" She said and then began to walk back up the stairs. The girl hated stairs. Stairs, stairs, stairs. It was all about getting fit and using the stairs. She bent over with exaggeration and held up her pointer finger. She laughed lightly and then flipped up, smiling brightly as she walked into the cafeteria and smiled even brighter at the smell of food. She seemed to glow as her stomach growled lightly and she chuckled nervously, holding her stomach. "S-sorry..."

The bus finally stopped.

"I think there's arcade here. "

She stood off the bus. "You wanna go there first. I'll pay for the tickets and stuff."

She had enough of money to buy 5 mansions anyways. At least it's a good way to spend her money than a load of food.

Cody laughed at the last part of the bunnies, "That's so funny! " he said, "I can't wait to see what they have in town! " he said smiling, hiding the fact that he has been on the streets for years. And the pain of sleeping in a box. "I wonder if the town has a arcade... " he said, wondering, he hasn't been in one since his aunt was alive. 

Sythnar Dochrohen

"I-It's fine...."  Seth telepathically said to Dalilia, slightly giggling as he saw a free table, "I-I'll get your order if you want, y-you can sit over there while you wait for me"  he telepathically said to her as he pointed to the free table he saw, picking up his phone and going on the 'Musics' section of it, he scrolled down the screen like a restaurant menu, wondering what song he will feast upon.

The bus finally stopped.

"I think there's arcade here. "

She stood off the bus. "You wanna go there first. I'll pay for the tickets and stuff."

She had enough of money to buy 5 mansions anyways. At least it's a good way to spend her money than a load of food.

Cody got off the bus with Kagami, he thought about her offer, he only had about 500$ from the small job he did before he started school. That was enough for everything, but he wanted to save up for something. "Please? I don't really have much... " he said sadly, kinda wishing he didn't have to lie, but he wanted some new clothes and he was sure that the tail friendly pants are going to cost a pretty penny. 
(My will is weak @Lucremoirre)

A starts to twitch and shake briefly before erupting back into consciousness, gasping and choking as she sits up. She grabs her arm where the sigil brand is. "Gah! What the-? That's..- but how did?- Hnnngh, everything hurts!", she cries, uncharacteristically panic-stricken. She jerks and squirms on the bed, her back arching and legs kicking as she grips the sheets white-knuckle tight. "What did to me!?", she strains to ask between ragged breaths. "It feels like.......I'm being a trash compactor." 

(Where's Luxor at? Shouldn't be, idk, at least a little concerned about what went down? @Kisaki)
[Where tf is everyone? Is anyone available for interaction? xD]
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"If Thor was japenese then yes I would be like Thor. I'm the grandson of Rajin. I don't use hammers for a waepon I use drums. Every time I hit one of the drums thunder and lightning awnswr the beat. Though I can also manipulate electricity if I'm in my human form."

@Destructus Kloud

@Storm Guardian
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(My will is weak @Lucremoirre)

A starts to twitch and shake briefly before erupting back into consciousness, gasping and choking as she sits up. She grabs her arm where the sigil brand is. "Gah! What the-? That's..- but how did?- Hnnngh, everything hurts!", she cries, uncharacteristically panic-stricken. She jerks and squirms on the bed, her back arching and legs kicking as she grips the sheets white-knuckle tight. "What did to me!?", she strains to ask between ragged breaths. "It feels like.......I'm being a trash compactor." 

(Where's Luxor at? Shouldn't be, idk, at least a little concerned about what went down? @Kisaki)

(I was going to make that.... I was doing some homework so I was a little busy.)
"Wow, that's pretty cool. I mean, imagine you in actual battle! You'd be a... Well, you are but, you'd be a god! Wait, who's Rajin? I've never heard that kind of god, I'm assuming that's a lightning god though." Caesar scratched his head, "So isn't there some kind of pressure or responsibility being a god? It's not all fun and games is it?"

@Dante Verren (Gtg sleep now. cya later :) )
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