Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Great plan! Now where would you like to eat..What about pizza!" . She hadn't had pizza for a long time...real pizza. Japan wasn't really a great place for Italian food 

Cody looked at her, "I thought we were having sushi...but alright! Let's get some pizza!" he said happily, walking with Kagami, "So... Have you made any more friends at the school yet?" he asked her, " already know...You're my only so far..." he said sadly.
Fley waved back, and stared at him for a minute. "Can I take revenge now?" she asked, clearing her face of any emotion. "For what you did earlier, you kind of owe me, you know. People don't just kiss me and get away with it. I'm royalty!" Fley retorted. 

@Dante Verren
Ignoring the students Sarcastic comments he lifted hands toward the sigil. "You don't have to worry...she be slightly weakened,  but I'm sure she'll find a way to get past that." He glanced back at Auriel the back to ."It's up to you miss A' however saying no might be the very end of you."

Auriel Dwelle

"What kind of side effects?" Auriel asked Luxor with a tint of suspicion towards Xiuruk, if A is indeed telling the truth, why would he give A something that could hurt her?, what are his reasons?, she'd have to ask him in a later meeting between the teachers, as she thinks about it more, the more suspicious he becomes, and the demoness would be the perfect victim, who was going to remember a demon anyways?, she shrugged the thoughts out of her head, her fellow staff member couldn't do something this horrifying.... right?.

@Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi

"No, sh*t!?", A says sarcastically. "A crucible sigil....rejecting a....sinner? Unheard..of!"

She flinches as Luxor suggests to use his power. "No..wait. What are you..gonna do?"
"Maybe next time. I promise! "

She said skipping along by Cody. "I haven't made so much friends. I'm pretty popular for my career though. I just hate when people only see me as the hot babe in the bikini".

She gave Cody a quick hug," What about the wolf girl Fley? I thought you two were friends. "

Izo spins his scythe again,  he makes a leap into the air and crashes down with his scythe  toward Red. He makes two swinging motions that a x. The energy from the blade heads toward her.

Red brings her arms in front of her face for protection. When the force of the scythe hit her, it knocks her over.
"Maybe next time. I promise! "

She said skipping along by Cody. "I haven't made so much friends. I'm pretty popular for my career though. I just hate when people only see me as the hot babe in the bikini".

She gave Cody a quick hug," What about the wolf girl Fley? I thought you two were friends. "


"...I mean...she tried to eat my face last night, but she passed out, and fell asleep under my bed." he said laughing slightly, blushing at the hug, "I never saw your modeling work, but if I did, I'd still treat you as you." he said nicely returning the hug, letting go when she did, 'Did she hug me because I saw her as her...?' he thought, 'though...I do wonder what she looks like...' he mentally slapped himself.
Shooting off the ground, Red darts over to him, clashing her sword against his scythe. "What kind of practice is it, if you go easy on your opponent" she smiles, remembering her brother saying that during  their combat practices.

Ignoring the students Sarcastic comments he lifted hands toward the sigil. "You don't have to worry...she be slightly weakened,  but I'm sure she'll find a way to get past that." He glanced back at Auriel the back to ."It's up to you miss A' however saying no might be the very end of you."

A hesitated. Though she was in intense pain, she didn't want to somehow end up at the mercy of Luxor. But, it may very well be the only way to keep the body and not be in eternal agony...well no more than usual.  

"I can break this seal on my own.", she hissed. "It's my vessel...I'm worried about. If I break out of the crucible...I'll destroy it,...for real this time. If you can stop the burning and keep me live...then do it.", she said preemptively wincing. 
"Go ahead. Just please not in the crotch." His body braced for impact as his mind readied himself for a vengeful explosion. His legs and hands formed a defensive area around his crotch.

Caesar covered his mouth with his hand to conceal his smile, "You two could just get it over with and make out instead?" Caesar suggested, laughing slightly. These two were very cute together indeed. 

@Dante Verren @Fazy
"Mean!" she murmured. "This is for running away from me when I try to talk to you." Fley walked over to Caesar and gave him a hug that turned into a death hug because she squeezed him so hard. Once she was done, she skips over to Ryujin. "How should I attack you... ?" she thought aloud, grinning. She knelt on the floor on her hands and knees since he was sitting to get closer to him, and moved to punch his chest, but instead, kissed him on the forehead. "Payback."

@Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren
Ryujin's opened his eyes wide once He felt her kids his forehead. He was prepared for an outburst but not for That. His face went slightly red from embarssment. Once his brain managed to recover and register Caesar's comment he shot him a glare. 


@Destructus Kloud
"Whose adorable now, huh?" Fley muttered an apology to Ryujin while laughing. She looked over at Caesar, "You kind of owe me for saying that, but..." She paused. "Guess I'll let you off the hook, though I probably need you to disintegrate me with your sick powers some time soon." She playfully nudged him with her elbow. 

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud
"Ow. Heh, you got a strong grip, Fley. Those wolf characteristics are showing again, huh?" He noticed Ryujin, "Come on, don't tell me you weren't thinking about it." Caesar laughed, "Well, I'll give you two some privacy then." Still chuckling, he turned back to Roy, "So anyway, whilst those two are getting all lovey-dovey, how about we have our fight? We got interrupted before but I think it should be fine to. Oh, and I don't have any final form power like A does, so this'll be a relatively safe match." He grinned to himself slightly. A safe fight? What an odd thing to say. He wondered if he did actually have something akin to what A had done. Some kind of all powerful attack, not that A was all powerful back then, but... He shook his head, thinking about those things wasn't good for him. Just his powers as they are is more than enough of a burden, to think he'd have something more destructive than that.

@Dante Verren @Fazy @Storm Guardian
Shooting off the ground, Red darts over to him, clashing her sword against his scythe. "What kind of practice is it, if you go easy on your opponent" she smiles, remembering her brother saying that during  their combat practices.


"I guess I can give my best." He smiled..He's probably older than this girl and probably stronger , but putting a little more effort won't hurt. Izo jumps over the girl after unlocking his scythe from her weapon.
Lydia had finally snapped out of her fear when Honey had returned with the missing horn. He had left without Lydia knowing, since the window was open when Lydia wanted to remove the smell of smoke coming from her room. "Thanks Honey, let's go get this thing fixed up."  winced Lydia as she left the room with a crimson towel in one hand, and with Honey holding the pointed horn. So, Lydia started to wander around the school in search for the infirmary, not knowing where it is since she has just came here and no one has shown her. After a while she just started to search for Caesar, Fley and Ryujin. Not that Fley would do much apart from run around like a headless chicken.

@Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren @Fazy
"No, it's you," Fley laughed, then stared at Caesar. "WE ARE NOT LOVEY DOVEY!! And Ryujin was so not thinking about anything. Say something," she said, motioning for the speechless Ryujin to say something to Caesar. She turned a shade of red when he didn't bother to cover for himself. 

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud
"Your really warm....too bad I feel like I been in freezer my whole life." She also inherent ed the pale skin that usually purebreds had. This meant she could get sunburns easily so she usually goes out at night.

Kagami thought she could help Cody.Maybe try to help him make friends. "I'm sure you can be friends with that girl.  If you get past the 'I'm a rip your face off' part."she giggled.

".ou..I mean...she tried to eat my face last night, but she passed out, and fell asleep under my bed." he said laughing slightly, blushing at the hug, "I never saw your modeling work, but if I did, I'd still treat you as you." he said nicely returning the hug@Kisaki " go when she did, 'Did she hug me because I saw her as her...?' he thought, 'though...I do wonder what she looks like...' he mentally slapped himself.
A hesitated. Though she was in intense pain, she didn't want to somehow end up at the mercy of Luxor. But, it may very well be the only way to keep the body and not be in eternal agony...well no more than usual.  

"I can break this seal on my own.", she hissed. "It's my vessel...I'm worried about. If I break out of the crucible...I'll destroy it,...for real this time. If you can stop the burning and keep me live...then do it.", she said preemptively wincing. 

"I can certainly do that."

That was an easy job for him.

He  waved his hand over her body and muttered various of words that people who would assume that's it Latin.
Ryujin gave fley a nervous smile. " well where not really lovey dovey." his face became seroius as he heard the sound of Money's buzzing wings. He stood quickly and clamped a hand down on Fley's shoulder. It was hard enough so he could keep a firm grip on her shoulder, but soft enough that he wouldn't hurt her. "Do not freak out and do not run away. Understand?" he then kept his hand on her shoulder as he waved at Lydia who was apraoching from behind Fley. "Hello Lydia. Hello honey."


@Destructus Kloud


@Storm Guardian
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"Hi... Uhm, do you guys know where the infirmary is?" asked Lydia, not wanting to tell why she wanted to go. Although it was rather obvious why from the piece in Honey's legs and the red towel. Seeing Ryujin keep a steady hand on Fley so she wouldn't flip out and go crazy again helped Lydia feel calm, even if she just lost a piece of herself. She had skittered towards the group of three and waited there for their answer, hoping they wouldn't point out what Honey was holding.
Fley scowled at Ryujin, but a small smile formed on her lips. "Don't get any ideas," she said. Then she spotted Lydia and her eyes grew to the size of saucers. "U-uhm, Ryujin, you're a god, right? Even though you're only a minor? Save me save me save me," Fley hissed, loud enough so that only he could hear. She hid her face in Ryujin's arm and started to cry. She wanted to leave.

@Dante Verren @Cheryl
Ryujin's arm locked in around fley keeping her from running away. "Don't worry" he whispered "I'm right here next to you. Don't be scared Lydia is a nice person. You can't judge someone by what they are just who they are." Ryujin then looked back up to face lydia. Throwing a qusttoining glance at her head and the broken horn Honey was holding. Decideing not to ask about it he points to one of the doors a little down the hall. " there is the infirmary. Mrs.Nurse will get you patched up pretty fast if you need it."



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