Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Alright then let's go" he turned toward the main streets and started walking forceing her to follow him. "So where do you want to eat?" Ryujin asked as he looked over at her and continued walking. "I'm fine with anything honesty."

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Fley grasped his hand and continued walking behind him. "Well, u-umm, you should pick the place we eat, you know, 'cause..." She tried and failed to find an excuse, her voice cracked mid-sentence. "Okay, that was a bad cover-up," she said, laughing. "Fuck no, we've gotta do something fun before the end of the night." Her "fun" side was kicking back in again. 

@Dante Verren
"You did say I was yours. So how about you take the lead for this one. Or are you going back on your words?" he gave her a goofy smirk trying to provoke a reaction out of her. Alright let's see what she decides to do.

"So, you don't think the same thing of me?" Fley could feel herself heating up. It's a joke. She slapped him in the face, leaving a red handprint there, her hand tingling from the force she had used. Too far. Idiot. Immediately regretting her decision, she reached up and kissed his cheek. "Don't fucking be mean to me."

@Dante Verren
"Alright I deserved that. Sorry." Ryujin rimubbed his sore cheek."I don't mmhavd to think of you as mine because I Know that your mine.thinking implies that I might lose you however God's are quite possesive. I may not be a full fledged one yet but I do take after my Grandfather more then I would like to admit. as for finding entertainment I guess we could walk around and see what is still open unless you have another Idea."

Fley could feel the edge of her mouth turning up slightly. She felt... loved? No, more than that, something different. She felt wanted - in a good way. "To be quite honest, I want to find that idiot guy who messed with you. But you don't have your oni and if your oni couldn't face him, what chance do I stand? Just wait..." she mumbled. "Did you hear a train sound back at the school? There aren't any trains here, so maybe some idiot summoned one. Maybe I should go fight someone. Murder someone. Spill guts," she said, in a casual tone. She smiled deviously at the thought of a new plan. "Orrrrr, we could sneak into a club."

@Dante Verren
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Ryujin scratched his chin in thought. "Of I had to chose one of those I would go for the one that doesn't involve killing. Though I'm not sure if sneaking into a club is a much better idea. Plus how would we even get in? Though I sense you have a plan."

"Whaaaaat, you think your girlfriend is that stupid? Jeez, and I thought you like me 'cause I'm smart. Welllll, you're right when you say I have a plan. I've got a plan, all right." Fley flipped her phone out of her pocket before Ryujin could respond, searching up the nearest nightclub and the details. Looking at Ryujin, she put on a solemn face. "Hey, buddy. We're now on Sammy's guest list. Oh, and besides, you've got a girls-get-in-free policy, right? We've been here dozens of times, no identification needed!" At the end of her convincing line, she shot him a grin. "Surefire method."

@Dante Verren
His heart fley like it was about to explode when she said girlfriend. That's right they must be waiting now. "You are very intelligent. Maybe a little to smart to be honest. Though I doubt your line will actually work. Also what does one do in a club? You know what I'm sure I will find out if we manage to get in. Lead the way and I shall follow."

"Oh, it's fine! Luci said it work. And if it doesn't, well, I'll kill him," she said, cheerfully. "And besides, according to a bunch of reviews, this club has really poor security levels. One bouncer to get by. Short one. Named Mitasaka. Woooow. Easy. Not to mention that it's close by! Looks like your dad approves of our relationship. He's gonna give me looooots to get drunk on tonight. Wooo!" She grabbed Ryujin's hand and pulled him in the direction of where they had come from before. Almost all the crowds had cleared up, some of the 24 hour stores were still open with few people roaming about. In a desolate and less populated area was where this club Fley was talking about was. It seemed shady, but, like the review said, there was a short boy standing there who looked just barely old enough to be working as the bouncer. He asked for identification, but Fley tried her line. The boy, flustered, dropped his clipboard while asking for their names. With ease, Fley handles the situation by tapping the boy on the shoulder and telling him that Sammy chose the right man for the job. She grabbed the stamp from him and stamped her own and Ryujin's wrists. "See ya 'round." She pulled Ryujin into the club without another word, instantly fitting in with the crowds. "Told you."

@Dante Verren
"There is no way that should have worked. None at all and get here we are." Ryujin sighed "Alright whats the plan now my magicly skilled girlfreind?"

Fley smiled, noticing that the majority of the people here were male. Oh, you know. Dancing, underage drinking. It's my first time inside a club, so..." She shuffled her feet to the fast pace of the music, but suddenly, her mind registered soothing, more calm music. Slow song. Fley was about to ask Ryujin to dance when a boy stood behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Dance?"

"Um, sure." She shot a downcast look in Ryujin's direction. 

@Dante Verren
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A firm hand quickly clamped down on Fley's shoulder as she agreed to dance with the unknown man. "Sorry but she is already taken." Ryujin was smirking but the look in his eyes told the man that it would be wise to back off.

Fley pretended to frown as her hands moved automatically to wrap around his neck in a loose hold. It felt natural and normal. Sure, she may not be the best dancer, but she's certainly okay for someone who hasn't had much social practice. "Why did you do that?" she asked, cocking her head to the side curiously. Despite the loud noise level, her sharp ears could pick up the slightest sound. "I mean, I can't say I'm not thankful, though. God knows who or how old that creep is."

@Dante Verren (I, unfortunately, must sleep.)
"I told you gods are possssive. Plus he didn't look trustworthy at all.Also now might be a good time to bring up the fact that I don't know how to dance."

@Fazy (same)
Maria walked to the school gates. She puts her bags down before she she takes her final steps. ''Mother didn`t want me anymore and now I am here.'' She says to herself. She puts her bag back over her shoulder. I step on the schoolground with a sigh, I don`t even know where I need to be. I simply enter the builing with the hopes I will find a teacher to guide me.


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)(At: Infirmary)(Doing what?: Causing trouble.)(Why?: Why not?)
Lyssa’s Guy Fieri disguise quickly diminishes once revealing it for a few seconds only trying to push-in a cheap reference into this situation as much as she could to further draw out this senseless lunacy happening around her. “Alright, let’s see how you fair against this Mr.Cupcake!” She utters to the enormous bouncing delicious treat adjacent from her current position. Enormous swirling cosmic vortexes made out of plasma appear across from her the extremely high-density of these portals briskly caused the atmosphere to become astonishingly heavy which sent humongous tremors throughout the air and the room. Lyssa without hesitation elevated her slender arms up in the direction of these vortexes causing her to gently settle her small hands on the inside of the two cosmic anomalies which were perfectly located on both sides of Lyssa’s small frame. “Muahaha! Let’s cause a paradox in the space-time continuum! May the almighty one rest his mercy upon that delicious soul!” She exclaims eccentrically while gradually hovering the cosmic tears in space towards each horizontal end of the cupcake creature’s body. Maniacal laughter is heard growing louder from the Goddess as she witnesses the indestructible being’s begins to contort violently as the unwavering force of the vortexes attempt to tear apart the creature from both adjacent parts. “Haha we’re all going to die from a cupcake contradiction!” Lyssa hysterically announces as she observes the situation unfolding out in front of her. Gargantuan quantities of abrasion is witnessed as the vortexes gradually drift towards each other in an attempt to not only consume the cupcake but each other as well. Incomprehensible portions of vast energy bursts out rapidly from the affected area resulting in absurd structural damage.

Without any warning a temporary instance of Professor Xian Qui appears relatively close to her before snapping his fingers causing the near-ensuing paradox to seemingly end after both the cosmic portals and cupcake disappear into thin air.
“Are you trying to destroy this realm?! Have you completely lost your mind!?” Xian Qui angrily yells at Lyssa while she proceeds to cackle perilously then wheeling herself around the floor on her backside due to the humor she finds from all of this. Lyssa suddenly stands herself back up and musters up an innocent look as she places the side of her clenched fist against her now quiet lips and takes a quick glimpse at him before looking back at the ground. “Umm.. Maybe….? Oh and to answer your question, yes I have!” Lyssa replies excitedly to him before opening up another vortex and quickly pushing him into it before spontaneously sealing it and making it depart from this reality. Even though she didn’t expect herself to do something so terrible to him, she was fortunate enough to understand that this didn’t wind up isolating him forever. Besides who else would she have to torment for the rest of her existence? “Have to go so, soon? Alright well see-ya later Hun-, I mean Xian Qunachichi!” She shouts as she waves her hand frantically in the air before doing a back handspring towards Astaroth and landing softly on her feet. “Taa-daa! Alright you freakishly beautiful abomination. How did you manage to do that? Are you like my long-lost sister or something?! Even though I don’t want you to hurt Auriel! I don’t want to fight someone who happens to be a relative of me somehow!” Lyssa called out to A while pointing at her in an accusation-like manner.


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Fley stared at him blankly. Oh, well. Guess she would have to teach him. Smiling, she guided his hands to her waist and pulled herself slightly closer to him, taking a step backward and then forward, doing this in a continuous circle-like motion. "It's easy, see? And when you dance, you always make eye contact..." But she didn't need to tell him that. She was already looking at him. "You're supposed to talk, too, but..." She whisked him across the floor. "I have no clue what to say."

@Dante Verren
Ryujin followed her lead as she led him around the dance floor. His never left Fley once as they danced. "Well why don't you tell me a little bit more about yourself. After allyou know a good amount about me so now its your turn."

Spine snapped. Neck broken. Lungs pierced. It seemed Caesar had died again. He smiled, now this was familiar, chuckling as he remembered Arian's strange ability. He pushed himself out of the hole he had been slammed into and he slammed his spine back into place, "Well, you know what they say. Err, some of them have... Thorns? Okay, i should work on my catch phrases." He shook his head and sped towards Ryo, planting an upper cut that sent him through several floors and into the sky. As he tumbled, Caesar appeared again, slamming him back down into the infirmary. The windows blew out and the broken door flew away, slotting back into the door frame by extreme luck. As Ryo landed, causing a small crater, the apparent blonde plant boy landed on him, "Now that's a slam dunk! 12 points!" Caesar grinned down at the dragon guy as he was now folded into the hole he had originally put Caesar in, "Hmm, what was it again? Oh yes!" He cleared his throat and have a sarcastic smile, "Looks like I've planted me a dragon douche daylily!" He laughed, the irony was great. He hadn't noticed the chaos surrounding them, such as the multiple A's or the glitched cupcake; his battle with Ryo took way too Michigan concentration for that. 

(I'm fairly sure that ever since A and Ryo got here, everything's just turned to shit. xD  Did the mods check to see if you guys were op? You two destroy worlds, Lydia is just a spider ffs! xD  thats her power! @YungJazz)
"There isn't much to know. I have an older brother - Lucian, who will probably be coming here in a couple of-" Fley's face turned white. Lucian? Coming here in a couple of days? How long has it been since you've seen him? "That's really about it. The only thing worth mentioning, at least, apart from the parts about middle school, which is when I made a big mess of my school life. Ugh, it was always 'where did you get those wolf ears'..." Fley shook her head. She did not want to remember that. At the mention of Lucian, Fley suddenly did not want to be here. Reminiscing about good times gone bad always made her sad, and disappointed. To this day, she still had not fully understood - what happened to him? The slow song ended a few minutes later. Ideas of staying longer and getting drunk - the lot of it vanished. Yet she still wanted to stay with Ryujin - she didn't want to disappoint him. Conflicted, she looks up at him and places her head on his chest. "I'm lost."

@Dante Verren
"Your'e lost huh? Well its a good thing your not alone." Ryujin grabbed her hand and hurried out of the club jogging down the street running in a random direction that led out of town towards the Forrest that surrounded both the academy and the town. "Have you ever seen what actually goes on inside he heart of a thunder storm?" He asked over his shoulder.
Fley raised an eyebrow, curiously. "No, I don't think anyone has. Where are you taking me?" she asked, looking at him skeptically. "I haven't got a clue about what you're referring to, though. Don't do something rash..." She tried to suppress a laugh - as if she was one to talk. 

@Dante Verren
"Well then your in for a special treat. It looks like he is about to do one of his rare performances." Dark clouds formed over the Forrest. Ryujin led her straight through the Forrest heading for the heart of the oncoming storm. the trees faded up ahead and led to a large clearing but Ryujin stopped and crouched behind a tree pulling Fley down with him. In the clearing Stood a large red being that resembled Ryujin's Oni form quite a bit. However this one was easily 4 feet taller and his hair was peer white instead of Black. The Oni stood with his arms crossed and what looked to be an older version of hikaru sat on his shoulder. 

Fley covered her mouth to withhold a scream. "Okay, what the hell? Let's get the hell out of here, this isn't safe. At ALL." Her knuckles turned white as she held onto Ryujin tighter. "Okay, let's like- lightning out of here, now! ZAP, dude, let's GO," she hissed, anxiously. Staring at the oni in fear, she edged backward hastily. This feeling was familiar - this deadly feeling of pure fear. 

@Dante Verren (Gonna take a shower, be back in 20.)

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