Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)



"I need you to stop ogling over that damn dog already. She's a liability, if you keeping letting you dick do the walking you're gonna get us all killed...or worse.", A shouts to Ryo from the spot she laid. Her eye brows twitched and she shifted slightly out of annoyance. She'd just offered to bang both Ryo and Xian Qui, who up until this point seemed to be willing. "Out-shined by a literal bitch and a sorry excuse for a patron god.", she mutters to herself. 

Her emotions getting the best of her, she sinks into the floor. Seemingly gone before her hands reach out beneath Lyssa and pull her into the floor leaving only her pigtails showing and Arian off balance. A rises back out of the floor sporting a triumphant grin."Just like old times, huh Lyssa?", she says doubled over in delight. 

"Yo, Ryo. Wanna have some fun? I'm about to go slaughter the nurse for sealing me, then I'm gonna get a bagel.", she grabs hold of Ryo's arm, while giving a smug look to Setsuna. "We can stop by my place afterwards and........WAIT.", A stops running her finger up Ryo's chest when she realizes something. "You two are related?..."

She looks at inquisitively at Seo. "Well, you're definitely dumb enough to be Ryo's brother."

(I legit had bagel in my post before I saw your post @Marumatsu X)

@Obsidian @YungJazz
"Sure, i don't know how to play it though. .." he said shyly, he really wishes he had a regular child life before he lost everything. 

" You never played air hockey!....Well l!et me explain. You try to keep the puck from entering you goal. You are also trying to hit the puck into your opponent's goal. You got it?"

Kagami placed the coins into the game. This was her favorite game , but never had someone to play with a long time.
Misogi smiled his evil smiled " hahahahaha well i hope so aswell after all i love powerful beings after all and their souls but i know when i am beat " said misogi knowing very well he couldn't handel Luxor and Mei well it would acually be hard for him to scratch her in his current state" well i might aswell Fallow you around and steal some soul's on the way to the class room

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(Lyssa - Goddess Of Insanity.)(Still making her CS, almost done.)



“Hahaha you were thinking of ‘boingy-bits!’” Lyssa exclaims hysterically while laughing and pointing at Arian as she covers her chest with the palm of her hand and covering her nether regions. She then carefully puts back on her original clothing that she retrieves from her back-pack. “Don’t worry everyone, I brought a spare!” Lyssa says to everyone encompassing her while putting back on her normal clothes. “Wow it sure is breezy in here, someone turn on the heater, am I right?!” She shouted out to the surrounding students nearby as she wore her normal clothes… On her head.

“You know uh… I forgot your name but i’ll call you nice lady for right now because you gave me your tasty clothes! But this school of yours sure is silly it doesn’t even have a nice warm breeze.” Lyssa replies to Arian as she shifts her eyesight in all different directions analyzing her environment. “O-oo-o! Is this a prestigious school? Oh I want to join! I’ll fit right in I promise!” She says joyfully before reaching into her small teddy-bear backpack and retrieving a monocle and wearing it over her right eye and looking at Arian still holding her chest-region. “Geeze laweez! You sure do like holding my breasts! Although I can’t blame you, I mean mine are pretty big! Lyssa says noisily while arching herself over Arian causing her to be pressed up further against Lyssa. Suddenly she is quickly plunged into the floor by A causing her to be completely submerged into the floor by her pony-tails only. Although this really didn't affect Lyssa as most of the damage was to her head which was like an empty shell voided of all forms of intelligence. Soon after she started singing the lyrics to the muffin-man song in a muffled voice while she was burried beneath the ground as her pig-tails swung back and forth against the concrete in a cheerful motion.

@SolistheSun @Olivia Acerbi
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Ryujin was still laying in the grass that he had lightning jumped to earlier. He heard loud noises coming from parts of the school but decided to ignore keeping his eyes closed and focusing on relaxing. He tried to keep his mind clear but thoughts kept flooding over him. Deciding there was only one way he could relax he held out his hand as electricity formed into a flute. He raised the flute and began to play. The song he played was the same as the one his Oni played but the sound was different. Where the Oni's was a eerie quiet the version he currently played was loud and comforting.

(Open for interaction.)
" Unfortunately  , I don't have a soul. I'am technically dead and alive after all I'am an archangel." she side smiling. Mei grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him out of the office.

"Let's go to my office. You can help there."


(Lyssa - Goddess Of Insanity.)(Still making her CS, almost done.)


“Hahaha you were thinking of ‘boingy-bits!’” Lyssa exclaims hysterically while laughing and pointing at Arian as she covers her chest with the palm of her hand and covering her nether regions. She then carefully puts back on her original clothing that she retrieves from her back-pack. “Don’t worry everyone, I brought a spare!” Lyssa says to everyone encompassing her while putting back on her normal clothes. “Wow it sure is breezy in here, someone turn on the heater, am I right?!” She shouted out to the surrounding students nearby as she wore her normal clothes… On her head.

“You know uh… I forgot your name but i’ll call you nice lady for right now because you gave me your tasty clothes! But this school of yours sure is silly it doesn’t even have a nice warm breeze.” Lyssa replies to Arian as she shifts her eyesight in all different directions analyzing her environment. “O-oo-o! Is this a prestigious school? Oh I want to join! I’ll fit right in I promise!” She says joyfully before reaching into her small teddy-bear backpack and retrieving a monocle and wearing it over her right eye and looking at Arian still holding her chest-region. “Geeze laweez! You sure do like holding my breasts! Although I can’t blame you, I mean mine are bigger then that red girl’s a few feet away from me.” Lyssa says noisily while arching herself over Arian causing her grasp to almost slip as she was pointing at A with her index finger while her face was covered in a stupid smirk..

@SolistheSun @Olivia Acerbi

(I thought I buried you! and covered the tracks...)
" You never played air hockey!....Well l!et me explain. You try to keep the puck from entering you goal. You are also trying to hit the puck into your opponent's goal. You got it?"

Kagami placed the coins into the game. This was her favorite game , but never had someone to play with a long time.

He nodded and took a hockey guard and got a feel for it, he didn't want to hit first, he didn't want to seem rude if she wasn't ready. "Im ready. " he told her. 
He nodded and took a hockey guard and got a feel for it, he didn't want to hit first, he didn't want to seem rude if she wasn't ready. "Im ready. " he told her. 

" Ready!" the puck shot out towards her and she hit it softly to Cody. "Don't go easy on me okay" she grinned.
Ryujin was still laying in the grass that he had lightning jumped to earlier. He heard loud noises coming from parts of the school but decided to ignore keeping his eyes closed and focusing on relaxing. He tried to keep his mind clear but thoughts kept flooding over him. Deciding there was only one way he could relax he held out his hand as electricity formed into a flute. He raised the flute and began to play. The song he played was the same as the one his Oni played but the sound was different. Where the Oni's was a eerie quiet the version he currently played was loud and comforting.

(Open for interaction.)

Elch said good bye to Smoke and began to walk away. He heard the sound of a flute playing, it was loud, and home-like. The Russian saw a boy about his age playing the flute, as to not disturb him Elch sat down and waited for him to be finished.


"I need you to stop ogling over that damn dog already. She's a liability, if you keeping letting you dick do the walking you're gonna get us all killed...or worse.", A shouts to Ryo from the spot she laid. Her eye brows twitched and she shifted slightly out of annoyance. She'd just offered to bang both Ryo and Xian Qui, who up until this point seemed to be willing. "Out-shined by a literal bitch and a sorry excuse for a patron god.", she mutters to herself. 

Her emotions getting the best of her, she sinks into the floor. Seemingly gone before her hands reach out beneath Lyssa and pull her into the floor leaving only her pigtails showing and Arian off balance. A rises back out of the floor sporting a triumphant grin."Just like old times, huh Lyssa?", she says doubled over in delight. 

"Yo, Ryo. Wanna have some fun? I'm about to go slaughter the nurse for sealing me, then I'm gonna get a bagel.", she grabs hold of Ryo's arm, while giving a smug look to Setsuna. "We can stop by my place afterwards and........WAIT.", A stops running her finger up Ryo's chest when she realizes something. "You two are related?..."

She looks at inquisitively at Seo. "Well, you're definitely dumb enough to be Ryo's brother."

(I legit had bagel in my post before I saw your post @Marumatsu X)

@Obsidian @YungJazz

Seo's Eyes Gleamed with happiness as he acknowledged her like for bagels. "Bagels, she likes bagels.... Ryo she likes bagels.. Marry. That. Hoe." Seo Said with excitement then leaning close to Ryo Whispering" I like her" Seo then taking her remark as a compliment and nodding his head, "Not quite dumb, but dumbfounded, cause i'm the founder of this dumbness." Seo with, not know that he had literally just insulted himself." Also this bagel thing. I'm quite good at the crafting of these delicious cuisines would you care to have a taste? Seo asks both Ryo and A, randomly a bag of bagels, that just so happened not have been frozen for some reason. Huh, weird. Seo then blinked finally noticing both Setsuna and A, as he turned to his brother in both shock and awe, pointing at him with a shaking finger, "Are.....Are you a harem protagonist?"

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian
" Unfortunately  , I don't have a soul. I'am technically dead and alive after all I'am an archangel." she side smiling. Mei grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him out of the office.

"Let's go to my office. You can help there."

Misogi looked at her and simply smiled " just the darkness then that will do just fine but " he smiled " i can't beat someone that already devoted her darkness to someone else well not right now " said misogi looking kinda mad

Ryujin finished his song and opened his eyes. The anxiety and worries he had a few minutes ago where gone. He felt someone's gaze on him and looked around seeing a boy who looked about his age a little ways away. He gave the man a small smile and wave.

Misogi looked at her and simply smiled " just the darkness then that will do just fine but " he smiled " i can't beat someone that already devoted her darkness to someone else well not right now " said misogi looking kinda mad


" You sound depressed. I'm guessing you love souls "she said , shyly smiling. " I hope you aren't hurting any of  your classmates"
Kagami was too distracted when the puck went inside her goal." Now its on!" ,she got into position as the puck shot back out.
Ryujin finished his song and opened his eyes. The anxiety and worries he had a few minutes ago where gone. He felt someone's gaze on him and looked around seeing a boy who looked about his age a little ways away. He gave the man a small smile and wave.


Elch began to clap. It was creepy, a random person in a mask watching you. Elch saw nothing wrong with it though, he smiled under his mask and waved a gloved hand back. He walked over and said in his thick Russian accent "You are very good at flute, yes?"
Misogi looked at her and said " just the one's that are troublesome like i want to eat the darkness of those demon " kids that were going wild hahahaha if you want to help me ofcourse" said misogi planing something evil in his mind

Ryujin shrugged. "Not sure. I only know the one song because it calms me down." He was getting a weird vibe from this guy. His blood felt like it was a mix of both fire and ice. It wanted to freeze in terror but reduce this man to ash and Ryujin didn't known why.


Trae 1.jpg

(Okay, post rush. deep breathes. Let's do this!)

Ryo grinned with a perverted gleam in his eye the minute he saw Setsuna staring up at him. Ryo threw a thumbs up before speaking, "What's up Setsu-," And then he was pimp slapped like he owed Setsuna money for being her prostitute. WHY DOES THAT STING SO MUCH! As Ryo's head turned back around, he finally picked up on the reason Setsuna was mad. Naked girl? What the hell? They just Ryo didn't know what to put on it, oh well, he'll just wing it like everything else. But anyway, he wouldn't have a naked girl with him, he hadn't even-

Aaaand there was a naked girl standing next to him. Damn she had a killer rack, but Ryo had no idea who she was. Turning back to Setsuna, Ryo flicked her forehead lightly, before motioning to each other, "Listen woman. If this relationship thing is gonna work. DON'T ACCUSE ME OF CHEATING WHEN I DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT CHICK!" Ryo's face then went completely deadpan as he pointed at Lyssa, "Plus, she seem crazy. And Ryo don't stick his wick in crazy." Ryo then proceeded to slap Setsuna on the ass, another perverted smile on his face, "Plus DAT ASS is definitely gonna make this dragon come back for more. So trust me foxy when I say I am not doing anything with the crazy chick who has a big chest."

Ryo then turned to Seo, shrugging with a confused look on his face, "One: I have no idea what just happened," Ryo then made a gesture to Setsuna, "Two: this is Setsuna, we' Yeah, relationships and stuff." Turning to gesture at A, Ryo couldn't help but chuckle a little, "And finally: I stopped decking A cause imma help her revive her bros. It's gonna be a wicked fight man."

Ryo then face palmed at Seo's sudden interest in his love life. Dragging his palm down his face in exasperation, Ryo then sighed at his brother's idiocy, "Bagels doesn't equate to marriage bro, so kindly SHUT THE HELL UP!" Oh great. Ryo felt another face palm coming on at Seo's latest question.

"No, i'm not a harem protagonist, cause that one," Ryo pointed over a Setsuna with a blank face, "While a total hottie, is very possessive, so I don't see a harem in my future. And that one," Ryo pointed at A, who was running a finger up his chest, which was awesome in Ryo's opinion, "Would literally set the world on fire before even considering being in a harem with the fox. Plus, she would rip my balls off if I even thought about her being in my harem." Ryo finally took a breath of air, tired from having to explain things to his brother.

Ryo finally turned to A, his fangs peaking through his smile, "But if I don't let my dick do the leading, how else am I supposed to go anywhere?" Ryo's eyes became perverted once again,"Plus look at her! She's adorable! Plus she's also noble and arrogant, so I gotta bend her to my will A! It's now a mission, make her submit to my abilities and you know....affection."

Scratching his head in thought, Ryo paused his musings to consider A's offer, before hearing the rest of her words, "Murder the nurse?...No problem!" Ryo's smile should not be that happy while talking about murdering another person, especially one that healed him, "Though I do feel kinda bad. She had nice tits, such a waste." And then the inquiry and insult towards Seo's and his connection finally hit, causing Ryo to reply with mock anger.

"Oi! I take offense to that! Just because he's dumb doesn't mean we're related. I mean we are, but i'm definitely the smarter and better looking brother."

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi @Marumatsu

(Okay finally! Man, screw long posts. They. Are. Tiring.)

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