Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Smoke's voice echoed in her head. Fley tightened her grip on his hand. "Please. If it's for me, don't cry. Don't waste your tears on someone like me. Please, please, please. Besides... I don't think Ryujin likes me in that way." She wasn't completely sure of that statement, though. If Ryujin liked her, wouldn't he be the type to say something? 

It was a sudden move, but she didn't know what else to do - maybe this would comfort him. She transferred her grip on his hand to his back as she wrapped both arms around him, her head resting on his armoured shoulder. "Don't cry."

@TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren @kenchin
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"I guess you're right. A real man woudn't make the woman he loved cry." he remained silent for a minute as he watched the two. " however I'm not a man. I'm a monster. I don't have a balance because I do not have light. Before creation that was darkness and no light. It is the same for me. A lonely sea of darkness with no light ahead of that long road. I can accept letting her go if she would be happy. After all monsters and happiness don't mix."


Mentioned: @Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu
Reborn went tap Ryujin's head and said " well your not a monster remember your a God and God's have light they just have to find it and grab it and never let it go but look at you that light is standing infront of you and your letting it flicker with doubt and sadness and even monsters have the feeling of love that make them even scarier monster's " reborn then pushed Ryujin and put his fedora on him " Say what you truly feel say something that will make your Light shine brighter than ever with a beautiful smile because us monster's use the power of our women to make us stronger because they love us for being the monster's we truly are so " said reborn giving ryujin the courage to get the women that loves him" go get the women that love's you and that you love.

@Dante Verren



Reborn the best Home Tutor ever in love and fighting
Smoke's voice echoed in her head. Fley tightened her grip on his hand. "Please. If it's for me, don't cry. Don't waste your tears on someone like me. Please, please, please. Besides... I don't think Ryujin likes me in that way." She wasn't completely sure of that statement, though. If Ryujin liked her, wouldn't he be the type to say something? 

It was a sudden move, but she didn't know what else to do - maybe this would comfort him. She transferred her grip on his hand to his back as she wrapped both arms around him, her head resting on his armoured shoulder. "Don't cry."

@TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren @kenchin

'Will he make you happy?' He asks again as he wraps an arm around you. He puts his helmet back on. The bonfire behind them was becoming warmer and more welcome. 
He handed the fedora back to the strange man "Wrong again. Monsters don't have happy endings. Rajin, Fujin, Izinami and izunagi, Susanoo. They all ended in sadness. Whether it is a normal monster or a monster God the story is always the same. Haven't you ever read the text books. Every time it mentions an oni it talks about either banishing one or the evil deeds it committed. Hell I net you can't even find a single instance where an oni has been thanked or not feared. Sure Rajin is worshipped but that is worship by fear not by choice. The great red God of thunder who destroys countless vilages and his demon companion who eats the navels of children. What makes you think his grandson is any different?"

Fley shrugged. "I don't know the answer to that," she admitted, truthfully. Why had he put his helmet back on again? She didn't ask. It was enough that he opened up to her. She hugged him tighter, almost as if she was hanging onto life itself. Loosening her grip slightly, she murmured, "I know Ryujin doesn't love me."

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu
Fley shrugged. "I don't know the answer to that," she admitted, truthfully. Why had he put his helmet back on again? She didn't ask. It was enough that he opened up to her. She hugged him tighter, almost as if she was hanging onto life itself. Loosening her grip slightly, she murmured, "I know Ryujin doesn't love me."

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu

'If had any brains in that hollow head of his, he would love you.' He said telepathically. 'Can you promise something?' He asked.
"He's plenty smart, thus giving

him all the reason in the world not to fall for fools," Fley argued. Her low self-esteem seemed to drop and decrease by the second. "I want to hear it first, and then I'll tell you if I can promise you something." She wondered what he was going to say. 

"He's plenty smart, thus giving

him all the reason in the world not to fall for fools," Fley argued. Her low self-esteem seemed to drop and decrease by the second. "I want to hear it first, and then I'll tell you if I can promise you something." She wondered what he was going to say. 


'Don't talk like that...' He says as he runs his fingers through your hair. 'The flaming sword....take it out of the ground...destroy it....snap it in two...and leave.....You don't want to see this...' He begs you. He starts to unstrap his chest plate and he takes off his helmet.
"Wh-what are you doing?! W-wait, I'm not ready for this! Especially not here, I didn't even say I-" she paused and realized that this was about something else. "I don't get it. What are you talking about?" She looked concerned and felt that way, too. 

Reborn looked at the Kid " ahhh i can tell you know those where written by the people who defetead your ancestor's but their is other story's that History has not shown to the new generation's and ill tell you this just because they chose a path of destruction that means you have to look at my idoit of a loser students they where born in the world of killing and bloodshed and Fear and they have not killed a singel person in this world not even a monster no instead they chose to get beaten to near death and make everyone they meet into their friends some have even been labeled with the hands of death but he refuses to use that power at all cost just so he can make friends and family and look at me i was am known to the world as the Worlds greatest hitman but i perfer teaching children to live life so as a lesson today i will tell you this Change destiny and make it into your Dreams " Reborn grabed his fedora and looked at the knight and Fley and simply said " look at him he loves the same women you do but he knows she loves you but he still play's all the cards he has just to plant the seeds of love in the graden that blooms with your flowers that bursted in her heart now go and do what you want not what others want okay"

@Dante Verren


"Wh-what are you doing?! W-wait, I'm not ready for this! Especially not here, I didn't even say I-" she paused and realized that this was about something else. "I don't get it. What are you talking about?" She looked concerned and felt that way, too. 


'Please just do it. Do it or leave and I'll do it myself.' He says telepathically as he finishes taking off his chest plate. His chest to his belt was covered in branded symbols, scars, and on his back was a black circular tattoo that seemed almost alive. 'Please Fley. I'm begging you...' He begs.
"I-I can't. Not if it does something - anything - to you." She examined his bare chest, carefully. "Tell me what you're going to do to yourself, Smoke. Tell me if you really do like me at least a little bit."

Rebor Smiled at the kid and telephatically said to him " Don't you love that girl aswell why make a mess of things here and ruin what you have in your hands if your in trouble go to your teachers or friends don't cary heavy burdens on your own its not right to do so if you need help ask for it their is no shame to rely on others when it counts " that kid he is just like you know that right but you are all so different at the same time thats why you should some times ask for help instead of going on your own " said reborn to ryujin with a small smirk " now i have to leave take care of both those idoits for me and get help with your teachers okay "

@Dante Verren


@TheGreyCthulhu i got to go to bed see you all tomorrow
Ryujin watched silently backeing up and putting more space between him and the others. "Playing your cards. Do what I have to do not what others want me to do. How the Hell am I suppose to do that  if I don't even know who I am." he mumbled to himself. So many thoughts where running through his head that he couldn't think straight and it was only makeing his confusion worse.

What did he want. What did he have to do. Even his own identity was at risk. He is an oni who can't change into his Oni form so what does that make him. He grew up hearing the legends of the evil oni who sought only chaos and destruction but did he want that. He grew up hearing strories of how Rajin plucked up young beatiful girls caught in a thunder storm only to make them bare his children but Ryujin wasn't like that. Was he? Rajin always said that love was never worth it. That in the end you will always be hurt but did Ryujin think that way. "Damn it why can't I think straight he muttered."

@kenchin @Fazy @TheGreyCthulhu
"I-I can't. Not if it does something - anything - to you." She examined his bare chest, carefully. "Tell me what you're going to do to yourself, Smoke. Tell me if you really do like me at least a little bit."


'Fley I love you.' He looked back at you. 'I just can't keep living like this. Doing this is the only way to end my suffering...if you break that sword I'll take my own life. That's the only way that I could be free from this curse....'
Fley scowled at him. "This isn't true love. It isn't real. Firstly, you can't love someone you met in mere hours after knowing them. Secondly, even if you could, they should be a reasonable person. Not... not an idiot like me. Thirdly, I have no clue what the hell you see in me. I'm not worth it." She grabbed his chest plate and forced it onto him. "Live. I know you'll get over such a worthless being." Fley glanced in Ryujin's direction. He seemed to be deep in thought. 

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu


(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)
After a few minutes have passed Xian Qui makes it to his classroom while letting out a loud apprehensive sigh. The professor approaches the door and hastily pulls it open and continuing to walk through the entrance. Out of a moment of awe he takes in the surrounding scenery. His classroom was perfect, it would take countless hours just to even find a spec of dust in any foot of the room. For someone so ruthless with his power and wielding the the title of “Primordial god of Chaos” he sure was tidy when it came to his classroom. Xian Qui then made his way towards a perplexing strongbox which was firmly sealed by his protective sorcery. Once he took a quick glimpse at it, he was reminded of a certain flashback of involving that chest and a couple of his students. After a majority of the pupils of his failed a rigorous test a brief discussion broke out about how Xian Qui’s test was rigged, this absolutely infuriated him so he gave them all a challenge.

(Professor Xian Qui's Classroom.)
“Whomever is able to open that chest of his would be excused for the rest of the semester and have perfect score on their report card.” These words of his tempted the students and they accepted the challenge. However each attempt failed disastrously. The professor’s amusement last for a seemingly long time until a majority of the students were at the point of pure exhaustion from their lack of success. Xia Qui at that point was growing weary from all the effort being put forth and watching the time fly by. He decided to end this never-ending mockery in his classroom and placed his index finger underneath the dense rim of the lockbox. From the center of the room the students ogled towards him with unrelenting anticipation before he flicked the tip of his index-finger against the edge of the chest this resulted in striking force of immense winds to heave towards the students which knocked all of them towards the back of the classroom. The students could not help but look in astonishment and dismay. The sorcery that was encompassing the locked item was now gone after collapsing in on itself from the amount of force he sent into it, A series of bewildered faces enveloped the classroom after noticing how little effort it took for the professor to break through the sinister magic. Xian Qui took his hand and placed it into the interior of the container which made the students eyes widen from curiosity, the only thought that was brought up into their young minds was “What exactly was so important in that damn box of his?

Forbidden scrolls of destruction? Demonic artifacts that would strengthen one's power? Xian Qui’s special cupcakes that he made for the class that one day? All they could do was contemplate on what mysterious item would behold their gaze. Yet only disappointment was found after he pulled out a simple alcohol bottle from the seemingly endless bottom of the strongbox. This caused the student to scream
“WHAAAT?!?” with great intensity while Xian Qui popped off the cover and took a quick sip. His brief flashback then ended as he opened the container and pulled out the same exact bottle and inspected it within his grasp. Little did the previous students know that the liquid inside of that bottle was also affected by the sorcery which caused the teacher’s powers to vaguely diminish. This was of high importance to him as he knew that it would cause his blood-lust to be restrained inside the inner abyss of his mind.
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Fley scowled at him. "This isn't true love. It isn't real. Firstly, you can't love someone you met in mere hours after knowing them. Secondly, even if you could, they should be a reasonable person. Not... not an idiot like me. Thirdly, I have no clue what the hell you see in me. I'm not worth it." She grabbed his chest plate and forced it onto him. "Live. I know you'll get over such a worthless being." Fley glanced in Ryujin's direction. He seemed to be deep in thought. 

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu

Smoke laughed. 'You think I'm upset about you rejecting me? No. If I don't do this I'll end up an empty and void husk who knows only how to kill, how to make others suffer. You think you're a monster? No...You have no clue what actual monster is.' He picks up the sword and puts it away. He put the rest of his armor on.
As A landed back on ground (I think), a slow click of smart shoes sounded amongst the chaos as Caesar walked out of the destroyed side of the building, dressed as smartly as ever. He noticed Roy was also there and that he had the same badge as him. Smiling for a moment, he turned his attention back to the beastly God and the demon, "Stop fighting immediately, in the name of the Disciplinary Committee!" He commanded them, his voice louder and an octave deeper than normal. His brow drew together as he grew slightly annoyed. The evening had been going great, up until the end of everything had commenced thanks to these two. A fallen demon surfer whatever trying obliterate the world and a half dragon idiot God accidentally doing a better job of it so far. He'd had it with annoying gods messing up his life. So far, since he's come to this school, they'd been popping up every- No... Before Luxor Academy, before his powers. He had met... Something. What, or rather who was it. He frowned even more, why couldn't he remember? Recalling a dark mist and foggy forest, he struggled with the memory, "Yes... Yes... Remember, remember me..." He seemed to think to himself. It was odd, and certainly not at the right moment. He would think about this dark God he apparently knew later, first came the more destructive deities. Unbeknownst to Caesar, he seemed less tolerant to nonsense and a shadowy aura seemed to emanate from him for those that could see it. 

@Olivia Acerbi (only one way to beat a God and a demon, fight fire with fire! :D )



A's eyes lit up with anticipation as Ryo began to speak, only to be replaced by a disappointed grimace when Seo ripped Setsuna out of her grasp. She looks in his direction, unsure who he is exactly. "Hoe?...meh.", A questions before shrugging in agreement. "Welp, looks that hall-monitor over there just sh*t on your one chance to get some closure.", she said seemingly uninterested in the situation.

She backpedals a little as when Ryo's energy begins to build. The surge of power blows past her, moving through her hair like a strong wind. A keeps her characteristic, amused smile on her face. One hand on her hip and the other used like a visor, A watches Ryo's form twist and morph. "So do you want to save the world or....what? You're sending really mixed messages....and you're ruining my clothes with that stupid beastly power of yours.", she comments creating a shield around herself to save a little clothes she had on to begin with. "You know, I find it hard to believe that something that needs to stand around and "unleash" itself is really all that powerful....I could've put a million spears in you and used them to pry you open like a clam by now. I don't want you de-", A is interrupted by a blow that torpedos her out the wall and into the sky. "That was rude.", she says to herself as she sails through the air. "This guy's dug his own grave."

A slows her glide and turns back towards Ryo, now closing in. She shoots a massive blast of energy behind her with her hands, propelling herself toward him feet first. A projects a blinding light towards before acquainting both her feet to his face with a soul shattering kick. The force sends Ryo's hulking mass speeding towards the earth like a missile, landing with a mighty smash. 

In freefall, A sends a few bolts of hellfire his way, each on striking his general area with an odd implosive then explosive effect. "Where ya at?" A says scanning the ground she's now plummeting to, knowing there was no way that did him in. 

(@Destructus Kloud sorry it was the dog again. I let him in, but he's kinda weird....I am about to be in horror movie?)

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

"It's kinda cute that you think I would stay in one spot." The beast's voice echoed from behind A during her freefall. Ryo had crashed to the ground after the massive kick planted in his face. Unleashing a destructive kicked laced with the black miasma surround him, Ryo sent A flying to the ground, causing a trench to appear where she landed. After the attack, Ryo landed on his feet on the ground, the trees and pavement around him eroding away with each step he took.

"And it's not so much as 'Unleashing' as it is, 'Revealing'." The transformed Ryo said, each word pulsing with power, his voice echoing around him as if the world itself to pause to listen to his words. Ryo pointed at himself with that ever present grin of his, rows of razor teeth being shown, "I've always looked like this. The human skin is a illusion that Seo came up with so we don't freak people out."

The dragon glanced around himself, noticing the damage he was doing simply by his presence alone, turning back to A's form in the crater, he shrugged his shoulders, a common human gesture that should in no such way fit on this destructive abomination, deciding to answer A's previous question, "I told you, I could care less about this world. The only reason i'm doing this is cause I kinda just wanna deck you in the face a couple times." The beast paused in his speech, a low chuckle escaping his throat, a unnatural sound of a thousand blades clashing echoing across the area.

"Actually. Now that I think about it. If I let you release those brothers of yours, I could fight them. Hmm, yeah, that does sound go-"Ryo was interrupted in his musings by the appearance of Caesar and Roy. Where the hell did these two scrubs come from? Ryo's power flared wildly, destroying more and more of his surroundings, before pointing at Caesar and Ryo while glancing at A."

"Oi A. Who are these punk ass boy scouts? And why the hell are they bringing their jabroni asses over here?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian

(I really hope that dog didn't murder you olivia, cause then that would mean there's a murderer going after RPers.)
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"If you turn into a monster, I could care less, you know. But why do you have to sacrifice yourself? Is that- is that like something people do these days? Killing themselves, giving up so soon? Why? Then what's the point of-of all this? Why did you have to talk to me? If you die, do you know how much you're going to hurt me? No, you don't. You don't know anything." Fley stared at him hard as he put his armor back on. She lowered her gaze. "I should be going."



(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

After a few moments of alcohol consumption professor Xian Qui’s face had a hushed yet joyful expression written across his face. The mystifying brew caused him to be quite drunk within a matter of minutes, whatever ingredients and types of sorcery that was in that concoction of his was quite strong, as it could give most deities alcohol poisoning and result in either them becoming very sick or worse. Even the horrid stench of his fermented drink had its own visible mist around it which produced a feeling of nausea. He then in a drunkard motion stumbled forward against the wall across from him but lazily places his elbow in front of him which connects with the exterior preventing him from falling over.

“Phew, that was a close one. Nearly had a bit of a situation there.” Xian Qui says to himself before staggering a tiny bit backwards and regaining his standing posture. Realizing he left the door open he decided to hastily shuffle himself back over to the entrance. He had a feeling that if he was caught drinking that it would result in going to another prolonged teacher meeting because of his the ‘drunk’ situation and Xian Qui knew how that would end. He firmly grasped the door-handle and swung it towards him in an attempt to close it which happens to tear the entire door frame down by accident. The amount of collected debris and shifting winds caused from the incident blew back towards him at deafening speeds and his once spotless shining classroom transformed into an unfathomable mess. The professor casually took a glimpse over his shoulder to observe the mess. “Shit.” he quietly muttered before nonchalantly directing his eyesight back forward while making his way towards the infirmary as if nothing ever happened. Once he took a few steps forward he heard the clamorous commotion echoing throughout the academy making his face cringe in irritation. “Christ, can’t have one second to myself.” He whispered while continuing his saunter along the path.

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