Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"That was your GRANDFATHER?!" Fley's jaw dropped in response, her eyes widening. "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?! WHAT KIND OF SHITTY IMPRESSION DID I JUST MAKE ON HIM, YOU IDIOT?!" she smacked him in the head with the back of her hand. Sighing, she nodded. "But if you fucking even TRY fighting anything, I'll probably murder you first. Don't you dare even try." 

@Dante Verren
"Ow you don't need to hit me. Besides he's had way worse first impressions of people." Ryujin stayed silent as she told him not to fight. "Fine I won't fight unless you try to." with that being said he lightning jumped once again landing on the hill overlooking the infirmary. At least what was left of it. "Holy hell what happened here?"



Auriel Dwelle

As the fight continued to occur, Auriel secretly hid under a hospital bed, after the A clones seemingly started to fight against each other, Auriel snuck out of the bed and tried to sneak away from the infirmary, as she was reaching for the door, a monstrous arm yanked her away from the door, she grunted as she was thrown on the floor, with a disformed foot placing her down on the floor.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  A (@Olivia Acerbi), Levia (@Lucremoirre), (@Anyone else on the infirmary)



"Hey A! You lookin' for this?" Levia said with a yawn as she held the nurse down with her feet, she didn't really try to stop anyone because they seemed too powerful for her, and she was just a deformed monster, the female Leviathan sometimes wished she had her body back, "Indeed yes, Horny Horns, I did talk about poisoning the ocean earlier, wanna talka 'bout that or are you just going to stand there like a statue?"  She hissed to A as the nurse tried to squirm out of Levia's grasp.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary
(Hey, @Lucremoirre and @Fazy. Where the flip are our characters if they haven't noticed the whole mess of the school? I mean, if the whole school was basically gone, how would our characters not notice it? They should've noticed the school being gone ages ago, should we pretend that the meet up never happened or what?)

((Maybe they're on a far away section of the Garden?))
"Uh... okay...?" Roy said, not knowing why someone just popped potatoes out of nowhere, "I think I'll pass." He tosses his sword away, "What in the name of flying llamas is currently happening?"

Whatever Caesar was about to do was cut short as A jumped in talking about being railed and stuff. His eyes had begun to turn black again but they faded in confusion, "Wait- wha-? I can't do that! I'm already going out with Ari and you tried to destroy everything!" Caesar argued as his dark vortexes continued to swirl, "Can't you just find a stick and fuck one of your clones?" Caesar said dismissively, impatient to blast Ryo further into the Earth.

@YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi

The clone A looked at Caesar completely lost, then to Ryo. "Did he just reject me?", she asked Ryo almost as if seeking counsel. " that's impossible. Haha, I must've just misheard you.", the clone laughs off before instantaneously being in Caesar's face. "You better hope I did...because if you won't give it to me....I'm gonna have to take it.", she says making a snipping motion with her fingers, an insidious grin drawn across her face.

(congrats there's your fight.....also I noticed your comment about "OP"ness and if you want to be more powerful just edit your CS to say you're Ker, son of Nyx, patron to Death and Destruction and commander of the Keres or something. Get some Greek Mytho up in here boi. either that or be contempt with being less powerful than some other characters, everyone isn't always a match for each other. I'm pretty sure Hundun could wreck everyone here, twice.)


(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna soon came to realize that the place she was currently at was nowhere near as safe from the fight’s distance due to all enormous power lurking around her which radiated off Ryo, ‘A’ and a few others that were causing immense destruction inside the academy's infirmary. She had no choice but to get to a safe-distance so that she wouldn’t become another one with the wrecked debris that were strewn about the school’s hallways. Setsuna hastily makes her quiet retreat as she sprints down the hallway as her tails coil once again around her slim waist. “I hope you’ll be okay Ryo, I know you’re strong but.. The thought of losing yo-” She mutters sadly to herself before bumping into a rather awkward looking woman causing Setsuna to lose her balance and fall over onto the ground beneath her. Rather infuriated by this she gets back up to her feet with a swift yet erratic pace. She didn’t know who was in front of her, but whoever it was immediately made her ‘shit-list.’ Setsuna suddenly clenches her open-palm into a tight compact fist then lunges herself towards Maria in a violent motion but concludes with her attempted attack after noticing that she was cowering in fear.

She realized that only creating more violence wasn’t going to help her situation anymore but only worsen the predicament she had placed herself into. Setsuna momentarily took a moment to sigh and descends her hand back near her side.
“Ugh, I apologize please don’t be afraid, i’ve just been in such a terrible mood lately. From this one guy of mine going off with this one other she-bitch to hurt Auriel and everything has j-ju-just-” Setsuna replies to her before quickly shielding her eyes inside of her elbow as her face was covered in sorrow. She then abruptly hugs Maria as she buries her face on the outside of Maria’s shoulder.  “Everything was going perfectly at first… I just need to sit down and talk about this with someone. I can’t believe what is happening.” Setsuna yells out to her while sobbing on her clothes. She didn’t even know this girl, but she couldn’t help but spill her feelings to her as they built up even more inside of her.    
(Btw her hair is pink not Silver, you were looking at a picture of Daji instead of Setsuna) (God damnit the images aren't working now)

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"What in the name of fucking Rajin happened here?" The infirmary had been blown to bits, there were multiple versions of A - the girl who seemed mean, yet fairly approachable upon her first encounter - Caesar was fighting someone she didn't even know and he looked almost unrecognizable in his current state (in fact, he looked as if he had a couple of broken bones), and there was someone screaming in the middle of nowhere, though this person seemed to look somewhat similar to the one she did not know. To make things ten times worse, A looked like she was about to murder the nurse who had been treating students at the infirmary mere hours

How long have you been gone for? What did you miss? You're just going to watch? What the hell is wrong with you? Fight, you idiotic dumbass! 

Shoving Ryujin aside, she shot him a piercing look as her eyes turned to a pale yellow, her hair turning grey and her ears perking up as her entire body transformed into her wolf form - but this time, her fur was a pale shade of blue and her claws had turned a darker shade, her paws leaving cold tracks of ice in her wake. Placing an icy palm on Ryujin's hand, she almost froze his hand completely but withdrew her hand just before, resulting in only a frostbitten hand. 

What's happening?

Well, there wasn't much time to think. Giving him one final look of what seemed to be regret, she punched him in the face hard enough to leave him on the ground for a few moments, but not hard enough to make him fall completely unconscious, because she knew Ryujin wouldn't just let her leave. Without looking back, she raced to the infirmary near Caesar and one of the six A's, and the two people she did not know, trying to rid herself of the freezing feeling she had in her chest.

@Dante Verren

Mentioned and near: @Destructus Kloud @YungJazz @Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre 
((My bad.))

Maria pats the girl`s back. ''It is alright.'' she says to her in a calming voice. she puts her bag on the ground. ''''You know any place we could sit?'' she ask her while Maria try to slowly stuggle free from her grasp. ''I am new here and I don`t really know what is currently happening.'' she says to the woman while she scratches the back of her head. ''I don`t think this chaos is supposed to be normal here.''

(( @Obsidian ))
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"Uh... okay...?" Roy said, not knowing why someone just popped potatoes out of nowhere, "I think I'll pass." He tosses his sword away, "What in the name of flying llamas is currently happening?"


"Well darn i'm all giddy for nothing" Seo then begins to eat his potato adding various toppings." A Story that spans time and space well just space. Lyssa sucked up a giant cake i mean talk about appetite but even better than that a lovers quarrel has started between the not so lovely Goddess of Lust Astropy i think and the pretty fox lady. "Caesar trying to separate the two was meet by Ryo who was all like DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY WOMAN!" Seo waggin his finger and placing his hand on his hip sliding his head left and right. "And like a knight in shining armor he began his battle to defend his woman." Seo explaining this fariy tale of his in a very enthused manner hoping to entertain himself a bit and maybe inspire a laugh or to from Roy. "And i you may ask well i was struck in the face because i choose to help a BEAUTIFUL maiden help her friend in need. finally finishing his moment he then remembers what really started this and looks at Roy. "Oh yeah the Demon Hoe is trying to kill the nurse."

@Storm Guardian 


Auriel Dwelle

As the fight continued to occur, Auriel secretly hid under a hospital bed, after the A clones seemingly started to fight against each other, Auriel snuck out of the bed and tried to sneak away from the infirmary, as she was reaching for the door, a monstrous arm yanked her away from the door, she grunted as she was thrown on the floor, with a disformed foot placing her down on the floor.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  A (@Olivia Acerbi), Levia (@Lucremoirre), (@Anyone else on the infirmary)



"Hey A! You lookin' for this?" Levia said with a yawn as she held the nurse down with her feet, she didn't really try to stop anyone because they seemed too powerful for her, and she was just a deformed monster, the female Leviathan sometimes wished she had her body back, "Indeed yes, Horny Horns, I did talk about poisoning the ocean earlier, wanna talka 'bout that or are you just going to stand there like a statue?"  She hissed to A as the nurse tried to squirm out of Levia's grasp.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

Turns out actual A had been hallucinating horribly and was instead tearing apart a giant, stuffed hotdog on the train, while one of her clones was with Auriel and Levia.

(I had already set it up kinda but I can work with this)

"As a matter of fact I was! Here gimmie just one second.", the clone opens a portal to her right and pulls A out from it, still rabidly attacking the stuffed food toy. "Here I am!", the clone smiles turning A towards Auriel on the floor. A slowly stops her frantic clawing and gnashing as she realizes that it's not Auriel, seeing her on the floor.

"Uh..", she mutters perplexed as to how she'd not noticed what was going on. 

"Levianthan's old lady got us a present. See?", the clone points to Auriel.

"But- Ah, whatever.", A says shaking off her confusion. "Alright Tunahead! Wrap her up and make it to go. I'll chop her up while, we can discuss these....delicate matters back at the Condorm™.", A says while stepping on Auriel's head. "and by we....I mean you and my clone. I can't leave yet, it's like a party 'round here!"
(Well into the chaos I guess)

Ryujn hit the ground hard from the punch.he sat up quikcly. "What the hell!" but she was already gone. He looked over at the chaos and knew he should dos something but what. Dammit! his boy was covered with electricity thar singed the grass he was sitting on. If only I had my Oni I could do something. He saw the nurse about to get her crashed in and cursed. He pointed his hand like a gun at the A holding down the nurse and muttered something. A jolt of lightning shot from his hand arching right by A as a warning shot.

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)
Lyssa is taken by surprise as she was being tightly held by one of Astaroth’s clones which smelt surprisingly like chocolate candy-canes according to Lyssa. With one swift motion she decided to awkwardly lick the clone’s soft cheek as they were hurtled at great speeds into deep space. Once she heard the clone of A singing one of her favorite songs she decided to join her. Lyssa sang to her heart’s content as she was soaring through space at a perpetual motion while being held onto. “Defying the laws of gravity! I’m a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva, i’m gonna go go go there’s no stopping me!” Lyssa loudly chanted continuing the lyrics to the fabulous song that they were singing in tune with. With the force of a hundred kittens she stopped all of the momentum in her movement causing them to suddenly stop to halt. “I’m sorry but. It looks like i’m gonna have to stop you now.” Lyssa announced to the devilishly attractive clone in front of her before retrieving a gargantuan-sized stop sign and then swiftly thrusting the flat-end of the sign directly into the duplicate’s squishy face causing her to propel at light-speed eventually increasing to that of the momentum of a gravitational singularity. This causes the doppel-ganger to be flung through the cosmos and eventually tearing through the exterior of an unknown distant star and into its super heated core resulting in an incredible supernova.

Lyssa pulls out a pair of big sunglasses from out of her small kitty backpack and overlooks the jaw-dropping devastation. “Ooo, pretty!” She quietly says to herself while chewing through a bag of popcorn until the supernova concludes causing one enormous explosion with the force of over one hundred billion nuclear warheads simultaneously being detonated at once. This also causes a rippling effect very far away in the depths of space as the force rips through the empty void “Yaaay! Fireworks, well it was fun playing with you fake devil-lady, but I gotta go talk to the real one now! Hope you enjoy your tan, I hope you brought lots and lots of sunscreen too!” She yells out to the smoldering demolished particles of the once intact celestial body that was light-years away.
Lyssa then proceeds to propel herself back into the Earth’s orbit at a deafening pace causing the clouds interfering with her course to hastily precipitate. “Look out below!” Lyssa screams out to the unsuspecting people beneath her as she plummets towards the ground at terminal velocity causing her to pull out a small tree branch from out of her pocket and place multiple marshmallows onto the ends as she is consumed in flames.

Edit: Science Edition. 



(Setsuna Hayate)

Setsuna gradually uncovers her eyes as she takes a soft glance at Maria as teardrops stream down her face. “Um-yeah.. W-we could go to the cafeteria, that should be silent enough. I don’t think anything will happen there.” Setsuna replies stumbling anxiously over her words to her as she suddenly clenches her hand lightly and casually leads her towards the cafeteria while silently wiping her face with the brim of her hand. Feelings of relief started pouring throughout her as she finally was able to confide into someone. Whoever that girl was, Setsuna was happy that she was there to listen to the problems that she was going through.

“Chaos, is normal around this academy, well now it is. It was moderately decent when I got here. Then this devil-girl or whoever completely screwed everything up for me. I met such an amazing person yet.. I don’t know if anything will happen after this.” Setsuna silently replies to her before reaching the inside of the cafeteria. She shifts her grasp away from Maria’s hand as she sat her rear-end onto the nearest bench from where they were standing.  

@Olivia Acerbi@Kamen-Drago (Sorry that too so long, my brain is like falling apart over here.)
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(Well into the chaos I guess)

Ryujn hit the ground hard from the punch.he sat up quikcly. "What the hell!" but she was already gone. He looked over at the chaos and knew he should dos something but what. Dammit! his boy was covered with electricity thar singed the grass he was sitting on. If only I had my Oni I could do something. He saw the nurse about to get her crashed in and cursed. He pointed his hand like a gun at the A holding down the nurse and muttered something. A jolt of lightning shot from his hand arching right by A as a warning shot.

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre

A's hair frizzes up from the static electricity of the lighting bolt. She turn towards Ryujin and giggles excitedly. "See! I told you!", she says to Levia before turning in Ryujin's direction. A melts into a puddle of red and black and takes off across the ground towards Ryujin, stopping beneath him. When he falls in he's greeted to an endless void, of similar color. "You still haven't given me an apology for nearly frying my face off at the combat grounds!", A's voice can be heard all around him. "I guess I'll just have to rip one out of ya". Multitudes of hooks and cutlery attached to ropes form around him, ready to rip and tear him to shreds.  

(psst, liquid A is a good conductor...)
((No matter. :P))

Maria sits opposite of the pink haired girl. '"Well, with this chaos I think the school will collapse on top of the devil-girl or something along the lines of that.'' She says in an unsure tone. ''You also mentioned that one girl went with your boyfriend, correct?'' I say to her with a sigh. ''All I can say about that is that he probably wasn`t the best horse in the stable. There are many more to choose from. I am no expert on this subject,especially with this chaos happening in that infirmary I can`t really think.'' I say to her before holding out my hand, as I try to shake it with her. '"Maria, nice to meet you.''
Ryujin felt the ground slip from under him as he fell int a red void for of liquid. He was suddenly surounded by hooks and things that looked ready to tear him to pieces. how ever he was more focused on the liquid. Was he technically inside A? "What kind of idiot throws a thunder god into liquid!" Luckily he closed his eyes and clamed himself for a moment. When he opened them again his eyes where a mix of purple and gold. He let out a mighty roar as electricity shot out of his body in all directions of the void. A's liquid form only helped to amplify his electricity as shocked everything it could come in contact with.

@Olivia Acerbi

[Fley Sanders]


Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is wrong.


These recurring thoughts kept appearing within Fley's mind as she took every step. Something is wrong. Things seemed to be going in slow motion, now. Her cold paws hit the colder ground, freezing a whole area around her. She could see out of the corners of her eyes - she could see the whole of the infirmary - everything, even though she was supposed to be heading in Caesar's direction. Something is wrong. Though the weather was supposed to be good, when exhaling, a puff of fog escaped her lips. But it wasn't supposed to be cold. She froze in her tracks, quite literally - not only did she stop, but her entire body seemed to be covering up in a sort of icy shell that only she could see. Opening and closing her eyes slowly, she took in her surroundings for the second time. Something is wrong. Had the world frozen over? Why is everything shielded in... ice? The only plausible answer she could find was that the earth had undergone a severe transformation, resulting in everything to be slowed down. Perhaps they would all freeze to death. Yes, that's it. She noticed a boy with potatoes with another boy. Perhaps she was going mentally insane. That would be reasonable after having seen all of this nonsense. Her eyes almost darted into the back of her head. How she could see did not matter to her anymore. What mattered was that Ryujin was not where she'd left him. Cursing, she tried to move, to no avail. Nudging her paw, she forced herself forward. Something is w- The thought cut itself off as she broke out of this thin layer of ice. She could see properly now, but that was not her first thought. Her first priority should have been protecting Ryujin, not running into a fight for no reason. She cursed at herself, over and over again. Fley would not forgive herself - what if something had happened to him in the mere moments in which she'd left him alone? She'd be to blame. 


Something is wrong.

You knew this would happen, and yet you went after him anyway. How selfish.

Something is wrong.

So you want to find happiness for yourself, and kill others in the process? That's nice to know - nice to know that you're evil.

Something is wrong. Yes, something is very wrong. YOU are wrong.


Roaring angrily, Fley reared her hind feet as her eyes changed from yellow to red, fur turning to a dark blue. 


You're losing it.

Fley wanted to fight back. I'm not-

You're losing them - your friends. Oh, yes, the friends in which you thought were your friends - but were they really? Hmm, they never liked you or your attitude to begin with. You're losing him. The one person who might have cared about you, but you wanted to be all heroic and save your friends. Who, I will not fail to remind you, were never friends of yours to begin with. You're losing everything. But most of all, you're losing you.


Another angry snarl, louder this time, fangs bared, she leaped into the air and ran towards one of the many A's. Clone or not, she was going 





[ @Olivia Acerbi

Mentioned: @Dante Verren @Marumatsu @Storm Guardian ]
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(Setsuna Hayate)  

She sniffles a bit as she looked down beside her feet trying to not look at Maria because of how embarrassed she was of her emotions. She quietly began to shift her posture around her while listening to their conversation, Setsuna’s delicate ears to perk up after hearing what she said about Ryo which made her muscles tense up with a flurry of emotions soaring through her body. These uncontrolled feelings sends her into a sudden temper as she uncomfortably stands back up and snatches her by the collar of her clothing while ignoring her gesture of kindness. “You listen here Maria, and you listen damn good. Don’t you ever compare him to one of those low-life bastards, because I know he’s different from what you say he is! He dare wouldn’t leave me like that, not in a thousand years....

Although… I am alone..” It’s at that moment after Setsuna stated that to her, that her body began to faintly tremble in fear as she was worried about the future between him and her. She descends back down onto the seat continuing her sitting posture and carefully looking away from Maria to avoid eye contact with her. “Sorry.. Maria, was it? I’m Setsuna, I don’t exactly live in this place. I come from somewhere much more unpleasant to the eyes. Yet it sure still beats getting your feelings crushed in front of you. You must be so confused considering you're new here, I do hope that everything turns back to the way it was.” Setsuna answers back as she silently fidgets with a few of her many soft-tails.


Maria looks down before looking back at Setsuna with a smile. ''I thought the same when I had my first boyfriend. The best thing about people is that they learn with losses.'' She says fore going to a more neutral face. I then look up to the sky. ''Beter having your feelings crushed then your body.'' I look back at her. ''Are there any teachers who will do anything about that chaos there? Maybe the nurse or someone else?'' I ask her with a confused look.
Ryujin felt the ground slip from under him as he fell int a red void for of liquid. He was suddenly surounded by hooks and things that looked ready to tear him to pieces. how ever he was more focused on the liquid. Was he technically inside A? "What kind of idiot throws a thunder god into liquid!" Luckily he closed his eyes and clamed himself for a moment. When he opened them again his eyes where a mix of purple and gold. He let out a mighty roar as electricity shot out of his body in all directions of the void. A's liquid form only helped to amplify his electricity as shocked everything it could come in contact with.

@Olivia Acerbi

"Ahaha, consider yourself lucky! You last waking moments will just happen to be ins-", A's monologue was cut short by a surge of electricity ravaging her form. Caesar was shot out of her, flung high into the air. The puddle rippled for a moment before rising into A on hands and knees. "Ugh, ya threw me for a loop there...wooo, I can't feel anything. Ugh, I think you broke the vessel's nervous system again.", she says falling over in a heap. "Don't worry. I can- I can fix this. I just gotta..hnngh", A strains her voice as glowing red wire rise out of the ground and attach themselves to the vessel lifting it up like a puppet. "See? Like nothing happened! HA- where'd he go?" she says looking around awkwardly and puppet-like.

"Ran away, AGAIN!?"
Ryujin was spat out of the ground and landed hard but stood up breathing heavily. He watched A do a weird puppet thing but he then sprung into action blasting bolts of electricity like bullets through the cords she was using to control the vessel. "Sorry but I happen to like the nurse so I can't let you kill her."

@Olivia Acerbi
(Infirmary )

Michael arrived at infirmary.  It was certainly. ....chaotic.

"Anyone need help?" the black haired boy asked. 

(@ anyone? I may not reply until 2:30-2:235)

[Fley Sanders]


Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is wrong.


These recurring thoughts kept appearing within Fley's mind as she took every step. Something is wrong. Things seemed to be going in slow motion, now. Her cold paws hit the colder ground, freezing a whole area around her. She could see out of the corners of her eyes - she could see the whole of the infirmary - everything, even though she was supposed to be heading in Caesar's direction. Something is wrong. Though the weather was supposed to be good, when exhaling, a puff of fog escaped her lips. But it wasn't supposed to be cold. She froze in her tracks, quite literally - not only did she stop, but her entire body seemed to be covering up in a sort of icy shell that only she could see. Opening and closing her eyes slowly, she took in her surroundings for the second time. Something is wrong. Had the world frozen over? Why is everything shielded in... ice? The only plausible answer she could find was that the earth had undergone a severe transformation, resulting in everything to be slowed down. Perhaps they would all freeze to death. Yes, that's it. She noticed a boy with potatoes with another boy. Perhaps she was going mentally insane. That would be reasonable after having seen all of this nonsense. Her eyes almost darted into the back of her head. How she could see did not matter to her anymore. What mattered was that Ryujin was not where she'd left him. Cursing, she tried to move, to no avail. Nudging her paw, she forced herself forward. Something is w- The thought cut itself off as she broke out of this thin layer of ice. She could see properly now, but that was not her first thought. Her first priority should have been protecting Ryujin, not running into a fight for no reason. She cursed at herself, over and over again. Fley would not forgive herself - what if something had happened to him in the mere moments in which she'd left him alone? She'd be to blame. 


Something is wrong.

You knew this would happen, and yet you went after him anyway. How selfish.

Something is wrong.

So you want to find happiness for yourself, and kill others in the process? That's nice to know - nice to know that you're evil.

Something is wrong. Yes, something is very wrong. YOU are wrong.


Roaring angrily, Fley reared her hind feet as her eyes changed from yellow to red, fur turning to a dark blue. 


You're losing it.

Fley wanted to fight back. I'm not-

You're losing them - your friends. Oh, yes, the friends in which you thought were your friends - but were they really? Hmm, they never liked you or your attitude to begin with. You're losing him. The one person who might have cared about you, but you wanted to be all heroic and save your friends. Who, I will not fail to remind you, were never friends of yours to begin with. You're losing everything. But most of all, you're losing you.


Another angry snarl, louder this time, fangs bared, she leaped into the air and ran towards one of the many A's. Clone or not, she was going 





[ @Olivia Acerbi

Mentioned: @Dante Verren @Marumatsu @Storm Guardian ]

The A clone busy fighting the other A clone was caught completely by surprise by Fley's wolf-form. Grabbed by the neck she was slammed to the ground frantically fighting to get out of Fley's jaws. The other clone A started laughing hysterically and pointing at the carnage, laughing 5x as hard when the clone finally goes limp. "You should'a seen my face!", the clone says breathlessly doubled. 

(A clones are weak af, everyone have at them)

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