Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

[Fley Sanders] 


With the sudden disappearance of Ryo and A, Fley didn't have anything left to worry about. It seemed that the majority of A's clones had gone, too, and though they may have been easy to take on, she was feeling so limp and tired, she'd surely fall at the slightest hit. She was by his side as he said something, his voice barely audible but just loud enough for her to hear. "Glad you're back, Fley." And then, he was out. Don't die on me. Don't leave me alone. She was in no condition to be picking him up, though her resolve to find him safety, security, and a place to heal was so strong, she was not going to give up. Especially since he had not given up on her. Even though he wasn't conscious, she spoke to him, trying to catch her breath while she worked up some strength. "Why didn't you fight me? Why did you... why didn't you hit me with lightning or something?" The answer was obvious though, and she hated him for not fighting her. She was going to cry, but she'd cried herself out earlier. There were no moisture left inside her. She felt dehydrated, drained, empty - more in soul than in body. Using all of her strength, she tried to lift him, failing miserably. Not enough strength. Fley hated herself for doing it - what if she lost control again? She couldn't even trust herself, now - but she morphed to wolf form, evidently having more strength. Still, she hoisted Ryujin onto her back, far stronger than she had been before, encasing him in a warm layer of heated ice that seemed to melt and reform just as quickly. Where the ice was coming from... well, she had no clue. How she'd brought it, she also did not know. The dorms were too far to get to, and the infirmary was demolished. Impossible to find anything of use in there, and through going there, she also faced the risk of fighting another battle, something she could not afford. Heading to a shady area among a grove of trees, she lay him down on the ground, transformed to human, placing his head upon her lap. She examined his wounds. No life-threatening injuries, but if that gash stayed for too long, it could make for quite a dangerous infection, not to mention he was losing a lot of blood. Take that back; this could be life-threatening. "Wake up, please." She hugged him - it was the only thing she could do to keep him warm. It was the one thing she knew to do for people who lost consciousness. It was a desperate move, yes, but she had no other option. "Please, please wake up." Her voice cracked, moving to a higher pitch as she removed her shirt and wrapped it around his chest, tying it around the back to stop the bleeding, even a little. It was just big enough to tie a knot with the short sleeves, though longer sleeved shirts would have been better. Cursing her selection of clothing, she went back to hugging him, shivering in the cold. Though she was only wearing her bra now, she couldn't possibly care less. 


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Michael's gray eyes settle on bot the students and clones. " I don't understand why everyone is shaken up. Did I do something" the boy said.

He certainly covered his identity well. Maybe it was his pure aura that effected them.
(Wow, Ryo has effectively made two couples go through extreme feelings within their relationship by beating up the boyfriends. Ryo in now promoted to, "Puncher of Relationships")
(Wow, Ryo has effectively made two couples go through extreme feelings within their relationship by beating up the boyfriends. Ryo in now promoted to, "Puncher of Relationships")

(You should really make Ryo attack some girls you know. GENDER DISCRIMINATION!! and unfortunately i do not consider A female.) 

Ryo's anger subsided the minute he noticed his friend acting different. A was nervous, she was shaking and her voice was soft, a complete change from the boisterous personality he had come to know and like. Ryo narrowed his eyes at Michael, so this was God's General, he was on the level of Xiuruk and that drunkard. Ryo needed to get A out of here quick, he wouldn't be able to take this guy.

Picking A up and carrying her bridal style, Ryo gave one more glare at Michael, shooting off at light speed, heading towards the CondormTM. Along the way, Ryo glanced down at A, making sure that she was alright. Ryo stopped in front of the CondormTM. Placing A down on her feet, Ryo checked to see if she was alright while opening the door.

"So, who was that dude who had you shaken up like that?"

@Olivia Acerbi

(Okay, definitely need to get away from the fight scenes.)




"He's a really big problem and he's early. Damn it, somebody must've tipped him off.", A said still shaken by the encounter, she walked in past him. "Why's he here? and why's he hiding? If he knew what I've been up to he'd have slaughtered me right then and there, right?", A asks Ryo but answers herself. "So then he doesn't know, but then wtf does he want and why did he act so strange? Like he didn't know me.", A's mind raced with questions as stood in the kitchen, staring at her counter top, fists clenched."Huh? Oh this Ryo, Dinosaur King.", A answered Levia absentmindedly

"We have to tone down on the violence and play this smart. If we provoke him without's game over.", she stated, brows furrowed.

She took a deep breath and sighed anxiously. "Come on, I need to relieve some stress.", A addressed Ryo as she walked across the condo to the farthest room, taking off her shoes and undoing her hair on the way. "I'll deal with Nurse of the Flies later. Levia keep an eye on her will ya?"

@YungJazz @Lucremoirre

(You should really make Ryo attack some girls you know. GENDER DISCRIMINATION!! and unfortunately i do not consider A female.) 

(you bigoted monster. I'll have you know I sexually identify as a pile of copper forks and I've never been so offended.)
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" Everyone left me" he frowned. A bird flew and landed on his shoulder, " At least I have you....I feel like something is going on with that girl. .." he then thought for a while. "TH-....I forgot the fallen one's true name....silly me" Michael giggled then headed off to the nurses office. He hopped to not to attract any attention while he's there. Maybe he can help out the nurse.
Roy sighed, unable to put up the courage of going up to A's door and knocking on it, and resorted to leaving, keeping the address in his phone if need be for some use. 

He heads back to the school, surveying the destruction, and sits on a large piece of rubble, doing nothing. 


"He's a really big problem and he's early. Damn it, somebody must've tipped him off.", A said still shaken by the encounter, she walked in past him. "Why's he here? and why's he hiding? If he knew what I've been up to he'd have slaughtered me right then and there, right?", A asks Ryo but answers herself. "So then he doesn't know, but then wtf does he want and why did he act so strange? Like he didn't know me.", A's mind raced with questions as stood in the kitchen, staring at her counter top, fists clenched."Huh? Oh this Ryo, Dinosaur King.", A answered Levia absentmindedly

"We have to tone down on the violence and play this smart. If we provoke him without's game over.", she stated, brows furrowed.

She took a deep breath and sighed anxiously. "Come on, I need to relieve some stress.", A addressed Ryo as she walked across the condo to the farthest room, taking off her shoes and undoing her hair on the way. "I'll deal with Nurse of the Flies later. Levia keep an eye on her will ya?"

@YungJazz @Lucremoirre

(you bigoted monster. I'll have you know I sexually identify as a pile of copper forks and I've never been so offended.)

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Ryo waved his hand in a greeting towards Levia, looked awkward with the whole true form revealed, "Sup, weird flesh thing." And that's when A said she needed to relieve some stress. Okay, maybe it wasn't what Ryo thought, maybe he was overreacting. Yeah, keep telling yourself that jackass. Walking over to the farthest room, Ryo peaked his head in to the room, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Sooo, we gonna play some games to relieve stress, right? Riiiight?" Ryo really hoped that was it, cause Setsuna would literally use his balls as a punching bag if he did the dirty with A. And there's no telling what her family would do, if Ryo's memory served correct, Setsuna's family was nuts. Plus, Ryo didn't want to hurt her, even though he had the whole violent thing going on, even making people go through relationship scarring, and let's not forget the alcohol, aaalll the alcohol. But he still had Setsuna to go back to, and he was about ready to just pass out and sleep in between her boobs.

All that said, Ryo also did not have the emotional strength to back out if it did happen, so here goes, "Woah, nice room....Sooo, stress relief?"

@Olivia Acerbi

[Fley Sanders]


Fley spotted a vaguely familiar-looking boy. Oh, yes, he'd fought Caesar at some point, and she just barely remembered his name- "ROY!" she half-yelled, using the remaining energy she had left to shout out the boy's name. She called him over, waving a hand in his direction. "COME ON! LOOK OVER HERE!" She was just barely within eyesight of the school.


Roy's head snapped up, and then seeing Fley, he got off of the rubble piece, hurrying over to her, and still a small bit far away, he called out to her, "What's wrong?"


[Fley Sanders]


Feeling slightly irritated, she waved at him again. "Walk faster, asshole!" He didn't seem to be injured - what was taking so long?! "I-I'm kind of struggling here. Help, please." 

@Storm Guardian
"Oh shit," Roy said to himself, "This doesn't seem good." He ups his pace, then decides he was still too slow, so he instead drew his sword, chucking it in a high arc to land near Fley, then teleported himself to it, "What's wrong?" he repeated, "Where are you injured?"




Arian clasps Caesar's hand against her face, her eyes fond. Panic rises in her chest as his body goes limp, but somehow, he was right. Caesar was still alive. His body melded back together, akin to her own regeneration, but on a another person it only spiked her nervousness. Cautiously, she presses an ear against his chest, and lets out a small gasp. 


Thump. Thump thump. 

His warm breath stirred her hair slightly, and she smiled despite herself. He'd live. Of course, he still had that god of death wraith thing inside him, but he was alive, and that's what mattered. However, some person had the audacity to disturb her peace, and she gave him a glare that softened only slightly. It was the boy that had invaded her brief step onto the wild side that had to be lead away by Caesar.


"He'll... he'll be fine. Just needs some sleep," her eyes roam over Caesar's sleeping form, her eyes glancing at all the new scars. They settled on his face, admiring the way his blonde hair fell peacefully across his face. 


"Uhm, I... don't think we met properly earlier, I'm Arian..." she lamely says, feeling uncomfortable with the way he was just standing there and tucks her hair behind an ear.



[Fley Sanders]


"Pass me your shirt, can't you see that a girl's half-naked?" She scowled at him. "Or, forget it. Keep yours to yourself. Please, help me heal Ryujin. He's... not okay." She pointed to his bleeding gash. Some of the bleeding had stopped because of her shirt, which was still wrapped securely around his chest. He had passed out from the amount of pain and exhaustion earlier. "Please." The look on her face suggested that she'd do anything in order to help him. She just didn't want to lose him.





Levia awkwardly shaked Ryo's hands in return, "Hey, Blue Dino, Name's Levia, female Leviathan"  She yawned as he went towards the kitchen were A was, when A demanded that Levia watched over her, she grabbed a chair from the table and put it in the cupboard's lock, keeping the nurse from escaping, she then went to the room where Ryo and A where located, "Me, the Leviathan, devourer of everything, the demon hidden in the depths of the ocean, wife of the purest Envy, being resorted to third-wheeling in a relationship between a demon and a blue guy, who would've thought..."  She snarked towards the two while she leaned on the doorway.

At:  A's dorm

With:  A (@Olivia Acerbi), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz), Auriel Dwelle (@Lucremoirre)
Roy's eyes widened, recognizing Ryujin from the incident with almost killing A. His mind worked furiously, he didn't have any psychic healing powers or anything, only a stupid med kit back at his campsite. In the end, he decided that they'd better transport Ryojin to the infirmary. Aloud to Fley, he said, "Help me carry Ryujin, we should get him to the nurse's office, there we'd be able to get medical help." He attempts to pick Ryujin up, grunting as he does so, "Boy, he's heavy."

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[Fley Sanders]


Forgetting about her lack of clothing, Fley picked herself up first, lying Ryujin's head on the ground for a moment, though reluctantly. After dusting herself off and steadying herself, she picked up his head and the majority of him, despite her weakness at the moment. "All you have to do is hold his legs. Just... do that for me, please." As they started to walk in this fashion, Fley looks over at Roy. Then back at the sky. I wonder what this might look like. An unconscious boy being carried by a girl wearing a bra and ripped jeans, along with another boy who happens to have a ton of swords on him. God - Rajin, you could give us a little help here. You're ungrateful to your grandson, who actually respects you for what you are.

@Storm Guardian @Dante Verren
After a bit of walking, they arrived at the infirmary, where Roy quickly set up a bed, remembering the nurse was probably gone, and helped Fley put Ryujin on the bed. After that, Roy removed the shirt from Ryujin, taking a clean cloth and doing his best to try to clean the cut.

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Arian clasps Caesar's hand against her face, her eyes fond. Panic rises in her chest as his body goes limp, but somehow, he was right. Caesar was still alive. His body melded back together, akin to her own regeneration, but on a another person it only spiked her nervousness. Cautiously, she presses an ear against his chest, and lets out a small gasp. 


Thump. Thump thump. 

His warm breath stirred her hair slightly, and she smiled despite herself. He'd live. Of course, he still had that god of death wraith thing inside him, but he was alive, and that's what mattered. However, some person had the audacity to disturb her peace, and she gave him a glare that softened only slightly. It was the boy that had invaded her brief step onto the wild side that had to be lead away by Caesar.


"He'll... he'll be fine. Just needs some sleep," her eyes roam over Caesar's sleeping form, her eyes glancing at all the new scars. They settled on his face, admiring the way his blonde hair fell peacefully across his face. 


"Uhm, I... don't think we met properly earlier, I'm Arian..." she lamely says, feeling uncomfortable with the way he was just standing there and tucks her hair behind an ear.


Seo after successfully ruining the beautiful moment between the two noticing her glare as is softens. "Woah i'm sorry to disturb you i just owe him a debt.... mid life crisis not the best time.. got it." Seo pulled out a note book titled How To Life The Right Way then began making a side note. "So yeah, anyways im Seo Sentrale Caesar is a cool dude i thought i could return the favor by helping out...." Seo flipped a few pages wrote something down and tore the paper out handing it to her."If either of you need anything please do not hesitate to call. Is there anything i can help you with now? Seo begins to feel bad about what has happened most because he walked in on such a wonderful scene or probably because he saw his brother in many epic brawls and he did not do anything yes that sounds like it was the problem..

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[Fley Sanders]


"I hate to do this, but I can't really help you. No medical experience. And I'm just too tired out, but I'll do what I can if you direct me." Soon after placing Ryujin on the bed, she hugged him again. "You could've just killed me there," she muttered, rubbing his forehead affectionately. "Don't die, okay? Hang in there. You'll be fine." The thought of that demon, Ryo, angered her so much. If only she had the strength to confront him. 

@Dante Verren @Storm Guardian (My responses will be shorter and less neat - I'm switching to mobile, unfortunately.) 
.(Finally home.)

There was a flash of light outside of the ruined infirmary as a tall man strolled in with a yawn. He looked eacastly like Ryujin except he was taller and had an eye patch covering one eye. The man yawned "Did someone call for me. Said something about a grandson or something?"

@Fazy @Storm Guardian
"I don't have any experience either, all I know is keep the wound clean and stop the god-damned bleeding," Roy said. He stops cleaning, keeping the cloth firmly on the wound with one hand and looking something up on his phone, then he puts the phone on the table, sprinting to the cabinets, knocking over some medications until he found what he wanted. He took a syringe, carefully injecting Mephyton into the cut to try to stop it from bleeding. Then he fumbles around another cabinet, taking some gauze tape and wrapping it tightly around the wound. 

@Dante Verren @Fazy 

((I'm out for the day. And probably most of the next day, I won't be at home. Sorry... hope the interaction works a small bit without me...))

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