Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Oh no! O-Of course n-not!"  Seth telepathically said, with signs of panic on his telepathic waves.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:   Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Miyuki Mori (@Fazy)

(Sorry for the one liner! I kind of have to go)
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"Oh no, you aren't disturbing us. I was just giving Seth here a book he dropped, but I do want to ask why you were looking at me Seth. I know you were, you were facing my direction and doing something on that paper of yours." accused Lydia, remembering that Seth was looking directly in her direction. Even if he turned away immediately Lydia saw a glimpse because of Honey helping her out.

@Fazy @Lucremoirre
(Wassup guys! How's it going! *Looks back at pages* SERIOUSLY! Maaaan, I was gone for a few hours and LOOK WHAT HAPPENS! People send others to different dimensions, hitmen attack people, random blonde idiots turn into super idiot saiyans and is that.....Junko Enoshima? All Ryo wanted to do is fight A for a while! Maaaan....Well, time to do something stupid!)

As more and more people interrupted the fight, hell, even transportation to a different dimension, Ryo couldn't help but let out a guttural laugh.

"GAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!" Man, that does not sound natural. Freaking space-lizard and his ungodly beast powers and stupid primordial energies. Anyway, The dragon's laugh still sounded like some Lovecration horror, but he seem generally amused. Ryo, let go of his stomach, his humor towards the situation dying out as he glanced around at all the gather figures. Before turning to the transformed A, sensing her power and pure unadulterated 'i'm going to fuck you up in ways you can't imagine' sensation. His smiled only getting larger the more bat shit insane everything got

Ryo's face shone with delight as he spoke, "You know? All in all, I would still bone you. Matter fact, this confused boner of mine speaks for itself." Ryo's eyes then took an unnatural evil gleam as his new intentions started becoming clearer. What if the rest of those guys were like A, with untapped power at their beck and call. I mean look at her! She's freaking wicked! Oh yeah, Ryo definitely had to fight them! Screw the planet! He could just find a new one.....And probably grab Setsuna along the way.

Ryo jumped a long way back gaining distance from his starting position and crossed his arms, glancing over at Caesar doing some stupid transformation sequence. Meh, not his problem, might as well ignore it, the dumb human probably was having a revelation about his past or something, that's what they do right? Get unnecessary power ups from past sources or had their powers sealed because they're part of a prophecy or something. Oh well, turning back to A, Ryo's manic grin became even sketchier as the thought of the other Thrones appearing made him excited.

"You know what? This is just too fun! I HAVE to see what the other ones look like! I gotta fight those guys!" Ryo's finally turned to Xian Qui, his anxiousness becoming more and more prominent.

"Oi! Drunkard Professor Guy! I give two shits about this fight anymore! Imma help A over there!" Ryo pointed at A with a grin, "Get her bros back! So get us outta here."

The idiot's urge for battle and lust to fight overcame his sense of SAVING THE FREAKING WORLD! OH GOD HE CAN NOT BE ONE OF OUR HEROES!

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud @SolistheSun @pretty much everyone else

(Okay, PHEW! Got that out of the way. Sorry about the huge let down, but honestly it was going to end up like this in the first place. Ryo was gonna be all "RAWR, FIGHT STRONG GUYS!" from the very beginning of this fight, but uhhhh......people happened. Probably could do this a better way, but it's been a long day and I kinda wanna get away from this fight sequence. Feel free to continue doing what you're doing, just gotta get away from the whole, "RAWR, ME FIGHT DEVIL LADY!")
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"Perhaps he was drawing you," Miyuki said. "Or admiring your features. You certainly are quite beautiful," she said, in a voice that suggested admiration. She surveyed Lydia and her spider like body. "Yes, I do think he was looking at you, though I am not in any place to speak for him. Seth?"

@Lucremoirre @Cheryl
Mike slowly walked to the entrance of the school. "This is it. I wonder how brother is doing " he asked himself. Mike started to walk inside , birds jumped back in forth in trees as he followed the road to the main hall.    He passed the busy hallways of the main building and arrived to the principal's office. " He probably won't recognize me..." the man walked into the room.


(Lyssa (Temporary, i'll create a CS sheet if she becomes permanently involved in the story-line.) - Also yes @YungJazz that is indeed Junko Enoshima)

“I should’ve just let them destroy the entire Academy instead of letting myself be exposed to this psychopath.” Xian Qui (Hundun) replies as he finally released by her surprisingly strong grasp.  He was definitely astonished to see that she was still in this realm of his and he was bewildered at how tremendously strong she was.“Oh, well i am the goddess of insanity. Remember?!” Don’t tell me you forgot about me while you were at that silly little academy!” Lyssa responds to him and placing her hands onto her hips in an irritated manner and huffing. Oh he remembered her alright but he just didn’t want the thoughts of her corrupting his memory, all the things that she did and how remarkably annoying she was and all of the flashbacks he had with her began circling inside of his mind.

Suddenly Lyssa without warning approaches some of the students while casually skipping cheerfully then stopping within a few feet of them
 “Ooooo, they look so mighty. I wonder how strong they are” Lyssa questioned to herself while her eyes twinkled with satisfaction, she felt as if she finally had some new friends to interact with, just from the students looking at her over eccentric demeanor they knew that she was completely bat-shit crazy. “Hunnnn, can I play with one them please?”” She exclaimed while looking back at him with an ‘innocent’ puppy dog-like face. Innocent, her blissful mind was anything but Hundun was thinking while watching her. However he didn’t really care what happened as long as she was very very far away from him. Hundun nodded his head in compliance to her and sighed deeply as he knew this was a very bad idea. His thoughts were then interrupted by the boisterous Ryo which made him chuckle a bit. "You're going to have to entertain me with that fight you were having before you even suggest me bringing you back to that realm. If I wind up getting bored or excited, i'll happily bring you all back. But for now it seems that you're going to have to give me a show, at least throw one punch, I brought you here for this exact reason." Xian Qui (Hundun) replies to Ryo in an arrogant tone before placing his back against a tree-stump waiting for something to happen.

Lyssa after noticing his approval leaped into the air with great amusement then descending back gently onto her feet, She then rose her hand up towards the crowd of pupils across from her and pointed with her index finger to decide which unlucky person she wanted to choose.
“Hmmmm, I choooooose… You!” Lyssa yells after suddenly teleporting to Arian and pressing the tip of her index finger onto her cheek while smiling brightly.

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(Oh no, it's fine. You two have to fight me now. And I'm a good too now. :D  I hope you have regenerative powers, I'd hate to see you lose too quickly)

White eyes appeared on a black shadow of a figure as Caesar, the figure in question, suddenly seemed to materialise in front of Ryo, "I am no butler." A forearm swung, batting the dragon God a good few thousand metres away, the sound of the connected blow occurring a few seconds after it actually happened. Caesar was enveloped in a swirling black mass, a shadowy mist and dark smoke that seemed to writhe around him, swirling. His skin had turned black and his eyes were white, black veins tracing their way to his pupils. He turned to A, a hand extended to her, a black ball of dark energy forming, "I am the destructor. I am the darkness. I am the devoured. I am the Devourer." The ball shot a liquid beam at A with great speed, aiming for her midsection. 

(Now would be a great time for A's friends to be summoned, the Xian guy to get involved or for Luxor to show up. :P  Also, Caesar's power was not disintegration in the end. He was a black hole generator, hence why everything he touches disappears or crumbles to nothing. Have fun with that ;) )

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Obsidian
(Oh no, it's fine. You two have to fight me now. And I'm a good too now. :D  I hope you have regenerative powers, I'd hate to see you lose too quickly)

White eyes appeared on a black shadow of a figure as Caesar, the figure in question, suddenly seemed to materialise in front of Ryo, "I am no butler." A forearm swung, batting the dragon God a good few thousand metres away, the sound of the connected blow occurring a few seconds after it actually happened. Caesar was enveloped in a swirling black mass, a shadowy mist and dark smoke that seemed to writhe around him, swirling. His skin had turned black and his eyes were white, black veins tracing their way to his pupils. He turned to A, a hand extended to her, a black ball of dark energy forming, "I am the destructor. I am the darkness. I am the devoured. I am the Devourer." The ball shot a liquid beam at A with great speed, aiming for her midsection. 

(Now would be a great time for A's friends to be summoned, the Xian guy to get involved or for Luxor to show up. :P  Also, Caesar's power was not disintegration in the end. He was a black hole generator, hence why everything he touches disappears or crumbles to nothing. Have fun with that ;) )

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Obsidian

(Well Hundun who is currently disguised as Xian Qui after all is the Primordial god of Chaos, meaning he existed at the beginning of time and this is his dimension which is limitless therefore it is impossible to destroy and he controls everything that happens inside of it. There was a reason why the surrounding people were brought here. :S  But Caesar could in-fact use his full strength if he wanted without causing great damage to the previous realm, I don't think he exactly minds this encounter at all.)
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(Oh no, I get that. It's just your indestructible ground may be slightly destructible to a black hole is all I'm saying, but you could always just build it back or whatever. Point being, I wanna blow up the terrain some whilst we do this :P )
( @Destructus Kloud b-but...but..that's not how black holes work...........your character creates and shoots zero volume mass.....that's pretty op. i'm gonna have to edit the post i was writing thanks a lot.)
(Ahahaha, like you, the creator and destroyer of worlds, can't deal with that? Like Ryo, the literal Devourer of worlds, can't deal with a weak attack like the one I sent him? *attempts to make the pfft sound and fails* bite me, in that case xD )

(Sorry guys trying to figure out how Arian should react: A.) Completely freak out. B.) Confused. or C.) FINALLY SOME COMPANY)
(Caesar approves. Caesar is also possessed by a God of death halp)
Oh that reminds me... Isn't she naked?  O.o

(NnonononononononoOOOOOOOOOOOPE. She changed clothes right before coming after Caesar and ended up in the dimension. Currently wearing a death metal band shirt with random edgy name on it. Possibly BREAD. For bottoms she wears a pair of cut-off denim shorts. )
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(More flashback

"Same.. but we are earning lots of tickets."she said, focusing on the game. She was beating the highest score and the tickets kept on coming.


Cody kept trying to beat her but failed, while still getting a steady flow of tickets. He was happy that she was also beating the highscore of a game too.


Lyssa after noticing his approval leaped into the air with great amusement then descending back gently onto her feet, She then rose her hand up towards the crowd of pupils across from her and pointed with her index finger to decide which unlucky person she wanted to choose. “Hmmmm, I choooooose… You!” Lyssa yells after suddenly teleporting to Arian and pressing the tip of her index finger into her cheek while smiling brightly.



Arian Lee Fulhum


" The Bearer of Light descended quietly upon the Wind wraithe. Though his song tore at her soul, with eyes dull with regret, she raised her spear plunging---" Arian was abruptly cut off.


"-- YOU!" the voice shouted.

Whomever it was had appeared instantaneously, and had her finger jammed into the blonde's cheek, the faintest trace of blood appearing before whisking away. Falling on her butt in surprise, a rock raised to throw in defense, along with black war paint she'd decorate herself from some strange fruit, Arian looked quite the sight. It took several seconds to register the other's presence as an actual living organism that before lowering the rock and staring up in awe. And Surprise. Lots of surprise. 




It was a lolita. 


In a jungle. 


Ran by gods. 


Why was she surprised again? 


With a sense of deja vú, she stands and brushes herself off, mouth still gaping. Remembering her manners, she shuts her trap and waves politely in greeting. From a safe distance. Most lolitas were b**s***t crazy.  And this was literally some god's world to boot. 


"Sorry, you caught me off guard," she laughs uneasily," The name's Arian, what's yours?"


She secretly hoped this wasn't going to lead her down some rabbit hole. The world was currently strange as it was. 





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Sythnar Dochrohen

"U-Uh...Yeah...P-Pretty much w-what Miyuki s-said, i-insects have always f-facinated me, even w-when I was b-born" Seth telepathically said with a tint of neuroticism as he quietly re-opened his notebook and continued to write about Lydia, interested on everything about her, "U-Um... if you d-don't mind me a-asking, what b-being are you?, or what h-happened to you b-become like t-that?, I-I'll tell y-you mine." He telepathically said as he pointed his pen with the blunt end towards Lydia.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:   Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Miyuki Mori (@Fazy)
"I used to play basketball all the way up until 9th grade. Unfortunately,  my life got more busy and I give it up. "

She finished the game with the highest score. "I have 500 tickets now."she smiled.


Cody kept trying to beat her but failed, while still getting a steady flow of tickets. He was happy that she was also beating the highscore of a game too.

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