Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

What are you doing?

You're going to hurt him. You're going to hurt him, and then you're going to hurt yourself.

And then you'll have... what?

No one.

No one but yourself, and who needs you?

You don't need love.

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Fley withdrew her head slightly. She looked into his eyes again, looking for something, and she found it. She found what she was searching for. Ignoring what her brain was telling her, forgetting about the consequences, she leaned in for the second time, but this time, their lips connected. It was light at first, soft and sweet, but she was so sure that this was it; this was what she wanted. This was unlike anything she had ever done, ever felt... this experience was irreplaceable. No, he was irreplaceable. After a few seconds of this, Fley couldn't stop herself. She was craving more, more, more... her hands wandered as they lay on the ground, fingers tugging on the collar of his shirt, only to slide downwards and then slip inside of it, feeling his chest. Her hunger still remained unsatisfied as she continued to kiss him.

@Dante Verren
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Ryujin kissed her back. His heart was beating faster then it ever had and for once in his life his brain wasn't yelling at him. He squeezed his arms tighter around her and decided that letting her take the lead maybe wasn't that bad of an idea. The thought that they Where in a public park Had completely slipped his mind.



(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)

“Yeah, i’m just chilling with my buddies, sounds like there is a train behind me? Yeah I had a little bit of a situation, if you could come over here that would be nice! Artillery you say? Well prep the bitches and let’em rip when I give you the signal! Alright ciao!” Lyssa says to the mysterious person on her cell-phone in a carefree tone before she shuts the off the device in her hand and places it back onto her hip. “Hm now where was I?” She says quietly to herself as she retrieves an extensive play-script from out behind her as she adjusts her reading glasses and analyzes the script carefully before looking up and coughing a tad bit. “Ah, okay! Have no fear Lyssa is here! Auriel i’m here to protect your from this world’s unrelenting evil!” Lyssa shouts out in a dramatic voice as she takes a heroic pose and shifts her hand into that of a peace-sign and points it outward as she smiles brightly.

Lyssa quickly makes a pouting face as she shifts her gaze slowly across the room looking at everyone while attempting to be intimidating.
“Alright! Y’all better form a line because if anyone wants to get to the nurse with the nice boobies you’ll have to get through me! Who am I you may ask?” She responds and commences a haughty laughter as she descends her hands onto the sides of her hips while pointing back her thumb towards herself. “Let me tell you! I am Lyssa the goddess of Insanity! As i’m a very pleasant and generous woman i’ll give you all a second chance to reconsider your selfish actions, also if you’re wondering who just crashed through the wall at high-speeds that’s Elvis the panda! Lyssa announces to everyone in the room while the panda-creature sitting in the broken debris of wall waves at them.

(Rpnation is acting up again.)

"Well Dayuuuum." Seo replied with a heavy sigh and facing his brother giving him sulking look, as he places both hands up like he is balancing two ideas. Then his head falls, his arms follow, just dangling there as he shakes his arms side to side a bit then restoring his posture, Seo looks his brother in the eyes as he points to Lyssa. "Ryo I like the pretty lady... DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME!" Seo then runs next to Lyssa shooting icicles in the air that say, 'We're the Heroes!' the words glisten with the color of the northern lights for a few seconds before they sparkle away. "I'll join this train wreck!"  Seo exclaims as he laughs at his own corny joke. "Can I have a conductor hat?" Seo asked Lyssa, with his eyes shining with wonder.

@Obsidian @YungJazz

(Well yeah ladies.. that is all.)
As Ryujin kissed her back, everything seemed to click into place. Everything was perfect. This was perfect. He was perfect. She? Well, she wasn't sure about herself, but she knew - there could never be a better feeling than this. A few seconds later, she drew herself back, her face pink from excitement. She breathed in fresh air, and was about to go back for more, when she took in her surroundings. 

Fuck, I can't stop now. Cursing, she stood up and brushed herself off quickly, trying to recover from the rush of the whole occurrence. A small, disappointed sigh escaped her, swallowing down her emotions. It felt so good, so good, and she definitely had some unfinished work that she had to attend to later - in a much more suitable location.

@Dante Verren 
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Ryujin stood up after Fley got off from on top of him. He brushed himself off before stretchering his arms and winced. Lightning jumping was a big enough pain by itself but with another person he had to recalculate everything and any miscalculations usually turned into pain. "So I guess this place was where I had my first kiss." Ryujin smiled down at Fley. "I never pictured you as such the aggressive type."

Fley pouted a little, lower lip jutting out fiercely. "I-I'm sorry! It wasn't my fault." She traced a hand up his shirt to his lips. "But that doesn't mean I'm not done with you. You owe me." She gave him another warm hug and rubbed his shoulders, easing off some of the pain. "W-well then, where should we go? Do you want to just... stay here and talk?"

@Dante Verren


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)

“OoOoOo!” What an entrance!” Lyssa hollers at Seo in complete awe while watching his icicle light-show above her. She then crouches down and raises a piece of paper that has the number 10 written on it in big bold font. Without warning she puts on a fake Italian mustachio while bending herself over towards his direction while approaching him with a light shuffle of her feet. Lyssa unknowingly bumps her her supple cheek directly into Seo’s firm chest resulting in her face squishing against him. “Sorry sir but Elvis is the conductor of this crazy train, so you might want to get your smarty-pants on and ask better questions next time!” She replies to him while glaring up at him while playing with the sides of his cheeks, Lyssa was also determined to understand why his face was so smooshy yet she was interrupted by the panda-creature cheering her on and telling her about why he was the best train-conductor that this world has ever laid their eyes upon. Lyssa’s face then turned towards the Elvis impersonating panda and retrieved a wrapped small jewelry ring box and she held it up towards the creature wanting the panda to open it.

“For me. N-nobody has ever gotten me a gift before. ‘Elvis’ said while unwrapping it with ferocity and excitement. To his dismay an enormous end of a howitzer cannon pushes up against its soft fluffy face from out of the interior of the miniscule box before firing a 31 inch phosphorous shell into the panda’s forehead resulting in him catapulting through the infirmary’s ceiling and directly into the mesosphere above the planet. Lyssa giggled as she heard the distant screams of the once fluffy friend being shot into orbit at a tremendous pace as she gingerly snatched the falling conductor hat that was previously on his head. “See ya later alligator!” She yells into to the sky while waving her hand back and forth quickly then skipping over to Seo and placing the conductor hat directly on top of his head. “Elvis the panda kind of got fired… into space.” She tells Seo while shifting her head side to side in a cheerful demeanor as the Italian mustache that was once beneath her nose slides off.

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Ryujin's smile grew larger when she hugged him and a small sigh of gratitude left escaped his lips as the pain in his shoulders faded. He looked over his shoulder at her. "Well that is one debt I'm looking forward to paying as for staying here. Well..." He gestured to outside the park where a few people where watching and snickering. 




"Alright, everyone stfu.", A says hopping off Ryo. She walks toward Lyssa, and the others waving her arms to signal everyone to calm down. "This looks like a job for A-aaaphrodite!", A stomps on the ground with both feet and makes sections of the ground explode upwards cutting the train into several pieces. 
"Hey, Lyssa! Lyssa! Look what I have! Look, look! It's a 50 TON CUPCAKE.", she said in babytalk as she pulled something out of her pocket and rolled it between her palms. She tossed it in the corner of the room creating a giant sentient, indestrucable cupcake who hated Lyssa specfically and was covered in fluffy bunny shaped sprinkles. "Metric! His name is Louis and he REALLY doesn't like you! I heard he said your ass was too tight and you smelled like something smelly!"
The cupcake rose, smashing into the ceiling while screaming in Haitian slang. A crossed her arms and waited for Lyssa to go completely ballistic, wearing a satisfied grin. "Ryo do your thing, smash these insects...except for that one.", A says pointing at Auriel. "This one's MINE!", her voice deep and intimdating. 
(sorry about the late and shitty post, my emotions got the better of me and now I'm a mother to a hairy baby. If I missed something TOO BAD, next time don't post so much while I'm not here. Joke)

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Lucremoirre
Fley clenched her teeth, partly in anger, but mostly from the embarrassment of the whole situation. "Hell, how about we go somewhere else?" she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the crowded streets of town. Up a street, down another, and not until she was fully out of the view of the park did she stop. They were now in a deadly silent alleyway which had no sign of humans having been in it. Fley looked at him quizzically before smiling and pressing him against the wall, trapping his hands and preventing him from escape. "I would kiss you, but you have a lot of questions to answer for me. Like... how you finally got back in control. How about you answer them for me?" 

@Dante Verren
Ryujin let fley lead him through the streets smiling the whole time. He stayed silent as Fley began to talk but his smile vanished as she mentioned him being in control again. His hands clenched into fist as the feelings of despair and anxiety returned and the image of the oni being blown away by the wind replayed in his head. When he spoke his voice was barely a whisper "That's right he is gone isn't he." 

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Caesar just stared at everything as it occurred around him. He looked over to where Arian was and whispered to her, "Excuse my language for a sec, but who the fuck is that?" He pointed to Lyssa, "Who the fuck is that?" He gestured to Seo now, completely forgetting their brief encounter from before, "And who the fuck is this?" He asked, looking over at the guy who had first greeted him when he woke up, "And why is A and Ryo trying to kill everyone, and more importantly, why are they friends? Also," he glanced at the massive metallic vehicle embedded into the wall, "Why is there an actual freight train through the wall?" And finally, he looked Into her eyes with a worried expression, "I'm starting to get really concerned as to why my feet are smoking  as well. What the fuck is happening to my life right now?" His head was spinning, his headache getting worse. More and more idiots were showing up, chucking his girlfriend through a wall, were probably also the cause of him being so fucked up right now too and to top it all off, they had probably missed sea food night. It was 1 am in the motherfucking morning and these people had the audacity to park a train in the infirmary that HE was resting in. 

With a groan, he got up, picked Ari up despite his lack of strength and walked over to where A and Ryo were, "Fuck you." He turned to Ryo specifically, "And fuck you some more." And with that, he left. Simple as. No, "Wait Caesar, where are you going?" No, "Come back, your head is mine!" No, Caesar just left with his woman and made his way back to his dorm. Today has been crazy, the night has been crazy and right now, Caesar just could no longer manufacture shits to give anymore. 

@SolistheSun @Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @Obsidian (I've lost track of everything thats happened. I just had Caesar wake up and now all this crap is happening. Nope, nope and so much nope. Have fun with your murder, the blondies are outtie!)
"It's what a consumer should do, criticize it so that the producer can make it even better!" cheerfully said Lydia, glad that she helped someone. It was always pleasing to see someone in a good mood when she helps them, not that she goes out of her way to do good deeds. But it's nice to just accidentally help someone with something. Lydia smiled at Seth as the spider crawled off of the notebook and down onto the ground, where it skittered away to the nearby bushes that Lydia knew had lots of good hiding places in. "Why do you have that mask Seth?" Lydia cocked her head to the side as she waited for an answer.

@Lucremoirre (Wow we're oblivious to the half broken down school and chaos happening in the school right now xD. I'm just assuming that we're either deaf or far away from the commotion and deep in the garden.)
(Anyone post that I missed? )

(Also I want Michael*archangel in disguise* to start interacting with someone.)


(Lyssa - Greek Goddess of Insanity)

“Oh my golly good gracious a 50 ton cupcake, all for me. You know Devil-lady for a really mean person who wants to kill a countless amount of people and most likely wind up causing great destruction to this entire realm you sure are nice! Also you look kinda familiar It’s like i’ve met you in some previous life or something but we’ll talk about that later honey-muffins!” She shouts towards Astaroth enjoyed by the distraction that she caused for her, Lyssa without hesitation curled up into a compact ball and rolled herself over to the enormous cupcake bouncing up and down and speaking a language that she didn’t understand. However this didn’t confuse Lyssa but it did incite a great fire within her stomach, a fire raging with hungry desire. “Louis the cupcake, i’ll have you know that my ass is very plump! Also you’re probably right about the smelly-part but i’ve been using this perfume that makes me smell like a strawberry beauty queen, and i’ll be damned if i’ll have anyone talk to me like that!” Lyssa replies while stripping down to absolutely nothing and then smacking her rear-end making a loud slap sound echo throughout the room after mentioning the plump comment even though there were a multitude of people in the same room.

Suddenly she begins pulling out a bunch of clothing from her backpack which scatters across the room causing it to be even more messy except with strewn about clothing. Lyssa’s eyebrows raise quite significantly after uncovering what she’s been looking for, she then decided to hastily put on the selected clothing-attire. She was then seen wearing what appeared to be a black polo covered in flame decals, hefty black slacks that were slightly too big for her small waist, and finally a pair of red sunglasses with a bunch of wrist accessories. Lyssa then confidently approaches the monumental cupcake with a magnificent smirk written on her loony face.
“Alright you big pile of yummy goodness, we can do this the easy way or the hard way! Because either way i’m gonna take your ass down..-” Lyssa stops in mid sentence as she’s covered by an eerie mist which continuously floods the encompassing area with a sweeping darkness however this soon dissipates into the atmosphere as she’s revealed to have a different appearance which caused great confusion.

“To flavor-town!” She continues her sentence once more finishing it and showing her temporary disguise which was vital for this encounter while pointing at the massive cupcake across from her. What was she perfectly disguised as you may ask? She was disguised to none other than, you guessed-it. Guy Fieri. At this point all forms of logic have left the room that they were in. The only thing that was in the ambiance was madness, pure unadulterated madness.


@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud @SolistheSun (What monster have I created?) (Also to be continued because i'm gonna take a nap, it's been one hell of a long day today. Edited) 
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"Alright, everyone stfu.", A says hopping off Ryo. She walks toward Lyssa, and the others waving her arms to signal everyone to calm down. "This looks like a job for A-aaaphrodite!", A stomps on the ground with both feet and makes sections of the ground explode upwards cutting the train into several pieces. 
"Hey, Lyssa! Lyssa! Look what I have! Look, look! It's a 50 TON CUPCAKE.", she said in babytalk as she pulled something out of her pocket and rolled it between her palms. She tossed it in the corner of the room creating a giant sentient, indestrucable cupcake who hated Lyssa specfically and was covered in fluffy bunny shaped sprinkles. "Metric! His name is Louis and he REALLY doesn't like you! I heard he said your ass was too tight and you smelled like something smelly!"
The cupcake rose, smashing into the ceiling while screaming in Haitian slang. A crossed her arms and waited for Lyssa to go completely ballistic, wearing a satisfied grin. "Ryo do your thing, smash these insects...except for that one.", A says pointing at Auriel. "This one's MINE!", her voice deep and intimdating. 
(sorry about the late and shitty post, my emotions got the better of me and now I'm a mother to a hairy baby. If I missed something TOO BAD, next time don't post so much while I'm not here. Joke)

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Lucremoirre

Enchanted at the God's intense style bringing a entirely new meaning to the word insane to his eyes, Seo happily smiles patting her on the head. "Onwards to a place!" He yells with extreme excitement as he boards the train hoping he can figure out how to operate this contraption. He then begins checking for everyone's safety when the train shatters into pieces "Ryo! Tell your hoe to stop fucking with things!" Seo says as he points in a circling motion before landing his finger in Ryo's direction. Suggesting this only to get a reaction from Setsuna, his only goal being: Making Ryo's life harder than it needs to be. "Well our plan in now off the tracks, Lyssa wh-" Seo is then interrupted by A as she taunts Lyssa, his form suddenly paling as he heard the order directed at his brother. Seo then realized, ah shit, he had just switched sides to fight his brother. Glasses randomly appearing on Seo's face, a sheepish smile crept on his lips as he spoke to his brother,"I was totally joking about the whole hoe thing! You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses? Would you bro?" Seo then backs away from Ryo nervously, knowing he was about to get decked in the face, as A declares her target.

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi 
(Okay, just checking before I post something completely wrong. But who's still in the infirmary?)

(Well let's see, we got Lyssa disguised as Guy Fieri, A, Seo, Ryo, Caesar, and Auriel. I don't know if that's all.) 

@SolistheSun (AWWW Lyssa wanted to say hi to Auriel while she was dishing up some Guy Fieri type recipes on the giant cup-cake that A brought out.) 
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(No one that's blonde. Because APPARENTLY some people have a problem with fighting me. *looks away all tsundere-like*)

(to confirm, Caesar and Arian left all "fuck everyone"-like.)

(also, I just realised @TheGreyCthulhu Writes in the second person, which I find pretty damn cool and unique. Good job man. :D )
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(Well then, @Destructus Kloud that's too bad, cause it's now official, it's finally happening, THE STUDENT DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE VERSUS LUXOR ACADEMIES UNOFFICIAL DELINQUENT BOSS!...if that's cool, otherwise imma just edit this post. Also Ryo decks Seo in the face or something. also Elchs.....uuh, gimme a bit for that one, Ryo doesn't exactly have beef with him.)

Trae 1.jpg

Ryo's grin stretched as far as it possible could when A pretty much told him to go ape shit, "You got it boss lady!." So Ryo promptly made a face punching order in his mind. First, Seo: for not healing him and also making his life harder every chance he got. Ryo zoomed over to Seo's position, smashing an earth shatter right hook against his face adorned with glasses, sending his little brother flying, his words echoing, "GO VISIT YOUR MOM ON THE MOON! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Ryo decided to stay away from Lyssa, considering the fact that she was crazy, and Ryo don't mess with crazy

With his fists still clenched, Ryo sent out a pulse of energy to sense any stragglers. was that blonde guy from earlier that had sent him flying across that drunkards dimension. Oh yeah, he was definitely second on his face punching list....AND THAT JERK WAS RUNNING AWAY WITH A CUTE ASS BLONDE LADY! OH HELL NO!

Ryo literally disappeared in a burst of speed, reappearing in front of Caesar, causing a sonic boom that wrecked EVEN MORE of the already damaged school. Rearing his fist back and heading Caesar with a light, in Ryo's definition, jab, sending Caesar skidding back to inside the infirmary. Ryo was extra careful not to his the blonde lady with him, he didn't think she would live through one of his punches.

Cracking his knuckles, the sound echoing around the completely shattered room, Ryo's sneer truly fit the image of delinquent, "Oi! Oi! Oi! If I remember correctly, you and me got some unfinished business boy scout. And I ain't the type to forget." Pointing his finger at Caesar, striking a challenging pose, Ryo's aura began leaking out, flaring wildly around him like flames, eroding certain spots in the room, "Let's settle this man to man!"

And that's when Ryo noticed that a part of the glove on his hand had been disintegrated. Ryo looked at his hand in awe, before pointing at Caesar again, a tick mark on his forehead.

"Oi! WHAT THE HELL! WHY THE HELL DID MY GLOVE GET ALL DISINTEGRATED WHEN I PUNCHED YOUR FACE BLONDIE!" Huh, Ryo didn't know about Caesar's powers, this should be an interesting fight.

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Marumatsu
(OMG sorry I fell asleep!!)

Fley stared at him and his disappearing smile. "No, stop. Tell me what happened, please." She grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 

@Dante Verren



As more chaos swirled around Arian in varying forms, Auriel, if that was indeed her name, had pulled her aside aboard Lassa's train and a buff cupcake-man started smashing everything like a Jamaican Hulk. So no wonder is was hard to keep track of what was going on. She was, however, all to aware that Caesar had swept her off her feet and carried her out of the ruins. She softly started explaining, her mind weary of the days events. It could've easily written a trilogy.




Here comes RYO.


With a sonic blast, it knocks both Caesar and Arian through the door of the infirmary, Caesar was still miraculously standing at that. Arian slips from his grasp and faces the much taller male with the fiery aura, but then backs away, sensing a change in Caesar. She looks to him with a slightly worried expression as she truly notices the shadow aura around him. Much to similar to Ryo's. 



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