Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

He was in a trance as he played but that trance was broken and he stopped playing when he heard someone stumble. "don't worry about it. Its not like I'm good at playing anyway I just needed some noise. It was to damn quite around here. You didn't hurt yourself tripping over the root did you?"

Smoke saw him left and shrugged. At least someone could actually talk with him...but that didn't matter if they had no interest in him. 'Oh well. Their loss.' He thinks to himself jokingly. He soon laid down in the grass and started to have dreams of home. They weren't dreams, they were more nightmares. He woke up shaking as if cold even though the sun was beautifully shining.


(you could run into haggard A? She's making her way to the dormitory building and is probably near @Dante Verren and @SolistheSun. They haven't noticed her yet tho, probably cuz red chicks with horns and torn clothes really blend in.) 

"Yes.Of course." this one wouldn't be that much trouble. She probably would end up becoming one of the less mature teacher's target but she must of had something that landed her here so she wasn't that worried about it. "Wait...My files..." she must of gotten distracted because one of her files were put in the incorrect place. "....Fixed. That could of ended badly." Jonetsu went on with whatever she was doing and started mumbling notes to herself again as she worked.


Kori froze for a few seconds before turning around "Ah....What a pleasant surprise....I think.  It wasn't my intention to cause a early Christmas. Suddenly this started up and I found I can't control it right now like I usually can." she looked at her surroundings before shrugging. "But don't worry it will melt once i leave. Though it's melting slower than usual..."  it was suppose to be gone right now but it was still there and hadn't melted like she expected.

@kenchin (Internet problems again!)
@TheGreyCthulhu well i was going to say if you wanted to join me sorry but i was at work before and then came back and you weren't on i moved on yea sorry about that 

(Nope! You broke my heart! :,(  jk)

Smoke thought that if he was going to catch some z's he might as well do it in his bed. He walked to the dormitory building and saw the girl from earlier. The mute knight quickened his pace, he eventually caught up to her and waved to her. 'Hello!' He thought to himself.

@Olivia Acerbi
Axel patted her head " don't worry to much about it after all " Axel used his Left hand and protecting Kori with his body he relased a red Flame that just Disintegrated all the layer of ice around the hall " yea we have to learn how to contol our powers properly okay both of us especially me i still can't fully use all of my flames properly especially the Night Flame" looking at her like a older brother would " so what are you going to do now silly kori"

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(Nope! You broke my heart! :,(  jk)

Smoke thought that if he was going to catch some z's he might as well do it in his bed. He walked to the dormitory building and saw the girl from earlier. The mute knight quickened his pace, he eventually caught up to her and waved to her. 'Hello!' He thought to himself.

@Olivia Acerbi

Smoke startles A, causing her to lose what little balance she has left and fall to the ground. Everything about her has been dulled, making her an easy target and justifiably paranoid. "Wh-who are you?", she says shuffling back from him. "Did they send you? I haven't done anything wrong, I'm just trying to get to my room.", she didn't remember him from the combat field, how could she? 

Kori's face turned only the slightest bit pink but she made sure to cover her face with her hair. This was one of the good things about having long hair, it was a shield of sorts to keep things from being seen and blocking people out. "You have better control then me. As a yuki-onna it's natural for emotions to be displayed by snowstorms or coldness in general. If you can't tell the emotions of a yuki-onna by their face you can tell from the area around them. For example when my mother get's angry she carries a rather dangerous snowstorm with her....She buried the house once.." it was actually sort of funny now that she looked back on it now....She wouldn't say that to her mother's face though.



Maddie sat in front of the school bored out of her mind and felt absolutely terrible right then. She was hungry too which only  added to her misery "The hell! Why is there nothing!? For the sake of everything holy!" she groaned before looking around for anybody to harass and/or talk to.  "Eh?" she perked up at the sound of somebody yelling. "Hey you! Yeah I'm talkin' to you! What do you think you're doing!?" she made her way over to him holding her gun clear in view for all to see. It was grossly apparent that she didn't really care.

axel luaghed at her story and simply smiled " you know thats pretty harsh but i have some story's aswell like when i was Eight and my tutor got mad i got a 50 in my math quize and he just through a gernande at me and shot me with his pistol and then hit me with a hammer " he was smiling a kind smile " man those where the days of fun and luaghter but now i have live with out him kinda sad i miss that old bastared" he said walking towards the Dorm's "so do you think your mom would be okay with you being part of the mafia Kori"

@TaraSobiki going to bed sorrry
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Wait. How did he know I tripped over a root? Was he aware of me the whole time???

Face now engulfed in red embarrassment, she dusts herself off, incredibly self-concious. 

"No.... I'm perfectly fine," she mumbles to herself, "I'm just lost.... I'm trying to find the dorm rooms, but since I followed your music....." She gestures wildly to greenery around them. 

"Is there anyway you can help me?" she asks hopefully. She could find it herself eventually, but it would save time if she had a veteran student. Or at least one with a sense of direction.  She approaches him, in full view, so he wasn't just talking to the trees. She gives him a grin. She reallllly didn't want to spend her evening looking for a room. 

"I know it's a lot to ask..." she continues, her voice trailing, noticing a brightly red-skinned person falling to the ground at the corner of her vision, along with what appeared to be... a knight? 

@Dante Verren

@Olivia Acerbi


(Sorry guys, it was like one in the morning and my internet was giving me crap really bad, like, it would load everything but rpnation :x) 
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She was pretty sure that all stuff was supposed to kill somebody, Was Axel a....ghost? No that probably wasn't the case....But seemed possible.Nah! That was just silly! She could touch him so he couldn't possibly be a ghost but she did wonder what made him able to survive that and remember it as a fond memory. He sure was optimistic...on a almost creepy level actually. "Well I'm not sure...It kind of depends on the mood she's in at the time but I think she would be fine with it....Though if I get hurt she'll probably try to hurt you." her mother would definitely be upset if she  ended up getting hurt. She would most likely do something to him if he found out too. It might of been bad idea to mention him to her mom at all.

@kenchin (Oh that's fine if you did. I think I passed out around this time anyway.)
Caesar had flopped onto his bed and fell asleep not long after. About an hour or so later, he'd woken up. It was about lunch time or midday about now and he was feeling hungry.  Rolling off his bed and stretching, he dressed into a new tuxedo as his old one was now tattered and shredded due to his last match. He rolled his shoulders and left. He hadn't seen his roommate at all since he'd arrived here and he was wondering where they were. 

Walking down the hallway and toward the cafeteria, he went past A and some other guy he didn't know. Wait, A?! He backed up and looked at her incredulously, "A?! What are you doing here? You should be resting in the infirmary. Here, come on." He helped her up and started walking her back the way she'd come. He also realised he shouldn't just ignore the other guy, "Hey man, I'm Caesar and it's nice to meet you. I'm just gonna take A back real quick, but your welcome to come along." He had said it friendly enough but he still felt bad about earlier. He should apologise to Lydia the next to he sees her. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @Olivia Acerbi (I'm back ;) )
@SolistheSun Having your character’s appearance above your paragraphs is actually a really good idea, gives other people a chance to visualize your character for a better role playing experience! Oh and way you describe situations for your character is perfect. :o



(Setsuna Hayate)


Tranquil noises from the secluded wildlife can be heard echoing throughout the prestigious Luxor Academy courtyard which are slightly muffled out by the hastily rushing waters from the granite fountain which is centered perfectly in the median of the enclosure, soft blowing winds can also be perceived as it hustles gradually through the surrounding tree-lines. Suddenly a lingering silence falls over the courtyard as the atmosphere encompassing the area immediately becomes heavy, almost as if the air was dispersed throughout the region at an alarming rate which promptly caused the wildlife to scatter into the brush for concealment.

Without warning a gloomy lavender flushed aura abruptly propels itself in multiple directions from the surface of stone-embedded courtyard which additionally begins to fracture portions of the masonry and cause stone debris to heave themselves in multiple directions and causing slight ruination of the exterior segments of the surrounding foundation. Unexpectedly an immense surge of energy erupts from the aura which then gingerly dissipates into the skies above which slowly parts the clouds above the affected area.


“Ah, here at last.” Daji sighs while nonchalantly stepping out from the compact creator below her while dragging something behind her. Daji then halts to observe her surroundings as she gently skims her fingers through her ivory tinged strands of hair which flow smoothly as the wind brushes against it.

“Way to make an entrance mother. That’ll really help improve my stay here.” Setsuna yawns sarcastically as she is revealed behind Daji whom is tightly gripping her wrist. “Listen here. I know that you weren’t exactly thrilled to be drug out from the depths of Diyu just to wind up here. But this is for your own good and besides, how do you expect to meet any attractive men without having a spectacular introduction?” Daji chuckles while releasing her enclosed grasp over Setsuna’s wrist.
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Ryujin saw her face light up in emvaressment and he laughed a little bit. "I guess I could show you If you want. Not like I have anything better to do anyway." he started walking past her motioning for her to follow him as he headed off to the dorms


Ryo shot up from his sitting position, anger present on his face, finally deciding that he would find the new student place on his own....CRAP HE WAS STILL LOST! Which then caused Ryo to slump back down to the ground and begin beating his fist against the pavement.


Take note that, Ryo was currently in the main courtyard, and could literally walk a few paces and arrive at his destination. Ladies and gentleman, the all powerful warrior....Had no sense of direction. So instead, Ryo got up, dusted off his pants, grabbed his bag, gained a beast like smile on his face, and began walking down the forest laid path towards his destination, all the while enjoying the fresh breeze and smell of nature.

Ryo sighs and takes another puff of the cigarette in his mouth, "Oh well, might as well start searching again, at least this place looks good." Picking up a happy pace and bobbing his head to an unknown beat....And going the wrong direction, literally it was right behind Ryo, someone please help this delinquent, he's just going to get more lost.
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(Setsuna Hayate)


Daji retrieves the Luxor Academy introduction pamphlet from out of Setsuna’s rough leather satchel attached to her waist and begins to skim through the entire book page after page while Setsuna slightly wanders off. “Jeeze, you really did a number on this place.” She quickly announces while nervously inspecting the broken rubble gradually falling off piece by piece from an exterior wall in across from her. “Bah! Don’t worry yourself over it, it’s just a few minor abrasions to the structure, anyone can easily fix this with little to no effort.” Daji states before approaching Setsuna and lazily leaning her left shoulder on the surface of the moderately cracked wall which then proceeds to nosily crumble forming a large and extensive pile of rubbish across the courtyard.

Setsuna’s eyes abruptly open from complete shock and the lower part of her mouth commences to descend downwards from concern and nervousness while steering her sights towards Daji. “Umm… Butterfingers?” Daji softly says while shrugging her shoulders anxiously as an awkward expression of happiness is noticed across her face. “Are you sure it’s not you that should be attending this school?!” Setsuna shouts to her emphatically causing a slight echo throughout the surrounding area as her face is completely flustered with crimson due to embarrassment. “Ha! Are you joking? Me? The Infamous yet awe-inspiring Daji lower myself to these standards? That of an average student, psh! Also i’ll have you know that i’m not the one that managed to demolish a majority of the constructions in Diyu my naive child! Daji boastfully says to Setsuna before using her magical aura to brush the piles of debris into the garden beside her.
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@SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud

"Caesar no, stop. Let me go! I can't go back, I have to-I need-", A fought against Caesar's grasp in vain. She was no more powerful than a normal human now. She dropped her knees to throw Caesar off balance. 

In her struggle she notices a few faces looking towards the scene she was making. She could use this to her advantage. 

"Ow, you're hurting me! Help! Please, he's crazy!", she shouted to the two. 
Miyuki had been exploring the school grounds freely. She had arrived at the school only in the morning, and she had found time to get her dorm room set up. Fresh start always meant that she could possibly make new friends. Especially at this school, where people probably won't judge her for being like this. Miyuki sighed as she walked towards the cafe. She'd seen a lot of people around here that looked pretty cool, but none that seemed approachable enough to talk to. She noticed a group of three on her way into the cafeteria - a demon, a knight and a... human wearing a tuxedo?! Without thinking, she walked up to them, maintaining a small distance - a little more than everyone else was keeping between each other. "Um, hello," she started. "I'm Miyuki Mori, and I'm new..." She wanted to kill herself - that was the worst introduction in intangible human history. 

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi @TheGreyCthulhu
Smoke startles A, causing her to lose what little balance she has left and fall to the ground. Everything about her has been dulled, making her an easy target and justifiably paranoid. "Wh-who are you?", she says shuffling back from him. "Did they send you? I haven't done anything wrong, I'm just trying to get to my room.", she didn't remember him from the combat field, how could she? 

Smokes eyebrow was raised as soon as she said that. He offered her a hand but someone came by and brought her to the infirmary. They offered for him to tag along, he thought it through and nodded. A started to fight with Ceaser but he understood that Ceaser was stronger than her. Smoke looked at the girl who walked up to them. He waved quickly before motioning for her to tag along in their epic adventure.
Caesar looked up in surprise at the new girl, "Oh, hi there. You must be new. I'm Caesar and this, "He glanced down at A with a sigh, "This is A. She's trying to escape medical care or something, I don't really know, but I need help getting her back to the infirmary." He looked over to Smoke, "Sorry, I didn't catch you name. Mind telling me as we go? Also, could you give me a hand here, I don't think she can stand by herself." Caesar, of course, didn't know that Smoke communicated with out voice, otherwise he would realise how silly that idea was. But still he attempted to prop A up as he tried to walk her back. He wasn't too sure why she was trying to fight him, but trying to turn others against seemed futile. Those that knew him would know he wasn't like that, and after what she become in the combat fields, he doubted many would trust her anyway. Still, he wasn't angry at her, he was sure she had her reasons, but right now, healing was more important for her.

@Olivia Acerbi (I got you now xD ) @TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy (New char now? You'll confuse me soon enough with them both running around :P
The longer she sat there and thought, the more she realized she was wasting time sitting around doing nothing. Lydia decided to practice walking around off balance, and set off around the garden at a slow pace. She wanted to find out more about this school, her adventure instincts just scream at her to go along the alleyway with no lights or pavement. Just bushes on either side that almost gave no room to walk along this alleyway. It was much, much more quieter than whatever was happening back there. Lydia took this moment to take a breather and watch the caterpillars on the bushes look up at her, of course due to them waiting for instructions. It was nice back there, Lydia was sure to come here often when she needs to have a break from this hellish school.

She eventually got back up and wobbled off to discover what was at the end of this alleyway. It was actually the main entrance of the school to her surprise. Honey was already waiting there on the floor, nibbling on a little ant hill he had found by the side of the road. Buzzing up to Lydia's height, the large hornet accidentally swiped the hill with his long stinger, disrupting the everyday routine of the ants. Lydia ignored their annoyance and carried on out of the alleyway to hear a yell that Lydia assumed it was about the school. She couldn't hear it clearly.

Honey spotted the dark skinned teenager before Lydia did and buzzed off before Lydia could tell him to sit still. Lydia didn't really keep Honey under intense control, even if he looked intimidating he wasn't actually aggressive. The arachnid followed after Honey out of the school towards the blonde boy that had started to walk the opposite direction. She assumed he was supposed to go to the Luxor Academy since he did seem to be the right age for it.

"Hey! You there! Are you coming to Luxor Academy? You're going the wrong way if you are." shouted Lydia at the teenager. She skittered a bit to the side as a result of her being off balance from her missing left horn. Wow she needed to fix that up.

As Ryujin led the new girl to the dorms he heard the sound of cracking and a small explosion. When he looked He stopped. He noticed two fix demons and the older one seemed familiar but he didn't know why. "where tasking a detour." his eyes widened a bit as He got closer. He knew why he reconized herm his grandfather had given him minor lessons in other nations mythology. A small grin passed on his face as he stoped just inside of earshot. "if memory serves me right you must be the infamous Daji" he said to the older fox demon.


@SolistheSun Having your character’s appearance above your paragraphs is actually a really good idea, gives other people a chance to visualize your character for a better role playing experience! Oh and way you describe situations for your character is perfect. :o


(Ahhhh thank you <3 I've role-played a lot, so the portrait helps me keep track of where I've posted last) 


"Thank you very much! You don't know how much th-" 

She is rudely cut off as another voice cuts across the clearing. Another person, a student she assumed, had joined the previous odd pair. However, it seemed the musician she had stumbled upon intended to lead her right past them. And in a way, she was happy. She followed him close behind and then halted at the odd trio. The certainly peaked her interest, and she wasn't going to leave this chance behind. 

"Hello~" she waves politely, giving them a refreshing smile, as she had not overheard their conversation and was only thinking of being polite. They were a little loud and obnoxious, perhaps a lover's quarrel. The woman appeared to look like the devil himself, only a woman. The knight reminded her of the round table. And the last guy appeared to be normal, if a little to covered up for the occasion. Oh, and a new girl, Miyuki, as she called herself... 

That's a lot of new people for one person, so she awkwardly introduces herself too, "My name's Arian! Nice to meet you, uh, lovely people!" 

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud @TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy
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Miyuki smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Caesar. I can't really do anything to help because-" she slid her hand through Caesar's body. "That." She exhaled. Let's get this over with. As Miyuki turned to hear a voice, she saw a stunningly beautiful blonde-haired girl. Wow. Her name was Arian. Miyuki admired the girl. "Hello!"

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi @TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun

(New char, yeah, when Fley gets back in and once I'm back on my computer I'll make stuff to separate them. Also, sorry for the short replies, I'm on my phone!)
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