Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Listen, Axel, you don't know what you're talking about. That isn't Ryujin. And stop trying to make us join your family, you annoying piece of shit." She swatted Axel's arm away from Ryujin, but this almost made him fall. She caught his back and allowed him to lean against her. 

@kenchin @Dante Verren
He gave Axel a side ways glare. "You're insane aren't you? Wolf pup tel your guardian to back off. I'm starting to get annoyed again. You do realize calling fro him won't help you right wold pup?"


Fley released a sad little whimper of defeat. "O-Okay then. I guess I'll leave you alone, then," Fley murmured, looking down. "Come on, I'll take you to the infirmary," she said to Axel. She cast one last look at Ryujin, hoping that maybe his oni would give in. 

@Dante Verren @kenchin
Axel looked at both of them and simply said " i just want some friends and your both wrong i may be weak and broken now but thats because i am not trying to kill anyone i am trying to find them and i want to make this world fair for everyone all together but if you want to keep living in the shadow's of your ancestors or family's don't talk to me again but if you want to surpass them then ill welcome both of you with open hands as my friends and family " Axel stood up and snaped his broken arm into place and simply looked at Fley " thanks but don't you want to help him first " 


@Dante Verren
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Ryujin felt weird after the last glance. What was this feeling. was it guilt. He shook his head " I can't feel guilt for doing nothing wrong" he thought. "If you want to try making another barter or deal then come and find me wolf pup. I do posses honor and If you find something of worth to trade for your friend back then the chances are fairly good that I will accept." 


Fley bit her nails as she thought about what Ryujin said. Instead of helping Axel, she started walking in the opposite direction and thinking about what she could give to please the oni in order to get Ryujin back. She had not walked very far when she sat down in the middle of a grassy plain and stared up at the sky, considering what she could offer.

@Dante Verren @kenchin
Ryujin watched as fley walked away before turning to axel. "As for you I don't need to join your stupid family. If I want to surpass my grandfather I will do it on my own." He then made his way to the infirmary knocking on the wall to signal he was coming in. "Oi Mrs.Nurse you still here?" He froze as he saw luxor. "Oh crap this isn't good" he thought to himself.




Auriel Dwelle

"Um... Luxor...., Is she going to be alright?" Auriel asked with worry towards Luxor as she got out of the desk and went near A's bed, however, a knock on the door interrupted her of getting a response, "What happened?" she said with a stern glare towards Ryujin, he was a mess, for a lack of words.

@Dante Verren @Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi
He gave the nurse a nervous smile ."I may or may not have gotten provoked and went into a brawl. My wounds wound't have been so bad but I tried to avoid using my true form so that I wound't cause anymore trouble then I already have. However it seems I just can't stop getting dragged into it. My human counter parts body isn't as strong as I hoped."  

Smoke watched the violent situation play out and smiled. 'Yes pheasants! Fight for my amusement!' He thought to himself as a sense of playfulness overwhelmed him. The guy named Axel seemed hurt, so he walked up to him and offered him a warm white crystal. 'Do you speak sign language?' The mute said in sign language. 


(Rorouni Kenshin is the best manga ever btw. 0.0)

Auriel Dwelle

"So you were the one causing all that thunder?" Auriel asked with an annoyed glare, not really minding the change of personality, it seems to happen quite often here, "Anyways, here you go, do you need anything else?" she asked as she released her flies, healing some bruises and wounds.

@Dante Verren
"Thank you Mrs.Nurse. Sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. I will try my best not to cause anymore." He then turned to luxor and bowed respectfully. "I must apologize to you as well mighty archangel. I have caused many problems in only two days but I swear on my grandfathers name to do my best to avoid causing to much more trouble." 


Roy, taking this downward kick as an advantage, dropped the knife, rising up slightly and reaching up, grabbing Caesar's leg, then tried to swing him in an arc to hit him onto the ground.

@Destructus Kloud((We ought to finish the fight soon. I don't plan on having Roy win, since he can't even use his weapon))
Caesar landed awkwardly on the ground, rolling sideways away from Roy. Getting back up, he ran towards Roy again, not with any specific plan other than to just get him. Hands up to cover his face like he was running through a blizzard, he ran back over to Roy and launched another kick at him, toward the torso area.

@Storm Guardian (I mean, I've said before how to beat him in various ways. It's just your character either can't utilise them or, well, he uses blades, possibly the worst thing to use against Caesar. xD )
Why is Caesar covering his face? Roy wondered. He decided to try a new tactic, one that he hasn't used before. He created a cleaver, turning the blade so that he was holding it by the blade, preparing to chuck it hilt first at Caesar, but miscalculated how far away he was, and in moments, Caesar had kicked Roy in the chest, sending him sprawling. He quickly attempted to roll away.

@Destructus Kloud((Roy kinda focuses on bladed stuff... even in other roleplays...))
Wasting no time, Caesar pounced, pushing him into the ground by his chest and holding him there, "Phew, that was really tiring. So, I win right? Cos if I hadn't had my gloves on and all..." He got up and held out a hand to the other boy.

@Storm Guardian (Lol, then rip Roy then. :P  Perhaps not the best match up then, but he's still really cool. I think I might nab his power for a future character in something else. xD )
Fley had gotten bored of sitting and thinking. Thinking about it hurt her head, anyways. She made her way back to the combat field to watch Caesar and Roy, who were still fighting. She wondered if she'd ever be able to fight someone like that without losing control.

@Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud
"I guess you win," Roy said, grinning despite his loss, accepting the hand Caesar offered, quickly getting to his feet, "You're awfully fast at attacking, eh? I didn't expect my cleavers to disintegrate against your skin."

@Destructus Kloud((Glad someone likes the powers I created up in half an hour :)))
(I'm travelling on holiday so internet is hazy. :P )

Caesar laughed, "That's nothing compared to how you move. I saw you, all teleporting everywhere with those blades, it was awesome." He smiled, "But yeah, too bad about not being able to properly hit me. I mean, you could have used your blades to teleport around me and doing some kind of hand to hand combat on my clothed body parts?" He then laughed for a moment, "So much for a fight between people with powers, huh?" Still chuckling he turned to see Fley watching, "Hey Fley! What's up?"

@Storm Guardian @Fazy
"Uhm, well gods can often get quite lonely, I'd imagine. But then they'd also have a superiority complex because they're, well, gods. So they like people following them, I guess. Although some gods have this special something they're looking for or trying to achieve, so maybe helping them with whatever that is could be a good bargaining chip? I know if I was a god, I'd want a bunch of followers to help do whatever it was I wanted to do." In an undertone he leaned forward to her as she drew close by, "If you mean Ryujin, try looking up the history on the oni. Perhaps some of the lore could help indicate clues as to what you could use against them." He leaned back and smiled, talking normally again, "Otherwise I have no idea."

@Fazy @Storm Guardian
@Lucremoirre @Dante Verren

A shifted into consciousness. "Ugh, I feel like someone set my insides on fire and then hit me with a freight train.", she moaned trying to sit up. 

She looked over to Auriel and Ryujin, her expression became grim. 

"You...", she said honing in on Auriel. 

"You tried to seal me in a crucible! I'll pull your skull out through your ass!" 

A attempted to attack Auriel, however did little more than release a faint flash of magic and smoke as she fell onto the ground, hitting it with a yelp.

"Wh-...what did you do to me?", she said as she strained into a kneeling position. "I can't- my power....", A gasps trying to use her magic. Her eyes and horns glow and magic builds up but before she could use it, it flashes like a short circuit creating smoke.

She recoils in pain, laying fetal on the floor. 
"Wow, that helps a crap ton. I'm surprised you know so much about gods and stuff," Fley said, her eyes widening slightly. "That certainly did help. Thanks, Caesar." She punched his arm lightly and smiled at him. "Time to research the history of the oni, I suppose, then." 

@Destructus Kloud
"Meh, I used to like reading a lot of fiction when i was younger, and of course I keep up with my studies. I like to research the human psyche sometimes and I've looked at people who think they're gods. I'm sure an actual god is no different. I'd be careful though, acting like you're better than a god or that you have something they want but must trade for could anger them. It's like dealing with a spoilt child armed with a nuke. Anyways, good luck on whatever mess you seem to be in. If you need my help with anything else just give me a buzz." He held out a slip of paper with a phone number on it.


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