Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Fley could feel her face burning up as she tried to look away, but she was pinned beneath him, unable to move. Trapped, Fley gave out a little squeak. "A-are you an idiot? G-get off! What are you doing?!"


He doesn't seem to be very happy with that... Kori had been the silent observer in all this. She wasn't planning to say much of anything because someone once said that if you didn't have anything that was even a little bit useful or helpful keep your trap closed. She doubted that she could help with anything in the first place cause most of her powers revolved around ice and the cold. Unless they needed a Popsicle there was nothing except observing for her at the moment. But there were some other things much more important than that guy. "Hmm? What do you mean? We shouldn't be together right now? Why not?" she looked at him questioningly. She did not get what he meant at all.

@kenchin @Dante Verren @Lucremoirre
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Fley could feel her face burning up as she tried to look away, but she was pinned beneath him, unable to move. Trapped, Fley gave out a little squeak. "A-are you an idiot? G-get off! What are you doing?!"


'Idiot, no. Get off, no again. What am I doing? About to kiss you.' He says telepathically as he dis just that. He pressed his lips against yours.
(Oooohhhhhmmmmmahgherd!!! xD xD xD  isgoindawun! ^^ Oh, and ima otp this too)

Caesar waited for her, sitting on the bed. When he heard the knock on the door, he smiled involuntarily. She was here. 

"Come in!" He called out to her, "Doors unlocked!" She would be surprised when he told Hershey he has achieved now. And possibly more than that, thought as an aside thought. "Wait, wait, pace yourself Caesar... You've only just met today." He noticed the the stain near the door. He really needed to clean that, it looked odd and very shady. The door opened and he grinned at the blonde beauty as she waltzed in. Still as gorgeous as the first time he had seen her walk in through the school gates. Caesar'd never fallen for anyone before, and wondered if this was what it was like. No, this is what it was! There was no similarity, it was the essence, the perfect copy, no, the original version of love! He was getting all poetic, are rare thing for him, but he couldn't help himself. The words rushed out uncontrollably, "I've done it, it's taken a short while, but I can do it now, I-" He stopped, took a breath and started again, "I can touch you now, normally this time, without the need for you to regenerate." He reached out a hand to her, obvious intent for her to come to him. 

@SolistheSun(had to go eat. >.< but I'll be here now. :D )
Fley blushed and her eyes widened as Smoke kissed her. It was a warm feeling... and it felt good. But ultimately, she felt so embarrassed - she now fully understood the phrase 'dying of embarrassment'. Trying to hide her face was pointless. She didn't kiss him back because she was clueless as for what to do, but she didn't try to resist, either.

(Lets make this a little more entertaining. @TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy)

Ryujin - (Dream world)

"What a disgrace. I'm an oni without an oni." He laughed hysterically. "What am I. No who am I."

He flipped himself over so he was laying on his back. He closed his eye's as anxiety took over. "Maybe I should just lay here and fade away. Yeah that sounds nice. Not like I have any reason to leave." These thoughts plagued his brain until he saw a glimmer of light. "Thats right.There is at leas one person I need to see." The clouds parted ans memories of Fley came back. "Not like I care how this ends but I guess I'd better get my lazy ass in action."

Ryujin- Real world. 

His body stop moving. The lights in the room all shattered at once causing a loud exploding sound that shattered the windows as well. The electricity form theses lights flowed straight into Ryujin. His eyes opened And he sat up rubbing his forehead. His eyes had returned to purple but there was a difference in them. they seemed hollow now like they where missing something. 

@Lucremoirre @kenchin @TaraSobiki
"Oi, Setsuna...Wait a minute."

Ryo's voiced drawled out almost quietly to Setsuna. His hood shadowed his eyes as he turned to glance at Setsuna, a small grateful smile on his face, "Thank you....For worrying about me. Stay here for a minute. I need you here too." Ryo's voice was a mixture of many emotions when speaking to Setsuna, confusion, attraction, frustration, and worry. "And also, wipe those tears away! A noble woman such as yourself shouldn't be shedding tears over an idiot dragon like me, you stupid fox." Wow, Ryo had a chivalrous side, that's new. Ryo had so many thoughts running through his head, not being able to come to a direct choice. Even when A wrapped herself around him, it only made his thoughts more complicated, deciding whether he says screw the world, or go with his friend and destroy everything.

Honestly, Ryo could give two shits about this world and it's people, the only thing keeping him here being his family and few people he was attached to. Yet still, he remembered all the adventures he went on with his brother and gramps, all the mysteries this world held and the many strong opponents he had face. That 'man' he still had to face and defeat and how sad 'she' would be if this world ended.

Ryo finally looked A in the eyes, his soul trying to reach out to hers. Leaning his forehead against hers, a soft smile on his face, whispering low, "Can't we just go grab a few drinks and forget this shit. Then go around fucking with people and blaming Setsuna for it?

" I mean c'mon woman. You're killing me here. Don't do what you're about to and let's just have a freaky threesome, Yeah?" Ryo's smiled became more idiotic at the proposition, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner to both A and Setsuna, hoping that it wouldn't come to the world ending.

"And then we can all look back at it in laughter and a little shame as the day we stopped the world from ending by having a three-way!"

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi

(He's still an idiot, but Ryo is bad with serious yeah, idiot is the way to go.)
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(I'm slightly triggered)



Stepping lightly in the room as Arian was so invited, she brings her hands up to her face, her happiness evident. This man, whom she had allowed to court, was able to touch her without fear of disappearing in his wake. Her heart pounding, and chest constricted, she feels herself expanding once again. Was this what it was like to love? To fall in love was a popular expression from before her curse, and it had stayed till now, in the modern day. Could this..? 


"Oh Caesar, this is wonderful!" she whispers, just loud enough for him to hear. She takes his hand, and there is no sensation of fizzing, just smooth, regular, warm skin. However, this is one moment that it becomes a bad time to go barefoot. Or maybe a good time to have bad luck? Arian takes another step, and slips, her other hand outstretched to catch her balance, only to....









Arian's heartbeat escalates as she finds herself pinning Caesar to his white sheets. Face to face, nothing to stop them. Eyes meeting, both their souls barred... Arian finds her breathing go ragged, her heart pounding like war drums. Her mind cried out to stop. What if he rejected her? What id this was a mistake? This was against how she was raised. This isn't wha----


Goodbye Morals.


Arian dips her face down, and plants her plush lips upon his. 


(Now that is what you call an OTP! And an anime scene and also a fanfiction and also a canon ship, additionally it is a fairy tale.)
The purple arachnid was still nervous about the revealed girl just melting in front of her, but she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when Arian had left. If the blonde does melt, she won't be seeing it anytime soon. Enough blood and guts was seen today, she didn't want to know what else could be inside the body. Perhaps she should just settle down back in the little alcove she had discovered earlier, with the bushes and whatnot. Honey was already back to resting on the trees, cleaning his antennas that were the size of an index finger.

Lydia scuttled off to the fountain and shuffled back into the alleyway, where it was rather dark and cozy with the buildings blocking the sun and bushes being rather soft. Soon Lydia nodded off, giving Honey free roam to do whatever he wanted.
Caesar quickly cancelled out his power as she fell on him. She embraced him in their lying position and he responded in kind, wrapping his arms around her back. He returned the kiss as a hand slid downwards to her hip and they stayed like that for felt and probably was a good 20 seconds, before breaking apart. (Don't worry everyone, I wont go further than that xD ) 

"We have another 40 seconds, I can't keep it up for longer than that." He breathed, chest thumping like a jackhammer. This was great, it was more than great, it was heaven. He hadn't thought ever in his life, especially after all the crap that gave him his curse, that this would happen. But here he was, lying on his bed with possibly the best girlfriend he could ever imagine lying on top of him. This was heaven, indeed. It was a shame he couldn't keep it up for long. (There's an innuendo right there, huh? :P ) He rolled them over so that he straddled her now, gently brushing his lips against hers. He wasn't the kind to get rough like that, he was more sensual. His hand wandered, but not without permission. He didn't do anything she didn't want, and he didn't go too low or anything. He was ever the gentleman despite it all.


Jonetsu watched him carefully to make sure he didn't do anything too bad. Please, I insist let yourself in.she thought but didn't actually say anything about it. If she was in higher spirits right now she probably would of said something about his behavior in her place of work but...too much effort right now. She was going to keep this as short as possible. As long as there wasn't a giant hole in the wall by the time he left everything was just peachy. But his words were irritating her slightly. "It's Yokubo....Forget it though. I'm hearing you want a club for archery? We don't have any clubs currently and archery sounds fine. You are asking quite a bit...but nobody has came to me for a club yet so it's alright I think.I have to ask my boss first before making it official." she walked over to her desk and took out a ruby red notebook with a black hourglass on the front of it. She took out a plain black ink pen before writing his request. "It would be best for me to see your bow skills before. If you aren't good with one you're useless as a leader. Who wants a head chef that can't cook?" she only said the second part in hopes it would be good enough of a explanation."Oh and no I would rather not....I'm not allowed to take food from students anyway. But thank you for being so kind." she wasn't sure if that was a actual rule but better safe than sorry. She didn't like getting food from ''strangers'' anyway.

@Marumatsu (Sorry my family had dragged me away to go do some stuff but I'm back for now.)

@kenchin (Hold up! Is Kori with you? My memory is so bad....)

Seo Offended at the denial of his bagel his feelings were extremely hurt, although this lady was not quite deserving of his bagel, he covered it in blueberry cream cheeze that floated in the room, probably from the cafeteria the only place he can always find, and covered the bagel in it then proceeded to snack.

"Thank you Ms. Yo can i say that? well i just might."

Seo Notices she begins to write down his requests so he eats half the bagel and places the other half on the desk on top of a napkin looking at Ms. Yokubo signifying its not his problem anymore.

Anyways Ms. Yo-Y0 I do appreciate you helping me.  Working on the construction of the area would be a breeze(seeing if she received his joke due to his wind magic) , as for the demonstration what shall i do and when? I ABSOLUTELY refuse to cook what does cooking even have to do with Archery? Seo looked dumbfounded completely missing the reasoning behind what she had said it was obvious that he was not joking about this question.

@TaraSobiki (no problem i should be on for awhile i just finished for today)
(Eyyyyy, ty Dante. xD  Too bad it'll have to end, but dw, I predict great things for Caesar's future! :D )
"Oi, Setsuna...Wait a minute."

Ryo's voiced drawled out almost quietly to Setsuna. His hood shadowed his eyes as he turned to glance at Setsuna, a small grateful smile on his face, "Thank you....For worrying about me. Stay here for a minute. I need you here too." Ryo's voice was a mixture of many emotions when speaking to Setsuna, confusion, attraction, frustration, and worry. "And also, wipe those tears away! A noble woman such as yourself shouldn't be shedding tears over an idiot dragon like me, you stupid fox." Wow, Ryo had a chivalrous side, that's new. Ryo had so many thoughts running through his head, not being able to come to a direct choice. Even when A wrapped herself around him, it only made his thoughts more complicated, deciding whether he says screw the world, or go with his friend and destroy everything.

Honestly, Ryo could give two shits about this world and it's people, the only thing keeping him here being his family and few people he was attached to. Yet still, he remembered all the adventures he went on with his brother and gramps, all the mysteries this world held and the many strong opponents he had face. That 'man' he still had to face and defeat and how sad 'she' would be if this world ended.

Ryo finally looked A in the eyes, his soul trying to reach out to hers. Leaning his forehead against hers, a soft smile on his face, whispering low, "Can't we just go grab a few drinks and forget this shit. Then go around fucking with people and blaming Setsuna for it?

" I mean c'mon woman. You're killing me here. Don't do what you're about to and let's just have a freaky threesome, Yeah?" Ryo's smiled became more idiotic at the proposition, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner to both A and Setsuna, hoping that it wouldn't come to the world ending.

"And then we can all look back at it in laughter and a little shame as the day we stopped the world from ending by having a three-way!"

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi

(He's still an idiot, but Ryo is bad with serious yeah, idiot is the way to go.)

"Definitely not! Are you out of your goddamn mind?", A jumps off of Ryo, pushing him away and into Setsuna. Her eyes begin to glow but not their usual orange, they now glowed a deep shade of crimson. "You expect me to forget about my brothers, trapped in perpetual inferno and betray a being that could and has worn my ass like a glove?......for some drinks and sex with Godzilla's more socially handicapped brother and his pet dog?", A starts to become visibly annoyed by Ryo's cluelessness. "Really pathetic by the way...what kinda familiar deity are you?", she shoots to Setsuna. 

"I gave you an out, because, to be honest...I kinda like you, you're an amusing character. If you wanna throw your life away for a worthless rock that's fine but don't spout bullsh**t like you have any idea what the f**ck is going on!" , A says angrily, a sudden and massive spike in her aura swallowing the area causing the temperature to drop drastically as all ambient heat is absorbed by her. Her horns flash and she manifests her Seraph spear, now flaming and mangled from its time in the Abyss, and points it towards Ryo. "I'm only going to warn you once, frogbreath. I have no beef with you or wherever it is you're kind slither out from, but don't go poking your head around things you don't understand, you just might lose it."

A's tail rhythmically whips around behind her in anticipation, the tip periodically snapping like a firecracker. "Now. Step. Aside. I have a nurse to disembowel." (@Lucremoirre)

( @Obsidian Dingus? Jeez, hostile....)
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(So whens this 'end of the world' thing happening? I'm waiting for it so I can have Caesar and A have a final form fight. xD  Yes, he has a final form. ;) )

Auriel Dwelle

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Ryujin's body stopped, and then the lights and windows from the infirmary started breaking, the energy from the lights started going towards Ryujin, Auriel, understanding that he was a oni, quickly moved out of the way, letting the energy from the light go into his body, "Are you alright?" She asked the oni as his eyes opened, in a strangely different color then before, right after that, she felt a strangely ominous heat coming from the outside hallway of the infirmary.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  Ryujin (@Dante Verren), Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Axel Hazaki (@kenchin), Kori Shimo (@TaraSobiki)

Mentions:  A (@Olivia Acerbi)

Sythnar Dochrohen

When Seth tried to capture a ladybug, a sudden buzz behind him scared not only the ladybug, but Seth as well, as he turned around, he saw a enormous hornet, he then started watching the hornet, seeing it's nature on the wildlife.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Honey (@Cheryl)


"THAT'S NOT EVEN HOW A LEVIATHAN WORKS YOU RETARDS!"  Levia basically screamed into the TV as the sound of popping popcorn echoed right after, she had made herself quite comfortable in A's dorm, as she watched a show called 'Paranormal' , which apparently was about two sisters hunting demons or some sh*t like that, Levia hadn't really paid much attention on the story, but she's now arrived on an episode that Leviathan are apparently a disease or something like that, she then remembered the object that teacher dropped, she opened her hand to reveal an amber gemstone, shining a gentle orange that resembles the morning sun, "Looks like nothing, but let's stick to it, maybe it's something I can use for blackmail..."  She said as she held on to the gemstone, deep in thought as 'Carry On My Wayward Son'  played through the TV.

At:  A's dorm

With:  Nobody (Open for interactions!)

Mentions:  Prof. Troy Sharp (@Storm Guardian), A (@Olivia Acerbi)

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