Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin raised an eye brow at this as he leaned back  Into the bench he was sitting in. "that has to be inconvenient considering you have to draw your little pictures before you could use it." He let out a little yawn. The good he had just ate was starting to make him feel drowsy. "So what kind of being are you that lives in this shadow zone?"


Raiku shrugged, unless he had the same spell that the sorceress used to bind him he doubted he had anything to fear from him. "I'm a Shadow Dragon ensnared by a spell to take a human form." Raiku said with an annoyed tone.
Cody sat up, looking at the strange man, "I do not know that freak. All I know is, that he violated Kagami, and he will die some day. By my hand." he said with pure hatred, he frowned but felt something off, he felt his head and saw that the horns were now out. He was 90% demon now... He almost cried at the feeling of them.

(Their small and perky, I can't find a good picture.)

@Kisaki @TheGreyCthulhu

"This honestly...isn't my first experience. I have some creepy fans there .,you know".

Kagami looked at the horns on the boys head. "Your blood seems to be more demonic than usual."
Cody grabbed the horns and tried to break the off, only to lose his grip and cut his hand open, which he healed with heating his hand up. "I...I guess I am now..." he said, accepting it, which sped the process up now, his horns came out more. Finishing the process. "I'm now...a demon..." he whispered sadly. Looking to Kagami, "You're upset at me now aren't you?" he asked her, as he stood.



Hikaru turned at the sound of a voice. looking at the teacher behind him he swished his tail before turning fully to face him. He sat down and studied the man before sneezing. when he sneezed sparks of electricity shot out of his nose instead of snot. Hikaru wiped his nose with his paw and shook his head. His eyes fell upon a girl who was watching them and he pointed at her with his paw to show they weren't alone.

@Obsidian @Valefar


Ryujin stayed silent for a minute when he heard the words shadow dragon. "So let me get this straight. Your a dragon from another realm right? I've heard crazier. Though what is the difference between a shadow dragon and a regular dragon?"

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(im about to have to go to work again, are you willing to leave Ryujin alone until im home or do you want to split?)


(Setsuna Hayate)


After Setsuna collapses to the floor nearly fainting from exhaustion due to using her healing powers to extensive length, with all of her effort she then twirls herself onto her back while a small smirk fading across her face. Setsuna then takes a small glimpse back at A’s body to reassure if she was still alive and healthy then after reassuring that A’s thrall was restored back to perfect condition she gently closed her eyes while glaring up at the ceiling above her.

“Heh, I never done that before, well never done that to someone such as yourself. That was rather tiring, hopefully you’ll be able to find Xiuruk and get that sigil removed. But as for me, it seems that i’m just gonna lie here for now and just be one with the floor.” Setsuna responds to her in a quiet yet humorous tone before completely fainting.


(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")
Xian Qui after observing Hikaru’s movement instantly scowled in the direction of where he was pointing, Xian Qui’s eyes immediately met Kassiel’s gaze and he swiftly brushed his hand once more into the strands of his hair before promptly disappearing into a shroud of thick haze and suddenly revealing himself in front of Kassiel. The abrupt disclosure of Xian causes an enormous amount of energy to burst from out of his body making the fog quickly condensate creating a small puddle of water around him as well as causing rippling shockwaves throughout the surrounding hallways which faintly tears the segments of the painting on the exterior sides of the encompassing walls.

Xian Qui carefully closes his eyes and opens them back up once more revealing a menacing stare with his golden-hued eyes which are pointed in the direction of Kassiel. “May I help you? You seem to be having quite the enjoyable evening eavesdropping on the conversation that I was having with my blue colored friend behind me.” He announces to her in a fierce expression in his voice while staggering from side to side from his intoxicated state as he tightens his grasp on the gourd which nearly begins to shatter from the pressure being compressed upon the material.


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'Fine.' Smoke thought as he walked back to the academy. 'Ceaser? Arian?' He says telepathically to the duo. 'Can I come back? Please? I need a safe place to cry.' He walked up to the dorm and knocked. Smoke felt like he was on the verge of tears.

@Destructus Kloud @SolistheSun
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Auriel Dwelle

Auriel woke up with a loud yawn, looking around the room, it seemed like A was sleeping and Ryo and Setsuna were gone, it seemed like she was finally alone, but she was proven wrong when she found Setsuna right on the floor, "Oh for god's sake!" she said with an irritated expression as she checked Setsuna's pulse, "Alive and well.... A must have fallen asleep." she said while she carried Setsuna to a hospital bed right next to A's bed, "Geez louise! Is everyone in this school oblivious to the phrase 'take care of yourself'?" she said to herself while she went to her desk and fell asleep once again.

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi

The magi's eyes widened, terrified by the sudden action of the professor. She was even more surprised that the fox pointed at her, but now, she was messing with something of more importance. Just by this display of power, she believed that the male could completely obliterate her djinn. In a rush to protect herself, the borg that had just dispersed seconds ago formed around her once again, blocking out the energy of the being in front of her; however, she could feel the bubble of magoi crack at the bottom. What power! His glare turned her off, but she stood her ground. No matter the being, she would not back down. Impressed, maybe.. Scared, hell yeah! Yet, in return, she just gave a sheepish grin. 

"Ah, well, I found your 'conversation' interesting! I don't think a mammal could talk back to you, though.." She stated aloud, her free hand rubbing the back of her neck again. After seeing him stagger, her thoughts were confirmed. Kassiel was dealing with a inebriate, a strangely powerful one at that. Most of the drunkards she met slurred every one of their words, and they were typically as bubbly as her. Yet, this being seemed to crush the stereotype. As the gourd broke in his hand, her eyes widened, gazing at that hand to check for cuts. Kassiel questioned, "Eh, are you okay, sir?" Her borg vanished from sight, and she moved to aid him if he needed it.

@Obsidian @Dante Verren
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Auriel Dwelle

Auriel woke up with a loud yawn, looking around the room, it seemed like A was sleeping and Ryo and Setsuna were gone, it seemed like she was finally alone, but she was proven wrong when she found Setsuna right on the floor, "Oh for god's sake!" she said with an irritated expression as she checked Setsuna's pulse, "Alive and well.... A must have fallen asleep." she said while she carried Setsuna to a hospital bed right next to A's bed, "Geez louise! Is everyone in this school oblivious to the phrase 'take care of yourself'?" she said to herself while she went to her desk and fell asleep once again.

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi

(yay, its like a slumber party!)
Cody grabbed the horns and tried to break the off, only to lose his grip and cut his hand open, which he healed with heating his hand up. "I...I guess I am now..." he said, accepting it, which sped the process up now, his horns came out more. Finishing the process. "I'm now...a demon..." he whispered sadly. Looking to Kagami, "You're upset at me now aren't you?" he asked her, as he stood.



"No! I'm not upset , but just worried about you". She looked at him , she observed the way he tried to break of his horns. He seems to not appreciate his new form.
Cody looked at her, "R-Really?" he said, 'worried? She's worried about me...someone...' he smiled to her, happy to know that. "Want to try and enjoy the rest of our freetime?" he asked her, since that wasn't much of anything but a random punk trying to be tough.


Hikaru watched the interaction between the two  with a smile on his face. His tail swished back and forth on the ground in enjoyment. He covered his mouth with his paw as a small high pitched laugh escaped from his mouth at the girls reaction.




(Professor Xian Qui "Hundun")

Xian Qui’s eyes abruptly open in slight shock realizing that he could’ve seriously injured the youthful Magi standing in front of him, however he was more impressed by the fact she protected herself from the amount of energy that was hurtling towards her at jaw-dropping speeds. Xian’s abrupt anger soon alleviates and slightly concerned expression covers his face as well as embarrassment. “Absolutely marvelous!” He exclaims boomingly while glancing down at Kassiel before accidentally shattering the gourd in his hand causing fragments of it to plunge into the ground across from him. Xian Qui then sighs deeply while looking at the scattered mess across from him and then directs his eye-sight once more towards the young girl positioned in front of him as he observes the numerous emotions written on her face.

“Judging from the shocked facial expression you have across your face, maybe I should be the one asking you that same question.” Xian Qui responds in a calm tone while facing his palm upwards towards the ceiling causing the miniscule portions of debris and dust from the once intact gourd to skimmer across the air. “I apologize for my rude behavior that i displayed in front of you. Although I feel as if you should announce your presence before stumbling in on other conversations. However I don’t mind too much about that now as that’s now in the past, i'm impressed that you were able to react so quickly to that eruption of energy I emitted earlier, are you okay?” Xian Qui asks Kassiel in a stern voice while regaining his balance almost as if the alcohol completely drained out from his system before looking over his shoulder at the now chuckling Hikaru.

@Valefar @Dante Verren

(@Lucremoirre, Do you want Setsuna to wake up at all so that Auriel has someone to interact with? Or have Professor Xian go to the infirmary to check up on Auriel and the students?)
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Cody looked at her, "R-Really?" he said, 'worried? She's worried about me...someone...' he smiled to her, happy to know that. "Want to try and enjoy the rest of our freetime?" he asked her, since that wasn't much of anything but a random punk trying to be tough.


" Yeah! Lets get some gaming in before nightfall." she giggled. She was glad to kee p anger off of Cody's mind. She also didn't want to make a big scene around her friend.
The moment Wúqíng took his first steps into the Academy he paused and though to him self. "Where the hell do I actually go from here ?" He then hastily started to look around the surrounding areas but to no avail. "Exactly how late am I ?" He said, casually stroking his whiskers. " I suppose time will tell." In slight confusion he sat against a wall and meditated until someone noticed him there.
He nodded and they walked into the arcade, he looked around at the games, seeing many shooters and other things. "I wonder what we can play that we both can enjoy..." he said, as he's never played games like these before.

" Lets play the shooter games. I played most of these types back at home." she pointed to shooting game section. There were a few games that weren't occupied by people".

He nodded and they walked into the arcade, he looked around at the games, seeing many shooters and other things. "I wonder what we can play that we both can enjoy..." he said, as he's never played games like these before.


Raising her eyebrows, Kassiel showed that the male's response threw her off. She had only ever met three people who gave her a certain amount of respect due to her abilities, and yet, they never praised her like this. Both Baba and Uraltugo would've told her that her work was just mediocre at best and that she needed to work harder, and she had only gotten a few words from the stranger who had enrolled her. Because of this, her face flushed, feeling embarrassed beyond comprehension. However, when Xian Qui continued with his words, Kas made sure to pay attention. "My bad, I know what I should've done know. You're anger was valid, " she spoke in reply. 

Yet, when hearing the other comments, her face lit up even further. "Ah, you really think so?" She questioned, her smile widening. Internally, however, she was picking through what she heard. That was energy? To the being, it seemed like second nature to use that ability. Kassiel began to think of what would happen if he unleashed a full-blown attack on her purposely.. Boy, she'd be screwed! Although, she did end up noticing the slight change in Xian, the end to the staggering. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to piece the puzzle together, but believing that it'd only end it failure, she gave up on that thought. "The Ruhk just protected me, so I'm fine!"

When she heard a chuckle coming from other creature in the hallway, her eyes practically bulged from their sockets. "H-Haah?" Kassiel mumbled, completely mystified. "It can talk?!" However, when her mind caught up with her actions, she gave a slight pout. "Is it laughing at me?"

@Obsidian @Dante Verren

Miyuki had been playing games on her phone while waiting for her roommate to show up, but it was a good thing that she was patient because she never did. Or he - she discovered that dorm mates could be female or male. To be honest, she couldn't have cared less - she just wanted some company. 


Fley had been trying to find offerings to onis for what seemed like forever, but the search results only came up for how to ward them off. She could use one of these tactics, but she doubted it would work on someone as powerful as Ryujin. Besides, what if it affected his human counterpart?

Hikaru stood up on all fours and took his time approaching the two sitting a few feet away from them. "Of course I can talk. This is an academy fro supernatural beings. Is a talking blue fox really that surprising?" Hikaru tilted his head as he spoke to  the girl who stood in front of him. He sneezed again causing more sparks to fly. He wiped his nose with his paw again. "Excuse me. The lights in this place are so dusty that just running through the circuits are making me sneeze."



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