Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. "Don't be scared. I'm right here with you. plus he won't hurt anyone he is only here to play." As Ryujin finished his sentence the thunder beast jumped from the Oni's shoulder to the ground and lazily laid down with a yawn. It started to rain but strangely the rain only fell over the clearing leaving Ryujin ,Fley, and the forest dry. The Oni began to laugh. his deep laugh echoing through the Forrest. "Rajiu track fifteen please." The thunder beast nodded and a small box appeared at his feet it looked like a stereo. The Oni snapped his fingers once and the rain froze mid air and two massive drums appeared infront of him along with a pair of drumsticks. Ryujin's eyes where filled with excitement as he watched them prepare.

Being locked in Ryujin's embrace made her feel slightly more at ease, not to mention comfortable. She watched the thunder beast and oni in a trance-like state. What are they doing? "What are they doing?" she whispered, voicing her thoughts aloud. 

(Sorry for the late reply! @Dante Verren)
Music began to play from the box as the Oni tapped his sticks together. As soon as the best began he slammed his sticks on the drums mimicking the drums perfectly. A bolt of lightning impacted into the Oni as he played. The lightning jumped away from him in bolts of electricity danceing between the droplets of water as if the Oni was putting on a light show. Ryujin smiled as he watched the spectacle.

It was beautiful. Fley could not describe what she was seeing, nor would she be able to describe this in the future if she was asked to. Whether it was the oni, the thunder beast, or simply the whole scene, the way this played out, something about it was so hypnotizing, resulting in what was a near impossible-to-explain moment. Her eyes took the whole thing in, drinking in the sounds of the drumsticks beating against the drums. She couldn't speak. She felt that if she said something, it would break this world that seemed to be made of glass, shattering this place that was made for her. Breathtaking and amazing, Fley wondered if she could stay forever in this universe, where everything seemed so immaculate.

@Dante Verren (Excuse the late reply again, but from now I will be able to respond quickly.) 
Spine snapped. Neck broken. Lungs pierced. It seemed Caesar had died again. He smiled, now this was familiar, chuckling as he remembered Arian's strange ability. He pushed himself out of the hole he had been slammed into and he slammed his spine back into place, "Well, you know what they say. Err, some of them have... Thorns? Okay, i should work on my catch phrases." He shook his head and sped towards Ryo, planting an upper cut that sent him through several floors and into the sky. As he tumbled, Caesar appeared again, slamming him back down into the infirmary. The windows blew out and the broken door flew away, slotting back into the door frame by extreme luck. As Ryo landed, causing a small crater, the apparent blonde plant boy landed on him, "Now that's a slam dunk! 12 points!" Caesar grinned down at the dragon guy as he was now folded into the hole he had originally put Caesar in, "Hmm, what was it again? Oh yes!" He cleared his throat and have a sarcastic smile, "Looks like I've planted me a dragon douche daylily!" He laughed, the irony was great. He hadn't noticed the chaos surrounding them, such as the multiple A's or the glitched cupcake; his battle with Ryo took way too Michigan concentration for that. 

(I'm fairly sure that ever since A and Ryo got here, everything's just turned to shit. xD  Did the mods check to see if you guys were op? You two destroy worlds, Lydia is just a spider ffs! xD  thats her power! @YungJazz)

Trae 1.jpg

The sudden sound of energy being gathered was heard as the hole Caesar planted Ryo in suddenly exploded with azure energy, blowing back Caesar while simultaneously hitting him with kinetic force. The smoke cleared to show Ryo standing there, his hands on his hips and a wild smile on his face, that attack actually hurt quite a bit. He rotated his shoulders a bit to get rid of the stiffness he had gained from being slammed into the hole. Ryo couldn't help but chuckle, this guy was strong, time for him to get serious. He nodded his head in respect before assuming a stance of one of the martial arts he had mastered, "Try not to die from this Caesar, I like ya, I think we could be bros after this fight."

Ryo bent his body forward his body forward at an angle, his right leg positioned behind him and his left leg planted firmly on the ground in front of him. His hands were held loosely at his sides, opened for balance. The air in the room seemed to gravitate towards Ryo as an unknown pressure began exuding from his body. The air surged with power as Ryo shot his right leg forward, gusts of winds following along with his leg. A shock wave echoed out as the room they were in was completely destroyed from the simple movement of the attack. Completing his kick, Ryo pronounced the name of his move.

"Renewal Taekwondo: Dragon Sign: Hwechook" And with that said, all hell broke loose. It was like an F-5 tornado had been shot at Caesar from Ryo's kick, the gale forces completely ripping apart whatever was in front of it. The pure physical force in the attack enough to obliterate a small country. Ryo really hoped this guy survived one of his techniques, it was fun fighting him. Plus, Caesar was strong enough for Ryo to actually use his skills, and he was only human! This was gonna be fun.

@Destructus Kloud

(To be quite fair, I did say that Ryo was gonna be main instigator. Gotta have the power to back that up. Also, Ryo is just a victim of circumstance, he accidentally gets in these situations and just says, SCREW IT, and goes along with them. You'd think he'd try to stop them, but where's the fun in that? Plus Ryo would never destroy Lydia!....She showed him where the dorms were, and that's a life debt right there buddy.)
Roy paced around the outdoor campsite, listening to the "Burr!!" of the phone trying to get a connection with Caesar's phone. After a few seconds, the phone goes to voicemail, so Roy says, "Hi, this is Roy. I was unable to see you after the conflict with the two monstrous people. I'm checking on you to make sure you're okay, and I'll be around the school looking for you. If you hear this voicemail, please, reply ASAP. I'm getting the chills of something bad happening." Roy had learned to not ignore those chills, some conflict likely was nearby. 

Wasting no time, Roy heads around the campus, searching inside the school first, and upon seeing the fighting in the school, he ducks into a nearby classroom, planning his next move. He quickly texted Cyprian, "Dangerzone, plz set up Chama." Roy then draws his sword, unholy magic swirling around him, ready to break into the fight at moment's notice.

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian (Thanks) @Destructus Kloud @YungJazz

((Oh, by the way, @Kamen-Drago, the entire front of the school is still blown to pieces because of a fight... and I think the place is in chaos...))
Roy paced around the outdoor campsite, listening to the "Burr!!" of the phone trying to get a connection with Caesar's phone. After a few seconds, the phone goes to voicemail, so Roy says, "Hi, this is Roy. I was unable to see you after the conflict with the two monstrous people. I'm checking on you to make sure you're okay, and I'll be around the school looking for you. If you hear this voicemail, please, reply ASAP. I'm getting the chills of something bad happening." Roy had learned to not ignore those chills, some conflict likely was nearby. 

Wasting no time, Roy heads around the campus, searching inside the school first, and upon seeing the fighting in the school, he ducks into a nearby classroom, planning his next move. He quickly texted Cyprian, "Dangerzone, plz set up Chama." Roy then draws his sword, unholy magic swirling around him, ready to break into the fight at moment's notice.

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian (Thanks) @Destructus Kloud @YungJazz

((Oh, by the way, @Kamen-Drago, the entire front of the school is still blown to pieces because of a fight... and I think the place is in chaos...))

I don't think the school is blown to pieces yet. Just around the infirmary I believe.
I don't think the school is blown to pieces yet. Just around the infirmary I believe.

((I'm really having problems figuring out where the infirmity is... normally I's suspect it's around the entrance... I don't know why.))
I don't think the school is blown to pieces yet. Just around the infirmary I believe.

Well from the previous posts the front of the school should be dismantled, a few hallways, and a giant hole in the school above the infirmary area when Ryo went flying through.
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((Thank you both.))

As Maria was searching around she heard a reckus not far away. She slowly walks over to some people fighting over something. ''First day here and already chaos.'' she said to myself. She backed off when more people came. ''I think I am am the only sane one here but not for long.'' I see multiple people with multiple weapons and powers. The place is nearing it`s collapse. No wonder it was free.'' I stay a little bit away so I can still see the chaos but not get harmed by it.
Ryujin glanced down at fley and saw the amazment in her face before turning his attention back to the Oni. The Oni continued his playing as the lightning continued to leap between the lightning between the water droplets. As the song came to a close the Oni raised his sticks and slammed them down on the drums causing the lightining to blast outwards bursting all of the droplets at once. The droplets fell down in a claminh most as the thunderstorm vanished and the Oni stood in silence.

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The leg went straight through Caesar's chest at speeds faster than he could draw breath. It kicked a whole straight through, obliterating everything in the path of the foot and coming out the other side. Ryo's leg kept going until he was knee deep in Caesar's torso, then a calmness came over the room as he didn't move at all despite the grievous wound.

And then he smiled. Sinking the fingers on his left hand deep into Ryo's leg in a gruesome grip to hold it there, a swirling black mass formed in his other hand, wisps of dark energy coming off it, "Sorry Ryo, looks like your move did kill me." He grinned as he slammed the ball into the dragon man's torso with a flash of blinding black light. When the smoke cleared, the two were nowhere to be found, but in their place was a large and very deep hole. Down in the whole, Caesar got up, shaking his head and groaning. The hole wasn't closing up in his chest and he still had bits of metal sticking out of him from the train. He would worry about that later; if there was a later. For now he turned his attention back to the situation at hand. They appeared to be in a cavern deep beneath the school. A lava stream ran across the cave between him and Ryo. He looked up and saw that the hole went far enough for there to be darkness before the light of the room above was visible. He looked back at Ryo, "Let's end this. Right here, right now." He confident smile grew on his lips as he got ready, the black energy flowing off his figure, giving off a powerful force similar to Ryo from before. His hands stretched out tot he side and he laughed, behind him was the faint ghostly figure of a twisted monster, with grotesque features and the smell of death. Behind Caesar, it leered and grinned at Ryo creepily, beckoning it forwards. Then, lots of black portals opened behind the two dark beings as they crackled with shadowy electricity. It seemed Caesar planned to really unleash something powerful this time.

@YungJazz (You say he's the main instigator, but there wont be much to instigate if everyone's dead and there's no world in existence. :3)
Roy paced around the outdoor campsite, listening to the "Burr!!" of the phone trying to get a connection with Caesar's phone. After a few seconds, the phone goes to voicemail, so Roy says, "Hi, this is Roy. I was unable to see you after the conflict with the two monstrous people. I'm checking on you to make sure you're okay, and I'll be around the school looking for you. If you hear this voicemail, please, reply ASAP. I'm getting the chills of something bad happening." Roy had learned to not ignore those chills, some conflict likely was nearby. 

Wasting no time, Roy heads around the campus, searching inside the school first, and upon seeing the fighting in the school, he ducks into a nearby classroom, planning his next move. He quickly texted Cyprian, "Dangerzone, plz set up Chama." Roy then draws his sword, unholy magic swirling around him, ready to break into the fight at moment's notice.

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian (Thanks) @Destructus Kloud @YungJazz

((Oh, by the way, @Kamen-Drago, the entire front of the school is still blown to pieces because of a fight... and I think the place is in chaos...))

"Ops oh well i probably should think of something better than that." Seo says as his brother brushes off the numbed leg and continues the fight enveloping Himself in an all to familiar aura. Seo liked the fighting spirit emitting from his brother "just like old times" he thought his blood beginning to race as his brother strikes with one of his awesome moves. "HELL YEAH FUCK HIS PUNK ASS UP." then remembering who Caesar was and that he previously waved to him Seo calms himself then shouts to Caesar." DO SOMETHIING UHH... YOU GOT THIS...JUST KICK HIM IN THE KNEE!." Seo prpared to sit and watch the fight continue until he felt a energy not from anyone here. "A sneak attack?" he thought as he then gets up closes his eyes to find the energy as soon as he locks on he speeds his way to the area and finds a boy holding a sword observing Ryo and Caesar. "i'm not against Caesar but i'm not helping Ryo i would like you to refrain from interrupting this battle please" as he stands a few feet away from the fencer he then looks in Lyssa's direction lets out a heavy sigh and looks back at Roy. "Look man i told the pretty crazy lady over there i would help her i even did a cool little thing" he then shoots out icicles saying We're the heroes kind of less luxuriously than before." Yeah so please calm down and watch i even have Potatoes. Seo then opens a black hole and pulls out potatoes to share along with shredded cheeze sour cream and other various things to place upon this delicous treat.

@YungJazz @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian
Fley touched Ryujin's arm with a dazed expression on her face. What had just happened? Feeling utterly confused but delighted at the same time, she smiled at him. "That was amazing. I'm not sure what it was, but that was fascinating." Whatever it was that had happened, it was certainly something memorable and noteworthy. Remember this day. 

Then, her face changed into a concerned expression. She felt funny - something was wrong. No, not here. Not now, not in this particular area. She tugged on Ryujin's shirt. "I don't feel well. Take me to the infirmary." Something was definitely up, but she couldn't say what exactly was the matter.

@Dante Verren
Maria backed off from the chaos,not wanting to be a part from it. I back off till I bumb into someone with my back. I turn around as soon as possible and see it is a silver haired woman. ''I am sorry. Please do not attack me.'' I say to her quickly. I try to protect myself by putting my bag infront of my face. She will probably attack me with this chaos that is happening now. 

(( @Obsidian ))
(Hey, @Lucremoirre and @Fazy. Where the flip are our characters if they haven't noticed the whole mess of the school? I mean, if the whole school was basically gone, how would our characters not notice it? They should've noticed the school being gone ages ago, should we pretend that the meet up never happened or what?)



"Do what?"
"Who is she talking to?"
"Uh, "abomination"? She's obviously talking to you."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? We look exactly the same!"
"Nuh uh, I'm a dark shade of red, while you're more of a crimson."
"That's the same thing!"
"No, it's not! Ugh, it's just like your kind to bend the truth in your favor."
"My Kind?! We're CLONES!"
"Prove it!"
"No, You!"
Lyssa's interjection sends two A clones into a some kind of racewar, wrecking the room and everything in it with blasts and blows of all manner before the battle sent them tumbling through the wall. 
"Wow, good job! You always did know how to piss me off!", another clone says from behind Lyssa. "and what you did to Xiang Qui Qui...priceless! But, you keep getting in the way soooo..", the clone grabs hold of Lyssa "Don't stop me now. don't stop me!", she jumps high into the air, flames from around her legs propelling them further up like a rocket. "Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time! I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky like a tiger!", the clone sang as she tried to take Lyssa into deep space. 
Back at the infirmary one of the clones had made it out to where Ryo and Caesar were fighting and jumped out in front of them. "Ryo, change of plans. Take me into the bathroom right now.", she ordered. A's clone looked at Ryo expectantly but suddenly changed her mind. "No, wait! Actually, Caesar you rail me. Ryo's got emotions and seeks affection like some pathetic little mortal, last thing I need is him dogging me like that foxgirl of his. They haven't even f**ked yet and they already act like they're married...Wtf, right?", the clone commands but whispers that last part to Caesar. "Plus, I'm down for a little S&M. This is gonna hurt, right?"
The last A clone was, oddly enough, the single-minded one and she had already seeked out and approached Levia to talk with her. "Alright fish-breath, let's talk logistics. You said something about poisoning the ocean earlier......"


(original A is still waiting lucremoirre to respond so she can fillet Auriel)



@Destructus Kloud

Ryujin looked at her with concern on his face."Hey whats wrong." The Oni's ears twiched as he heard th sound of voices. slowly he made his way over tell he was standing over them. At the mention of returning to the infirmary the oni shook his head. "Do not take her there. Your academy is not safe at the moment." Ryujin looked up at the oni then back down at Fley "What should I do."

Whatever Caesar was about to do was cut short as A jumped in talking about being railed and stuff. His eyes had begun to turn black again but they faded in confusion, "Wait- wha-? I can't do that! I'm already going out with Ari and you tried to destroy everything!" Caesar argued as his dark vortexes continued to swirl, "Can't you just find a stick and fuck one of your clones?" Caesar said dismissively, impatient to blast Ryo further into the Earth.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi
"That just gives us more reason to go there in the first place. Let's go, you complete fool, or take me there and stay here on your own. Yeah, that would be a better idea. You won't be risking your life then, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. You know I won't get hurt. Just stay with your oni friend and magically teleport me to the school." She brushed his hair reassuringly. "I'll be fine - I just... don't feel very good right now." 

@Dante Verren
@Lucremoirre @Cheryl (If you want, we can make it so that our characters notice that it's nighttime and they're about to head back to their dorms, and then they hear the explosion and head towards the scene of the ongoing fight.)
"Well I can't let you go on your own and that isn't my friend. Sorry for the rushed introduction but this is my grandfather Rajin." The god waved his hand in greeting before yawning. "Get a move on Jin and keep a close eye on her as well. Remember a true man protects those he cares for." With that he launched upwards into the sky back to his home. Ryujin sighed. "Alright I will take you back but there is no chance in hell I'm letting you go alone." He slid his one of his arms under her legs and placed the other behind her back. He then lifted her up off the ground. "Ready?"


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