Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(I'll be gone for a bit, might not be back for a while.)

Fley gasped for air as they disappeared from view. Her face was sickly white as she shook with fear. She was going to cry - no, you fucking crybaby, don't, this isn't the time. Where was she? What happened? She was at the school but the light was so blinding... She could feel Ryujin's tight grip on her as her eyes came into focus.

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu @kenchin
Ryujin let go of both Fley and Smoke as they landed falling backwards and breathing very heavily. He coughed and a small trickle of blood trickled form the right side of his mouth as he groaned in pain. "Lord Rajin above what ungodly act did I do to deserve this?"

@TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy
Fley fell to the ground with a loud THUMP. Luckily, apart from a slightly injured back and a foot that seemed to pain like hell itself, she was unhurt. Clutching her foot, Fley stayed on the floor. She tried to slow her breathing as she checked Ryujin if he'd gotten hurt. She half-crawls to him, wincing in pain. "Are you all right?"

@TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren 
Ryujin winced he tired moving his arms but was greeted by intense pain. "If I said sure would you believe me. How about you re you ding alright. Carrying two people especially when pone of those people is in a full suit of armor is extremely heavy and I missed the landing.

"Guess it's my turn to do the carrying then," Fley murmured, gently wrapping one arm around his neck and another around the part beneath his knees. As she lifted him, her weak legs gave way and she fell again. "Oh my God, I am one hell of a klutz," she muttered, angry at herself for not being able to carry out such a simple task. 

@Dante Verren
"Just give me a few moments and I will be fine. just worry about yourself." Ryujin closed his eyes and let his breathing slow down as he tried to push away the pain. "Damn it . i missed my chance" he mumbled.

Between exhausted sighs and some panting, Fley said, "I didn't catch your last line." She waited another moment, giving them both some time to recover. "You need to promise me something," she started, biting her lower lip and chewing on the inside of it as she spoke. "Please, just please make me one promise."

@Dante Verren
"Don't worry about it. It wasn't important." he sat up and was greeted by a stab of pain but it wasn't bad enough to stop him. "Sure I guess. If it's something I can l can keep I will." He wiped the blood away from his mouth with his arm which earned him another stab of pain.

Smoke got up and looked at Ryujin. 'I'm sorry. I sometimes can't control my...actions.' Smoke handed Ryujin a life gem. It was white warm and smooth. 'Crush it.' He stated simply. He put away his swords and walked a couple meters. He sat down after putting a rusty sword in the ground and watched as it lit ablaze. He felt warm, like he was home. 'This is home...' He thought as he smirked.

@Dante Verren

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(Your dark souls references are making me have nightmares of Anor Londo @TheGreyCthulhu Also this

"It's a promise you've got to keep, or else I'll probably follow you. Everywhere," she added. "And I mean EVERYWHERE." She got close to his face, so much so that they were only inches apart. She clasped his hands tightly. "I need you to promise me that you'll never ever ever, hurt yourself, or put yourself or your life at risk, despite what in hell is going on. Promise me that and I'll let you go." 

@Dante Verren

(The game that made millions of people cry with frustration then joy.)

Ryujin couldn't look her in the eye.His voice came out in a sad whisper. "I'm sorry I can't promise that. I told you earlier that if my oni was gone then I can't exist right. Well my oni is gone. I can't transform but I still have full use of my power. how ever this body has its limits and I Can't promise I won't go past those limits." 

Fley felt her eyes get watery. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... 

A tear dripped onto Ryujin's shirt. "I hate you," she sniffled. "Why do you have to make me cry? No... Why do you have to make me care? This-this always happens... I just lose everyone, and I-I can never do anything. I hate you, but you know I don't." She wiped her face but that did not stop a steady flow of tears from falling into his shirt again.

@Dante Verren
ooc: sorry i fell asleep everyone 

@Dante Verren



A mystirious person wearing a suit and Fedora came walking by when he saw children crying and simply Heard him say Oni " you three whats wrong with you all it seem's like someone is going to die you should all be enjoying your youth instead of crying" said the man with a very expensive suit on " come on ill invite you all to a Cappuccino or two if you stop crying"

He placed his hand under her chin and used it to raise her face so that he was starring into her eyes. "I may not be able to promise I will always be safe and that I never will put myself in danger. However I can promise that I won't take any unneeded risks. So please stop crying. It makes me happy to see you care but it's alright." He wiped away the fresh tears with his hands. 

Hearing an usual voice he looked up to see a strangly dressed man "who are you?" Ryujin asked.

@Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu @Kenchin
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Reborn looked at the young man and simply said " A Home Tutor that came here to check on a old friend of mine and i just hate looking at crying childern thats all " he then went towards Ryujin and stared in deeply in his Eye's " your Yang it's Nearly Completely gone but their is some left but why is it so weak " he then grabed Ryujin's arm and Bursted Bright Yellow Flames around Ryujin but they didn't burn him they acually started to heal his inner wounds and outter wounds and then he went and looked at Fley and simply said " really your also here kid and injured to boot " he toched Fley and the same flames bursted on her and heald her wounds " their you should all be feeling better now right"

@Dante Verren



ooc: Remember The Flames don't burn they heal your wounds 
Fley nodded a little, but she still could not take what Ryujin had said. She looked into his eyes deaperately, as if searching for something, before turning to look at the newcomer who had just healed her. She couldn't face new people in the state she was in. Ugh, assholes always come at the wrong moment. Fley stood up and angrily walked away, in the direction of Smoke. She didn't even fully examine the new man who had come, she was nervous and did not want to make a bad impression. She tapped Smoke's shoulder and pulled off his helmet, making sure that Ryujin was a good distance away so that he could not see Smoke's face. She wondered why Smoke had problems with letting people see his face, anyways. "I'm back."

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu @kenchin
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Fley nodded a little, but she still could not take what Ryujin had said. She looked into his eyes deaperately, as if searching for something, before turning to look at the newcomer who had just healed her. She couldn't face new people in the state she was in. Ugh, assholes always come at the wrong moment. Fley stood up and angrily walked away, in the direction of Smoke. She didn't even fully examine the new man who had come, she was nervous and did not want to make a bad impression. She tapped Smoke's shoulder and pulled off his helmet, making sure that Ryujin was a good distance away so that he could not see Smoke's face. She wondered why Smoke had problems with letting people see his face, anyways. "I'm back."

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu @kenchin

Smoke said or thought but instead lifted his hand barely two inches off the ground. He was clearly crying, except his tears were bloody. You could see black spider web like lines creeping up his neck.
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Reborn looked at the young girl leave and go towards the Young man Crying " tch why are kids so complicated and now the other boy is crying " Reborn looked annoyed but also sad " really whats happening that is making Luxor's academy into a nursery" said Reborn looking at these kids crying " well ill heal that boy aswell then ill leave because it seem's the little princess dosen't want to deal with me.


@Dante Verren

Fley turned him to face her as she noticed his bloody tears, eyes widening in alarm, she stared without being able to say anything. "Smoke? Wha-what happened? Are-are you okay?" she stammered. Her hand practically froze as she reached out to wipe the tears off of his face, but she forced herself to get past the memories of the kiss and did so anyway. This was no time to be thinking about... about that, when Smoke was crying. It hurt her to see this. "What happened?" she repeated, the blood-tears staining his face slightly as she wiped them away. 

Ryujin watched As fley walked towards the knight he his chest felt weird. Was this jealousy. He shoved it aside and looked at the strange man. "Sorry to disapoint you. In not an Onmyoji I don't have yin and yang. If anything In the opposite. I'm a Kegare. An unpure being of evil, mallice and polition. I was born to destroy not to balance."

@Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu @kenchin
Reborn looked at Ryujin and simply smiled " boy everything has balance it may not be called yang in your race but everything has inner balance like their is light it will create a shadow and where their is shadow's their is a small spark of light shining creating that shadow so if you think your unpure your wrong your a God right then learn properly and wake up that shadow part of you again now i have to go and see a crying kid unless you can do me the favore of making both of them happy " said reborn " ohh and just so you know a gentelman should never make the women he loves cry and if you do make her cry make her cry tears of joy only " he said to ryujin" 

@Dante Verren


Fley turned him to face her as she noticed his bloody tears, eyes widening in alarm, she stared without being able to say anything. "Smoke? Wha-what happened? Are-are you okay?" she stammered. Her hand practically froze as she reached out to wipe the tears off of his face, but she forced herself to get past the memories of the kiss and did so anyway. This was no time to be thinking about... about that, when Smoke was crying. It hurt her to see this. "What happened?" she repeated, the blood-tears staining his face slightly as she wiped them away. 


Smoke stayed quiet and tried to look away. He gently grabbed your hand. 'Will he make you happy?' He asked looking you in the eyes. The spider web like tendrils were still crawling up his neck.

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