Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(I think now is the perfect time actually. Caught Caesar at the wrong moment, huh? xD )
Blood dripped from Ryo's lips as his strength blew back at him. He coughed it up, blood spattering on the floor, but immediately stood up and glared at Xiuruk. The energy that blew back at him was going to keep him out of fights until he completely healed, but it wasn't enough to deter him. Ryo knew he couldn't beat this guy, his power was great and as strong as Ryo was, he lacked access to all the abilities a Elder Dragon had.

Ryo regretfully bowed his head down in defeat, his voice a simple whisper, "No, we're done, but before I leave, I have to ask." Ryo looked up, determination on his face, "Where is A? What are your plans?" Ryo had to know what he was up against, or else this was all for nothing.

@Olivia Acerbi

(This works, Ryo now knows that Xiuruk can throw all of his powers back at him. So even if Ryo went full out world destroying power, he would still lose.)

"I have no recollection of this 'A'.", Xiuruk spoke plainly. "Now leave my presence, before I rescind my gift of mercy...and take your sibling with you.", Xiuruk threatens as he launches the two out of the now open door, the door shuts behind them. 

(A is currently causing a hoobla at the dorms. You could make Ryo now be able to sense her and blame his inability to earlier on the room.)



"Nah, I'm fine," Arian replies shaking her head," There's just, uh, a tinsie problem."


Her lower half quickly turned into a white powder and disappeared, her lower half completely reforming with the rest of her body. However, her body regenerated, not her clothes....


"D-don't look!!" she shrieks, attempting to cover herself. 


So, a beautiful blonde was standing in the middle of the garden wearing a newly made belly shirt, jacket, and a whole lot of nothing else. Oh, and a freaking out boy beside her. Nothing to see here. 


Quickly, she grabs the remnants of her skirt and slips it on, though she's  still quite.... breezy.


@Destructus Kloud (//// DIESSSS) 
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Lydia was happily strolling around the garden, testing out the capabilities of the rock stuck to her head. It stayed, didn't fly off when Lydia flung her head back like a horse and was comfortable when Lydia tilted her head or bounced up and down. She was in the most gleeful mood, prancing around with the brown rock on her head. Finally she didn't look like she couldn't hold herself up! Wait, that was what was happening, Lydia couldn't hold her self up. Whatever, she was practically beaming to see that she wouldn't tip over. 

She was bounding around the garden and wouldn't stop jumping until she saw Caesar and a blonde girl who she hasn't met yet. Stopping in her tracks, Lydia stared in both horror and confusion as Caesar was hugging the girl with flesh disintegrating yet staying on the girl. The few flashes of flesh under the skin was still enough for her to just gape at seeing what was underneath the human body. Plus the fact that Caesar was hugging someone, he would never do that. When he let go of the blonde girl there was an awkward moment which made Lydia look to the side in embarrassment, with Honey doing the same. She hopes that they wouldn't see her by the corner of the building, but with Honey buzzing so loudly it would be rather difficult to not be noticed unless they were that into the moment.

@SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud 
Caesar's face turns from panic to embarrassment as he faces the other way with a blush. Now would not be the best time to be looking at them if someone were to be watching. 

Still not looking, he asked tentatively, "Are you okay then? Aside from your, err... Situation?" He didn't dare look at her legs that had beautiful and probably very smooth skin, of which he had caught a glance of before he had pivoted I'm surprise. He'd also caught a flash of something... Else, that he wasn't going to mention ever. Then, as he was turned around, he noticed Lydia by the tree across the building, half-hidden, "Lydia?!" He gasped in shock and horror. 

@SolistheSun (//// DEAD) 

@Cheryl (//// EVEN MORE DIES)
(Kk :D )

(So is everyone else enjoying our teenage romantic drama? xD )
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(Screw your teenage romantic drama! I got teenaged action drama, comedy right here!)

Ryo landed on his back, causing the floor to crack and watched as the door closed. He curled his arms around his stomach and began focusing energy in his body to heal himself. Man that sucked, at least they had made it out alive. Ryo's teeth ground together and a growl was let loose when he though of the severe ass whipping Xiuruk had handed to him.

"Someday, I will get stronger. I will punch your face in. And when that days comes, you'll have regret not killing me." Ryo growled out towards the closed door, flipping to his stomach and facing Seo, an angry glare on his face. Ryo couldn't believe Seo was here. Didn't the old man say that Seo was meditating on life or some stupid thing. The little shit probably came here to mess with him. Oh well, might as well make the best of it.

Ryo pointed his hand at Seo and made a waving motion to signal him to come over.

"Oi, jackass. I know you got that healing crap. Come over here and fix me. My regeneration is taking forever and I don't wanna wait."

Fun Fact: Dragons, as ultimate beasts, have the ability to adapt and overcome. When faced with an unknown energy, disease, realm, or pretty much anything that affects them negatively, they quickly build up a defense against it, quickly powering through it and even in some cases becoming immune to it.This however was not one of those cases. Ryo is a teenage dragon, as strong as he may be, he still didn't have his full powers and capabilities, leading to this situation.

"Plus I can sense on of my friends and I need to hurry up and find her, so chop to it butt face."

(Kk :D )

(So is everyone else enjoying our teenage romantic drama? xD )

(Ignore my last post . this represents it better


@Destructus Kloud )
((Oh Christ. My plea isn't going to help me, is it? Bad terminology, and sloppy reading... what mistakes am I going to make here..))

"To be completely honest," Wulf said, "I'm bored. I couldn't find much to do. What was the white smoke about?"

Professor Troy stares at the scene for several seconds, unblinking. "Do you want me to get the Professor?" he finally asked A, his cane smoking a small bit. On the inside, Troy was tensed up, uncertain of what to do.

((Yipee! The two interactions are both one/two liners! How could I make any mistake? Also, I regret looking on Urban Dictionary))

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi 
Smoke snickered at the love birds. 'Have fun... Wonder what that's like?' He thought to himself. For him it was kill, survive to see another damned and hopeless day, try to help someone and repeat. He pulled out his bastard sword and inspected it. Even for a great sword it was heavy, however this was his fathers sword... He was born with it and will die with it in his hands. He could swing it like it was a dagger, in fact he dual wielded two of them. One was his fathers blade the other his own which he would give to his son to keep his family history alive.

(Screw your teenage romantic drama! I got teenaged action drama, comedy right here!)

Ryo landed on his back, causing the floor to crack and watched as the door closed. He curled his arms around his stomach and began focusing energy in his body to heal himself. Man that sucked, at least they had made it out alive. Ryo's teeth ground together and a growl was let loose when he though of the severe ass whipping Xiuruk had handed to him.

"Someday, I will get stronger. I will punch your face in. And when that days comes, you'll have regret not killing me." Ryo growled out towards the closed door, flipping to his stomach and facing Seo, an angry glare on his face. Ryo couldn't believe Seo was here. Didn't the old man say that Seo was meditating on life or some stupid thing. The little shit probably came here to mess with him. Oh well, might as well make the best of it.

Ryo pointed his hand at Seo and made a waving motion to signal him to come over.

"Oi, jackass. I know you got that healing crap. Come over here and fix me. My regeneration is taking forever and I don't wanna wait."

Fun Fact: Dragons, as ultimate beasts, have the ability to adapt and overcome. When faced with an unknown energy, disease, realm, or pretty much anything that affects them negatively, they quickly build up a defense against it, quickly powering through it and even in some cases becoming immune to it.This however was not one of those cases. Ryo is a teenage dragon, as strong as he may be, he still didn't have his full powers and capabilities, leading to this situation.

"Plus I can sense on of my friends and I need to hurry up and find her, so chop to it butt face."


Seo stood up after being tossed out. Dusting his pants off, focusing energy to heal himself to a point where he was at a hundred percent. Seo looked down at Ryo, listening to him gripe and complain about the one sided fight. A smug smirk appeared on his face the minute Ryo asked him to heal him.

"Healing ability? What are you taking about?" Seo said with sarcasm lacing his voice, "I thumped my head pretty hard after that scary dude threw us. So I don't know about no healing." An evil smile etched it's way onto Seo's face, pointing at Ryo, "Also you're a big boy. You can heal yourself....maybe......jackass." With that, Seo turned around and began walking away from Ryo's injured form.

"Plus i'll be late to class. It's always good to show up early bro." Seo walked away from Ryo, leaving him to deal with his own injuries. Plus Ryo had called him a prick.....that was mean and hurt his feelings a little. So might as well mess with his brother, he'd be alright....maybe.

Seo grabbed his bag and made his way to his class, hoping to get an early start. Not realizing classes hadn't even started yet. On his way, Seo came across a group of people talking to each other and couldn't help but want to introduce himself. Although the spider lady was strange, the blonde people looked friendly.

"Salutations fellow School Goers! Names Seo Sentrale! I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself."

@Destructus Kloud @Cheryl @SolistheSun

(Ha, deal with that Jazz! SUFFER! SUUUUFFFFFERRRR! Also...that's what you get for calling me a jackass. Also, HI NEW PEOPLE WHO ARE ALSO OLD PEOPLE, BUT ARE NEW TO ME!))
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"Yeah I'm okay now. However, I feel quite scandalous," Arian replies looking herself over. Her once long-sleeve shirts had gotten a reduction and from her ribs down nothing but bare skin shows. It was almost a rebellious schoolgirl fashion, really. Or post-apocalyptic. 


"Wait who's Lydia??!" she cries, turning towards Caesar, wishing she wasn't so exposed. It was a large spider-girl, and her pet wasp that was humming incredibly loud? Regardless, they were by far the most, uhh, different of all the student's she'd seen thus far. The blue-fox thingie didn't count. Before she can explain herself, another student comes wander ing over. He looked reasonably attractive and far too buff for any 'regular' student and didn't want to get into anymore trouble than she probably already was. So, time to start explaining, probably horribly.


She told Caesar she had bad luck. 


"W-whaaaa?!! Arian cries in disbelief, "Ummmm hi! I'm Arian, and I swear to god this isn't what it looks like!" she sputters, trying to pick up the remnants of her clothes. 


(Aaaaand romantic scene officially ruined in every possible way out there. xD  Hey, at least Caesar's going out with a knockout beauty though. ;) )

Caesar then spun, the way not facing Ari of course, toward a the voice of a newcomer. Lydia he could handle being there; he knew her and she was a girl, so it was okay for now. This new guy was the real spanner into the gears and Caesar quickly picked his gloves back up and put them on, before grabbing the carefully and pulling back into the building, "Hi there, my name is Caesar and it's great to meet you. We're kinda having a bit of a crisis over there so I'd appreciate it if we did this somewhere else." He leaned through the doorway, "Are you okay for now? I'm gonna take my new, err, friend somewhere else." And then to Ari, he said, "Come to my room later, I'll see you there." And with that he pulled Seo along and into the cafeteria, away from the partially naked blondie and spider lady. 

@Cheryl @SolistheSun @Marumatsu (Certain circumstances have forced me to move this along. *glares at maru* lol jk, anyways, I'll be sleeping soon, so ima just get Seo away from the women before anything unseemly happens and probs sleep, idk. Seo is related to Ryo after all, so I wouldn't put it past him to try something. xD )
Seo stood up after being tossed out. Dusting his pants off, focusing energy to heal himself to a point where he was at a hundred percent. Seo looked down at Ryo, listening to him gripe and complain about the one sided fight. A smug smirk appeared on his face the minute Ryo asked him to heal him.

"Healing ability? What are you taking about?" Seo said with sarcasm lacing his voice, "I thumped my head pretty hard after that scary dude threw us. So I don't know about no healing." An evil smile etched it's way onto Seo's face, pointing at Ryo, "Also you're a big boy. You can heal yourself....maybe......jackass." With that, Seo turned around and began walking away from Ryo's injured form.

"Plus i'll be late to class. It's always good to show up early bro." Seo walked away from Ryo, leaving him to deal with his own injuries. Plus Ryo had called him a prick.....that was mean and hurt his feelings a little. So might as well mess with his brother, he'd be alright....maybe.

Seo grabbed his bag and made his way to his class, hoping to get an early start. Not realizing classes hadn't even started yet. On his way, Seo came across a group of people talking to each other and couldn't help but want to introduce himself. Although the spider lady was strange, the blonde people looked friendly.

"Salutations fellow School Goers! Names Seo Sentrale! I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself."

@Destructus Kloud @Cheryl @SolistheSun

(Ha, deal with that Jazz! SUFFER! SUUUUFFFFFERRRR! Also...that's what you get for calling me a jackass. Also, HI NEW PEOPLE WHO ARE ALSO OLD PEOPLE, BUT ARE NEW TO ME!))

"Seo! SEO! SEEEEOOO! DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING LEAVE ME HERE JACKASS! I WILL END YOU!" Ryo's yells fell on mute ears as he watched Seo walk away from his position. Ryo let out an angered growl, cause no he had to somehow crawl his ass to the infirmary, get better, then find A and convince her to not do whatever she was going to do. Ryo started crawling, his injuries affecting him and DAMNIT HIS REGENERATION WAS GOING SLOW AS CRAP.

As Ryo crawled, he could only think about the people he had met. Sestuna, his prissy and arrogant fox frenemy, man he really needed to settle that feud and see if some poon was availabe. Then he thought of A, man she was like a female him...with a lot more troll. Wait, he had a lot of female friends, man he needed guy friends that weren't Seo's annoying ass.

Ryo had reached right in front of the infirmary, lifting up his hand to scratch against the door with the last of the energy he had.

"Need.....Help....Auriel......Dying.......Find....A......Kill...Seo........consciousness.......fading." Ryo's hand fell as he fell into his unconsciousness, his last thoughts being of A, Setsuna, kicking Seo's ass, and how he was going to get stronger and beat Xiuruk to the curb.

@Lucremoirre @Obsidian

(Matsu you bastard! EAT SHIT BRO! EAT IT!)
(I think you may be forgetting the brief encounter you had when Caesar helped you out and you gave him beer. xD  just sayin @YungJazz)
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((Oh Christ. My plea isn't going to help me, is it? Bad terminology, and sloppy reading... what mistakes am I going to make here..))

"To be completely honest," Wulf said, "I'm bored. I couldn't find much to do. What was the white smoke about?"

Professor Troy stares at the scene for several seconds, unblinking. "Do you want me to get the Professor?" he finally asked A, his cane smoking a small bit. On the inside, Troy was tensed up, uncertain of what to do.

((Yipee! The two interactions are both one/two liners! How could I make any mistake? Also, I regret looking on Urban Dictionary))

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi 

"NO!", A yells in protest. "I-I mean, no. I wouldn't want to bother him. I'm sure he's very busy.~and tired from working me over for what seemed like centuries~ ", she says more calmly, trying to play damage control. She smells the air for a moment,something smelled burned. Her nose follows the smell and leads her to find her clothes almost completely singed off. "Wow, these lasted pretty long.", she says impressed by their durability. "Wait. I remember being naked in Xiuruk's trials does that work?" She examines a piece of the fabric. "I'm sure this information has some kind of hidden value that could be used to exploit a fundamental kink in Xiuruk's interaction with this world............but who has the time?", A says throwing the piece of fabric to the side. A few moments back on the saddle and her normal -I don't give a fuk- disposition returns. With a piece sign and a confident strut A walks back into her dorm, the damage repairing itself as soon as she touches the door handle. 

"No need to worry random people, I'm fine and learned my lesson and all the trash so you two can get the hell out of here now. I'm late for lunch."

A goes to shut the door but doesn't she realizes something she hadn't before. She had gotten so used to the foul presence of dweller of purgatory she hadn't stopped to wonder why she sensed one now. Halfway back out into the hallway, A looks towards Alexis squinting her eyes as she analyzes her. "Do I know you?", she asks.
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(Aaaaand romantic scene officially ruined in every possible way out there. xD  Hey, at least Caesar's going out with a knockout beauty though. ;) )

Caesar then spun, the way not facing Ari of course, toward a the voice of a newcomer. Lydia he could handle being there; he knew her and she was a girl, so it was okay for now. This new guy was the real spanner into the gears and Caesar quickly picked his gloves back up and put them on, before grabbing the carefully and pulling back into the building, "Hi there, my name is Caesar and it's great to meet you. We're kinda having a bit of a crisis over there so I'd appreciate it if we did this somewhere else." He leaned through the doorway, "Are you okay for now? I'm gonna take my new, err, friend somewhere else." And then to Ari, he said, "Come to my room later, I'll see you there." And with that he pulled Seo along and into the cafeteria, away from the partially naked blondie and spider lady. 

@Cheryl @SolistheSun @Marumatsu (Certain circumstances have forced me to move this along. *glares at maru* lol jk, anyways, I'll be sleeping soon, so ima just get Seo away from the women before anything unseemly happens and probs sleep, idk. Seo is related to Ryo after all, so I wouldn't put it past him to try something. xD )

Seo was stunned after being pulled away so abruptly, the blond tuxedo wearing guy was getting them away pretty fast. Seo kinda wondered why, was it because the people were crazy or, a smug smirk appeared on Seo's face, or the girls wanted some bagels, girls always want the bagels.

Anyway, Seo glanced at Caesar his eyebrow raised in curiosity, "Sooo...Why am I being pulled away? And where are we going?" Seo asked, but the sudden scent of food distracted him from Caesar's future response to his questions.

"Nevermind. Smell Food." Drool started leaking out of Seo's mouth as thoughts of food of the gods, aka potatoes, drifted into his mind, "Hope they have potatoes here." Seo's face then cleared up to a serious one as he looked back at Caesar again, "Also, on a serious note, is there an Archery club? And would you mind taking me to the library after we eat?"

@Destructus Kloud

(Oh please, Seo isn't like his brother. He likes potatoes more than ladies. Wait no, that sounds weird, he's just awkward around chicks.)

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