Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

“Ah, sorry if I startled you both with my unexpected arrival. I sensed Professor Xiuruk’s enormous energy radiating throughout the school district and I thought it would be wise to come and investigate. Oddly enough i’m unable to reach his current location due to a cosmic barrier presenting itself in that dimension of his.” Xian Qui responds whilst brushing his fingertips through his bangs to quickly re-adjust them in her presence.

He then gradually opens his mouth to voice himself once more but is interrupted after taking his eyesight from off of her and accidentally looking at her suggestive figure and rather skin compressing attire. Xian Qui then lets out a muffed “eep” from embarrassment and shifts his head so that his eyes are looking somewhere else as his face becomes occupied with a crimson shade . This was rather surprising seeing an emotion coming from an almighty being such as himself as most of them don’t become so easily swayed by feeling. “A-as I was saying.. “ He mutters to A nervously before gulping and continuing his dialogue with her. “You absolutely reek of Xiuruk’s power, did someone manage to piss him off again while you were in his presence? I want to know what is happening in that class of his.” He replies to her in a questioning tone while shifting his hand back towards his waist and placing his open palm down onto the sturdy hilt of his blade sheathed on him.

(Haha! I appreciate the compliment. Although I should tone it down on the wordage, I tend to usually use words that some people are able to relate to for an easier read. The physics terminology that I stated previously was well needed for my post to give a sensation of strength for XIan Qui as well as adding a bit more detail.)

@Olivia Acerbi


The female Leviathan grinned in response to A, "Call me Levia, it's been a while since I've met someone whom I deem worthy enough call me that"  Levia exclaimed with a sigh after A told on how her male counterpart is doing, "While I do like the gesture, makes me feel like I'm the dominant one, but did he just make me into a stereotypical Juliet?"  She said while making a 'Ugh'  face, "Remind me to stab him for that"  She said as A asked Levia about the two beasts,  "I don't think so, God punished me to teach on how the Purgatory worked for those who went there, maybe one of the beasts went to Limbo?"   She proposed the idea deep in thought, "I suppose I'll go with you, Xiuruk must have planned for this to happen"   She said with a mischievous smile as a professor suddenly teleported in front of them, his presence around them made Levia shake in fear, but she stood strong as A ran behind her, she listened as Xian Qui talked about Xiruruk, 'Jeez, My master's such a drama king'  Was the only thing Levia could think as she waited for A's response.

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel quickly brought the plate of food she was eating to Ryo, as she was already full, she then went to the intercom, "Setsuna, you are needed on the infirmary, could you kindly make your way here?" She said into the intercom as someone knocked on the door panickly, "Bleeding from the head, various broken bones, quick, put him on that bed!" She said, half to herself and half to the man carrying the bleeding body of Ryujin as she pointed to a bed right next to the wounded Ryo.

@YungJazz @Dante Verren @Obsidian
Ryujin roared in agony until the pain led him to black out. Hikaru quickly ran to his master's side. Changing his form so he was large enough to carry his master. Hikaru slid Ryujin onto his back and sprinted as fast as he could to the nurses office. Hikaru slammed into the nurses office his eye where wild and Ryujin was bleeding badly. "My Lord he's hurt help him please.


Seo noticed the clouds in the sky, had felt the atmosphere  this could only mean one thing "thunder god" he thought to himself as his Cryokinetsis energy began to flow his ice powers suddenly shocking him sending him face first into the ground, the previous encounter with Xiuruk now truly settling upon his mind "Damn that guy he is really strong like holy bagels strong, Ryo better give me a better explanation then world ending bad guy!"

Seo now pissed used wind magic to guide him to his knees and heads toward the sound of what can be identified as drums realizing a descendant of raijin must be at this school "i get my ass kicked and now i am forced to encounter yet another thunder god...well technically i can just get Ryo to fight this one like the last cause fuck electricity".

Seo arrived at the scene hidden notices the prince being defeated and waits for the victor to leave before he follows the cloud clapper towards the infirmary.

"Well it seems to be Curtains for this Musical Maestro!" Seo says with a chuckle as he laughs at his stupid joke and notices no one is around to hear it "Always alone when you come up with good stuff Seo get your act together.....wait which way did they go?" Seo Scrambles for a minute until he remembers the direction the prince was dragged of in and manages to follow until he reaches the infirmary, however instead of going in he emits a pulse letting his brother know he is nearby then heads to the secretaries office to discuss an Archer club (because fuck his brothers well being)

Seo knocks on the door very obnoxiously "Hello Ms. maybe Mister hopefully a Ms. secretary lady i would appreciate you and i maybe sharing a bagel as we discuss an Archery club, Hello! anybody in hyyyarrrrrrhhhhhh(here)!!!!! Seo then stands upright and wears a dopey look on his face because he wants the first impression of and idiot to be his title.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi

( Not sure who the secretary is that is why i tagged you Olivia, also give any feedback on what to improve. Thanks for having me!)


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

“Ah, sorry if I startled you both with my unexpected arrival. I sensed Professor Xiuruk’s enormous energy radiating throughout the school district and I thought it would be wise to come and investigate. Oddly enough i’m unable to reach his current location due to a cosmic barrier presenting itself in that dimension of his.” Xian Qui responds whilst brushing his fingertips through his bangs to quickly re-adjust them in her presence.

He then gradually opens his mouth to voice himself once more but is interrupted after taking his eyesight from off of her and accidentally looking at her suggestive figure and rather skin compressing attire. Xian Qui then lets out a muffed “eep” from embarrassment and shifts his head so that his eyes are looking somewhere else as his face becomes occupied with a crimson shade . This was rather surprising seeing an emotion coming from an almighty being such as himself as most of them don’t become so easily swayed by feeling. “A-as I was saying.. “ He mutters to A nervously before gulping and continuing his dialogue with her. “You absolutely reek of Xiuruk’s power, did someone manage to piss him off again while you were in his presence? I want to know what is happening in that class of his.” He replies to her in a questioning tone while shifting his hand back towards his waist and placing his open palm down onto the sturdy hilt of his blade sheathed on him.

(Haha! I appreciate the compliment. Although I should tone it down on the wordage, I tend to usually use words that some people are able to relate to for an easier read. The physics terminology that I stated previously was well needed for my post to give a sensation of strength for XIan Qui as well as adding a bit more detail.)

@Olivia Acerbi

"Reek of his power? Well, that's probably because he had me bent over a ********, while he ********* with a pair of ***********, before he'd go and get a ******** giving me just enough time to regenerate before he ********* with the business end of a **********, pretty much over and over for what felt like eternity. Not to mention the whole thing with the hydras and petroleum jelly....and don't even get me started on the actual "punishment"portion if it all. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at pulsars again without clenching." , A explains in a matter-of-fact tone, doing all kinds of hand gestures and contortionist poses. "How do you know Xiuruk anyway? Were you guys Primordial Douchebag College roommates or something?", says getting more comfortable after she notices Xian Qui's reaction to her mortal form. She decides to press her luck and closes the gap between her and him, until they're just a breath apart. "I'd love to be of assistance....but I have a prior engagement. Besides, I already have some one old and angry telling me what to do......but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't prefer you punishing me over Xiuruk."

A lingers against Xian Qui for a moment staring intently into his eyes before ducking around him. "Soooo, Imma go. Nice to meet you, uhhh Xiang Quanchi or whatever." She bursts into flames, disappearing.

Smoke scowled and walked towards Fleys room. He knocked and thought to her 'Fley? Puppy puppy? Can you open the door? Please?' 

@Fazy (sorry for the short post DX)
Fley was about to drown in her own tears for the third or fourth time that day, when she shot up from her bed. Her eyes were red and her face was, too, and that didn't look like it was going to clear up anytime soon. Fley tiredly changed back to human form, yawning as she brushed the hair out of her eyes and did a little exhausted stretch. Looking out the window, she wondered where all the people she knew were at. Out of all the places she had been, the most visited were fortunately within the school grounds. Fley washed her face quickly and headed out the door, searching in the hills. She had no luck in finding someone, though, which made her consider other places. The cafeteria was far too crowded for her liking, and the combat field - well, she would be tempted to fight and then she and down one else would most likely end up in the infirmary. That left own place - the infirmary. Perhaps a lot of people would be there. Students quite frequently got hurt anyway, because of some injury or another. Wait a moment, why was she looking for people? Fley thought about this question before answering it herself. Ah, yes, because she hated the feeling of loneliness. Still, after considering this thought, Fley had no interest in seeking out others, but she did not appreciate being left alone. She resorted to walking to the infirmary. After she arrived, she spotted a very bloody person with a fox. Oh, that's Hikaru, and that's... Fley's face turned white. Ryujin. God, why has he always got to get himself in trouble? Why does she care? Besides, it's his Oni form... Fley tried to sort out her conflicted feelings as she approached Ryujin. Hikaru disappeared from her view, and her voice came out so soft and unlike her own, that she herself didn't recognize it. It trembled as she spoke: "I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I'm so sorry."

@Dante Verren
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(Holy crap lots has gone down. If someone could tell me what's happened, I'd be greatful. :D  Also, I shall post later today, have no fair.)
(Holy crap lots has gone down. If someone could tell me what's happened, I'd be greatful. :D  Also, I shall post later today, have no fair.)

(PREVIOUSLY! ON LUXOR ACADEMY! : Ryujin fought with Misogi, Ryujin won, but ended up powering Misogi up and wounding himself, Alexis' true identity was revealed to be the female Leviathan whom God killed in the seven days.)
Hikaru placed the bloody figure of Ryujin on the bed. sparks where flying off his fur and hate filled his eyes. "I'm so sorry my lord I failed you."He lowered his head in shame as he moved away letting the nurse get to work. Hikaru addressed the strange yelling man. "Me and my master where minding our own business when this creepy guy appeared. he kept taunting and attacking master so eventually master snapped. But every wound he gave the man was either regenerated or transferred to my lord. Something went wrong and he couldn't transform to his oni form so he tried to sue as much magic as he could but his human body couldn't take it. Then he creepy guy said something about stealing his darkness before walking off." Hikaru refused to look at anyone while he spoke instead he just looked straight down. "This is my fault. I'm such a useless servant. Why didn't I help him fight." Hikaru heard a soft voice speak and he looked up to see the wolf girl from earlier but then immediately looked back down at the floor.

@Lucremoirre @kenchin @Fazy
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Fley bit her lower lip, waiting for a response, only to receive none. She exhaled and moved to touch his face, but avoided it, withdrawing. Walking over to Hikaru, she felt a surge of strength and fury gather in her as she picked him up by the ear. "What did you do?" she hissed.

@Dante Verren
A thankful smile on his face, Ryo gave a thumbs up to Auriel, "Thanks Ms. Auriel! Just what I needed!" And then he tore into the food like a ravenous beast, a gruesome sight as nothing was left and pure unadulterated gluttony was put on display. After finishing his meal, Ryo let out a loud belch and jumped out of the bed. He did a couple of stretches to test how healed up his body was, before giving a satisfied nod and grinning at Auriel.

"Thanks again for the healing Ms. A!" Ryo then felt the pulse of energy Seo had sent out to let him know he was near. Good, Ryo could kick his ass later for ditching him after the ass kicking they got from Xiuruk. Ryo finally noticed the sudden increase of people in the infirmary. Let's see, blue taking fox, probably a kitsune, dog chick, and....

Oh son of a bitch. Ryo's eyes narrowed at the injured form of Ryuujin, sensing the energy inside him. The guy was a part of that freaking pantheon. Ryo let out a 'Tch' noise before turning away from the injured figure. He'd deal with that later, but for right now, time to find A and.....Man, Ryo did not have a plan for what he was going to do. oh well, time to wing it.

Ryo nodded his head one more time at Auriel, showing his thanks, before stepping out into the hallway. Pushing his draconic energy into his vocal cords, Ryo took a deep breathe before letting out a yell that was heard all over the school.


@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi
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Hikaru did not resist as he was picked up by the ear. " I Failed that's what I did. Master told me to stay out of it so I did. I should have jumped in and helped but I didn't." Hikaru whimpered a little. whether it was from physical pain or emotional pain was up to debate.


Jonetsu place the last remaining papers into a desk and finished up her sorting of all the reference books. She put them onto a shelf and had put them in a way  where they would be easy to find. Even for the less intelligent and more troublesome  staff  members aka Maddie and Yana, her least favorite people in the world. Not that they would be allowed inside her office without supervision anyway but just in case they had to get something it would be easy for them and they would get the '' f '' out of her office sooner. She would have to use a little bit of magic so they wouldn't be able to open her door later on but currently she was just going to take a break.

Jonetsu was beginning to settle down but before she could actually relax somebody had to be the annoying one and had decided this was the perfect time to be loud. She nearly jumped and was startled for a second before that turned to irritation "The hell...Can't a woman relax without some kid coming along? I guess this was part of the job description." she grumbled a few things than gave a exhausted sigh before making her way to the door. Maybe this was a sign that she shouldn't be resting when she's not on break....Well it was nearly time for it so it shouldn't of mattered. Hopefully this woould be quick but she had a bad feeling about this guy.

"It's Ms." she said as she opened the door to greet this guy. Did she look as tired as she felt? When she got on her break she would need to recharge at a hotel or something. "Ms. Yokubo. I would appreciate if you don't knock like that ever again. Mr...." she looked him over. Was he a...idiot by any chance? This was going to be painful if he was as stupid as he looked right now.

@Marumatsu (That would be me!)

Auriel Dwelle

"First of all, you did not fail him, If he asked you to stay out of the fight, you simply did want he wanted, he trusted you to stay out of the fight, because he didn't want you to get wounded" Auriel said to the depressed blue fox as she turned to the wolf lady, "Second of all, if you want to help him, unleashing your anger on a helpless bystander will not help him recover, aiding him through the recovery, however, will help him."  She said with a stern look to Fley as she released her flies, healing the wounded Ryujin.

@Dante Verren @Fazy


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

Xian Quis eyes open equivalent to the size of dinner plates after hearing the detailed vulgar tone with A’s interesting evening with Xiuruk. His jaw immediately droops down from complete shock as he couldn’t believe what she was saying to him and the fact that it was so disturbing and vivid almost as if the images that she was describing was forcefully raping his mind. Xian Qui didn’t mind the idea of her in a suggestive theme but with Xiuruk? That was too much for him. “Er, i’m not sure how I should respond to that. Also how did you kn-” He responds in an awkward expression before being interrupted A closing her distance and pressing firmly up against his brawny figure in an erotic fashion. The amount of impure thoughts that rushed through his brain was unimaginable, Xian Qui couldn’t let out a word without choking from the awkward tension as his face further lit up with a velvet tinge. After meeting her he didn’t know whether to enter the never-ending abyss and find Xiuruk once more or enter A’s never-ending abyss (LOL). After observing her burst into flames and disappear he shifts eyesight towards Levia. Professor Xian Qui’s gradually gained his composure and approached Levia. “Anyway, i’ve never seen your face around the academy. Relatively new here i’m suspecting? My name is Xian Qui i’m one of the professors here.” He says to her while passively smiling and offering his hand in her direction. His Aura continued to rush vigorously throughout the area yet he was none the least aware due to being so use to his strength.


(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna’s shifted in her bed quietly as she slept comfortably with the extensive amount of silky blankets being wrapped around her body. Without warning her ears wiggle and perk up after hearing Auriel’s voice on the intercom but responds in altering her position to her side then quickly covering a pillow over her ears. “Ugh! Just let me rest, I haven’t got a decade of sleep!” She irritably mutters to herself before forcing herself out of bed and removing the blankets from off of her. She rubs her eyes delicately with her palms as she approached her dorm’s door-handle. Suddenly her eyes tremble in fear and realization. She remembered that Ryo went to fight Xiuruk before she passed out from complete exhaustion, with one swift motion she goes into a full-on sprint creating a small-scale sonic boom from behind her and tearing off paint chips from the amount of force generation. All Setsuna could think about was Ryo’s health and safety before making it to the Infirmary and stepping through the broken glass that was on the ground after she broke the door. “Ryo! She shouted in a distressed tone and frantically looking around the lobby. Setsuna then propelled herself towards Auriel after noticing her, she then uncoiled her tails and plunged the very top of them into the ground so her momentum wouldn’t knock over Auriel. “Where is he?!” Setsuna yelled in a threatening tone at Auriel while lifting her up by the midsection with one of her tails. Her eyes lit up with emotion once she saw Ryo walking through the hallway  Setsuna dropped Auriel lightly back onto her feet and quickly went over to him.

““R-Ry-” She anxiously said attempting to force out of his name before collapsing to her knees and wrapping her delicate arms around his legs while pressing her face against his thigh. Setsuna tried with all of her might not to shed any tears after noticing he was alright. Without warning she saw the presence of A and growled causing her eyes to flicker with hared, Setsuna saw the smug look on A's face which lit a great anger inside of her. It took a great deal for Setsuna not to leap up at her and punch A's entire body through the ceiling above them. She wiped away the emotion that she had on her face for a brief moment and stood back up and turned facing the other direction. "I-I, guess it can't be helped." She sighed attempting to walk silently away from both of them

(EDIT 4 U @Olivia Acerbi I just noticed your post ya' dingus. Time to see where this will wind up.)

@Lucremoirre @YungJazz
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Fley hugged the fox hard, making it almost impossible for him go breathe as she shifted her hands around his waist so that she was now picking him up. "God, I hate you all," she muttered, scowling. "Especially you." She shot a glare at the nurse. "Listen, woman," she started. "I haven't got a clue of how on earth to help him. And I am so NOT releasing my anger on others!" she exclaimed, punching the wall with her fist as she did so. "I DON'T EVEN CARE about him." She pointed to the bed where Ryujin lay. As an afterthought, she said, "Or anyone, for that matter."  Fley threw Hikaru down after a minute and exited the infirmary when she remembered Smoke's voice in her head. She hadn't taken notice of it until now. "Oh, hello! Can you HEAR ME?!" she half-shouted, concentrating on the thought of Smoke and hoping that she could communicate with him. "MEET ME AT THE HILL NEAR THE INFIRMARY."

@Lucremoirre @TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren
Once Fley let go of Hikaru he fell to the floor gasping for breathe. Hikaru watched as she left before looking at the nurse. "The hell is wrong with her" he asked the nurse. Meanwhile Ryujin stayed silent as the flies worked on his outside wounds. However stabs of pain wracked his body as his bones where being set back in place and repaired. Ryujin struggled against the pain grunting in agony as small bolts of harmless electricity danced around him and the bed rtying to form a protective barrier but ultimately failing.

@Lucremoirre @Fazy
Fley figured that Smoke could not hear her. With that, she sat on the hill, spreading out while smelling the fresh air. It was a great day, but Fley could not enjoy it. Relaxing seemed impossible because she was too busy worrying about how Ryujin was. She still could not fully understand why she cared so much. Hopefully, he would heal quickly so that she could talk to him. What about, she did not know for sure. Sighing, she picked at a few blades of grass and stared at the sky.

mentioned: @Dante Verren

Jonetsu place the last remaining papers into a desk and finished up her sorting of all the reference books. She put them onto a shelf and had put them in a way  where they would be easy to find. Even for the less intelligent and more troublesome  staff  members aka Maddie and Yana, her least favorite people in the world. Not that they would be allowed inside her office without supervision anyway but just in case they had to get something it would be easy for them and they would get the '' f '' out of her office sooner. She would have to use a little bit of magic so they wouldn't be able to open her door later on but currently she was just going to take a break.

Jonetsu was beginning to settle down but before she could actually relax somebody had to be the annoying one and had decided this was the perfect time to be loud. She nearly jumped and was startled for a second before that turned to irritation "The hell...Can't a woman relax without some kid coming along? I guess this was part of the job description." she grumbled a few things than gave a exhausted sigh before making her way to the door. Maybe this was a sign that she shouldn't be resting when she's not on break....Well it was nearly time for it so it shouldn't of mattered. Hopefully this woould be quick but she had a bad feeling about this guy.

"It's Ms." she said as she opened the door to greet this guy. Did she look as tired as she felt? When she got on her break she would need to recharge at a hotel or something. "Ms. Yokubo. I would appreciate if you don't knock like that ever again. Mr...." she looked him over. Was he a...idiot by any chance? This was going to be painful if he was as stupid as he looked right now.

@Marumatsu (That would be me!)

Seo Stared blankly for a few seconds deciding if he should make this easy or hard, unfortunately its not much of a choice in his case this lady looked beat so he wanted to up her day by simply being what he could best an idiot. Seo then Walked into the room and did a spin then sat in the chair behind then desk Sprawled out his legs and stretched in the chair, immediately he responds with a voice similar to those on talk shows when then introduce someone on stage.

"Well thank goodness Ms. Yacowbi im one of your newest studaunts (Students) here......annnnnnnd" Seo then leaps over the desk into the guest seats sitting normal and upright and giving a rest to the voice play, he continues "I Milady would like to know if you have an archery club and if in i can get a mini dojo and set up an indoor and outdoor area if not already done so also about tryouts i would like to demonstrate my expertise with the bow? *Seo takes his backpack off and pulls out a fresh bagel* Would you care for a midday Snauk (snack)?

Seo waits as if everything is perfectly normal and looks at Ms. Yokubo with glee waiting for her response.


(Awesome thanks for the know)
A thankful smile on his face, Ryo gave a thumbs up to Auriel, "Thanks Ms. Auriel! Just what I needed!" And then he tore into the food like a ravenous beast, a gruesome sight as nothing was left and pure unadulterated gluttony was put on display. After finishing his meal, Ryo let out a loud belch and jumped out of the bed. He did a couple of stretches to test how healed up his body was, before giving a satisfied nod and grinning at Auriel.

"Thanks again for the healing Ms. A!" Ryo then felt the pulse of energy Seo had sent out to let him know he was near. Good, Ryo could kick his ass later for ditching him after the ass kicking they got from Xiuruk. Ryo finally noticed the sudden increase of people in the infirmary. Let's see, blue taking fox, probably a kitsune, dog chick, and....

Oh son of a bitch. Ryo's eyes narrowed at the injured form of Ryuujin, sensing the energy inside him. The guy was a part of that freaking pantheon. Ryo let out a 'Tch' noise before turning away from the injured figure. He'd deal with that later, but for right now, time to find A and.....Man, Ryo did not have a plan for what he was going to do. oh well, time to wing it.

Ryo nodded his head one more time at Auriel, showing his thanks, before stepping out into the hallway. Pushing his draconic energy into his vocal cords, Ryo took a deep breathe before letting out a yell that was heard all over the school.


@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi

An eruption of flames explodes out of the floor and into the hallway. The fire condensing into a human-esque form before dying down and revealing a rather surprised A. 

"Look who it is! Universe Destroyer and Shit-talk extraordinaire, Ryo!", she jokes. A satisfied smile on her face as she walks to him. She jumps into his arms, her legs straddling him, locking her eyes on his lips and bring hers up to his. "Did you....give any thought to me offer?", she says quietly, her voice just barely above a whisper. "It'll be fun..", she looks up at his eyes searching for a response. 

(I'm bout to get chewed out by my professor but rp is lyfe)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was suddenly picked up by Setsuna, she responded to the fox lady's shouting by pointing at the hallway were he was, after she was lightly put down by her, she saw Fley ran away from the infirmary, sighing apologetically, she then sprinted to a cabinet, picking up a 'Liquid Pain Alliviator' and made her way to Ryujin's bed, she then manually opened his mouth and proceeded to pour the liquid inside the flask into Ryujin's mouth.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  Setsuna Hayate (@Obsidian), Ryujin (@Dante Verren), Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Fley Sanders (@Fazy), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz)


Levia nervously shakes the menacing professor's hand as he introduces himself as Xian Qui, "U-Um.... You are c-correct, I'm n-new here, my name's Alexis D-De La F-Fontaine"  She lied, saying her vessel's name as the enormous intimidating wind made by Xian Qui's aura goes through Alexis' hair, slightly lifting it, a bit annoyed by the fact that A practically abandoned her to go somewhere else.

At:  Luxor Academy Dorms

With:  Professor Xian Qui (@Obsidian)

Mentions:  A (@Olivia Acerbi)

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