Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

A look of surprise washed over Ryujin face as she wrapped her arms over his neck. "I will pass upon joining you . after all fooling your plans is just to much fun." once he was finished talking he felt demonic hands push him aside and a very loud and a very confusing man push him out of the way. He pointed at the newcomer and mouthed the words. "He sounds like he needs mental help" to A. Of course that's when his brain managed to untagle the man's words and realize he was just called weaboo jr.

He was annoyed earlier but now he was pissed. "The hell did you just call me! I am a pureblood grandson of Rajin which means I am full blooded Japanese! If your going to use a word make sure you use it in the right context you scaly reject of a man whore!" the sky turned pitch black as thunder roared in the sky's silenced by the ocasinal streak of lightning. Spakrs of golden electricity danced around him shocking anything that got close.

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz

(challenge accepted.)

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Ryo pretty much ignored what Ryujin was saying. Man, the energizer bunny could talk. Ryo wondered whether or not he should get Setsuna an apology gift, maybe take her out to eat, yeah that would be nice. After that, Ryo would apologize, Setsuna would accept it, and then on to the hanky-panky. Ryo nodded his head at his own thoughts happily, satisfied for his plan to hang with his girl after this, up until Ryujin said a certain sentence. That single sentence drew Ryo's thoughts of happiness to a complete halt. Japanese bloodline linking to Raijin the thunder god.


Pure, unadulterated hatred flooded the area. Its intensity suffocating, the pure rage corrupting even the happiest of moods, the killing intent giving people visions of their own death. Simultaneously, walls and chairs outright began vanishing, as if they never existed. The school shook with burning hatred as power began lacing the walls. This was not a power being unleashed, this was not a secret technique. No, this was a Dragon's wrath at full power, announcing to the world that the ultimate predator that rules the skies and devours the lands had arrived.

And at the center of it all, was the person exuding this hatred, Ryo. For once since the entire time he had been here, Ryo's face was that of complete seriousness. It was a calm facade that hid the true monster lurking underneath. There was no yelling, no perversion, not a single joke or random act of idiocy to be found. Silence permeated this room as the erosion of the surrounding area continued.

"You shouldn't have told me your lineage." His words were silent, yet they echoed with power that spoke of ancient times. Ryo's voice was eerily calm as his passive gaze landed on Ryujin, so much hatred directed at one young man, yet the person who exuded it didn't appear to be enraged. One sharp talon was raised to point at Ryujin, as Ryo's calm voice rang through the area.

"I'm going to end you. It will not be slow. I will burn and devour everything you cherish. I will take the lineage of Raijin and drag it through the shit and filth. I will use your corpse as a trophy to present to your gods, your blood will stain the imperial palace of japan and your death shall be the signal to those who sit on the imperial throne, that i'm coming for them. Say your peace, descendant of Raijin, for I will devour your life, leaving nothing but bones and ash."

With that said, Ryo's monstrous form appeared before Ryujin in a burst of speed, his right fist cocked back. He slammed his fist into Ryujin's stomach as a body blow, the wall behind Ryujin completely shattering from the force, along with several walls in its path. Ryo then cocked his other fist back, aiming to behead Ryujin with a single blow.

"Curse the day you were born Thunder Maker, for it was the day that the world decided I would kill you."

@Dante Verren @Obsidian

(Oh snap! Looks like that dislike thing in Ryo's CS rang true people! Huh, I wonder why?)



"Bummer.", A says pouting at Ryujin before hearing Ryo whining and rolling her eyes. 
"Bullsh*t! All dogbreath did was rub herself on you and cry, now you're like mated for life or something! I don't even wanna know how much of a clingly, possessive freak you're capable of becoming after we bump uglies.", A said turning away from Ryujin and walking back to Ryo and giving him a complacent smirk.
"If that's how you wanna go about this...then fine.", she calls out, looking back  to Ryujin. "It really is too bad.....we coulda had fun. I'm really flexible.", A taunts putting a leg up on Ryo's shoulder.  
"Alright, Ryo!", she says, her eyes filled with evil intent. "Here's your chance to get what could possibly be the best ass in you pathetic existence.", A says grabbing Ryo's hand and letting it ride down the leg on his shoulder stopping just before her honey pot. "All you have to do is beat Ryujin over there to a bloody pulp..",  A grabs Ryo's face be his cheeks and makes him face her. "but DON'T kill him."
"I'll be waiting at my dorm with fish girl and Nurse. Don't even show your face until- wha? Whoa...", A exclaims, noticing Fley attacking Ryujin. She was quiet for a second, almost dumbstruck before bursting into almost maniacal laughter. 
"Dog-girl v2 is ripping him to shreds! So much for man's best friend! Ahahahhaha!", A leaned into Ryo weak from laughing. "Ooh, ok, ok. Let's go, Ryo. We have a nurse to skin and some global armageddon to plan.", she sighs coming down off her laugh high.

(I'm not sure if this is up to date or not. I'm a little busy at the moment, expect late and crappy posts)

@YungJazz @Dante Verren @ others?


[Fley Sanders]


He was saying something. He was saying something important, and she couldn't hear it. She couldn't hear a thing. No, she wanted to hear what he was saying. Read his lips. 'Break... through it.' Break through what? The glass? This ice-glass-wall? I-I can't. She screamed at him, but her voice rebounded and shot right back at her, echoing. No, I want to be outside. She placed her hand against the ice wall. Outside. 


Like magic responding to her own thoughts, the ice shattered instantly, but instead of flying everywhere, it vanished, turning into a tiny pool of water at her feet. Gasping for air, she fell to her knees. She felt dizzy, couldn't see. Her eyes came into focus just as she spotted a laughing A, screaming something at Ryujin like a witch, her red body trying to suggest sex appeal. Adjusting some more, she shook her head, clearing all blurriness. Thw ringing in her ears cleared up just in time to hear what the demon - whose name seemed to be Ryo - had to say. Her mind blanked again. She looked at the blood remains on her own hands, trying to process the situation. He punched Ryujin, drawing his fist back to punch him again. Do something. Unsteadily, she rose to her feet and put a firm grip on Ryo's arm. She knew he wasn't going to listen. His mind was already poisoned with the sour pill of darkness, evil, and above all, rage and hate. He wasn't to be stopped. But she wasn't going to let him get away with killing Ryujin that easily. Tightening her grip on Ryo's arm, she stared at him. "Don't."


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Michael looked at the scene unfolding. He must bless those souls who have been tortured by that creature. Michael slowly walked up and his gray eyes boring in A's back.

" What has happened here? I'm certainly new to this school , but never thought killing each other was the goal."


"Bummer.", A says pouting at Ryujin before hearing Ryo whining and rolling her eyes. 
"Bullsh*t! All dogbreath did was rub herself on you and cry, now you're like mated for life or something! I don't even wanna know how much of a clingly, possessive freak you're capable of becoming after we bump uglies.", A said turning away from Ryujin and walking back to Ryo and giving him a complacent smirk.
"If that's how you wanna go about this...then fine.", she calls out, looking back  to Ryujin. "It really is too bad.....we coulda had fun. I'm really flexible.", A taunts putting a leg up on Ryo's shoulder.  
"Alright, Ryo!", she says, her eyes filled with evil intent. "Here's your chance to get what could possibly be the best ass in you pathetic existence.", A says grabbing Ryo's hand and letting it ride down the leg on his shoulder stopping just before her honey pot. "All you have to do is beat Ryujin over there to a bloody pulp..",  A grabs Ryo's face be his cheeks and makes him face her. "but DON'T kill him."
"I'll be waiting at my dorm with fish girl and Nurse. Don't even show your face until- wha? Whoa...", A exclaims, noticing Fley attacking Ryujin. She was quiet for a second, almost dumbstruck before bursting into almost maniacal laughter. 
"Dog-girl v2 is ripping him to shreds! So much for man's best friend! Ahahahhaha!", A leaned into Ryo weak from laughing. "Ooh, ok, ok. Let's go, Ryo. We have a nurse to skin and some global armageddon to plan.", she sighs coming down off her laugh high.

(I'm not sure if this is up to date or not. I'm a little busy at the moment, expect late and crappy posts)

@YungJazz @Dante Verren @ others?

( @SolistheSun could you, like, idk save me or something? Kinda just lying in a hole with a hole in me. It's a hole within a hole, and this whole thing is turning Caesar into a bit of an asshole. Maybe if his gf were to sooth his pain? Tell the God of death inside of him to fuck off? Idk, something should happen to lighten his mood. :P )


“Thank you Arian, that meant so much to me. Also you shouldn’t be crying. Your butt had a wonderful dinner before Alejandro showed up.” Lyssa tells her in a sorrowful voice while adjusting her thumb so it wipes the few tears running down her cheek, then oddly enough regaining a serious complexion on her face and brushing off the dust from her own clothes. “Hear me out Arian, you are an amazing young woman.. You manage to put up with all of my shenanigans and somehow you still find it in your adoring heart to be considerably nice to me, like an actual friend. You’re someone that I care a lot about even if one of us is completely different from the other, I won't let anyone hurt the feelings of someone who I consider to be my friend.” Lyssa says to Arian softly while having a gentle smile expression reveal itself on her face. Something was different about Lyssa for a split-moment it’s as if she regained sensibility and her insanity was a thing of the past. Lyssa carefully adjusts herself off the ground while bringing up Arian with her after Lyssa wrapped her own arm around her firm waist. “Don’t you worry about Caesar, he’s not going to die. I’ll make sure of that, as for that Ryo-character. I’ll make him pay eventually, i’ve noticed him quite a lot around here, he’s pretty goddamn good at making people cry. Right now Arian you should be concerned for your own safety, this place isn’t safe. It definitely won't be after I turn this entire place into a living-breathing insane asylum.. Make sure that you’re safe okay? I’ll be back in momentarily, there's just something I need to do.” Lyssa says to Arian before hugging her once and stepping back away from her and shifting her own intense gaze back at Ryo. She knew that he was going to pay dearly for deeply hurting a true-friend of hers but Lyssa knew that this wasn’t the right time to have a conflict with him, she wanted it to be a personal fight between him and her. Without warning Lyssa disappears without a trace of her to be seen although she seemingly left a pink colored box filled with small decorative candy-canes on top of Arian’s head.



"Thank you Lyssa," Arian whispers, clinging to feeling of her warmth, but the odd girl was already gone. Removing the candies delicately, she unwraps one and eats it, instantly releasing the minty taste into her whole mouth. This was quickly followed by a wave of impeccable calm, all emotions suddenly wiped out. Looking at the box, she reads, "Are you feeling crazy? Even a little bit? Then this calming candy is for you! Let the minty goodness clear your mind!" 


Of course it was something the crazy girl would have, she thought affectionately. Shaking her head in mild amusement, she sets the box aside and narrows her eyes. 




Get to Caesar. 


As much as her body gained the same creeping feeling of the shadow figure, she manages to slip over to Caesar as Ryo focused himself on the lighting man-god. Leaning down, she holds him up, trying to assess the situation. 


"Caesar?" she forcefully whispers, "I'm here now. I'm going to get you out of here. Okay? Just hang in there." 


With some visible effort, she picks him up, their positions from earlier reversed. 


Caesar's eyes opened blearily and he made out the face of Arian looking down at him with understandable concern, "Oh, hey." He coughed, then smiled at her, "You know, I have no idea how you do it. Just piecing yourself back together after such terrible injuries." He blinked slowly as he was carried away, the rest of the world around them nothing more than a blur, all other sounds being just a dull faded drone as they moved away from it all together in their own little metaphorical personal bubble, "You're still as beautiful as when I had first saw you, you know. Even if I'll never forget the memory of watching your hands be torn apart and grow again. Or after that when you had your involuntary nudist moment. You're still Ari, the best thing that's happened to me since... Since anything." He chuckled softly, drawing to a silence again as he looked down to the side sadly. 

"It'll be lonely, won't it?" He asked, all the grief and despair, the pity and love evident in his voice as it broke off slightly at the end. 

@SolistheSun (incoming feels, eta 1 post, multiple heart string pulls inbound. Activate violin music. Boost all tear duct production. Brace yourselves!)
(Hahaha, oh trust me, we will take your feelings, give them a nice neck massage, then dope them up and strap them to a metal chair and force them to watch one of us die, Titanic-style, with other being forever sad and lonely, remembering their lost loved one for eternity... Which isn't actually too far from the truth. Lol, I mean Caesar can't exactly die right now because gods of death and stuff, but he has got metal beams and a hole in him, not to mention he basically broke most of the bones in his body. He is a broken guy who needs to lean on the only one that can give him relief from the long painful existence he's had to live. And to think, immortality was meant as a gift...) *take-my-fucking-feels-face*

(I then just read... That. xD  Eww and hot at the same time. Lol jk, maybe if I had vorephilia, but no. :3 also, Caesar would just go right through your system, and not in terms of being digested. :/ )
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Michael looked at the scene unfolding. He must bless those souls who have been tortured by that creature. Michael slowly walked up and his gray eyes boring in A's back.

" What has happened here? I'm certainly new to this school , but never thought killing each other was the goal."



"Oh no.", A gasped as she began to feel Michael's immense presence hidden behind the guise of a cute young boy. "I-It's not the goal. We just had a misunderstanding, that's all.", A tried to put on a brave face but was visible distraught by this Archangel's presence. All her Clones stopped in their tracks huddling together collectively sh*tting their denim short shorts. A's knees buckled slightly and she took a few steps behind Ryo, talking to Micheal from there. "What's the 'General to God's Armies' doing down here with us lowly Fallen and Pagans? I-I haven't done anything wrong(yet).", she said stumbling over her words. 

"Ryo, we have to get out of here.....please, let's go.", A says quietly to him, tugging on his one of his more prominent scales.
(Hahaha, oh trust me, we will take your feelings, give them a nice neck massage, then dope them up and strap them to a metal chair and force them to watch one of us die, Titanic-style, with other being forever sad and lonely, remembering their lost loved one for eternity... Which isn't actually too far from the truth. Lol, I mean Caesar can't exactly die right now because gods of death and stuff, but he has got metal beams and a hole in him, not to mention he basically broke most of the bones in his body. He is a broken guy who needs to lean on the only one that can give him relief from the long painful existence he's had to live. And to think, immortality was meant as a gift...) *take-my-fucking-feels-face*

(I then just read... That. xD  Eww and hot at the same time. Lol jk, maybe if I had vorephilia, but no. :3 also, Caesar would just go right through your system, and not in terms of being digested. :/ )

(Have you guys started eating each other already? Dang, we're ahead of schedule)



"N-no, don't say things like that! Y-you'll make it," Arian cries, " You never gonna be alone, cause I'll be there with you!" 

 She pulls to a standstill, the edges of the garden around them. Amongst the trees, she kneels down, laying him gently on the earth. Tears stream down her face, gently pattering upon Caesar's. As she leans her head down, her hair tickles his face gently, like small arms wanting to take him into their grasp. 


"I'm going to be there with you... We're going to do normal girlfriend-boyfriend things like tease one another about the weather, have dinner discussing boring things and making funny faces at babies in the mall. You're going to be there with me, as you laugh with me, as you live with me. You're going to ask me, on one knee, and I'll say yes. You're going to be there with me to lift my veil and kiss me. You're going to be with me with all our children. And we'll grow old, together!," Arian finishes, sobbing, as she holds him tighter, breathing in his scent, ignoring the wet blooming spots of red traversing her clothes. Even if those last words were in fact, a lie, she wanted with all he heart, for them to be true. But these, she truly meant them.


"Don't you leave me... Caesar.. I-I love you..." 


@Destructus Kloud (look what you have made me do /// diessss) 
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Caesar took in the words as she cried, but all he could do was smile sadly. Truly blessed, he was, to meet a girl such as this. He thought back to the days he had shed tears of anger upon discovering his curse. Now, he wasn't so sure who's was worse, destroying your loved ones at a touch, or watching them all grow old and die whilst you continue on.

"Ari." He looked up into her eyes, "It's okay. I can't die anymore either." He looked down at the hole in his chest, "Whatever it is inside me, it stops me from bleeding, from dying." He closed his eyes as he pressed up against her chest snugly, "I don't know if this means I'll live forever. But if I do..." He smiled as he curled up some more in her arms sleepily, his hand reached up to stroke her cheek, "If I do, I want to spend it with you." His hand fell back and his head lolled. His power hadn't activated when he'd touched Ari, but the dark aura was still there, somewhere inside him, dormant. The large hole in his chest began to shrink and bits of his insides pieces back together. It was all very reminiscent of the way Ari did it, although Caesar wouldn't have known this now being asleep. His soft breath blew up her neck as his newly mended chest rose and fell contentedly. The other smaller holes from the metal beams had also sorted themselves out, becoming no more than tiny scars. The hole would leave a big one, but at least it would make for a cool story. 

@SolistheSun (lemme hear an "awwww"! Yeah! Call me the Feelsmaster, baby! xD )


"Oh no.", A gasped as she began to feel Michael's immense presence hidden behind the guise of a cute young boy. "I-It's not the goal. We just had a misunderstanding, that's all.", A tried to put on a brave face but was visible distraught by this Archangel's presence. All her Clones stopped in their tracks huddling together collectively sh*tting their denim short shorts. A's knees buckled slightly and she took a few steps behind Ryo, talking to Micheal from there. "What's the 'General to God's Armies' doing down here with us lowly Fallen and Pagans? I-I haven't done anything wrong(yet).", she said stumbling over her words. 

"Ryo, we have to get out of here.....please, let's go.", A says quietly to him, tugging on his one of his more prominent scales.

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Ryo's anger subsided the minute he noticed his friend acting different. A was nervous, she was shaking and her voice was soft, a complete change from the boisterous personality he had come to know and like. Ryo narrowed his eyes at Michael, so this was God's General, he was on the level of Xiuruk and that drunkard. Ryo needed to get A out of here quick, he wouldn't be able to take this guy.

Picking A up and carrying her bridal style, Ryo gave one more glare at Michael, shooting off at light speed, heading towards the CondormTM. Along the way, Ryo glanced down at A, making sure that she was alright. Ryo stopped in front of the CondormTM. Placing A down on her feet, Ryo checked to see if she was alright while opening the door.

"So, who was that dude who had you shaken up like that?"

@Olivia Acerbi

(Okay, definitely need to get away from the fight scenes.)


"N-no, don't say things like that! Y-you'll make it," Arian cries, " You never gonna be alone, cause I'll be there with you!" 

 She pulls to a standstill, the edges of the garden around them. Amongst the trees, she kneels down, laying him gently on the earth. Tears stream down her face, gently pattering upon Caesar's. As she leans her head down, her hair tickles his face gently, like small arms wanting to take him into their grasp. 


"I'm going to be there with you... We're going to do normal girlfriend-boyfriend things like tease one another about the weather, have dinner discussing boring things and making funny faces at babies in the mall. You're going to be there with me, as you laugh with me, as you live with me. You're going to ask me, on one knee, and I'll say yes. You're going to be there with me to lift my veil and kiss me. You're going to be with me with all our children. And we'll grow old, together!," Arian finishes, sobbing, as she holds him tighter, breathing in his scent, ignoring the wet blooming spots of red traversing her clothes. Even if those last words were in fact, a lie, she wanted with all he heart, for them to be true. But these, she truly meant them.


"Don't you leave me... Caesar.. I-I love you..." 


@Destructus Kloud (look what you have made me do /// diessss) 

(Jeez, didn't your characters meet like......a day ago? :D  I like this pair. Everyone is getting life partners, meanwhile A is killing nurses and hanging out with talking fish......)


"N-no, don't say things like that! Y-you'll make it," Arian cries, " You never gonna be alone, cause I'll be there with you!" 

 She pulls to a standstill, the edges of the garden around them. Amongst the trees, she kneels down, laying him gently on the earth. Tears stream down her face, gently pattering upon Caesar's. As she leans her head down, her hair tickles his face gently, like small arms wanting to take him into their grasp. 


"I'm going to be there with you... We're going to do normal girlfriend-boyfriend things like tease one another about the weather, have dinner discussing boring things and making funny faces at babies in the mall. You're going to be there with me, as you laugh with me, as you live with me. You're going to ask me, on one knee, and I'll say yes. You're going to be there with me to lift my veil and kiss me. You're going to be with me with all our children. And we'll grow old, together!," Arian finishes, sobbing, as she holds him tighter, breathing in his scent, ignoring the wet blooming spots of red traversing her clothes. Even if those last words were in fact, a lie, she wanted with all he heart, for them to be true. But these, she truly meant them.


"Don't you leave me... Caesar.. I-I love you..." 


@Destructus Kloud (look what you have made me do /// diessss) 

Seo wakes from a nap as he hears Lyssa land from her trip out of space. He then gets up stretches and observes the scene gazing at Ryo now yelling at A haha that was not so new but then his eyes drifted to Lyssa the woman he was infatuated with for some crazy reason he began to walk near the area but by the time he got there Lyssa had disappeared and a girl was carrying Caeser away he then followed her waiting until the moment was done. "Sorry for interrupting not a bad guy...... at the moment i swear" lifting his hands in the air as he carefully walks to caesar and arian. "I can do a bit of healing i noticed as while making my way here no blood was dripping onto the ground. I can help his blood flow start again if you would like?"

Seo then stops by Arian before making a move hoping not to scare her and awaited her order.

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(Jeez, didn't your characters meet like......a day ago? :D  I like this pair. Everyone is getting life partners, meanwhile A is killing nurses and hanging out with talking fish......)

(I did say she wasn't mentally stable. So, yeah xD  Since she lives forever, basically forces her to count her eggs before they hatch.  ) 
Ryujin laid in the crate made by the blow his human body cound't keep up with the pain and exshaustion. Through blurry eyes he saw Felt return to normal and the demon dragon and A walk away. He smirked. He managed one final sentance that was badly a whisper. "Glad your back Fley." after that everything went black.

@Fazy (sorry for such a late post. I had to go into work and we got slammed with people. Football season is brutal... I get off in about an hour and half so I will post more then.)
As the clone versions of A huddled and... uh... whatever they're doing, Roy looks around, looking through the mass destruction. Upon seeing Caesar, still alive and in an improving state, Roy bowed his head in relief. He then turned around, seeing A and the dragon guy leave, he sneakily followed them, and once finding out where A's dorm was, he quickly jotted it down on his cell phone and fled back to 

It was time to figure out what the hell was happening. 

Roy hides behind a corner, idly making gibberish texting, waiting for A and the dragon guy to go inside before making any moves.

@Olivia Acerbi

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Levia then saw that A's clone started to shiver all of a sudden, before Levia could make a snarky remark, however, the sound of an opening door echoed through the Condorm ™, "Oooh! Who's the guy? and why are you and your clones so shaken up? Was bedtime really that good?"  The female Leviathan sneered as she sat on the sofa, "Pinkie's unconscious at the cupboard for your information."  She said as she pointed to the cupboard while she ate popcorn.

At: A's dorm

With:  A (@Olivia Acerbi), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz)

Mentions: Auriel Dwelle (@Lucremoirre)

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