Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Misogi looked at her and said " just the one's that are troublesome like i want to eat the darkness of those demon " kids that were going wild hahahaha if you want to help me ofcourse" said misogi planing something evil in his mind


"Luxor will kill me if you do that " she said.They reached the office and she went inside.

The walls were painted pink and the furniture was black and tables made out of glass. 

She placed some lilies inside a pot by the window.

"Welcome ! Like some tea?" She asked with her sweet voice.

@Kisaki, im gonna head to bed, ill reply to you when i wake up, i also have half day tomorrow, so ill reply sooner than later, goodnight!!!))

I used to  have half days :(.

Well I'm going to rest as well.

I've been doing work since I got back from school.
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Ryujin shrugged. "Not sure. I only know the one song because it calms me down." He was getting a weird vibe from this guy. His blood felt like it was a mix of both fire and ice. It wanted to freeze in terror but reduce this man to ash and Ryujin didn't known why.


"You okay my friend?" Elch asked as he sat down across from you. He scratched at his neck where a dragon branding was. "You look nervous." He said, he followed up with "If you don't mind me asking what type of being are you? You're too powerful to be a demon, but not quite as strong as a God."
"Technically I'm both and I'm neither. I am Ryujin lifeblood grandson of Rajin. Meaning I am an oni and a minor God

 However My Oni is gone and I am unable to achieve my God good." Ryujin Once again he laid back on the grass. "Guess for the time being that makes me a Kegare."




"What the f-? Yea, you're definitely related to Ryo...", A comments having been unprepared for Seo's oddness and mild stupidity. She shifts her attention back to Ryo before answering Seo's question for Ryo. "If any body here is the protagonist of a harem it's me."
A then gives Ryo a skeptical look when he mentions the term 'affection'. "Affection? That's most bitchmade thing I've heard all day. Good job.", she giggles before jumping onto his back. "I've got all the affection you need right here between my legs.", A says to Ryo while sticking her tongue out to Setsuna, rubbing herself against his back.  "Now, onward my noble steed! To gore and glory!" A points forward majestically, kicking her feet against Ryo's inner thigh like spurs. "If you like her tits you can keep them! Formic acid will keep em' like new!......or is that Formaldehyde? Ah well, I guess we'll just have to find out!"

@YungJazz @Marumatsu @Obsidian
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Misogi simply said " well he dosen't need to know about me taking the darkness from them after all it will only make them good rigth "said misogin given his evil smile and when he got offered tea he said " ahhh i would love some tea but wear a naked aporn please " said misogi looking foward to it



(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna looks at Ryo with a furious look that scrunched her eyebrows down, although she looked cute while she was angry Setsuna was extraordinarily pissed at Ryo after remembering all of the times that he made several sexual remarks about A and a few others. “Listen here jackass! You’ve been hitting on girls every chance you could get and if you think i’m just gonna let that slide you have another thing coming, If you look at another girl in that same way again i’m goi-” Setsuna was then interrupted after Ryo proceeded to slap her firmly on the butt which made her quietly gasp in a suggestive way which also caused one hell of a  noticeable red mark on her rear-end. Her face started to glow the brightest shade of crimson anyone has ever seen. Her eyes shifted from infuriated to something else almost fixated on Ryo in some anxious and tense way. Even though she overheard him speak about helping A out she couldn’t help but to still be happy, oddly enough.
Once Ryo mentioned about attempting to murder Auriel, Setsuna’s face quickly grew grim from fear. She didn’t want Auriel to become just another victim to A’s selfish game that she was playing with Ryo. Setsuna still couldn’t believe what she was hearing about how bloodthirsty and ruthless he was just from his words alone, in order to save Auriel she knew what had to be done. She gulped from embarrassment as she slowly approached him and pressed up against him resulting in her huge chest squeezing against his midsection. She looked up him with her innocent yet seductive gaze while licking the upper-portion of her lip as she pushed her hand against him knocking him and the she-devil on his back up-against a wall. In her mind she was absolutely terrified, she didn’t know what was going to happen to Auriel even after she did this but hopefully it would make Ryo forget all about her offer she made to him.


“Heh, those hands of yours have a mind of their own don’t they Ryo?” She whispered to him while she held him against the wall with her delicate hand, Setsuna then began to creep up his chest and to the bottom of his lip with her index finger.. “You’ve had such a hard day why don’t you come to my nice comfortable dorm. It even has a warm bed that made for just the two of us.” She says in an lewd alluring tone of voice before lifting up her leg against the side of Ryo’s hip. Setsuna knew that this was embarrassing as all hell for her especially showing such steamy things in the public viewing nonetheless she sucked up her pride and continued. She then looked behind Ryo’s back to see that little devil-monkey straddling his backside, Setsuna smirked and continued to allure Ryo even more by pressing her warm lips against his and proceeding to make-out heavily with him. While he wasn’t looking she took a swift glimpse at A and ascended her available hand up within mere inches of her face and ‘flipped her the bird.’ “Well, what are you waiting for you naughty bastard? Show this bad fox princess a good-time.” Setsuna whispered into his ear as she stared into his eyes with a sensual passion as she blushed even further yet looking away for a second to gag from the corny-shit she was coming up with.


(Gettin' freaky deeky up in dis business @Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz)
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"Technically I'm both and I'm neither. I am Ryujin lifeblood grandson of Rajin. Meaning I am an oni and a minor God

 However My Oni is gone and I am unable to achieve my God good." Ryujin Once again he laid back on the grass. "Guess for the time being that makes me a Kegare."


"Hmm..." Elch said as he looked at you. "Anywho do you know where I could a beautiful red goddess named A?" He asked.

@Olivia Acerbi
"No idea." Replied Ryujin. "Your best guess is probably to try and follow any trails of destruction of loud noises." Ryujin let out a sigh. "Amaterasu now that is a godess." Realizing what he had said he let out a small chuckle. "Guess the old man influences me a little to much."



"What the f-? Yea, you're definitely related to Ryo...", A comments having been unprepared for Seo's oddness and mild stupidity. She shifts her attention back to Ryo before answering Seo's question for Ryo. "If any body here is the protagonist of a harem it's me."
A then gives Ryo a skeptical look when he mentions the term 'affection'. "Affection? That's most bitchmade thing I've heard all day. Good job.", she giggles before jumping onto his back. "I've got all the affection you need right here between my legs.", A says to Ryo while sticking her tongue out to Setsuna, rubbing herself against his back.  "Now, onward my noble steed! To gore and glory!" A points forward majestically, kicking her feet against Ryo's inner thigh like spurs. "If you like her tits you can keep them! Formic acid will keep em' like new!......or is that Formaldehyde? Ah well, I guess we'll just have to find out!"

@YungJazz @Marumatsu @Obsidian

(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna looks at Ryo with a furious look that scrunched her eyebrows down, although she looked cute while she was angry Setsuna was extraordinarily pissed at Ryo after remembering all of the times that he made several sexual remarks about A and a few others. “Listen here jackass! You’ve been hitting on girls every chance you could get and if you think i’m just gonna let that slide you have another thing coming, If you look at another girl in that same way again i’m goi-” Setsuna was then interrupted after Ryo proceeded to slap her firmly on the butt which made her quietly gasp in a suggestive way which also caused one hell of a  noticeable red mark on her rear-end. Her face started to glow the brightest shade of crimson anyone has ever seen. Her eyes shifted from infuriated to something else almost fixated on Ryo in some anxious and tense way. Even though she overheard him speak about helping A out she couldn’t help but to still be happy, oddly enough.
Once Ryo mentioned about attempting to murder Auriel, Setsuna’s face quickly grew grim from fear. She didn’t want Auriel to become just another victim to A’s selfish game that she was playing with Ryo. Setsuna still couldn’t believe what she was hearing about how bloodthirsty and ruthless he was just from his words alone, in order to save Auriel she knew what had to be done. She gulped from embarrassment as she slowly approached him and pressed up against him resulting in her huge chest squeezing against his midsection. She looked up him with her innocent yet seductive gaze while licking the upper-portion of her lip as she pushed her hand against him knocking him and the she-devil on his back up-against a wall. In her mind she was absolutely terrified, she didn’t know what was going to happen to Auriel even after she did this but hopefully it would make Ryo forget all about her offer she made to him.


“Heh, those hands of yours have a mind of their own don’t they Ryo?” She whispered to him while she held him against the wall with her delicate hand, Setsuna then began to creep up his chest and to the bottom of his lip with her index finger.. “You’ve had such a hard day why don’t you come to my nice comfortable dorm. It even has a warm bed that made for just the two of us.” She says in an lewd alluring tone of voice before lifting up her leg against the side of Ryo’s hip. Setsuna knew that this was embarrassing as all hell for her especially showing such steamy things in the public viewing nonetheless she sucked up her pride and continued. She then looked behind Ryo’s back to see that little devil-monkey straddling his backside, Setsuna smirked and continued to allure Ryo even more by pressing her warm lips against his and proceeding to make-out heavily with him. While he wasn’t looking she took a swift glimpse at A and ascended her available hand up within mere inches of her face and ‘flipped her the bird.’ “Well, what are you waiting for you naughty bastard? Show this bad fox princess a good-time.” Setsuna whispered into his ear as she stared into his eyes with a sensual passion as she blushed even further yet looking away for a second to gag from the corny-shit she was coming up with.


(Gettin' freaky deeky up in dis business @Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz)

(Congratulations! A has reach the level of: Total Bros! With Ryo, while Setsuna has reached: Dragon's Girl! Meh, one just means you pretty much have Ryo's stupidity at your service while the other means you pretty much have his perversion locked down.)

Trae 1.jpg

Ryo only chuckled, adjusting himself so that A was more comfortable on his back, "I ain't neighing, but I will be the steed. Now off we go to murder us a nurse!" Ryo was interrupted by the sudden ministrations of his now girlfriend. Man, he really should've said he was going to murder Auriel sooner, cause this was awesome. However, Ryo's eyes narrowed the minute he caught on to Setsuna's plan. Trying to get him away from A's plan? No way, there was just too many good deals from working with A. An amazing fight, some wicked stories, plus he got to go head to head with apocalyptic beings in the near future? It was too good to give up

That being said, Ryo still felt a little guilty about what he was going to do. Not because he was going to outright kill someone or that he was dooming the world. Simply being that he saw the sadness and regret in Setsuna's eyes. He may not be completely in love with the fox deity, but he held a strong affection towards her. With a swift movement, Ryo swept Setsuna off her feet after she whispered in his ear, simultaneously moving forward so he wasn't squishing A against the wall. While holding her in his arms, Ryo brush aside a loose strand of hair on Setsuna's face, gazing into her eyes.

"Listen fox princess. I ain't a good person." Ryo stated, complete seriousness on his face, "I'm no hero and i'm DAMN sure no savior. Matter of fact, in most cases, i'm the villain. I kill people without a single ounce of regret and I live for the fight. I'd see this planet's death if it meant that I get what I want. I'm selfish, arrogant, prideful, vicious, and I kill who I want, when I want." Ryo's gaze suddenly softened, now caressing Setsuna's cheek, "But you got a hold on me something fierce, woman. You're a prideful, arrogant, yet innocent woman who sees the world in a different light than me. And I can't help but hold on to that. A dragon hordes his treasures for all eternity, so I won't let you go, I won't glance at other woman, even if they have rocking bods, however," Ryo's eyes sharpened, his aura leaking out slightly, "That doesn't mean i'll change. A is my comrade now. She's someone I can relate to, you may have my affection, but she has my loyalty and respect. So i'm going to destroy anything that get's in her way. I'll kill whatever she deems necessary, i'll destroy the foundations of this world if she asks me to, simply because i'm the most selfish person in this world and she's someone that sees things the way I do."

Ryo leaned his forehead against Setsuna, showing his affection towards her, "I draw the line at you though. I won't destroy you, my treasure. But know this," Ryo's eyes were only centimeters apart from Setsuna's, "I do what I want, when I want. You can't stop me, but you can be a part of it. If you start loving this dragon, there will be consequences for it. Just know that you are currently the being that holds my heart. Now, you can stay or you can follow, either way this is happening." Ryo gently set Setsuna down on her feet, before shifting A to a comfortable position and began walking in the infirmaries direction, "You have my soul right now, my treasure, be sure not to lose it."

With that last thing said, Ryo began his trek, with A on his back towards his next target, "So A, are you going to kill her? Or do you want me to do it? Cause i'm all down for fighting the scrubs that are probably going to try and stop us."

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

(DUN DUN DUN, Ryo's true colors revealed and some emotional bull spit, man look what you did A the total bro and Setsuna the Dragon's girl....and the murder rampage begins.)
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"Hey!", A exclaims as she'd momentarily pinned between the wall and Ryo. She notices Ryo holding Setsuna in his arms she rolls her eyes as she peeks at her from over his shoulder. "Ugh, will you two get a f*cking room already? Or a kennel? All, this rom-com garbage is giving my soul cancer. I might have to hit up that dimension hording fossil, if you're gonna keep acting like a little bitch..", she states venomously to the two. 

EIch question is not well received by A in her current mood. "Huh? Uh, yea, yea she's dead, buried in my yard. Wanna see?", she says caustically before shooting Setsuna the bird from behind Ryo's back, mouthing 'Fuck Off' to her. 

A's expression grows into a mixture of almost endless smugness and sinister intent as Ryo plays right into her hand, keeping eye contact with Setsuna the whole time. 

"Haha! That's what I'm talking about! Fuck you, Setsuna!", A says excitedly. "Good to see you using your that thing between your ears and not the thing between your legs once in a while!", she chimes in. "Let's paint the campus whatever color is inside that nurse!" she cheers shooting a blast of fire into the air. "I'm obviously gonna kill her, it's my beef to squash! You get to watch. Don't worry I'll go slow.. "

@YungJazz @Obsidian @TheGreyCthulhu

(crime pays, here's proof. Also I'm outski, nite)
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Caesar awoke to find himself in the infirmary. He looked around but his vision was blurry; he couldn't make out people or objects, just faded shapes. He stared up at the ceiling and grimaced, he still had a cracked rib or something and it hurt to move. There was a pain behind his eyes and he had a headache. 

"What happened?" He wondered. Where was Ari, or the others? What happened to Roy? Caesar hoped he made it out unharmed, unlike himself. He also hoped the nurse would arrive soon, but didn't see anyone around. Perhaps he was alone right now? He sighed, this is what he gets for trying to break up a fight. 

(I guess I'm back. Good for me.)
Fley was too confused to think for any longer, so she resorted to thinking about something else. Like doing something fun - stirring up trouble. At the mention of trouble, Fley thought of the following people in order: A, Arian, Caesar, Smoke and finally, Ryujin. A was... well, A was God-knows-where messing with someone, Arian and Caesar were probably doing something together, and in her current state, she couldn't hang out with Smoke or Ryujin either. Hang on a second, that wasn't entirely true. If she forgot about everything for just one day, it wasn't going to kill her. Maybe she could do something with Ryujin. After all, they hadn't actually done anything as friends. Her face lit up at this thought and she quickly sent him a text: 'You up to do something?'

Smoke was probably busy, anyway.

@Dante Verren

Mentioned: @TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi
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Ryujin felt his phone go off and he reached into his pocket to pull it out. Seeing the that the text was from Fley he quickly read it. His heart started beating fast and he shook his head. "Relax she probably doesn't have an answer" yet he whispered. After a minute he responded with "Sure I'm up for doing what ever you want."

Fley grinned as her phone flashed, lighting up the dark room - the response came in a matter of seconds. Where should they meet? Well, assuming he was where she had left him, it would be best if she headed there. 'All right, see you at the back of the school in five?' 

@Dante Verren
"It would help if you chose somewhere a little more specific but I will see you in five." he Replied. Ryujin stood up and brushed off his cloths his energy suddenly returning. He looked 1st the strange masked fellow and have him an aplogetic smile. "Sorry I can't be of any more help but I have someone to meet. Good luck though." Che waved his goodbyes then turned around and started walking towards more of the center of the back of the school. He was walking faster then usual and a grin was planted firmly on his face.


Lydia blushed a bit when Miyuki complimented her, it was the first time someone actually thought she looked pretty. "Ah, uhm, well you still could've asked permission before drawing me. And I'm definitely not beautiful." mumbled Lydia, looking to the side in embarrassment. It was Honey who woke her up by grabbing onto her right horn, replaced with the rock, and pulling on it. She quickly remembered that Miyuki was probably just saying it to make her feel better.

"Anyway, I was a happy girl with no insect features once. I was exploring these forests and then ran into these beetles and I don't really know what happened from there. I woke up and bam, spider legs and wings. Along with Honey in my face. I don't really know if there are other people like me out there, but I do know that I can control bugs now." explained Lydia, fluttering her glittering wings a bit to show them off.

@Lucremoirre @Fazy


(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna couldn’t help but have a pure look of devastation on her face as helplessly watched Ryo and wander off, she tried to extend her hand out once more to get his attention but ceased mid-way causing her to clench her fist and look down at the ground with a cold-sensation lurking in her gaze. She couldn’t help but feel that everything that was about to happen was her fault, “Why? Why does she keep failing like this?” she was constantly thinking to herself as a sudden frown begins to reveal itself. Emotions of disappointment, happiness, and anger nearly all of it was swirling inside that head of hers while recalling what Ryo said. Setsuna was grateful for every passionate thing she said to her, each word of his made her heart-beat drastically increase and he gave her the feeling as if she was finally his to behold and comfort. “What do I do? Help the one that I truly love… Or protect someone who has been overly-friendly to me since day 1.” She silently asked herself as her eyes quaked in confusion and sorrow.

She could care less about who Ryo demolished, hell he could even slaughter a majority of the people on this Earth and she’d still be content. But Auriel in her mind was a beacon of innocence, she was just a pawn in this deranged game of A’s, Setsuna didn’t comprehend why A wanted her dead with great passion but she did know that A had a twisted ideology about life and was absolutely void of any sense of regret when it came to senseless murder. Setsuna gradually sniffled as tears quickly formed underneath her trembling eyes at that instance she realized that this really wasn’t what she wanted to happen all she could feel inside her was the thought of the insanity encompassing her entire body.
Who could help Auriel in her time of need? Who could Setsuna find that would provide help against the inevitable event? All these notions of hers became immediately interrupted,


(Lyssa/Goddess of Insanity - Temporary acquaintance until CS is accepted.)
When suddenly she felt what to be a fluffy small paw brushing against her smooth cheek wiping the oncoming tears from her face, this startled her causing Setsuna to turn her fixed stare over to what was behind her. All she could see was an enormous crater adjacent from her and a somehow infront of her a fully-clothed Lyssa holding a plump oversized ‘British Shorthair’ cat with what appears to be a pair of googly-eyes glued to its forehead as the cat slept quietly in her Lyssa’s arms. She was motioning the feline’s comfortable toe beans against her saddened jowl.  “Don’t be so gloom my cozy-chested friend. A wise-uh person once said! If life gives you hard-candy, eat them until you get diabetes!” Lyssa replies to her with an awkward grin across her dumbfounded face then quickly bringing back the odd cat into her chest and proceeding to thoroughly sniff its fur. “Ooo! Peppermint! My fav!” She says before wrapping the rather obese cat around Setsuna's throat like a winter-scarf. "He looks so good on you! You should definitely add this to your wardrobe!" Lyssa tells her while having her pupils dart off in different direction looking at multiple things at a continuous rate. Setsuna looked at her in complete awe as she never encountered anyone this stupid in her entire existence.
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Fley Sanders

Right after Fley received the response, she decided to change into something a little more appealing - or something decent-looking, at least. Where the sudden urge to look good came from, she did not know for sure, but she felt that she should put some, if not little, effort into her outfit. After contemplating two different outfits - a flowing dress that fell to her feet, and another black shirt with ripped jeans, Fley chose the latter. It seemed to fit her personality more, and she could even admit that she pulled it off pretty well. Changing into this outfit, she ran out the door, simultaneously morphing to wolf form and loving the attention she got from passersby who were in the dorm. Baring her teeth, she watched as her clothes seemed to melt into her fur as she made her way to the back of the school. Sniffing the air curiously to catch Ryujin's scent, she finally caught it in the breeze - yes, that was him. It was his unmistakable scent that she always remembered. Following it, she quickly morphed back to human and dusted off her clothes, ears perking up as she flattened stray hairs peeking out from behind her ears. She cleared her throat and looked around, spotting him. She approached him from behind and tapped him on the shoulder. "What's up?"

@Dante Verren

Miyuki Mori

Miyuki smiled at Lydia. She must not receive compliments often - she looked quite bashful, but happy at the same time. "You are too, beautiful. Come on, even Seth said it," she said, rising from her seat and approaching the girl once again. She tried to pat her on the shoulder, watching her hand fall right through, glitching in the air as this happened. She winced, remembering that she could not touch others. How could she forget? But there was still that tingly feeling rushing through her fingertips, passing through the whole of her hand right after she had touched Lydia. She smiled a little, the corners of her mouth turning up.

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Ryujin turned as he heard her voice and felt the two on his shoulder. "Nothing much just waiting for you..." His words trailed off as His eyes took her in. The outfit she wore earlier was a bit more revealing but the black she wore now seemed to fit her more naturally and highlighter her features more then the revealing outfit. It also didn't help that after his confession the way he saw her changed from him being able to admit that she was adorable to him trying Not to admit out loud that she was a stunner. He swallowed hard and silently prayed to every one of his godly family that she didnt hear him do so. "So what did you want to do?" he asked.

Fley smiled, but then frowned again, following Ryujin's gaze back to herself. "Oh, come on! I actually tried, you know," she muttered, grumpily. "Anyways, I just thought you might be interested in... doing something with me. 'Cause I'm bored. Is it wrong to hang out with you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, any suggestions?" 

@Dante Verren
"Ahaha, no I'm not. What's so good about me? Every-" said Lydia, shuffling her feet a bit. She suddenly stopped talking since there was a sudden tickling sensation in her shoulder that made her flinch to it, and allowed her to see the cause of the tickling feeling. Her eyes widened when she saw the hand passing through her body, and that the hand belonged to Miyuki. Squeeling, Lydia jumped away from Miyuki in fright. "What were you doing to me? Are you going to do something?" frantically asked Lydia, with Honey buzzing louder and raising his stinger even higher, in case he needed to attack someone.

@Fazy @Lucremoirre
Miyuki shook her head violently. "Oh, God, no, I'm not trying to hurt you, it's just I'm intangible," she explained. "Can't touch you." She passed a hand straight through Lydia, enjoying the sensation that followed shortly after it as her hand glitches out.  Demonstrating her unusual power was not a very nice thing for her to do, but it was a great feeling nevertheless. 

"No no I didnt mean for my silence to offend you. I mean you look great. Like really good I just thought it might have been weird if I said something.and of course it's okay if you hang out with me I just thought you would want to keep your distance from me for a little while but I m happy that you still wanted to hang out with me." he smiled down at her and silently thanked His godly family for actually listening to him for once. "Well I mean I haven't really hung out with someone in awhile so I don't really know what to do."

(got to go to work. Got called in to work an 8 hour shift today because they Where shorthanded. You can skip this interaction if you want or I will post when ever I have a chance to post.)


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