Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)



She rolled her eyes as Ryo appeared behind her. "Will you relax? I'm just trying to", she begins to say before Ryo's hit connects, hurtling her towards the Earth. She slams into the tumbling across it before cutting out a trench in the ground with her face. 
"Ahah-ow!", she laughs from the dirt. She picks herself off the ground. "Alright, I gave you not one, not two, but three chances. If you're so hellbent on being annihilated.....". Her already immense power increased 10 thousand fold, the spike causing the ground to cave and surrounding structures to shake and begin to burn. Cracks created in the Earth shoot flames and the sky darkens to a brown-orange spiral overhead. 
A's vessel began to morph and bend, becoming grotesque and monstrous like before. Once pin-up legs turning into clawed flanks, hands shifting to fearsome talons, her tail callousing to a barbed whip. A low, Earth trembling growl flows from her gruesome maw, as 3 pairs mangled wings jut out from her back. She looks to Ryo ignoring his question or the others around them with eyes like endless pits. "You knocked at the wrong gate, dragon.", the voice that spoke was like none other, unmistakable it's very resonance could cause the souls of lesser men to shrivel up and decay; glimpse at the horrifying power of one of the Forsaken. 

(Gee thanks! It's good to know your only interest in my safety is your own :D. Idk, he was looking at me all serious from around corners but when I'd acknowledge him he'd act excited then go back to being a creep when I stopped. I put him in the patio before bed and he just sat at the door. I thought his weirdness was kinda cute till I woke up this morning and found him LITERALLY in the exact same spot I left him. I drove to the shelter before class. I dont need the word "hellhounds" on my tombstone. I feel bad tho.)
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"If you turn into a monster, I could care less, you know. But why do you have to sacrifice yourself? Is that- is that like something people do these days? Killing themselves, giving up so soon? Why? Then what's the point of-of all this? Why did you have to talk to me? If you die, do you know how much you're going to hurt me? No, you don't. You don't know anything." Fley stared at him hard as he put his armor back on. She lowered her gaze. "I should be going."


Smoke started to walk away lost in his own thoughts. 'I would kill everyone and everything here if I gave into my curse....' He thought to himself 

"I don't know.... The teachers should be doing something..." she didn't expect the nurse to do much of anything but the teachers, especially the principal should of been doing something about all this before it got more out of hand. "We could always scream but I don't think that will stop anybody.." she wasn't really thinking too hard on this. "But I honestly think we should try to calm down..." she didn't look all that panicked and that was mostly because she wasn't going to die probably. The adult was supposed to be calm though..

@Lucremoirre (I got no idea what's happening so I'm just basing my response on that one post.)

@kenchin @Dante Verren
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Fley didn't chase after Smoke this time. All she wanted to do was go back to her dorm room and sort everything out.

But what was there, really, to sort out? Her feelings? She didn't know what the hell she felt at all. Did she love Smoke? Could she return her feelings for him? But then, how did she feel about Ryujin? No, hang on, let's backtrack a bit. Ryujin doesn't like you, he would have said something about it if he did. 

As she stood there and tried to find out what it was she felt, Fley realized that she was truly better off thinking this out in a quiet place. If only Ryujin would say something. Something that would give her a clue as to what he felt. God, romance was just too hard of a subject to think about. She started to walk in the direction of the dorms after looking around in confusion. She passed Ryujin and gave him a small apologetic smile. Would he say something? Probably not. She continued to walk. 

@Dante Verren @TheGreyCthulhu
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Hikaru looked at the panicking nurse and yawned. "We will be fine. worst comes to worst I can always be serious for once and by you guys time to run." He picked at his teeth with his claws as his tail swished back and forth. "The quite one has the right idea."

@Lucremoirre @TaraSobiki @kenchin


As Fley passed him his body instantly reacted reaching out and lightly grabbing her wrist. The action surprised himself as well. Why did he reach out and grab her. The words of his oni echoed through his head even though he wasn't there"We are a god. We take what we want when we want it. Reach out and grab your desires."  "What do I do now" He thought. "What do I say? Doesn't she have feelings for this smoke guy? Should I intervene? She just got confessed to by another guy is this even right?" All these questions raced through his head as his mouth opened. "I...I..." His face was tinted slightly red and he wasn't able to look at her because he knew if he did he would be to nervous to say anything.


Mentioned: @TheGreyCthulhu
Axel Held Kori close to him and simply said to Everyone their " i don't have Enough Power to take all of them down by myself especially not with out my Equipment on the other side of the world but i think someone will come soon after all i sensed him not a while ago i just hope the Old Man make's it on time to stop them from destroying eveyone here" said Axel holding kori close to him and infront of the nurse to protect them if anything come's their way"

Reborn was walking on his way to see a old man Luxor when he saw the comotion going on in the school." Really just really what is that man teaching this kids this day's to go wild you know what screw it lets get them to settle down quickly" Reborn took out his pistol's and started to walk when he noticed Hundun and simply luaghed " oh finaly someone is going to calm the hell out of these kid's " Reborn then looked at the two kids fighting and he Shot a Forty Bullets that where infused with the power of the Sun Flame's but it sounded like he only shot twice but it was enought to get Both of their attention " WHY ARE YOU TWO FIGHTING IN THE SCHOOL GROUNDS " asked Rebron  

@TaraSobiki oh Axel showed that he Felt Strong Feelings for Kori and kissed her Cheeck just so you know


@Olivia Acerbi


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Fley turned to face Ryujin. She was surprised he had something to say, but she was unsure of what it might be. "What is it?" she asked, curiously. She smiled at him. 

@Dante Verren (Excuse the late reply.)



(“Hundun” disguised as Professor Xian Qui) (Revised)
As he stumbled forth reaching his destination he squinted his eyes while the dust from the broken rubble slingshots past him at a tremendous speed. He smelt the menacing aroma around him and his eyebrows slightly raised, it was as if he was inhaling the atmosphere of hell which was spun out from the inner-being of Astraoth. Although that smell of hers enticed him as it was a fragrance he grew to know, it absolutely reeked of destruction and because of that fact he enjoyed it. It almost reminded of him why he existed. Despite the enormous amount of force that was shaking the tectonic plates and the entirety of the school somehow he remained stumbling forward without falling to the crushed pieces of foundation around him which was gradually falling into the darkness below. He took a final glimpse at Astraoth’s form as well as the students around her causing him to sigh and take even more of a swig of the beverage in his forceful grasp.

“First of all i’m not going to try and conclude this fight as just from spectating it, I know it’s going to entertain me thoroughly. Secondly although i’m not going to stop this conflict in front of me I am however going to bring anyone that wants to beat the living shit out of each other to a different dimension. So that way you won't wind up killing each other and causing even more damage to this realm and more importantly I don’t want this academy of ours to become a smoldering ash-pile. Thirdly i’m re-thinking that choice you gave me earlier although I believe those teeth of yours are going to be a significant problem.” He announces in a booming tone to everybody encompassing the corridor next to the infirmary before looking at A’s new appearance from head to toe. Professor Xian Qui then slumps his rear-end down onto one of the burning school benches that was embedded into the wall. Without warning the stench from his aura plagues the room which gives a sickening effect to almost everyone nearby. Complete darkness shrouds the surrounding area while incomprehensible glowing sigils form throughout the atmosphere. As the beings stood adjacent from him the gravity itself quickly changed from moderately normal to there being absolute zero resulting in the objects around them to levitate into the air. Suddenly they’re blinded by the darkness as Professor Xian Qui shuts his eyes gently until reality contorts around them.

“Let me inform you all, that this dimension of mine has limitless space therefore you can reveal your true strengths without somehow breaking the world into segments and killing off all life as we know it. Oh and like Xiuruk, I too have full-control this place of mine, so if you do plan on attacking me for some odd-ass reason just realize that you’ll most likely have your entire existence wiped out.” He announces to them with a big grin plastered across his face as his eyes opened once more revealing his sinister golden eyes. Rips through time and space are noticeable within a neighboring distance as Xian Qui ascends his hand carefully upwards. Streams of blindingly bright light burst off arm as it faces their general direction. “Before we arrive, is there anyone who would like to opt-out of this violent predicament?” He declares while shifting his petrifying gaze towards the ‘students’ waiting for them to speak up.

(@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Lucremoirre @kenchin and just about everyone else in the area. Whomever doesn't plan on being transported you'll stay in this realm, the amount of anarchy that's happening is baffling so this'll be a lot better then having Luxor Academy turn into a pile of remains)
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His grip tightened slightly but not enough to hurt her in anyway. "What are you doing!" His brain screamed at him. "This is not okay. this is a really bad idea. Baka! Baka! Baka!" his brain Kept yelling at him but his body ignored it. "I... I...I lo...". "Don't you dare do it. Ignore your heart!. Bad Ryujin! Bad!" screamed his brain. 

Reborn walked up to Xian Qui and with a smirk he simply said " Drunk as always i see Xian Qui naw just take does trouble makers to your dimesion i just came to drop of something my student left in Italy and to see Luxor sense it's been a while " said Reborn and handing him a breath mint " and eat that you stink like rotton egg's a gentel men always has fresh breath" said Reborn with a smile in his face "

@Obsidian I am Making His Character but i an not done but Reborn is a Respected Teacher like you even when he is only a Human He is a Hitman but the World's Greatest Hitman and in many Multiverses
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Ryujin's hand felt warm, unlike her own. Her smile started to fade though, as an eyebrow rose in utter confusion. "Is it... are you okay? Do you want to tell me later or something? I mean, once you've calmed down?" He seemed uneasy at the moment, and she didn't really like making him feel that way. "It's fine, if you want to tell me something, it's okay, but if you need time, it's fine. You could call me, you know." Her ears perked up a little bit as she spoke. She picked at her cuticles with her free hand. Why was she getting so nervous right now? Calm down, it's nothing... 

@Dante Verren
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Reborn walked up to Xian Qui and with a smirk he simply said " Drunk as always i see Hundun naw just take does trouble makers to your dimesion i just came to drop of something my student left in Italy and to see Luxor sense it's been a while " said Reborn and handing him a breath mint " and eat that you stink like rotton egg's a gentel men always has fresh breath" said Reborn with a smile in his face "

@Obsidian I am Making His Character but i an not done but Reborn is a Respected Teacher like you even when he is only a Human He is a Hitman but the World's Greatest Hitman and in many Multiverses

(Waaaait how does he know his real identity He's disguised in a different from. Unless your character is somehow capable of sensing the amount of energy that he puts out and connecting it to someone like Hundun (Primordial God of Chaos), you'd have to have previous contact with Hundun's true identity in a specific time-line before understanding that it was him. @kenchin)
(Waaaait how does he know his real identity He's disguised in a different from. Unless your character is somehow capable of sensing the amount of energy that he puts out and connecting it to someone like Hundun (Primordial God of Chaos), you'd have to have previous contact with Hundun's true identity in a specific time-line before understanding that it was him. @kenchin)

Ohhh i thought that was his name like his real name ill just edit it

Kori stood motionless against him and didn't look like she knew what to do. She wasn't scared but something was wrong with her heart right now...It was unusually hot in this room right now too. "Yeah...I hope anybody stops them at this point.  The teachers aren't reliable at all since I doubt a succubus or dog spirit could do much by themselves anyway....The dog one isn't going to do anything without orders and even then...." she trailed off after. This was just mindless rambling even if it didn't sound like it. I must be terrified...I feel so.....anxious? she could only come the conclusion that she was scared but didn't know it. She did say she was sometimes unaware of her own emotions. "Axel....I-I'm not sure but I think I am scared of dying. My heart is speeding up..."

@kenchin @Dante Verren

(Can't put Lucremoire's for some reason...)
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His arm started to shake a bit and he inhaled deeply calming himself. "Look I know this is probably the worst time for his seeing as what just happened with knight guy but... What I'm trying to say is..." He sighed internally as his brain finally gave in. "Fine you win. just say it already."  Ryujin let go of her hand and rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well there may or may not be a small chance... No a medium sized chance... No a large chance... Actually its more like a definite chance... in reality its a hundred percent" He took another deep breathe. "That I am... In love...with you... Or at least have feelings for you beyond the normal...I'm just going to shut up now..."




(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)
As he stumbled forth reaching his destination he squinted his eyes while the dust from the broken rubble slingshots past him at a tremendous speed. He smelt the menacing aroma around him and his eyebrows slightly raised, it was as if he was inhaling the atmosphere of hell which was spun out from the inner-being of Astraoth. Although that smell of hers enticed him as it was a fragrance he grew to know, it absolutely reeked of destruction and because of that fact he enjoyed it. It almost reminded of him why he existed. Despite the enormous amount of force that was shaking the tectonic plates and the entirety of the school somehow he remained stumbling forward without falling to the crushed pieces of foundation around him which was gradually falling into the darkness below. He took a final glimpse at Astraoth’s form as well as the students around her causing him to sigh and take even more of a swig of the beverage in his forceful grasp.

“First of all i’m not going to try and conclude this fight as just from spectating it, I know it’s going to entertain me thoroughly. Secondly although i’m not going to stop this conflict in front of me I am however going to bring anyone that wants to beat the living shit out of each other to a different dimension. So that way you won't wind up killing each other and causing even more damage to this realm and more importantly I don’t want this academy of ours to become a smoldering ash-pile. Thirdly i’m re-thinking that choice you gave me earlier although I believe those teeth of yours are going to be a significant problem.” He announces in a booming tone to everybody encompassing the corridor next to the infirmary before looking at A’s new appearance from head to toe. Professor Xian Qui then slumps his rear-end down onto one of the burning school benches that was embedded into the wall. Without warning the stench from his aura plagues the room which gives a sickening effect to almost everyone nearby. Complete darkness shrouds the surrounding area while incomprehensible glowing sigils form throughout the atmosphere. As the beings stood adjacent from him the gravity itself quickly changed from moderately normal to there being absolute zero resulting in the objects around them to levitate into the air. Suddenly they’re blinded by the darkness as Professor Xian Qui shuts his eyes gently until reality contorts around them.

“Let me inform you all, that this dimension of mine has limitless space therefore you can reveal your true strengths without somehow breaking the world into segments and killing off all life as we know it. Oh and like Xiuruk, I too have full-control this place of mine, so if you do plan on attacking me for some odd-ass reason just realize that you’ll most likely have your entire existence wiped out.” He announces to them with a big grin plastered across his face as his eyes opened once more revealing his sinister golden eyes. Rips through time and space are noticeable within a neighboring distance as Xian Qui ascends his hand carefully upwards. Streams of blindingly bright light burst off arm as it faces their general direction. “Before we arrive, is there anyone who would like to opt-out of this violent predicament?” He declares while shifting his petrifying gaze towards the ‘students’.

(@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Lucremoirre @kenchin and just about everyone else in the area.)

Seo listening to the drunken professor encompasses him and the unconscious Setsuna in a small like icicle tent as they begin to lift off Seo roots Setsuna and himself to the tent so they wont be flung around then looks at the teacher before he fades away into the Darkness.

"Thanks for the Playground Teach" Seo gives a thumbs up "I'll watch from the sidelines with you"

Seo then places his hand on the icicle tent so that he can still see himself and Setsuna through the ice simultaneously preparing to Heal Setsuna.

@Obsidian @YungJazz

(ill edit more in later have to run out ) 
Axel looked at her and looked at her smiled " your not injured or hurt it must be the Heat but don't worry the teachers are here to take them away real soon and ill take you to your room so you can rest okay " he said to her trying not to make anyone worry or scared " look just stay close to me and ill protect you from anyone okay" said Axel looking for a opening to get everyone out of of this perdictament


This was worse than the first time - definitely. Her brain froze and her thought process seemed to close entirely as she tried to comprehend what he'd just said. And then, one thought entered her brain: 

'Isn't this what you wanted?' 

And then another: 

'Tell him you love him, too.' 

Her heart pounded like it never had before. She couldn't hear anything but the sound of her own beating heart, and she was so sure that Ryujin could hear it, too. Breathing unsteadily, her vision clouded as she looked into his eyes. God, he really did mean what he was saying. "You really chose the worst time to do this," she murmured, holding his hand. "I- give me some time, all right?" 

@Dante Verren
"Nice seeing you here," Roy said to Caesar, glad for the help of the Dissinergrater. Turning his attention back to the two fighting monsters, he yelled, "Stop, for god's sake, do you want the school to be blown to nothing?" He felt slight shivers come up his spine from the monstrosity of the two. Hopefully, the mortal power of him and Caesar was enough to defeat the two. Roy gathers up energy, and even in his slightly frightened state, he keeps a grin plastered on his face, his eyes shining purple brightly. 

((I think Caesar's powers make him a Dissinergrater, or maybe a Deconstructor, I'm not certain...))


(“Hundun” disguised as Professor Xian Qui)
“Ha,  It’s been a while. Also for the breath-mints you should already know it’s my unrelentless miasma radiating from my core but like you said, a gentleman such as my caliber should have fresh breath” He said while chuckling at Reborn’s remark as vigorous amounts of unspeakable energy rushed throughout his palm. Once Professor ‘Xian Qui’ clamped his hand down into a fist the ambience quickly changed as if they were in a different place. Students recognized the change of environment even the air around them tasted a bit off yet once he closed his fist the shroud of darkness subsided and an entire different place was revealed.

(Hundun’s dimension, realm of the forsaken spirits.)
Nearly inaudible whistles of wind pass through the crown of the nearby trees a surprisingly peaceful place was shown yet that would change very soon. The place was void of any form of life except for them yet it’s as if they were being watched by something ominous as if the spirits of the wretched and damned were inhabiting this environment of his. “Peaceful is it not? A lot of terrain yet the crust of this surface is highly durable it would take myself as well as Xiuruk a lot of combined effort to even tear out 10 feet of this soil we’re standing on top of. Nonetheless you are still are able to obliterate a minuscule amount of segments from this ground. Yet everything you see around you can be thrown apart and destroyed. One more thing, if you happen to kill one another here.” He says to them before suddenly becoming quiet and having a hysterical smile stretch from cheek to cheek.The terrible souls lurking and existing in this place will consume every inch of your lifeless being. Anyway keep that in mind and have fun demolishing each other, i’ll just be here.” He replies in a serious expression before slumping his back onto the rigid bed of grass beneath him and looking up at the sky with his drunken tired eyes.


( @Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @kenchin @Marumatsu and to anyone else that is going to be in this realm.)
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"Alright. That sounds just fine.." she would probably need a rest after this even if she hadn't been fighting. What were the teachers actually going to do with them after? Kill them maybe? What would expelling them do, she doubted any of them wanted to be here so they would probably jump with joy if they got news like that.  "Oh but I'll protect you too Axel..." she didn't need or want something to happen to him. He was like the only person she was this close to at this school. Also he had helped her out a whole bunch so she wanted to repay him.

@kenchin @Lucremoirre

Axel Smiled at the Teacher that took the students and simply let out a sign of Relife " their gone thanks to that teacher and well Kori do you want to meet the old man that raised me and my family for generation's while we can take you to your room " said axel while looking at her with kind and tenderness " he should be showing up soon after all he knows the whole world as his playground and as soon as axel said that a Green Hammer hits his head showing a person in a suit and Fedora and he smiled at everyone in the Nurse's office


" Everything is back to normal you can relax now my friend took them to a very nice place well his playground but thats beside the point Axel what are you doing i gave you a mission Find new members for the Vongola Family and Find your self a wife you No Good Axel" said Reborn while he smiled handsomely towards the girls he simply went and kissed their hands " i am sorry for the comotion you two forgive us for the trouble and my no good student axel here and the teachers their just in their own world" he said smiling at both Kori and Auriel " its been a while has it not Auriel " said reborn smirking at her "




"True form?", Astaroth asks in disbelief. 
"You have the power to release me from the Abyss?", the Throne's terrifying visage turns towards Xian Qui. Astaroth analyzes Xian Qui's form and power, before looking around at the place he was creating. "Reveal yourself, old God. Prove what you say to be true.", the Fallen demands. 

(Sorry for late response I hat to run to the bank)


Ryujin nodded. "Of course take as much time as you need. Honestly I was expecting you to flat out reject me." Ryujin backed up a bit giving her more space. "Well I guess I should give you some time alone. See you around Fley".

(It's okay! :)  ) 

Fley gave him one last hug. "Ryujin? Um, thanks. You know. For being so... understanding, I guess. It's just... I don't really know what to do," she admitted. She did not give him time to answer as she wrote her phone number down on a spare piece of paper she had in her pocket. She handed the slip of paper to him. "You never did ask," she said. "I'll see you around, yeah. Don't get into anymore trouble. Please," she said, running back in the direction of the dorms.

@Dante Verren

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