Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Fley stumbled forward slightly, but did not fall. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you," she said, coldly. Maybe if she appeared unapproachable - the opposite of what Ryujin had wanted her to be - people would stop talking to her and go far away. This guy did not seem to want to bother her, so she said nothing. "I'm sorry as well, I should have been more watchful." 

Axel looked at her " so what has you closing your emotion's like this anyways and sorry i was just mad at all of the people in the inciden't that happened before " said axel while looking a bit more relaxed than before he hand to clam himself" but yea sorry about almost causing a accident i was not paying attention and i ignored my Hyper intution.

"I'm not closing off my emotions," Fley lied, huffing. She pursed her lips and continued to watch the fight which now seemed to be moving quite slowly. "Even if I was, that isn't any of your business," she added, just as a sort of afterthought. "And like I said before, it's okay. It wasn't that big of a deal." 

The handle of the cleaver evaporated as soon as it touched the grass. Roy, back on his feet, saw how the cleaver had dissolved into small bits, so he decided to use his sword for teleportation uses. As Caesar charged, Roy sheathed his sword, creating two of his cleavers, chucks them, creates two more, and charges forward to intercept Caesar

@Destructus Kloud
Axel looked at her and simply stared Fley "your hatered for someone is just covering your strong and independent Soul it will cause many troubles in the future but its up to you to solve it and open up and one more thing before i leave " Axel went over to her and simply whipered to her " don't let others hatred cloud your vision when it comes to love or friendship Miss Sanders of the Sanders family " he said while he walked away " ill say hi to your Father in the next meeting

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Auriel Dwelle

Auriel swiftly went to a cabinet and grabbed a bandage roll, she then ripped a fairly large part of the bandage roll, and thus she was to sprint towards the bed of the newly wounded patient, tying the bandage to her fractured horn, stopping the bleeding, she then waved her hand infront of the girls face, motioning her to stay awake as she grabbed the crimson towel with her other hand and inspected it, trying to find any abnormances in the blood.

@Cheryl  @Olivia Acerbi
"So, you're the nurse?" asked Lydia, keeping her eyes wide open as a way to not faint. She was glad that the bleeding stopped, but enough was lost so that she couldn't see straight. If the rest of her school life was going to be her in a fight or being injured, she may just leave without turning back. Sure there was Caesar and Ryujin, but there was also A and Fley who probably hate her. Fear her in Fley's case. But for now Lydia would stay here to see if things will perk up or not. Hopefully they will, but only time will tell.

@Lucremoirre (No you don't have to, it's fine :) )
Fley's lips parted faintly. She was about to call out to the boy, though she did not know what to say. What was she going to say, anyway? He could have been right, though she did not want to trust him. Did he know her father? She clenched her teeth. She did not care. Fley did not bother calling out to him. She needed no one and did not want to know much about the boy, though a small part of her brain still remained curious.


Auriel Dwelle

"Indeed I am!" Auriel responded to the wounded girl as she checked the towel, "So, what happened for you to end up like this?" Auriel asked the girl as she placed the bloodied towel on the desk, not finding any abnormalities on the towel, quickly returning to the wounded girl's side, "Also, do you have any other wounds that I can take care of?" she asked the patient as she sat down on a chair beside the girl's hospital bed.

"I guess I can give my best." He smiled..He's probably older than this girl and probably stronger , but putting a little more effort won't hurt. Izo jumps over the girl after unlocking his scythe from her weapon.

Red stays in the same spot, but makes sure that her back isn't facing Izo. She mutters something under her breath and small pale blue flames started dancing arcoss her blade. Then she lunged towards him, with her sword prepared to swing.

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(Ahhh! sorry, I got caught up in some irl stuff! im back now tho. :D )

Caesar just kept on going, barrelling forward like a truck, closing the distance. He made no effort to dodge any of the blades, but as they met, he slid on the ground, aiming to take Roy's legs out from under him. It wasn't an elegant fighting style. Nor was it very impressive. But hell, it was sure effective at stopping people. Rush in, slid tackle, hadn't failed him yet.

@Storm Guardian
"Ah, well, the demon over there summoned a tentacle and it hit me over the head. I heard a crack and all of a sudden there was a sharp pain in my head. And there was so much fire..." answered Lydia, remembering how much fire there was and shuddering from the thought of it. Sighing and closing her eyes a bit to think what else happened, Lydua added "I think the tentacle hit my head pretty well, but I don't feel strange in the head. Unless being nauseous is one.".

(Some of that is out of order.... Ok so far, Auriel already put the seal on A. It made her pass out and then wake up yelling and struggling about how the sigil was destructive/painful and needed to come off. Luxor shows up to see wth was going on and ends up trying to fix A's current condition wit angel powas n' stuff.)

Auriel Dwelle

"If it doesn't harm her then... go ahead I suppose" Auriel said to Luxor placing her arm in her own forehead, she was having a headache from this chaos, and the scream and shaking from the hallway down the infirmary did not help, it was then when a half-spider and half-girl creature opened the door to the infirmary, the first thing that Auriel saw on her was a crimson towel being placed and held on one of her horns and a small hornet floating next to her holding a black object, "Broken horn, might faint by bleeding, sit in that bed" she half muttered to herself and half said to the wounded girl, as she pointed to a bed far away from the bed the demoness was in, she then jumped when the sound of a thunderbolt hitting the ground echoed within the academy, "Jeez... The weather is kind of bad these days..." she unknowingly said to herself out loud.

@Cheryl @Kisaki @Dante Verren

(I'm back and did I miss any qoutes?)

Luxor transferred  the burning heat and fire to his body. It should do for now, he thought.

There slight burn marks on his hand as he pulled them away .
"Your really warm....too bad I feel like I been in freezer my whole life." She also inherent ed the pale skin that usually purebreds had. This meant she could get sunburns easily so she usually goes out at night.

Kagami thought she could help Cody.Maybe try to help him make friends. "I'm sure you can be friends with that girl.  If you get past the 'I'm a rip your face off' part."she giggled.

Cody, smiled at the warmth comment, that was unexpected, "Though she can try, she'll get tired before she could do it. " he chuckled. "I can't wait for winter to come, even though I get weaker as it gets colder. " he said looking to her, she really made him feel happy.
She giggles ,'Intresting'she thought." Me too. I'm used to cold weather since I lived in it for most of my life." They enter the pizza shop. 

Cody, smiled at the warmth comment, that was unexpected, "Though she can try, she'll get tired before she could do it. " he chuckled. "I can't wait for winter to come, even though I get weaker as it gets colder. " he said looking to her, she really made him feel happy.
She giggles ,'Intresting'she thought." Me too. I'm used to cold weather since I lived in it for most of my life." They enter the pizza shop. 

Cody looked for a seat, finding one in the far corner, "There's a seat over there. I'll order the pizza, let me guess, pepperoni? " he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 

Auriel Dwelle

"Oh I see..." Auriel said with a apologetic smile as she brought a bowl from one of the cabinets, she placed it on the ground next to Lydia's bed, "If you feel any vomit coming, you can vomit here, you'll need to rest for awhile, but I assure you that you won't sleep here." she said with a warm smile as she pointed on the bowl, she then went to check on Luxor and A, "Luxor! You're injured!" she said with a worried expression as she ran to him, releasing a few of her flies in the process, a few of them healed Luxor's injuries, the other half, however, went towards the large hornet in the ceiling, intending to play with it.

(@Kisaki The only one you missed is Lydia entering the infirmary) @Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi
"Yes!" she nodded, Kagami sat across from Cody. " Maybe we should go to the pool area one day. The Academy basically owns a water park behind the school besides the Student store a.k.a mall."  She wanted  to take a swim before the cold winter comes.

Cody looked for a seat, finding one in the far corner, "There's a seat over there. I'll order the pizza, let me guess, pepperoni? " he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 
Faintly smiling at the nurse, Lydia thanked her for the vomit bucket and closed her eyes. She was exhausted from almost bleeding and burning to death, as well as making enemies, one that is actually in the room with her. Lydia hoped that the adults in the room will prevent A from attacking her while she sleeps, or worse. Soon enough the arachnid was sleeping heavily with no real signs of waking up soon.

Whenever Lydia is sleeping, her powers to control bugs dies down allowing Honey to have free roam to do what he wants whenever she sleeps. For the while Honey was content with playing with the flies, happy to chase them around.

"Yes!" she nodded, Kagami sat across from Cody. " Maybe we should go to the pool area one day. The Academy basically owns a water park behind the school besides the Student store a.k.a mall."  She wanted  to take a swim before the cold winter comes.

"I say we do that on Saturday, we'll have a better time when we're not going to get it if we're caught. " he said looking around, then ordered the pizza, and drinks, he got a Dr Pepper and looked towards the outside, admiring the town.  (Literally, on Saturday xD )
( weird...I'm going swimming at Wet n Wild on Saturday....)

Kagami nodded and looked out the window. Streets were busy and humans along side demons walked down the pathways.

" hmmm... could you do some modeling with me? One of my partners are not available ,but I think you would fit in with my criteria." she asked ."

(replies might late since I need to finish my work.)

"I say we do that on Saturday, we'll have a better time when we're not going to get it if we're caught. " he said looking around, then ordered the pizza, and drinks, he got a Dr Pepper and looked towards the outside, admiring the town.  (Literally, on Saturday xD )
( weird...I'm going swimming at Wet n Wild on Saturday....)

Kagami nodded and looked out the window. Streets were busy and humans along side demons walked down the pathways.

" hmmm... could you do some modeling with me? One of my partners are not available ,but I think you would fit in with my criteria." she asked ."

(replies might late since I need to finish my work.)

Cody's face went so red, that it put tomato's to shame, "U-Um...sure! I-I don't mind...W-What would I be wearing for this?" he asked her, curious of what he'd be wearing, and kinda scared too. 'I...hope it's swimtrunks or something like that...' he thought.

(Then, maybe Friday? Since that'd be good for us both since we have school .-. ) 
Ryujin's eyes where closed as he laid in the grass listening to the thunder rage above him.Ryujin touched he spot where fley had kissed him."How does it feel. you know she probably hates you now. You know that I was right don't you? After all you are a monster. No we are a monster." Ryujin shook his head trying to clear the oni's voice from his mind. "Just shut up! There is no we!" his voice carried to the sky and was greeted by the loud booming of thunder. Though this was not normal thunder. it sounded as if it was laughing at him.  "Hear that? Grandfather is laughing at us. Give me control. You have proven that you cannot make friends. You have proven that you have no place in this world. You have proven that we are oni! We are a god! We take what we want! We do what we want! We do not need friends! We do not need romance!" 

The thunderstorm slowly grew encompassing more of the building with its dark shadow and streaks of deadly light. "I can feel your insecurity. you're weakness. Give me control. Or I shall take it!"  Ryujin leaned forward in pain as his oni continued its assault on his mind. "For eighteen years I have waited! Eighteen years of hiding in the shadows of your pathetic human mind! Eighteen years of waiting for you to screw up! Now your insecurities and feelings have made a whole large enough for me to slip through! You truly are a pathetic creature. to slip up this badly when you have only known her for two days. Either way I will be sure to thank her and give her your final regards." 

The lightning in the sky shot downwards impacting straight into Ryujin. The thunder slowly faded as the dark clouds that carried them dispersed out onto the world. A dark laugh came from Ryujin. He was still in human form but when he raised his head parts of him had changed. They where the black and gold of his oni's stage two form. His blonde hair had turned black at the ends and thin red lines going from the far corners of eyes down to the bottom of his face. He turned and headed back into the building humming the song that The oni loved to hum leaving spark that danced in his footprints for a few seconds before dying away. 
Fley looked up at the sky, which had formed sudden dark clouds with thunder. Just as she was about to run inside, as it seemed to be forming a serious thunderstorm, the sky almost instantly cleared up. Fley raised an eyebrow in question. That certainly was strange - nothing normal, for sure. It took her a while to consider the possibilities of what may have happened. Maybe just Mother Nature acting up, or... Ryujin? She shook her head. No, she wasn't supposed to be thinking about him. Speak of the devil, there he was now, skipping along to the school's building. She detested him for being so happy, while she was sitting there getting worked up about an argument that had happened quite a while ago. She gritted her teeth and walked over to approach him. She wasn't going down without a fight.

@Dante Verren

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