Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Eh, no, I can't. It's alright though, I'm just still a little unused to it is all. I don't want to forget and accidentally kill someone." He laughed the ordeal off nervously as the glove came back on, "Cool, we'll sign up together," He smiled warmly, "And yeah, I'll totally help you out. It's the least I can do for a friend." He took on a sad look at the last part, "Believe me, if there was a way, I'd have found it. These odd clothes given to me by my parents are the only remedy I know of."


(@Olivia Acerbi I feel like I've been heavily hinting this, but he can't be "physically touched", right? But what about psychic/brain power stuff? Or the wind? Or hitting him with blunt objects so that his clothes don't tear? He's actually still really fragile) 

(@kenchin I think we're all coming in doors anyway. Roy and I have to go to the infirmary with the nurse to explain this all, along with Ryujin, but Idk what Fley, Lydia and  the others will do.)

(I'm gonna make a big boot out of that material and crouch kick him into submission >>:DD.....or something idk yet)

@Lucremoirre (Kisaki's been gone for hours now, busy with school probably.  @Dante Verren picked up the slack tho.)
(I'm gonna make a big boot out of that material and crouch kick him into submission >>:DD.....or something idk yet)

@Lucremoirre (Kisaki's been gone for hours now, busy with school probably.  @Dante Verren picked up the slack tho.)


(Posted Auriel's reaction btw)
Ryujin laid A down on one of the beds. He turned and looked over at the nurse. "Yes mam it worked wonders. I was hoping if I have any more problems if I could come back and get some more?" He looked down at his burnt and cut arms and chest. "Do you mind if I burrow one of your flies? Carrying her seems to have done a bit more damage then expected."


@Olivia Acerbi
"Well I have to go to the infirmary with the rest right now. It'll probably be boring but you can come if you want. Otherwise, we can always talk some other time. Maybe over lunch?" He started to follow the others to the infirmary, his head filled with thoughts about joining the disciplinary committee still.


Kori was sitting on her bed curled into a ball for no reason. She hadn't left her room yet because she had been waiting for Axel and she had perked up once he had knocked "No....Not anymore....Morning to you to." she got up from her place on the bed then put on her shoes quickly. She walked to the door and attempted to open it. She struggled a bit to open it but eventually she got it to turn. When she got the door open cold air came out and the room was covered in frost "So...where are we going." she didn't really seem to notice it that much.

"I haven't got anything better to do, so I'll just follow you. I'll keep a distance, no worries, since you clearly want me out of the way," Fley said, walking behind him at a distance as she had said. "Anyways, thanks," Fley murmured, as she followed Caesar.

@Destructus Kloud
Axel smiled of the fresh cold air that came rushing out " its nice and cool in your room i like it alot so want to walk around for a bit " he said grabing her hand " do you want to see or do anything or do you have plans " said axel while he was walking with with Kori he sensed someone people going to the infermary " Hmm want to go to the nurses office it seem's like something is happening over their " said axel looking a bit worried because their was alot of people gathering over their 



@Destructus Kloud

@Dante Verren
Roy walked with the group to the health room, glancing nervously at A. He hoped desperately that A would get better. Roy felt that the large group would attract attention at the nurse's office, but really, he couldn't do anything about it. He was likely to be getting into trouble, on his first day. He stands quietly at the side, not doing much, but puts on an expression that does invite conversation.

Auriel Dwelle

"As I expected!, and I think you might have to wait awhile before you can get another one of those though, the potions don't really come out of nowhere" Auriel said with a warm smile as she released her flies into Ryujin, the vermellion liquid coating into his wounds as they slowly healed him, another half of the flies, however, were going to A, healing her smaller wounds, "So, could you tell me what happened?" she said to the students present at the infirmary, as she waited for professor Xioruk.

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Fazy @Olivia Acerbi

"Sure...What do you think happened" she had a few good guesses on what it could of been. A fight most likely or somebody couldn't control their powers and ended up hurting somebody by accident. Either one seemed equally as probable as the other one. There were probably many more options but she wasn't going to go explore them right now. Too much work and it wasn't any of her business anyways.

Fley had entered the infirmary just as the nurse began to question them. "I know nothing," she said. "A got hurt. Ryujin may have. These were involved," she said, gesturing to the others who'd been involved in the accident. "And I did nothing," she repeated. "I'm just here to..." she paused and thought for a moment, then glanced at Ryujin. "See him," she said, pointing in his direction. 

@Lucremoirre @Dante Verren 
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Roy shrugged, walking up to Auriel, "All I know is A here got a bit rage-y or something, started snapping at people, then I think she transformed into a hellish-like creature, started terrorizing people. I'm not sure what made her angry. All I know is the next thing that happened, she picked up Caesar, and I couldn't help but try to intervene since it looked like she was kinda out of control. Then lightning fell from the sky, which caused A to get injured." After he was done talking, he said, "That's all I know."
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Caesar spoke up after Roy had finished, "He's basically right about all of that. Lydia was also here at some point but she ran away." Caesar then bowed to the nurse, "Sorry for causing you trouble, we probably shouldn't have been doing that sort of thing without teacher supervision anyway."

@Lucremoirre @Storm Guardian
"Thank you very much. At first I thought those flies where kinda stupid but I feel better then ever." he clenched and clenched his fist as bolts of electricity ran up and down his arms making sure that his body was working properly. He Turned to look at Roy. "Hey by the way sword guy nice job distracting A so I could get a shot in. It made hitting her way easier." He also followed Caesars example and bowed apologetically as well. "Yeah sorry for the ruckus." Ryujin heard Fley speak as he stood up. He turned to look at her. "where you worried about me?"


@Destructus Kloud

@Storm Guardian

Fley shrugged. "I did nothing so I have no reason to apologize," she huffed, glaring at the nurse. "A-And I was worried about you! Is that wrong? No! I'm worried about everyone!" she exclaimed, flushing a little - this time, she refused to act nervous around Ryujin... but this resolve seemed to fail miserably as she fidgeted and played with her hair. 

@Dante Verren @Lucremoirre
Axel simply smiled at her " its probaly nothing to big if their going to the infermary but i still worry about people so lets check on all of them okay " said axel then he arrived with everyone apoligizing axel then let out a huge breath of relief and simply said " are all of you guy's okay i kinda got worried with so many people are here in the infarmany " said axel while he kept kori close to him "



@Destructus Kloud

@Storm Guardian


@Dante Verren
As A squirms on the bed her body starts causing fires on the sheets and other nearby materials. She attempts to escape again, using her tail she slashes a portal in the floor and rolls off the bed into it, disappearing into the pitch black. 


Unusually, the portal stays open behind her. Professor Xiuruk rises from the abyss, carrying A's now limp body. The portal closes as he hovers slightly above it. He drops A to the floor as he touches down and turns to Auriel. "I assume this is the reason for your summoning.", he states plainly,his voice making A's demonic roars sound heartwarming. 

"Your flies will do close to nothing for this Seraph or the vessel.", Xiuruk turns back to A. "I explained to you the nature of the situation. Normally, there is no way to undo the damage. However, prior to the transformation , the vessel did seem to have passively absorbed some demonic essence. If you were to draw the energy back out of the vessel and into the Seraph then perhaps the vessel could have a chance to regenerate itself and can then benefit from your flies.", Xiuruk holds out his hand creating a small, floating black orb. After a moment it flashes blinding white light, revealing a bright, silver looking talisman. The light seers both Xiuruk and A slightly. "You can use this to push back the negative energy and effectively seal the Seraph's power in the vessel.", he motions for Auriel to grab it. "You must execute the seal. I am forbidden from contact with the relic."

( @Lucremoirre pssst, ask him how it works ;) )
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Hastily, Roy said his own apologies, "Whatever the hell happened, I am indeed sorry about this entire mess... especially the injuries of A and the lighting guy." He looks at Ryujin eyes sparkling a small bit, "It seems your aim is very good. I'm pretty sure if you didn't intervene with that lightning, it would be at least 3 people injured instead of 2."
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Auriel Dwelle

'M-My flies aren't stupid!' Auriel muttered to herself as she turned to the students, slightly offended, "It's fine, you just did a simple error of not knowing your opponent's species in a friendly spar" she said to them when a being emerged from a obsidian colored portal, whom she reconized as professor Xioruk, she then listened to what he said, slightly unsettled by his body and his voice, "O-Oh! I-I see!, how d-does it w-work?" she asked to Xioruk, stuttering as she was slightly terrified as she picked up the talisman while crouching down to A's body.

@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Fazy @Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud
(OOC is usually encompassed in brackets like this. Just a heads up. :)  @kenchin)

(@everyone else, just gonna get a quick snack from the corner store, i'll be like 15 mins) 
It's been roughly thirty minutes since Lydia had run into her room. So far the only action she has taken for her bleeding left horn was covering it with a towel, which quickly got soaked in blood. After feeling the heat and seeing the chasms with fire, Lydia wasn't thinking straight after being in front of her worst fear, fire. She had just been pacing around the room keeping the bloody towel on her snapped horn all this time. 

The main cause for the snapping of the ebony horn was one of the black tentacles that A had summoned to attack her. They were powerful and had actually swung at her head, and connected with the left horn. A sudden crack and the end of it had come off and got lost somewhere on the combat field, waiting to be found. There was also probably some blood from the attack on the ground, but Lydia wasn't worried about that right now. She just needed to calm down and take in what she just saw.
Ryujin gave Fley one of his normal goofy smiles. "Alright well I'm glad you didn't get hurt." His smile grew even larger at receiving praise for his aim. "Well I don't know if I did very much but my aim is pretty good isn't it?" he held out his hand to Roy. "Whats your name? mine is Ryujin." hearing the offended tone in the nurses voice he apologized quickly. "I'm sorry I din't mean to offend you but I swear there not stupid. anything that can heal someone that quickly isn't stupid." Once the other demon showed up Ryujin went a little pail. he could feel the massive energy this guy had and knew even at full strength Ryujin would barely be able to do much to him.


@Olivia Acerbi @Fazy @Storm Guardian 
Fley stared at the demon who seemed fierce, unwelcoming and... scary. He gave off a dark vibe and she felt nothing but fear of him. She kept quiet for a little bit after he'd arrived, but the sensation came off of her soon after the demon began to speak to the nurse. "Well, obviously I didn't get hurt! I'm fantastic, you know? I could fight off even your stupid oni," she joked, though she wasn't even half-serious. She knew that she couldn't put up a decent fight against anyone in the room without getting badly injured. The one who seemed the least of a threat was Caesar, due to his kindness and his one power being to disintegrate people, but if he removed his gloves, he'd probably be the most dangerous to face. 

Mentioned: @Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud

@Dante Verren
Ryujin shifted his stance. to the normal eye it looked like he was just shifting his weight. However an eye trained for combat could see that it was a protective stance. one that allowed him to get to his target and protect them in no time at all. The target of hi protection was Fley. Ryujin's eyes stayed locked on the demon's teacher. He didn't know why but all of his senses where on overdrive and his oni blood burned but not out of desire to fight but with the desire to protect as many people in the room as possible. "I'm sure if you really wanted to try fighting him he would happily accept. He isn't one to refuse a fight" he replied to fley's joke but his eyes never left the teacher.


@Olivia Acerbi

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