Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Lydia was completely oblivious to the sounds around the school, engrossed by the encyclopaedia on insects. She would have never noticed the teenager with the mask if it wasn't for Honey pulling on her left horn. She turned to see the guy scribbling down notes while seemingly staring at her, why was somebody just writing down notes about her without Lydia's permission? Skittering closer to the boy with the gas mask, Lydia asked "Uhm, what are you doing?" and folded her arms, closing the notebook so she wouldn't be distracted by it.

@Lucremoirre (Sorry I'm late! I'll be here for a while now ^^)
(With the amount of pheromones flying through the air, I'm surprised that Jonestu hasn't flow out absorbing it and summoned Luxor or something  XDD) 
Ryujin watched as she ran away with some many mixed emotions. Hey held up the piece of paper and chuckled. "Guess she forgot she already gave it to me." He let out a sigh of relief. "A thunder god staying out of trouble. That would be a first." He sat down on the grass and watched the sky losing himself in thought once more.

Fley arrived at her dorm room about ten minutes later. Settling down onto her bed, she thought about what had happened. It had been a busy day with a crap ton of running around, but there were some parts that were so significant it was unreal. Had that really just happened? Fley thought about things for a moment. What could be in her that made Ryujin and Smoke both like her? She most definitely was not attractive - not to her, anyway. And she had a mean ass personality, which didn't make things any better. She let out an exhausted roar as she tried to scour her brain for anything good about herself. She came up with nothing. Oh, forget about that. Who do you like? What do you think? Questioning herself did not seem to make anything any better. She knew Ryujin for longer, that was for sure. Plus, his oni was gone, so she could rely on him to never change again. That was good, for her, at least. But Ryujin wanted his oni back, which she couldn't fully understand. Sure, his oni was powerful. Sure, he was losing a bit of himself. But at least, now he had full control over his actions. As friends, Fley could say that she admired Ryujin. She thought back to his confession, and her heart started racing again. Feeling embarrassed, Fley put her face into her pillow and released a tiny moan. Then again, there was Smoke. Smoke, who she had known for only a few hours, but was the most romantic person she knew. And he'd found a way to kiss her. That was certainly something new. A blush rose on her cheeks as she recalled the warmth of his lips pressed against hers. God, what was she thinking? If she said yes to Ryujin, she would be saying no to Smoke. And Smoke was someone she also cared about. She couldn't hurt him like that. But neither could she to Ryujin. Fuck it, this is some complicated shit. But I know I have to make a decision sometime soon. Fley knew it - she just wasn't cut out for romance.


@TheGreyCthulhu @Dante Verren

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel then went to the window, and released a horde of flies from the infirmary, if she isn't going to fight, then she is going to heal anyone those two hurt while fighting themselves , "Um..... I don't know you, you must be talking about an other person named Auriel"  She said with a raised eyebrow as she sat down on the chair near the desk, wondering why did he speak to her like an old friend.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  Axel Hazaki (@kenchin), Reborn (@kenchin) Kori Shimo (@TaraSobiki), Hikaru (@Dante Verren)

Mentions:  Astaroth (@Olivia Acerbi), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz)


Levia smiled as she watched the academy from afar on a hill, with a knife and the same amber gemstone she stole from that professor, Levia had managed to sneak away from the fight between Ryo and Astaroth, she'd have to thank Xian Qui for helping her keep the more stronger beings inside the dimension he created as Levia walked towards the nearby beach, to start Xiuruk's plan, it's a shame she never really met him after she was brought to the Earth.

At:  The City (Walking towards the Beach)

With:  Nobody

Mentions:  Prof. Xian Qui (@Obsidian), Prof. Troy Sharp (@Storm Guardian), Xiuruk (@Olivia Acerbi), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz), Astaroth (@Olivia Acerbi)

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was suddenly pulled out of his writing when a voice startled him, he rose his head to see the spider lady looking at him with her arms folded to a familiar looking notebook, "O-Oh... um..... w-writing! What a-about you?"  He telepathically asked her with a nervous expression to his eyes as he closed his notebook and placed his pen on the same pocket holding his phone.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Lydia (@Cheryl), Honey (@Cheryl)
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(Hundun disguised as Professor Xian Qui)

After hearing Astaroth’s his arrogant smile grew even wider, he then turned his head to face his sight in her direction. “Perhaps, but need I remind you that calling people old is not very ‘lady-like.’ As for your demands i’m afraid I cannot do that as of now, that would possibly ruin everything. However I will give you an offer, if you are able to entertain me with this battle of yours i’ll reveal my true identity and with the amount of power that I would release from doing so is enough to slightly shift time itself in the multiverse as well as realms. Yet only by a very insignificant amount, still jaw-droppingly impressive though. But i’ll quit rambling and get to your question, in my true form i’ll definitely be able to release you from you from the abyss and that thrall of yours you will not need anymore. That is unless you want that same exact appearance but i’ve never seen your true form so I don’t know if it’ll be an improvement or not.” Xian Qui calmly replies to her before his eyes notably open wider after seeing a similar figure in the distance approach him. “No, No, this isn’t good. I completely forgot about her.” He announces before attempting to get up off the ground and sneak away from the situation

. “Hundun!” A soft yet fierce voice echoes throughout the realm while music from an unknown source begins to play in the background. Without warning a marching band of small cat-like creatures wearing all sorts of attire and wielding instruments passes through the area (Yes you read correctly.) while a rather compact lady is following behind with a sadistic and insane look on her face.

She then runs up to Hundun and immediately hugs him after the small animals scatter into the vast depths of the forest. “Oh I thought i’d never see you again my Huniduni! And you brought friends for our evening together, goodness! You’ve been gone for so long but it was all for me wasn’t it?! You’re so thoughtful and adorable.” The mysterious woman eccentrically shouts while her face is lit up with excitement. Hundun’s entire body begins to tremble in fear and anxiety as she pressed up against him, confusion quickly spread throughout the ambience as to whom this girl was and why she brought a marching band of cats. “Lys- Lyssa. What are you doing here.” He responds in a nervous tone while looking at her while trying to get out of her tight grasp and avoid her. “You forgot about me in here silly-willy! Remember? Centuries upon centuries upon centuries ago. On our supposed date? But that doesn’t matter you’re finally here!” Lyssa responds to him while snuggling herself up against him tightening her grasp causing Hundun to writhe in slight discomfort and have a look of despair slide across his face.


(Lyssa - Soon to be introduced further, most likely as a minor character.)
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(Hundun disguised as Professor Xian Qui)

After hearing Astaroth’s his arrogant smile grew even wider, he then turned his head to face his sight in her direction. “Perhaps, but need I remind you that calling people old is not very ‘lady-like.’ As for your demands i’m afraid I cannot do that as of now, that would possibly ruin everything. However I will give you an offer, if you are able to entertain me with this battle of yours i’ll reveal my true identity and with the amount of power that I would release from doing so is enough to slightly shift time itself in the multiverse as well as realms. Yet only by a very insignificant amount, still jaw-droppingly impressive though. But i’ll quit rambling and get to your question, in my true form i’ll definitely be able to release you from you from the abyss and that thrall of yours you will not need anymore. That is unless you want that same exact appearance but i’ve never seen your true form so I don’t know if it’ll be an improvement or not.” Xian Qui calmly replies to her before his eyes notably open wider after seeing a similar figure in the distance approach him. “No, No, this isn’t good. I completely forgot about her.” He announces before attempting to get up off the ground and sneak away from the situation

. “Hundun!” A soft yet fierce voice echoes throughout the realm while music from an unknown source begins to play in the background. Without warning a marching band of small cat-like creatures wearing all sorts of attire and wielding instruments passes through the area while a rather compact lady is following behind with a sadistic and insane look on her face.

She then runs up to Hundun and immediately hugs him after the small animals scatter into the vast depths of the forest. “Oh I thought i’d never see you again my Huniduni! And you brought friends for our evening together, goodness! You’ve been gone for so long but it was all for me wasn’t it?! You’re so thoughtful and adorable.” The mysterious woman eccentrically shouts while her face is lit up with excitement. Hundun’s entire body begins to tremble in fear and anxiety as she pressed up against him, confusion quickly spread throughout the ambience as to whom this girl was and why she brought a marching band of cats. “Lys- Lyssa. What are you doing here.” He responds in a nervous tone while looking at her while trying to get out of her tight grasp and avoid her. “You forgot about me in here silly-willy! Remember? Centuries upon centuries upon centuries ago. On our supposed date? But that doesn’t matter you’re finally here!” Lyssa responds to him while snuggling herself up against him tightening her grasp causing Hundun to writhe in slight discomfort and have a look of despair slide across his face.


(Lyssa - Soon to be introduced further)


I get to meet somebody close to Axel...He must be powerful. she couldn't let him meet her mother just yet. She wished that she could  let them meet but her mother....she had to probably think it over and speak to her about it. "Hello sir. Axel told me about you....And I'm not his wife by the way. I'm a female friend that happens to be close with him....I'm Kori Shimo, a yuki-onna that spreads cold everywhere she goes." she bowed her head slightly. Kori was trying her best to be proper so that she would not embarrass him but watching what she said would become tedious. 

@kenchin @Lucremoirre
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When a voice same into her head, Lydia swung her head from side to side to try to find the source of the voice. It definitely wasn't her talking to herself, but there seemed to be no source for the sound to have come from. Turning to face the odd boy, who had put away the book, Lydia asked "Did you hear that?" , hoping that the guy might know what it was. Honey didn't hear the sound as it wasn't directed to him, but he didn't do anything out of ordinary except raising his stinger ever so slightly in case he needed to attack him.


Sythnar Dochrohen

"U-Um....It's me actually... I can only speak telepathically" Seth explained to the clueless and confused spider lady as he uncomfortably rises to his feet with notebook at hand, leaning to a tree.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:   Lydia (@Cheryl), Honey (@Cheryl)
Lydia looked from side to side searching for the voice before realizing the voice told her that the masked boy was saying it. "Oh, sorry, just that this is the first time I've talked to someone telepathically. I'm Lydia, and this is Honey. You are?" said Lydia, cocking her head to the side a bit. She was interested about how one could speak telepathically, yes magic is interesting and all but she's technically doing that already with her ability to attract insects to her. She already knows how people use magic, but to use it to speak to people's minds? Was it the mask the boy's wearing?


Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Oh hi Lydia, I'm S-Seth, and it's f-fine honestly, N-Not everyone's u-used to t-telepathy" Seth telepathically introduced himself while he carefully adjusted his gas mask, "U-Um... A-And that p-pet you have k-kind of s-stole my notebook..." He telepathically said as he fidgeted his hands shyly.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Lydia (@Cheryl), Honey (@Cheryl)
Thud thud. Thud thud. Thud. A heart beat. It was his own. He lay staring up at at the fake sky from the floor, on his back. He had cracked something when everyone had suddenly jumped into the next world. His head, it hurt. Everything was turning black. Fading, fading... No, not fading. Edging in from the sides. Jagged edges of darkness stretching across his vision. He mumbled, "I forgot to say goodbye to Arian, if this is it." His eyes closed and he saw nothing, heard nothing. Then the word whispered in his mind, the twisted, horrific version of his own, "Shinigami..."

His eyes bolted open, pure white save for the tiny black pupil that stayed centred, although much smaller than a human's. A dark mist and swirling black energy began to emanate from him, surging into the sky. A brief gale swept around as the pillar of blackness disappeared above. He levitated off the ground as it began to crumble beneath him, a small crater forming. There was a sudden pressure as the very air seemed to be sucked in him, a vacuum having been seemingly generated within his very being. 

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @YungJazz @Storm Guardian (Anyone else at this odd place)

(yeah, I think Caesar is gonna be a bigger problem now. Just thought I'd put it out there, some could say he has GODLIKE skills. xD  But no, really, he can still fall through this planet and walk through most things indiscriminately. @Storm Guardian And he will have another title in a sec, just gimme another post ;) )
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Miyuki Mori 

Miyuki decided to take a walk because she had gotten so awfully bored after being pent up in her dorm room all day. Her room mate did not seem to have any plans on coming soon either, so she wanted to leave. She changed into a different set of clothing - a pair of jeans and a light short-sleeved t-shirt. She smiled as she ran outside. The sky was dark, but she was more of a night person, anyway, and she preferred this to the sunny daytime. Wondering where Caesar and Arian were, she continued to explore the grounds. She had already visited the cafeteria, so she figured she may as well visit the garden. Upon entering that area, she spotted a regular-looking boy and then a spider-like girl. The two seemed fairly interesting, but Miyuki found this scene somewhat strange. There was also a giant bee. She maintained a distance between them, but she walked towards them. Hopefully, she was not interrupting anything important. "Hello," she said, in a quiet tone. "I'm Miyuki Mori." 

@Lucremoirre @Cheryl
Seth? Lydia took a quick look at the notebook she held in her hand, and there was definitely a 'Seth' written on it. "Is this yours then? Sorry if Honey took it, I can't control him when I'm sleeping. He must have done it by himself." apologised Lydia, handing over the encyclopaedia. She turned her head to look at the white hornet to make a disapproving face at him, why does he do these things anyway? It's not like she's telling him to do them or whatever. At least he doesn't start attacking everybody like crazy.

Soon enough a girl called Miyuki came along and introduced herself. In return, Lydia said "Hi, I'm Lydia, and this is Honey. What about you Seth?".

@Fazy @Lucremoirre

I get to meet somebody close to Axel...He must be powerful. she couldn't let him meet her mother just yet. She wished that she could  let them meet but her mother....she had to probably think it over and speak to her about it. "Hello sir. Axel told me about you....And I'm not his wife by the way. I'm a female friend that happens to be close with him....I'm Kori Shimo, a yuki-onna that spreads cold everywhere she goes." she bowed her head slightly. Kori was trying her best to be proper so that she would not embarrass him but watching what she said would become tedious. 

@kenchin @Lucremoirre

Reborn smiled at her " But i said he had to find a wife i never said you where his wife now did I " Reborn smiled and simply grabed Axel and looked at kori " if you want to be his wife i wouldn't be against it but i wil tell you this think it over he can't lose anymore people he has Love for after all it will break his mind " said Reborn carrying a unconsion's axel in his sholder he looked at Auriel and said " i met you but from a different Multiverse so i kinda know who you are"
(I'm just waiting for someone in this new world to notice me pulling a Gon right now, just saying. :3)


One moment she was peeking out from behind a pillar, spying on Caesar and Roy, preparing to save them anytime, along with watching some very powerful beings fight over something that was way over her head. In more that one ways than one. After the dust cleared for a brief moment, one of the beings was like, "opt out now or whatever." Well, the next minute she was hurled through some sort of inter-dimensal space tear and landed heavily onto her butt. So... she guessed that didn't didn't apply to her. 


Looking around, she pulls out a variety of leaves from her sullied hair and wipes of her legs of any clinging material. Whatever this place was, she didn't recognize it. It was heavily forested around her, and she didn't recognize the species nor the terrain they were situated in. Great. As an added bonus, she wasn't wearing shoes either. Fabulous. Sighing heavily at her predicament, she runs through all the things she'd been taught as to prepare for these kinds of things. 


"Step One: Look for human civilizations, if you find none within a near vicinity, go to step two. Step...." Arian's voice trails off as she scans the trees. Perfect place to lookout. After finding and scaling a suitable tree with relieve ease, she groaned aloud. Nothing but an endless wave, no ocean of green danced before her, set against tall mountains to the north. Ready to give up for the day and to go to Step Two, a dot of movement forces her to stop. 


It was a growing, powerful gale of wind, screaming and ripping up trees and anything unfortunate that got close enough. It grew and grew, but after some time it stabilized in size, still whirling trees trees and other debris into a newly pitch black vid. More like an abyss from Greek lore. Living. Breathing. Hungering. Save for this oddity in the landscape, there was nothing else interesting. 


Chewing her inner cheek thoughtfully, she worried about Caesar. Where was he now? Knowing him and his duties, he'd probably be where the action is, attempting to stop it. Not to mention she didn't have anything to lose. Save for her clothes. Then again, who would be out here, save for the few people from before she had been teleport to this domain. The chances of them seeing her in her birthday suit was less than one percent, she reasoned. Nodding her head in agreement with her thoughts, she leaps from the tree, and starts stalking her prey. Well, not her prey, her target, her destination. Thinking it was a wind demon and she was an bringer of the everlasting light made time pass by faster and kept her from getting to bored with herself. 




@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @YungJazz @Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud (Everyone else in this bloody domain. Of paradise. )
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Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth quickly grabbed the notebook from Lydia's hands, quickly taking a peek to see if any pages were missing, luckily none of them were missing, as he sighed in relief, he then saw that another girl had arrived, "O-Oh..... Hi Miyuki, I'm S-Seth..." He telepathically said as he breathed in relief through his gas mask.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:   Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Miyuki Mori (@Fazy)
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"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Miyuki said to the two. She raised an eyebrow in mild surprise when she realized that the boy called Seth was speaking inside her head. She had heard of people who were telepathic, but had not ever spoken to one. "Am I disturbing you?" She took another cautious step back. 

@Lucremoirre @Cheryl

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