Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin woke up to his alarm going off. he looked at it and silently cursed himself. he hurriedly showered and dressed before grabbing his bag and running out the door. he sprinted to the classroom quickly opening the door and stepping inside the class room only to realize that only one other student was there along with the teacher. 

@Kisaki @Obsidian
A bell ring broke the silence of Honey and Lydia just sitting there and wondering what the hell just happened. She remembered that this was a school as well as a place where demons come and rip you apart, and so she scuttled off to find a classroom that hopefully wasn't going to include blowing stuff up or fights to the death. At the moment her opinion of the school was that it was a pretty bad place to stay if you don't want to get hurt, the massive hole where the infirmary was helped her think that this was way too dangerous for her.

Approaching an intact hallway and a room with a sign saying 'Monster Hunting Class - Professor Xian Qui', Lydia slowly opened the door and took a moment to look around to make sure it was the right class. The purple lights made Lydia calm down, but she was a bit worried seeing that the teacher had horns coming out of his head. That was never a good sign in Lydia's experience. After he had greeted another boy in the class Lydia went up to him with Honey resting on her right shoulder. 

"Hello sir, I'm assuming that you're Professor Xian Qui right? My name is Lydia, and this is Honey. I hope that this will be a somewhat safe hunting class, I don't want Honey getting hurt." Lydia said to the horned teacher. If something went wrong during this class, or if Honey gets hurt, Lydia was sure that she will leave this academy for the forest. She was sick and tired of people insulting everybody and being all aggressive.

@Obsidian (I really hope that this class won't include people killing each other ¬¬. I really am pretty pissed off that everybody is a god and can kill everybody. I may leave the RP if this whole 'fighting everybody cause why not?' thing carries on.)

(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
Professor Xian Qui smirks in response after noticing Michael’s arrival, Hundun was none to take for granted he could see right through that archangel’s clever ruse. However due to the fact he was an archangel he was nervous that he could expose Hundun’s disguise and reveal him for what he truly is. He smiled at him for a brief moment while gazing into his eyes with only pure death and chaos lurking around in Xian Qui's endless gaze. The professor softly laughed and quickly turned his head around trying to break the connected eyesight between him and that mysterious student. “Haha! You’re a special one, I can see it. Please, why don’t you take a seat anywhere, if I take a while introducing myself to other first-year students feel free to talk to the others seated around you. Oh and i’m happy to have you in my classroom ‘Mike.’ Xian Qui replies to him while gesturing to him with his hand to the surrounding seats located in a neat fashion amidst the room as he gives him a wicked smirk.

(Going to be doing short-replies since i'm going to be having quite a bit of students and I want to be able to mention them all. @Kisaki)

(I'll be gone for at least 8-7 hours because of school)

Michael wouldn't reveal the mysterious teachers true name. He must act like a regular student...not like a mighty archangel warrior.

Of course he could play around with Hundun also ...maybe a free class. Michael sat in a chair in the front. He noticed another student who entered in.  "Another interesting one"

Ryujin woke up to his alarm going off. he looked at it and silently cursed himself. he hurriedly showered and dressed before grabbing his bag and running out the door. he sprinted to the classroom quickly opening the door and stepping inside the class room only to realize that only one other student was there along with the teacher. 

@Kisaki @Obsidian
A bell ring broke the silence of Honey and Lydia just sitting there and wondering what the hell just happened. She remembered that this was a school as well as a place where demons come and rip you apart, and so she scuttled off to find a classroom that hopefully wasn't going to include blowing stuff up or fights to the death. At the moment her opinion of the school was that it was a pretty bad place to stay if you don't want to get hurt, the massive hole where the infirmary was helped her think that this was way too dangerous for her.

Approaching an intact hallway and a room with a sign saying 'Monster Hunting Class - Professor Xian Qui', Lydia slowly opened the door and took a moment to look around to make sure it was the right class. The purple lights made Lydia calm down, but she was a bit worried seeing that the teacher had horns coming out of his head. That was never a good sign in Lydia's experience. After he had greeted another boy in the class Lydia went up to him with Honey resting on her right shoulder. 

"Hello sir, I'm assuming that you're Professor Xian Qui right? My name is Lydia, and this is Honey. I hope that this will be a somewhat safe hunting class, I don't want Honey getting hurt." Lydia said to the horned teacher. If something went wrong during this class, or if Honey gets hurt, Lydia was sure that she will leave this academy for the forest. She was sick and tired of people insulting everybody and being all aggressive.

@Obsidian (I really hope that this class won't include people killing each other ¬¬. I really am pretty pissed off that everybody is a god and can kill everybody. I may leave the RP if this whole 'fighting everybody cause why not?' thing carries on.)

(Unfortunately  everytime that I leave someone is killing each other. I really want to remake/ make a new rp , with a little more rules. I really just want an organized rp. :(


(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
“Intriguing an arachnid, never seen the likes of your own kind around Luxor Academy. Yes, it should be rather safe, there will be no fighting amongst our students. However the monsters you are going to be facing are rather interesting creatures as their variety changes and so does their abilities. Considering that you’re an arachnid, mobility for you should be rather easy, yet we’re going to see how the environment suits you. As for that wasp of yours following you the surroundings might be difficult for it but as I see before me it’s no ordinary insect as well.” Professor Xian Qui replies with a friendly smirk to her as he taps his pencil once more after seeing Ryujin push through the massive-doors leading into his classroom. “Ah, and judging from your strolling demeanor it seems that you have a lot of personality in you. Hopefully you won’t be a class clown. Because I eat clowns.” Xian Qui shouts playfully at Ryujin but having a terrifying look on his face despite the tone of his seemingly friendly voice. The professor shifts his eyesight around the classroom overlooking the pupils adjacent to his sturdy desk, his eyebrow raises slightly in amusement. “We’re missing a few it seems. Although they should be here quite soon.” Xian Qui announces to the entirety of the class while arching himself backwards in his comfortable leather seat

@Kisaki @Cheryl @Dante Verren (Player notification is being a dingus right now.)
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@Kisaki (I'm happy to see that you care about the RP. You could make a thread including new rules about some stuff or character creation. I could help with stopping people fighting each other randomly if you want me to. I'm open for disciplining people for destroying everything and everyone.)
Fley rolled out of her bed after hearing the bell ring. Man, she hated sch- SCHOOL?! Her eyes widened as she remembered what had happened. She should be in the infirmary. No, this was her dorm room. Lazily getting to her feet, she went to her washroom and took a hot shower. Fley felt far more refreshed now. She changed into a decent-looking white top with the words 'Who Cares?' written on the front in messy handwriting, and another pair of jeans. If there was a uniform at Luxor, she certainly didn't know about it, and moreover, she didn't care. Stepping out of her dorm, her first thought was about finding Ryujin. But she assumed he was in class. Locking her dorm room, she ran to class, just barely making it there - but there were only three people and the teacher. She looked at the boy who's scared off A and Ryo yesterday, giving him a look of gratitude. Then, her suspicions were confirmed right after seeing Ryujin. She was tempted to kiss him, but held back. This is school. Finally, she spotted Lydia, the spider. She was going to scream, but she remembered, reminded herself to calm the fuck down. She was going to have to get rid of her arachnophobia somehow. 

Miyuki had gone to her dorm after she had heard the fights from the night before. She was frustrated and did not want to be involved - she couldn't be attacked, anyway. After she showered within the comfort of her dorm, which was empty because her roommate had not bothered to come back, she changed into a white flowery dress - it made her look like the sun - and walked into the classroom through the back, sliding through the walls so no one would notice her enter late. There were only four students - a wolf girl, a boy with an aura of a thunder god, Lydia - her eyes lit up - and another boy with a strange aura. 

@Dante Verren @Obsidian @Cheryl@Kisaki
(Sorry if My character is a bit op. I'm trying to keep him as balanced as possible.)

Ryujin heard the teachers comment about him being a class clown and sighed. "Do I really look that lazy" he muttered. He took a seat in the middle section of the class room placing his bag on the table in front of him. He was still exhausted from the day before. He closed his eyes and his mind began to day dream. he heard the door open twice at some point but didn't open his eyes as he continued to move through dream land. 

Hikaru had been waiting for someone to open the door and once Fley did he bolted inside. seeing that his master was lost in thought he silently hopped onto his desk and curled up in a small blue ball on top of Ryujin's bag.

@Obsidian @Cheryl @Fazy @Kisaki
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you sir." replied Lydia before going off to find a free table. There were lots of free spaces since there were basically only four other people in here. Well, until she saw Fley. Remembering how the wolf girl always cowers in fear of her, Lydia sighed and sat down in the middle row, shoving the chair out of the way. She wasn't able to sit down on a chair anymore, they were just a burden for her. The fact that Fley didn't scream or become a wolf and go crazy surprised Lydia. Perhaps they were coming onto better terms. 

Lydia stretched her arms out onto the table before getting into a comfortable position. Honey had crawled onto the desk and wasn't moving his wings, which surprised Lydia for a bit before remembering that she had total control over him. She could make Honey do whatever, but usually she let him do what he normally does when she's awake. Lydia didn't want to seem like an oppressor to the bugs. But for now she'll just listen to the class and do her best.
Fley avoided making eye contact with Lydia and sat down next to Ryujin, but said nothing. She did not want to disturb him and his thoughts. Instead, she patted Hikaru on the head lightly, smiling at him. "Hello," she whispered, as she waited for class to start.

Miyuki had sat in the far back near the window, hoping to be ignored. She would, of course, participate in class, but she did not want to draw attention to herself. Lydia looked somewhat annoyed, so she did not approach her. She would save it for later. Staring at the teacher with a near-bored expression, she wished class would start. 

@Dante Verren @Obsidian @Cheryl 


(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
“I can see that there’s going to be quite a few ladies on this field trip. It seems that there aren’t going to be a vast amount of gentlemen on this trip. Still, try not to suck each other’s faces too much.” Professor Xian Qui replied as he noticed both Fley and Miyuki walk inside of his classroom,  Miyuki quickly caught the attention of Xian Qui as she strolled in between the rows of desks aligned near her. Her innocent posture and movements made him quite curious about what she will able to accomplish during this field trip of his. “Heh. Cute.” Xian qui mutters underneath his breath as she continued about her business. The professor’s nose wiggled a tad bit as he smelt something familiar, Hikaru.. His eyes darted towards the direction of Ryujin and he quickly huffed at Hikaru’s arrival. “Hopefuly that electric blue squirrel of yours can help you along this journey. As most of them don’t seem to like the cold that much.” He states to Ryujin as he points the eraser point of his pencil at him while twirling it in the air above his desk. What he mentioned about the cold quickly gained the attention of his students, they knew now that the environment of where they will soon be heading is going to be very low temperature.


Suddenly Professor Xian Qui gets up from his desk in a swift yet calm manner as he walks back to the entrance of his classroom and closes the enormous steel doors with his physical strength. He nonchalantly then makes his way to the center of the room while coughing a tiny bit to get the attention of his encompassing class. "Students, I know that you're relatively new to Luxor Academy. Some of you haven't even been able to met Luxor himself yet, despite this i'll have you know that he's quite the interesting fellow and a respectable one at that. Nonetheless it appears that a few people have taken his kindness for granted and winded up trashing a part of the school. This sort of vandalism, violence, and delinquency will not be tolerated, Understood? Good, now today on our agenda we're going to be doing something that you may have seen on the school pamphlet of yours." He loudly says interrupting the side conversations around him before raising up the concealed chalkboard showing the words "Monster-Hunting 102" Why 102? Because 101 is over-rated. He presses his hand against the rough surface of the chalkboard causing a loud bang in an attempt to have their attention drawn at the board. "I know that you have a lot of questions that haven't been answered yet, so i'll answer a couple to calm your nerves. We will be heading to a very remote place which is several several light-years away from this world that we are currently inhabiting, this place that we're visiting is alike our own but many different and strange creatures make up this planet. Some are harmless... Yet some will not hesitate to make you their lunch or kill you simply for the pleasure of it. We will be visiting an abandoned series of castles in a very desolate and snowy region, which I all hope you brought something that'll keep your delicate heads warm. Furthermore i'll be taking questions as of now before we depart." Professor Xian Qui announces to the pupils next to him as he leans himself against the side of the chalkboard. By the look of Xian Qui's irritated expression he hopes to have the questions be relevant to the situation.

@Cheryl @Kisaki @Dante Verren @Fazy (Other people in the class.)
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Hikaru's ears perked up as he heard a familiar voice and he waved at Fley before curling back up. Ryujin opened his eyes as he heard The professed start to speak. he was annoyed at the teacher for calling Hikaru a squirrel but he ignored it. He listened closely to the professor and looked around as he heard his comment about kissing and realized that he was only one of two male students in the room. That is also when he noticed that Fley was siting next to him. he smiled down at her before returning his attention to the teacher. Ryujin sighed when he mentioned that it was going to be cold.

@Obsidian @Fazy @Cheryl
Lydia quickly put her hand up after Professor Xian Qui had finished. "How will we get there? And can I go get my coat before we go?" asked Lydia, worried about freezing to death. She didn't want to be a burden just because she didn't bring something warm, but there was definitely a winter coat back in her dorm room that fitted her. It wasn't very far away and she doubted that Honey would be able to survive in such frigid temperatures either. Lydia herself was happy to be in cold temperatures, but only if in a warm coat of some sort.




"Hrnnn.... okay, okay, I'm up," Arian mutters sleepily, even immortals needed sleep. Well, she did anyway. She smiled as she opened her eyes, feeling a tingling sensation as Caesar brushed back her hair. She pats his cheek in return lightly, holding it there for a second before standing up not so gracefully 


"Oh yeah... that's right... class officially start today...," she muses to herself, stretching. She brushes off her skirt, and found it to be utterly clean. Whatever the crazy Lyssa girl wore, obviously was suited for her odd antics. It was notable that Lyssa always appeared to be clean. Now she knew why. Nor did her garments bear any wear. 


"Well, let's head to class shall we? " she asks, holding out a hand for him, "We probably don't want to be late after yesterday's... incident. " 


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(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
“Ah, yes, I nearly forgot to mention this place that we’re going to is in Niflheim, .which is one of the nine worlds in Norse mythology, obviously less known than Asgard. This abandoned castle is located in the mountainous regions of that world, Yes you may get your coat by the way just make sure to hurry up, I don’t want this to wind up turning into a 30 minute interval just to get your gear. This goes for everyone, you have 30 minutes to prepare yourselves for our arrival to Niflheim. As for travel, sorcery my dear. This will make our transportation rather quick and less time consuming. Oh I brought someone who might be a guide on this journey of ours, Hikaru might enjoy this fellow.” Professor Xian Qui announces once more. Until suddenly an enormous amount of electricity explodes out from the atmosphere causing the lights to flicker for a quick moment as a odd small fluffy creature appears on the teacher’s desk. This interesting little rodent had blue streaks across its back however the rest of its fur was coated with a lightish brown hue, this actually was a squirrel. “Meet our sly guide also known as ‘Ratatoskr’. This interesting creature has been all around these nine-worlds delivering messages to very important people inhabiting them.” Xian Qui states as Ratatoskr makes several sounds while scampering around on his desk while looking at the rest of the class with its abnormally big blue eyes.

@Dante Verren @Fazy @Kisaki
(Rest of the joining class.)
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[Fley Sanders]


"All right, then, Professor, how do we monster hunt or whatever? Isn't there gonna be some sort of demonstration?" she asked, smiling back at Ryujin before returning her gaze to the professor. "I mean, I think we deserve a little help and-" 


[Miyuki Mori]


"I think differently, sir. I think that you should teach us the concept of monster hunting and allow us to try, thus giving us the chance to explore our own powers," Miyuki murmured, her soft voice cutting off Fley's loud one. "Of course, you could show us how to do such things. It would be quite helpful and we all value your teaching skills. I just feel that it'd be nice to get a hands-on experience, you know? Obviously, I'm in no place to say anything though. I'm sorry." She bowed her head and played with her hair with one hand, twirling it around her index finger. I should not have said anything. She gave the small creature sitting upon Professor Xian Qui's desk a tiny smile. He was cute, and she liked him.


Both Ryujin and Hikaru Stared at Ratatosker with eyes filled with wonder. "Lightning squirrel" they both said at the same time it sounded as if both of them had completely forgotten about everything else as they stared at the squirrel. Ryujin and Hikaru both raised their hands at once. "Mr. Proffesser can we pet the squirrel!"

@Obsidian @Fazy @Cheryl



Clyde M. Sade


The flight had been dreadfully dull, and he had been fitted next to a repulsive male who had the most disgusting smell that Clyde had ever been submitted to. And that was a lot. 

However, they had landed with relative ease, and he made sure to stand as far as possible from other people as they disembarked. He had brought only his staff with him, and there was no luggage to be picked up. So, with a disinterested gaze, he strolls from the airport, and stands outside, watching the sunrise slowly over the horizon. As it steadily crosses the sky, Clyde digs into his coat pocked indiscriminately, and flips open a phone. 


After dialing the number he had memorized prior to the flight, he presses it against his ear. 


It was ringing the Principal of Luxor Academy, Luxor himself. 





(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
“Definitely, I understand that you're curious. i’ll explain that concept before we get there. This would be a perfect opportunity. Luxor Academy has instituted Monster hunting into their regimen quite a while back as experiencing situations that are not scripted will in fact assist you in your efforts. Not only will this course teach you how to hone your magnificent abilities and powers, but it will give you an idea of other cultures as well as improve decision making and teamwork. And trust me team-work will be needed to get through this. As your first day I don’t expect you to pass with flying colors but understand that you will encounter situations that’ll have you risk your very own life, so take this seriously. You may use any of your abilities or weaponry on this journey so make use of them.” Professor Xian Qui replies to Miyuki and Fley as he skims his fingers through Ratatoskr’s gentle fur as he looked back at Ryujin and Hikaru, he was a bit annoyed by their nonsensical question but nonetheless he chuckled as a response. “Ratatoskr, are you alright with this?” He asked the curious little creature playing around with the pencil he was holding earlier. “Those two weirdos want to pet me? Fine, if they get any food in my fur i’m going to give them a serious case of rabies.“ Ratatoskr yells out in a high-pitch tone to the surrounding pupils before leaping off the professor’s table in a blaze of lightning and pouncing onto Ryujin’s desk while curling himself up into a ball waiting for them to thoroughly pet him.

@Cheryl @Fazy @Dante Verren @Kisaki @ (Rest of the students participating in class.)

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Ryujin and Hikaru both happily petted the squirrel. "Hehe lightning squirrel." sparks emmited from Ryujin's hand every time he touched the squirrel but he was eletric proof so he dind't really care. They both had the same stupid grin on their faces that reminded anyone who looked At them like a kid going to the candy store for the first time.

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WOW...could you be any more sorry?", A started to tell off Ryo. "You're sooo obvious. What happened to being 'bangable' and 'casual'?", A criticizes him as she undresses next to her bed, not that she'd left very much to the imagination, tossing her clothes at Ryo. "You're such an emotional limp d*ck.". She lobs the insult at him with the last of her clothes and hops onto the bed, her feminine form freely bouncing around until she finally settles onto her stomach on the edge, staring Ryo down. "I called it. You know that right? After all that soap opera talk how could I not? You failed.", She rolls over onto her back her head hanging off the edge of the bed. "Looks like you're not gonna be third wheel to anything because Mr.'I am the Villain, I kill planets' decided to grow a heart.", A directs to Levia in the doorway. 
"That feeling you feel? It's called weakness. I can't afford that, not now.", she closes her eyes and sits up so she has her back to Ryo. "I can't have you compromising this whole thing when Lassie gets used against you....and she will. She's a bleeding heart, a liability, leverage just waiting to be used against us." A turned to him as she climbed back off the bed and slowly walked in his direction, her expression was almost as sympathetic as it was disappointed. "I'd ask you to make a choice but I can see you're incapable of even the slightest bit of rational thought.....So I'll make it for you. Get the f*ck out of my sight." She placed the tip of her tail on his forehead and transported him out of the Condorm™ and to the center of Campus. 
A let out a out a melancholy sigh that turned to an almost feigned chuckle. "Whatever. I've got more important things to worry about than the relationship between glorified house pets.", she stood in place for a moment before breaking loose of whatever had come over her. 

"Alright, f*ck em'! Looks like it's a girl's night out, Levia!", A proclaimed hand-springing to her closet. "Ya know, the hardest part of dressing like I do is that there's not much further you can go on 'special occasions', short of being buck naked.", she comments to Levia as she rummages through her closet. "Luckily, they make these." A pulls out something that looks like a ball of nylon straps. 
She put in on revealing it to be exactly what it looked like and created heels to match from the ground beneath her feet. "You're not going like that are you?", A comments grimacing at Levia's attire. 

"Do you really think it's a good idea to disappear of campus immediately after coming across Michael? Don't you think that'll raise some red flags?", the boringly logical A clone chimed in, crossing her arms at A.
"Aw, but-but......I guess you're right. Last thing I need is Michael riding me the whole time.", A admitted hanging her head. "Well, then what am I supposed to do?"
"How about you try actually going to class?", her clone said sarcastically. "You know this place isn't called Luxor Academy for sh*ts and giggles."
A fell to her back and started kicking her feet. "But I don't wannna go to schoooool!"
"I heard Professor Xian Qui is teaching a can still make it if you hurry....", logic-clone tempted in a rhythmic tone. 
"Reaallly...yea, that could be fun and I guess I should make a better attempt at fitting- Wait, I know everything you did you hear that but not me?", A questioned the "clone", squinting suspiciously.
"You did hear must've just forgotten and I reminded you, hehe...Uh, anyway you should get going if you want to make it.", the clone tried to salvage, equally suspiciously.
".................Yea, I'll buy that.", A responds.

"Levia, I'm gonna head to Xian Quinoa's class. You can hang out here or meet me there, it's whatever.", she says jumping to her feet. "But, first." 
A launches a barrage of barbed lances and serrated spears into the cupboard holding Auriel's now brutalized body. Blood seeped out from beneath the door. 
"K, bye."
A turned completely black and falls into a shadow that disappeared among the others in the room. Back at Xian Qui's class she reappears out of his shadow, in front of the class, there eyes and mouths agape at the sight of her. 
She hadn't changed her clothes back.



(yuh, class just got lit bruh. @Obsidian I'll behave like I promised! No fights, pinkie swear.)

[Fley Sanders]


"No one asked for your opinion," Fley muttered, angrily, turning to face Miyuki. Satisfied by how she did not seem to want to respond, Fley turned back to Ryujin and Hikaru who were almost begging to pet the little lightning squirrel. Aww, they were so cute, the three of them! How adorable. Well, she would somehow get past this monster-hunting thing, no matter how hard it was going to be. Hang on a minute, who said it was going to be hard? This Xian Qui guy just wanted to complicate everything. She wouldn't fall for his stupid tricks. Just as she was about to say something else, her eyes shot to A, who was standing in front of the class dressed in what-the-fuck clothes. "Fucking Rajin, what the hell-" she started, but her eyes shot back to Ryujin. "So much as look at her and I'll eat your face off."


[Miyuki Mori]


Miyuki knew that responding to Fley would only provoke her - something she really didn't want to do. Starting fights did not appeal to Miyuki, much unlike the rest of the class, who seemed so interested in doing the very opposite. Instead, she looked around for someone strong-looking she would position herself around, in the case that she would be unable to hold off the monsters. The thunder god and fox looked reliable, so did Fley, but neither of them were approachable. She glanced over at Lydia. Miyuki had no clue what kind of powers she had. Same situation for the other boy. Sighing, she looked at herself, somewhat disappointed. Her hand slid through her desk, and she watched it glitch. The only thing she could do to fight the monsters was throw objects at them. Then Miyuki recalled a memory. It was back when she had gotten into her second fistfight after having gotten her powers. Oh, that's right - what had she done to win that fight? She'd thrown an object which had had her intangibility powers somehow linked to it. The result had been that the boy had more than a few broken bones. Luckily, no one had found her, especially since the incident occurred after school. But that had been such a long time ago, and she didn't know how to do it aga- her thoughts were interrupted as a red demon entered the classroom, wearing sexy, revealing clothes. Was... was that suitable clothing for school? Was this allowed? Oh, well, it was none of her business. Miyuki did not make any expression to indicate that she showed surprise, though.


Seeing that nobody else was going to go at the same time as her, Lydia awkwardly exited the class before dashing off to her dorm. She was still alone in her dorm, but she didn't mind. As long as Honey was with her Lydia would be happy. Entering her room, Lydia made a quick survey of the room to see if anything changed. The little blanket and cushion bed she made for herself had been removed, and the room looked extremely tidy. She remembered how people come into rooms to simply clean it up, and concluded that it was just somebody came and cleaned up the area. 

Opening the pine wardrobe, Lydia grabbed the light grey winter coat and slipped it on. The coat was already there when she arrived, and simply assumed it was either from the person before her or it was a free gift from the academy. Either way, it fitted her and it was perfect for going out into the winter snow with how stuffy she already was inside of it. Lydia decided she would put it on when they got there, she hated it when she was all clammy inside of her clothes. Now she had to find something for Honey himself.

There wasn't anything small enough for him, and she could just keep him inside of her coat, but when he needed to get out and attack he would probably freeze to death before getting to the monster. However he needed to be able to move around easily so the clothes couldn't be too bulky. Perhaps a spell could keep him warm? If some magic could transport a multitude of people to a planet light years away, surely there was some magic that could keep him warm enough. 

Lydia scurried back off to the classroom after no more than ten minutes had passed. She was holding the silver winter coat and had Honey on her shoulder nibbling a little fly he had caught while Lydia was searching for the coat. After she opened the door to the class, Lydia immediately noticed A basically naked in the front of the class. Not wanting to be noticed herself, she quietly went back to her desk to sit down. She would ask the question about magic to keep Honey warm later, if she asked the question now Lydia was sure that A would simply set him on fire.
Ryujin's eyes widened in surprise as A apperead wearing even less the usual. Which honestly Ryujin thought was impossible. He couldn't help himself and he swallowed hard as to try to rwmain in control. The events of last night slowly came back to him as one word came to mind. "Flexable" he accedentily said it out loud and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't move his and yes away

@Olivia Acerbi @Fazy @Obsidian
Seeing that nobody else was going to go at the same time as her, Lydia awkwardly exited the class before dashing off to her dorm. She was still alone in her dorm, but she didn't mind. As long as Honey was with her Lydia would be happy. Entering her room, Lydia made a quick survey of the room to see if anything changed. The little blanket and cushion bed she made for herself had been removed, and the room looked extremely tidy. She remembered how people come into rooms to simply clean it up, and concluded that it was just somebody came and cleaned up the area. 

Opening the pine wardrobe, Lydia grabbed the light grey winter coat and slipped it on. The coat was already there when she arrived, and simply assumed it was either from the person before her or it was a free gift from the academy. Either way, it fitted her and it was perfect for going out into the winter snow with how stuffy she already was inside of it. Lydia decided she would put it on when they got there, she hated it when she was all clammy inside of her clothes. Now she had to find something for Honey himself.

There wasn't anything small enough for him, and she could just keep him inside of her coat, but when he needed to get out and attack he would probably freeze to death before getting to the monster. However he needed to be able to move around easily so the clothes couldn't be too bulky. Perhaps a spell could keep him warm? If some magic could transport a multitude of people to a planet light years away, surely there was some magic that could keep him warm enough. 

Lydia scurried back off to the classroom after no more than ten minutes had passed. She was holding the silver winter coat and had Honey on her shoulder nibbling a little fly he had caught while Lydia was searching for the coat. After she opened the door to the class, Lydia immediately noticed A basically naked in the front of the class. Not wanting to be noticed herself, she quietly went back to her desk to sit down. She would ask the question about magic to keep Honey warm later, if she asked the question now Lydia was sure that A would simply set him on fire.

(Oh, you read me like a book, Cheryl)

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