Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(I'm a bit concerned about all this now. I mean, it's cool we're shipped and all, but if our ship name is gonna be CaesArian, I think we're gonna have problems. xD )
Misogi started to walk around looking all depresed ' really i can't find anyone for the past three fucking hours really " said misogi all mad he started to look around and he could sense weakness in the air and the thing he hated the most Love and Happiness " tch Love is in the air but where their is love their is Fear and Hatered and Darkness" skipping away all happy

@Destructus Kloud

@SolistheSun Who said he wanted to kill people after all he always loses no matter how hard he try's he will lose the battle
(Time for stuff to happen)

Ryujin felt the punch and stumbled backwards but looked back at him. "I will pass. If i don't do this my way then I will never regain my honor and I will never be worthy enough to look my grandfather in the ey ever again let alone the people I care about." He smiled weakly. "I don't know who I am or why I'm here. With out my other half I;m not Ryujin." He turned around and looked at the Nurse "In case I run out of luck. Thanks for everything Mrs.Nurse. " He then turned back to Axel "Since My oni sin't here I will say it for him. Thanks jackass." He walked over to Hikaru and knelt down petting the foxes head. 'I have two more request for you Hikaru. One can you track where Fley is?" Hikaru nodded and sniffed the air pointing out the window and up towards the hill. Ryujin nodded in thanks. "Hikaru you stay here and help Mrs.Nurse clean up. Got it?" The fox nodded and bowed his head walking over and laying next to the nurse. Ryujin stood and walked over to the broken windows he gave the people in the room a two fingered salute "See ya around everybody" Before hoping out the window and landing with a grunt. 

Ryujin began his walk up the hill rubbing the back of his head as he went. "Damn how am I going to explain this one. He stopped walking once he reached the top of the hill and his eye's went wide. He felt like he had just been stabbed through the chest all over again except this pain was worse. He saw Fley laying on the ground kissing someone who was on top of her. unknowingly dark clouds formed over the hill and school building with flashes of lightning slicing through the skies.

@Lucremoirre @kenchin @TaraSobiki @Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu
(I'm a bit concerned about all this now. I mean, it's cool we're shipped and all, but if our ship name is gonna be CaesArian, I think we're gonna have problems. xD )

(So we get to become a type of salad? Cool. 

thEN AGAIN. It's another word for a C-section...


How about RianSar? Or AriCae? Or AriSar or somethings gb sfgb)
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( @kenchin I fully support whatever it is your about to do, but please, for the love of Ryujin's and Ryo's parents, please put brackets around your ooc stuff so I know who's talking!!! Please!!!)
The moment the albino hornet reach the ink of the first page, he dropped it onto the ground and spat out any paper still inside his mouth. It tasted vile, almost poisonous to Honey. An odd voice rang through his head, with sadness being the main emotion in the noises of this voice. Perhaps they were dangerous? Anyone would be upset if their weapon was chewed up, and seeing the boy bring up yet another notebook made the hornet buzz his light green wings and float in front of him. This time, his intentions were to grab that book and to give it to his queen, allowing her to read it and decide if it was dangerous or not.

Axel went towards the Window and yelled at Ryujin " Your Pride is the Key to the Power i am telling you about just wear the Ring damn it Listen to me if its about Pride and Honor then I am a Expert damn it after all I am a Mafia Boss" he said to Ryujin hoping it would make him put on the ring that axel gave him "

@Dante Verren
( @kenchin I fully support whatever it is your about to do, but please, for the love of Ryujin's and Ryo's parents, please put brackets around your ooc stuff so I know who's talking!!! Please!!!)

Don't worry i will separete them lol

Misogi- don't worry i have my favorite color right now so you will find out who i am

Axel- and i have the color of my flames right now well one of my five flames that is so is this better @Destructus Kloud
Fley was sitting on the grass a few moments after the kiss, with nothing to say. She had barely noticed Ryujin's arrival. At the sudden sound of thunder, she glanced up at the sky in pure confusion. Turning around, she heard another voice. What was going on? She spotted Ryujin who didn't look fully healed. Clearing everything else out of her head, she ran to him and embraced him, arms wrapping around him firmly. "Why? I don't care if you're a fucking oni or whatever, but what the hell did you do to MY Ryujin? I mean- not mine, but the one I know? Why did you hurt him? You may share the same body but you aren't the same person and you're not supposed to cause him fucking pain! It's not like I care but-" she released him and averted her gaze. "I care just a little bit, okay? That's it."

@Dante Verren @kenchin @TheGreyCthulhu
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He gave her a weak smile and placed his hand under her chin moving her head so she could see his eyes. " See my eye's are back to normal. I'm back to normal me. My oni he is..." His words trailed off. "Either way I'm back but it looks like you are busy so I will see you around." He turned to leave and started to walk down the hill the thunder still raging overhead.

@Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu



"Official? Indeed, " Arian pretends to think a second, "And, yeah. Definitely moving in. I want you too much now." 


She says the last part teasingly, a spark of mischievousness in her eyes. Her heart beats slower now, the height of the moment passed. She could still feel his lips upon hers, the feel of his fingertips brushing her skin... But, the thought is pushed, no shoved away as Caesar's hot breath on her face. She longed to go farther, but with regret, she forces herself to cool the fire growing between her loins. The nearness of his face to hers only made the sensations grow. 


"Stop teasing me," she whines, laughing, adding a pathetic little push on his bare shoulder to punctuate her sentence. Before he could see the damage done, the skin is healed over. Still feeling the mood, she leans over seductively," Let's go grab a bite to eat! And then-" She pauses, the whole tone of her voice changing, "Let's go get our living arrangements sorted out." 





(I'm gonna start doing this^ too, it's more aesthetic)

As the sphere comes closer to A eventually making contact, it dims and disappears causing Setsuna's blow to do little more than rocket her back crashing into the wall. A lays in the wall her legs hanging out from the hole, absolutely laughing her ass off. "Did you really just try to use kinetic friction against me?! AHAHHAAHAHA!", her legs kicking playfully. An explosion throws A back to her feet with a vicious smile stretched across her face, she extends her hand towards Setsuna. The ground beneath Setsuna groans before pulling her down into it, leaving only her head and shoulders above ground, a rune lights up around her locking her in. A disintegrates, ash falling onto the floor. She then rises, through the floor, in front of Setsuna. Her too, only head and shoulders above ground. "Look around you, pooch.", she commands, looking around herself. The entire building was beginning to freeze, the walls and structures cracking from liquid crystallization within their chemistry. "Are you really that slow? I'm absorbing atmospheric kinetic energy...........what's going on in that little head of yours?", A asks, tilting her head to one side. 
"Let's find out!", A finishes rising through the ground, her ashes violently shaking before becoming embers then piling together to form a clone. A crouches down and holds Setsuna's head, squishing her cheeks. The clone briefly stretches before pointing out to the end of the hall where a flaming field goal of flesh and bone now sits. Shaking off and exhaling like an athlete, the clone jogs up to Setsuna's head punts it. Her foot breaks the sound barrier before smashing into her skull, a small flash of light being produced upon impact as the air between her foot and her head is rapidly compressed and catching fire. The blow sends Setsuna exploding out of the ground and through the air at speeds that can only be described as lightning fast. 

"F*ck yeah, good kick, me!", A exclaims to her clone leaping onto her in celebration. "Aw, yes! This is gonna score, I can feel it!", the clone responds hugging her back.

@Obsidian @YungJazz

(A lost/stray dog legit just knocked at my door and I don't know what to do....there's like no one outside but the dog and he's just sitting there....)
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Fley wasn't going to give up that quickly though. She chased after him. Her voice sounded hard and cold. "What are you talking about? Who, him? He's just a friend... Or so I thought. But something happened... I don't wanna talk about that. What were YOU thinking?"

@Dante Verren
Smoke scooted closer to you. 'I'm sorry...' He said telepathically. He reached for your hand, 'She hates me right now...' He thinks to himself. Smoke felt the god coming and strapped his helmet back on before the god could see his face.

@Fazy@Dante Verren
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Misogi was skipping towards the building when he noticed Ryujin and Fley and he smiled as he started to walk past them " ohh looks like i found someone i found thanks for the Darkness mister god and you " he looked at Fley and simply smiled his evil smile " your's Fley i will have for Desert later " then he skiped towards Smoke" ahhhhh you have the same smell like me.


@Dante Verren

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Sythnar Dochrohen

"W-WAIT NO! D-DON'T TAKE I-IT!" Seth unknowingly telepathically screamed into the hornet's mind, panicking as the hornet swiftly took his 'Seth's Encyclopedia of Supernatural Insects Vol.1' , he could only cry as the hornet took his notebook, but then he saw that it hadn't eaten his second one, Seth then quickly ran towards it, hugging it in a protective stance.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Honey (@Cheryl)

(Why do I love making Seth suffer?)
"There is no need to cover it up it looked like you two where pretty close." He kept his voice even and he small smile fixed on his face. As for what I was thinking you have to be more specific." He froze as he heard the familiar voice. he quickly grabbed fley and shoved her behind him taking up a defensive stance in front of her. "Guess you saved me the trouble of finding you."

@Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu @kenchin
As the sphere comes closure to A eventually making contact, it dims and disappears causing Setsuna's blow to do little more than rocket her back crashing into the wall. A lays in the wall her legs hanging out from the hole, absolutely laughing her ass off. "Did you really just try to use kinetic friction against me?! AHAHHAAHAHA!", her legs kicking playfully. An explosion throws A back to her feet with a vicious smile stretched across her face, she extends her hand towards Setsuna. The ground beneath Setsuna groans before pulling her down into it, leaving only her head and shoulders above ground, a rune lights up around her locking her in. A disintegrates, ash falling onto the floor. She then rises, through the floor, in front of Setsuna. Her too, only head and shoulders above ground. "Look around you, pooch.", she commands, looking around herself. The entire building was beginning to freeze, the walls and structures cracking from liquid crystallization within their chemistry. "Are you really that slow? I'm absorbing atmospheric kinetic energy...........what's going on in that little head of yours?", A asks, tilting her head to one side. 
"Let's find out!", A finishes rising through the ground, her ashes violently shaking before becoming embers then piling together to form a clone. A crouches down and holds Setsuna's head, squishing her cheeks. The clone briefly stretches before pointing out to the end of the hall where a flaming field goal of flesh and bone now sits. Shaking off and exhaling like an athlete, the clone jogs up to Setsuna's head punts it. Her foot breaks the sound barrier before smashing into her skull, a small flash of light being produced upon impact as the air between her foot and her head is rapidly compressed and catching fire. The blow sends Setsuna exploding out of the ground and through the air at speeds that can only be described as lightning fast. 

"F*ck yeah, good kick, me!", A exclaims to her clone leaping onto her in celebration. "Aw, yes! This is gonna score, I can feel it!", the clone responds hugging her back.

(A lost/stray dog legit just knocked at my door and I don't know what to do....there's like no one outside but the dog and he's just sitting there....)

"Man, you guys just don't wait do you?" Ryo said with humor laced in his voice as he appeared behind Setsuna, catching her and holding her bridal style. Smiling down at Setsuna, Ryo quickly let loose a kick behind him, sending a shock wave of energy to lash out of his leg and hit the flaming field goal, erasing actually erasing it, as if it never existed. Ryo chuckled to himself, gotta love that power of destruction. Ryo placed Setsuna on her feet, taking his hoodie off and wrapping it around her to keep her warm in the slowly freezing hallway.

"Here Fox princess. This'll keep you warm, it has some runes on it that makes it so it's like a heater." Ryo then patted her head in a loving manner, a gentle smirk on his face, "Now, imma go talk to A. Just chill here for a sec please. I'm going to talk to A for real this time. I promise that i'll do whatever you want after this, just let me talk to her." With that said, Ryo planted a quick kiss on Setsuna's cheek, before casually walking over to A's position, sending a pulse of energy out to Seo, just in case he needed help.

Ryo stopped right in front of the A clones, a smile on his face, "Hey A, sup?" Ryo paused for a second before gaining a serious look on his face, "For real this time. Please A, stop this. Tell me what I have to do to stop you from destroying this world? Serve you for eternity? Cause I will, i'll even kill whoever you need me to. I'll do whatever it is you need me to, just to understand you. Please just let me in and get to know you. You said I had no idea of anything going on, well tell me! Tell me and let me understand."

Ryo took a deep breathe, before spreading his arms wide, leaving himself open, "Even if it's necessary for my life to end. Just let me understand the being i'm looking at. Let me understand my friend A."

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi @Marumatsu (Cause I know you're not doing anything. Also, SERIOUS TIME!)
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Caesar grinned and jumped up, stretching. He was slightly sweaty now and there was a sheen to his muscles that made up his lean body as the light bounced off from a few nearby lamps. He turned back and held out a hand to Arian, "Come my princess," He said in a mock posh voice, "we have many wonders to visit, and seafood night at the cafeteria!" He grinned at her, nothing but love filling his eyes as he looked  at her warmly, "Oh, and I'll speak to Ms Yokubo about it. I'm sure she'll be fine with it." Smiling more so as he helped her up, he then moved to get a fresh tuxedo from a suitcase under his bed. Taking off everything but his socks and underwear, he began to dress into the cleaner variant of his attire, playful flexing every so often for Ari's benefit. 

@SolistheSun (you like? xD )

@Olivia Acerbi(is whatever is happening on your end noticeable in the dorms? Because if so then Caesar's gonna have to get all disciplinary on you. *waves badge around*)

@Fazy(so which is it? Ryujin or Smoke? PICK DAMMIT! xD )
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"Listen, I-I like you, okay, Smoke? As a friend, but love? I don't know about... Love for anyone right now. I can't love. It's impossible." She exhaled and withdrew her hand from his as she looked at the newcomer and Ryujin who was standing in front of her. This made her feel like a weakling... But no. She was definitely not weak. Fley moved around him and got close enough to Misogi to hear his breathing. She put a finger to his chest. "You're not touching Ryujin, OR Smoke. Fuck yourself."

@kenchin @Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu
Misogi looked at Ryujin and simply said " ahhhh you where looking for me don't worry that is what i love if you want to play i will play later i am looking for more Darkness like " he took out a Orb of Black Lighting and made them into five different marbel sized sphere's " This Darknes i love them so much because it loves me " Misogi swallowed all of the marbels " maybe ill take Her Darkness " looking at Fley and he looked at Shadow" but i want his more than hers and Fley he is the one that Burned me to the bone's acually i still have the screw that has all that pain with me right now want to feel how i felt " taking out a screw and Ryujin know's what this screw does if it stabs someone



@Dante Verren
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"DON'T FUCKING IGNORE ME!" Fley retorted, eyes widening as she slapped Misogi. She didn't take notice of the floating black balls of which he might have called Darkness. She had no clue what he was talking about, but she didn't care. She punched his face with a tight fist. She was angry.

@Dante Verren @kenchin @TheGreyCthulhu
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