Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"DON'T FUCKING IGNORE ME!" Flat retorted, eyes widening as she slapped Misogi. She didn't take notice of the floating black balls of which he might have called Darkness. She had no clue what he was talking about, but she didn't care. She punched his face with a tight fist. She was angry.

@Dante Verren @kenchin @TheGreyCthulhu

(I just wanna be the first to say this. "Flat retorted", is there a hidden message in that too? xD )
Misogi looked Extremely Happy and smiled his evil smile"Ohhh fear and Anger a beautiful combination maybe i should eat her Darkness aswell make her nothing but another person into nothingness " he then looked at shadow " do you want to join us aswell" said Misogi

@Dante Verren


With a couple quick maneuvers, Honey swiped the other dangerous book and zipped over to his sleeping queen. Many bugs have seemed to have come out of their hiding spots to view the eight legged beauty as she rested, taking in the sight of the queen sleeping soundly. However that was soon to change as Honey plopped the book onto her face, making sure to hit the right side more than the left.

"DON'T WAKE ME UP YOU BITCH!" screamed Lydia, dreaming about a demon that looked remarkably like A ruining her daily life. She thrashed about a bit, making the encyclopedia fly from her face to the entrance of the alleyway. All of the insects that had gathered around Lydia had stiffened and were sent away from Lydia's want for alone time.

@Lucremoirre (And I love watchng Seth suffer xD)


(Setsuna Hayate)

While Setsuna was being heaved through the air like a ragdoll at intense speeds she thought to herself in silence, she felt as if she made a big mistake trying to go against A all alone and trying to play the hero and now all she could think about was survival and Ryo.  The unsealed power of A was enormous the amount of pain she felt as she was kicked in the face was indescribable. Once she landed in Ryo’s arm she felt a strange urge overcoming her as she coughed up a small amount of blood. Setsuna felt his warm embrace while he wrapped his hoodie around her small frame, her emotions for him quickly flared back up for him once more she couldn’t say a word to him out nervous loving tension for him.

Once he pecked her soft cheek with his lips she immediately blushed and looked back at him once more while smiling but her smirk quickly fades once she sees Ryo confronting A. “No, Ryo! Please.. Don’t! She’s going to wind up killing you!” She desperately yells at him while stumbling towards him but quickly falling down onto the ground from the gradually growing pain. Tears flood down her gentle cheeks as she felt as if something was going to happen to the person who she greatly cared about, with all of her might she reaches out towards Ryo after he attempts to sacrifice his life to A as Setsuna’s vision begins to fade from sensation of agony which plagued her body. “Please Ryo, don’t. It’s not worth it. I can’t live without you!” She yells to him weakly as her tears strolled down her cheeks even more while staring at him. Setsuna had a deep fear surging through entire body, she felt it could've been the last time she'd ever see him again. Suddenly her eyes start getting glassy as she sees everything become blurry for a brief second. Without warning she quickly faints from the enormous pain overtaking her nerves.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi (EDIT: Ima take a nappola so i'll be up later. Setsuna got knocked out for a moment fams.)
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"Oh, Milord, how doth thou know me so!" Arian replies, mimicking his tone with a laugh, while standing, she fixes the wrinkles in her dress before sitting down again. Her eyes gaze back into his lovingly, but slightly avert as Caesar slips out of his dirtied clothes into something more decent. As he moved, she watched in appreciation as his drying damp skin gleamed ever so slightly, drawing her attention to it. Muscles rippled with ease beneath, every movement fluid like water. And then he'd flex, his muscles growing taut to show that they weren't just powerful, they were his. The flat plane of his back intrigued her the most. The way it moved so graceful with the most simple of tasks... 


After he was well and dressed, Arian tugged him to the door by his sleeve eager to begin the festivities for the night.


"Vast platters of seafood await us!" 


His eyse where filled with panic and rage. "Please just run. I have to do this you and your friend need to leave now." He let go of her and snapped his fingers clearing his mind and heart for all emotion except for the hope of getting his oni back and getting Fley to leave. once she was gone he could go full blast and he was sure the walking suit of armor would protect her."Whats the matter Creeper don't you think your strong enough for round two. or is the poor poor lonely fool not strong enough to deal with an oni who cant transform?"

@kenchin @Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu
"Man, you guys just don't wait do you?" Ryo said with humor laced in his voice as he appeared behind Setsuna, catching her and holding her bridal style. Smiling down at Setsuna, Ryo quickly let loose a kick behind him, sending a shock wave of energy to lash out of his leg and hit the flaming field goal, erasing actually erasing it, as if it never existed. Ryo chuckled to himself, gotta love that power of destruction. Ryo placed Setsuna on her feet, taking his hoodie off and wrapping it around her to keep her cold in the slowly freezing hallway.

"Here Fox princess. This'll keep you warm, it has some runes on it that makes it so it's like a heater." Ryo then patted her head in a loving manner, a gentle smirk on his face, "Now, imma go talk to A. Just chill here for a sec please. I'm going to talk to A for real this time. I promise that i'll do whatever you want after this, just let me talk to her." With that said, Ryo planted a quick kiss on Setsuna's cheek, before casually walking over to A's position, sending a pulse of energy out to Seo, just in case he needed help.

Ryo stopped right in front of the A clones, a smile on his face, "Hey A, sup?" Ryo paused for a second before gaining a serious look on his face, "For real this time. Please A, stop this. Tell me what I have to do to stop you from destroying this world? Serve you for eternity? Cause I will, i'll even kill whoever you need me to. I'll do whatever it is you need me to, just to understand you. Please just let me in and get to know you. You said I had no idea of anything going on, well tell me! Tell me and let me understand."

Ryo took a deep breathe, before spreading his arms wide, leaving himself open, "Even if it's necessary for my life to end. Just let me understand the being i'm looking at. Let me understand my friend A."

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi @Marumatsu (Cause I know you're not doing anything. Also, SERIOUS TIME!)


A and her clone go silent, stopping their celebration in its tracks and letting go of each other, both facing away from him. They simultaneously turn towards him, A with an -Are you serious right now?- expression and her clone with a -Oh really?- look on her face. Her clone leans in to A and whispers something in her ear, something that changes A's mien go from 'wtf?' to an excited tail wag and insidious giggle. 

A moves to meet Ryo, her clone stepping to her side. "You wanna save this hunk of dirt? You want me to spill my guts?", A says bringing her clone into her arms. "Easy..kill Foxy.", she orders, breaking her clone's neck as a visual aid, it's body landing on the ground with a thud before falling into ash. 

A smiles enthusiatically, knowing full well she has no plan on stopping this train, and giddily wondering at how far she could push Ryo by simply denying him. 

"Look she's even all f*cked up and helpless. It'll be easy! Like squashing a bug!", A reassures Ryo as she slams her hand into the ground, somehow having it surface out of the floor where Setsuna had fallen, grabbing her head and pulling her through. She holds her up to Ryo, swinging her around like a treat. "Come on!...You know you want to..", she sings. 
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Fley grabbed his arm. "You're coming with me!" The moment of realization struck her when he said he'd lost his oni. That didn't make sense, right? Well, she would make sure not to let Ryujij out of her sight now. "Now, come on." She looked over at Smoke, who seemed somewhat willing to leave as he had not said anything. She looked away soon after... she couldn't look at him properly just yet. Not without thinking of the kiss.

@Dante Verren @kenchin @TheGreyCthulhu
Misogi looked at him " no no no i was never strong i am just a weakling and always will be come on look at me i am just a Flat Bastored like she said so " said misogi pointing at Fley" but if you want i can take all that anger still in your heart and soul just because you hide it dosen't mean its not their after all its a beautiful thing i can feel it calling out to me " misogi just went and patted his head and said " but you can transform i just took the darkness aren't you happy you have full control Ryujin now you can have fun but remember to always remember me and my face " hehehehe

@Dante Verren

Caesar grinned and jumped up, stretching. He was slightly sweaty now and there was a sheen to his muscles that made up his lean body as the light bounced off from a few nearby lamps. He turned back and held out a hand to Arian, "Come my princess," He said in a mock posh voice, "we have many wonders to visit, and seafood night at the cafeteria!" He grinned at her, nothing but love filling his eyes as he looked  at her warmly, "Oh, and I'll speak to Ms Yokubo about it. I'm sure she'll be fine with it." Smiling more so as he helped her up, he then moved to get a fresh tuxedo from a suitcase under his bed. Taking off everything but his socks and underwear, he began to dress into the cleaner variant of his attire, playful flexing every so often for Ari's benefit. 

@SolistheSun (you like? xD )

@Olivia Acerbi(is whatever is happening on your end noticeable in the dorms? Because if so then Caesar's gonna have to get all disciplinary on you. *waves badge around*)

@Fazy(so which is it? Ryujin or Smoke? PICK DAMMIT! xD )

(probably. ambient heat absorption on that level would be pretty hard to miss, plus the sound barrier was just broken in the corridor outside of the infirmary... @Lucremoirre how are you not noticing this?)
"Don't TOUCH him!" Fley yelled, slapping Misogi's hand as she pulled Ryujin away. She reached out for his hand, feeling a slight wave of emotion overcome her. Feeling the need to protect Ryujin was strange and new to her, but it was something she had to do.

@Dante Verren @kenchin @TheGreyCthulhu
Smoke chuckled and looked at the pathetic little shadow. 'You think you're powerful with darkness? You're nothing compared to some of us!' He said telepathically. Smoke stood up and drew his two bastard swords. He coughed and said with a raspy voice "Who strikes first?" 

He watched as the knight drew his swords. "Don't do that. that is a very bad idea. Damnit just let me handle this!"He yelled at the knight. He looked down at fley. "I will be alright just run and get your freind out of here. you two are more important then me so run."

@Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu @kenchin
(Okay yeah, ima gonna have to party crash your end of the world now. Sorry :P )

Caesar felt a rumble beneath his feet. There was an intense heat coming from down the hallway and sounds of destruction and he'll could be heard from around the corner. Of course, he could only tell it was hot when he faced towards it, his mouth and eyes being the only thing able to detect it. His skin seemed to block even stuff like heat and vibrations were it not for his clothes acting as an absorber. 

"Listen, some crazy stuff is going down over there and being on the disciplinary committee and all..." He glanced to his arm where the badge was pinned, "I need to do my duty. I know you can't get hurt or feel pain and stuff like that, but I'd prefer if you didn't just jump in to it. I'll handle it, okay?" He grinned, cancelling out his powers just long enough to give her a quick kiss, "I'll see you soon, just call me when you get lonely!" He called back to her, running off toward the sounds of hell. 

@SolistheSun (although you are still welcome to disobey and follow me there :P )

@Olivia Acerbi(oh ho Ho, now don't I have a treat for you? I swear, we students cause and prevent way more trouble than the teachers. Gaddamn. xD )
Hearing Smoke's voice for the first time made Fley shiver. She would have said something about it if it weren't for the situation occurring at hand. "Can't we just all leave, please? Smoke, p-please just-" she avoided eye contact as she spoke. Damn it, she couldn't do it. Not yet, not just yet. Fley looked over at the two of them. "Please, let's just leave," she whimpered, suddenly feeling frightened and angry at the same time. Why was she feeling so miserable?

@kenchin @Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu
He watched as the knight drew his swords. "Don't do that. that is a very bad idea. Damnit just let me handle this!"He yelled at the knight. He looked down at fley. "I will be alright just run and get your freind out of here. you two are more important then me so run."

@Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu @kenchin

Smoke looked at you and said "Don't mistake me for some puny worm. I've killed gods before." His voice was sounding less and less raspy. 

@kenchin @Fazy
Misogi smiled "hahahahahahha you can go first mister Knight after all your right i am nothing compared to some of you but i will tell you this and i love it that your have so much of it in you so please fight me right here and now " said misogi with his smile and he felt stronger every time Fley stayed here " ahahahahhahaha beautiful"


@Dante Verren


Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth then cried solemnly, his tears sliding down his gas mask as he silently shows his emotions, not even bothering to chase after the hornet, all of his life's work, gone, all in a second.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Nobody

Mentions:  Honey (@Cheryl)

(Sorry for the one-liner! D:)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel then hears the chaos occurring in the hallway outside of the infirmary, slightly creaking open the door, she sees two A's, an unconscious Setsuna and a Ryo standing towards the two A's, releasing a few of her flies in case someone got hurt as she closes the door in fear, she then looks to the three in panic, "W-What should we do?" She said to them in a panicked tone, afraid of what would and could happen.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With: Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Axel Hazaki (@kenchin), Kori Shimo (@TaraSobiki)

Mentions: A (@Olivia Acerbi), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz), Setsuna Hayate (@Obsidian)

(A mix of distraction, sloth and real life problems interrupted me for a minute. Sorry DX)
"Why can't I fight you-you-" Fley said, eyes turning red. She growled and knew that she had to release her anger somehow. Turning to Smoke, she looked up at him. "Please, let's just all leave." She cast another desperate look in Ryujin's direction. "Please. I'm begging you." Fley knew this was so unlike her to do... 

@Dante Verren @kenchin @TheGreyCthulhu

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