Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

[Fley Sanders]


Clearly disturbed by Ryujin's reaction, Fley glared at him angrily before slapping him in the face, hard. "Put some clothes on, you burnt red asshole! Or did you forget to buy some? Oh, sorry, I forgot that you don't have any money left, despite how often you sell your body to others," she spat, her eyes narrowing at A. Asshole.




(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
Ratatoskr’s and Professor Xian Qui’s eyes immediately light up after noticing Astaroth (A) show up in the middle of the classroom with very little clothing covering her up. Xian Qui’s face quickly lights up very red as his embarrassment shines through his appearance. “Golly, i’d like to pet her!” Ratatoskr yelled out unexpectedly as he looked at A’s body while wagging his tail furiously. Electricity started to fling off of his tail due to excitement, Ratatoskr then took a soft glance at both Ryujin and Hikaru. “Who told you that you could stop petting me?” The creature told them in his moderately high tone before rolling around on its back showing his belly. Professor Xian Qui observes the now nearly naked A and he begins to immediately burst into a fit of laughter. "Haha Y-you’re going to die out there devil-girl, you’re going to be getting quite the amount of attention though due to how ‘nippley’ it will be on our field trip. Also i’m not going to cause a ruckus here but I swear on everything that’s unholy that if you hurt the Academy nurse i’ll turn you into a red-slushie. Now, even though I share odd feelings between you i’m not going to hold anything against you for right now.” Xian Qui replied to her in response to A’s arrival, He then quietly calmed his emotions as he looked back at the encompassing class. “Now to get to Niflheim, we’re going to be using a rune that i’ll be infusing with the ground in the center of the classroom.

This should hastily transport us out of this planet and directly onto the surface of the one we’ll be visiting. In case of late students we’ll be leaving this portal open to them, once I see them i’m going to chew them out though. Anyway once we get there I want you all to pick a partner, if someone is missing a partner i’ll let Ratatoskr go with them.” Professor Xian Qui blurts out to the attentive students as they await their soon arrival to Niflheim. He then carefully rubbed the palms of his hands together creating an enormous amount of energy which reeked of his devastating miasma. Without warning he slapped his hands once together and kneeled onto the floor and placed his palms on to the ground. Dark lingering aura flows throughout the entire class but mainly forms a circle around the middle of the room. “Hey! Why do I have to babysit! The only partner I’d want to have is that devil-girl over there. I know a really good way to make her warm if she’s cold.” Ratatoskr says in the direction of A before feeling her sinister presence and quickly shutting himself up and looking somewhere else. “Now class once you’re inside the rune, i’ll be transporting you all to the destination, last chance for questions. So make it quick.” Professor Xian Qui announces while positioning himself back onto his two feet and placing his hands behind his back and looking attentively at the class.

@Olivia Acerbi @Fazy @Dante Verren @Cheryl @Kisaki (Others joining the class.)(I'm going to make a post in the monster-hunting section once everyone is inside the rune.)
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[Fley Sanders]


Clearly disturbed by Ryujin's reaction, Fley glared at him angrily before slapping him in the face, hard. "Put some clothes on, you burnt red asshole! Or did you forget to buy some? Oh, sorry, I forgot that you don't have any money left, despite how often you sell your body to others," she spat, her eyes narrowing at A. Asshole.




"That's a lot of talk from an ass-dragging mutt, like you. Ryujin, you should probably restrain your pet, she doesn't think like us people. The classroom is no place for wild animals.", A sneers as she backpedals towards Xian Qui. She turns pulling herself into him. "Professor, I feel threatened by this beast and it's undeveloped frontal lobes.", she said simulating fear, and shooting the bird to Fley. 


@Dante Verren

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The slap brought Ryujin back to reality. He shook his head and cleared his head. Once he heard A's provocations he knew this wasn't gong to end well. his face turned serious and he place a firm grip on Fley's shoulder. "Don't pay any attention to her. She is just trying to piss you off. Besides if any one is the wild animal its the one who looks can't control her lust even though she is in class." His last sentence was more directed towards A but he made sure not to look at her.

@Fazy @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian
Taking the long way around to avoid A, Lydia came over to Professor Xian Qui. The dark energy coursing around the room did bring out some of Lydia's worse nature, making sure to 'accidentally' brush Fley's back with one of her insect wings. After staying a some what safe distance away from the teacher, but close enough so that only he could hear it, Lydia asked "Could you use some of your magic to keep Honey warm while we're over there hunting monsters? I couldn't find anything to keep him warm and so that he can move around easily in my dorm." .

@Obsidian (Note, only he can hear the question. I'm looking at you A, I don't want you setting fire to my Honey :P .)

Trae 1.jpg

"Oi, you better check your tone there A, before I-" And with his sentenced being interrupted, Ryo was transported to the center of campus. He blinked a couple of times in disbelief before sighing in exasperation, the illusion of a human body appearing over him again. Ryo turned to face in the direction of A's pad, a soft smile on his face. Cupping his hand over his mouth to increase his volume, Ryo shouted, "You snarky bitch! I ain't weak!.....Also, EAT A BAG OF DICKS A-MONEY!"

With that said, Ryo chuckled a little before putting his hand in his pockets and started strolling leisurely in a random direction. He couldn't help but laugh, cause what he considered his best pal, was also the most judgmental, sarcastic, snarky, and downright evilest broad he had ever met. Still, Ryo appreciated her, but couldn't help but feel that there was a little sadness in her words...Naaah, must've been a figment of his imagination, A would rip his dick off and use it to strangle him before she ever felt any type of 'human' emotion. Although Ryo couldn't help but consider the fact that she may be right, before coming here, Ryo would decimate anything that stood in his was. Ryo remember killing someone's wife right in front of them, then going on to blow up their country, good times, but now....Man, meeting the devil and the fox was fucking him up mentally.

Whistling to himself, Ryo had already shrugged off A's words, cause either way, he was still gonna get to fight those thrones, hell, he may even get her a pitchfork as a joke. All in all, with all the fights, the random explosion, and utter chaos of the day, Ryo could say he was pretty happy. He got to deck his brother, fight some strong guys, chill with his best (In his mind) devil friend, and now his big titty girlfriend was probably waiting for him with open arms!

...Wait, where was his girlfriend? Ryo scratched his head in thought as he remembered the words that he had said to Setsuna. Those were the words that were keeping him back from doing the do with A. His awesome fox, who made him laugh with her words, yet ticked him off with her arrogance. Ryo just wanted to find Setsuna, slap her on the ass, and then lay down on her lap and enjoy the scenery, also get some banging in too. Ryo nodded his head in thought as he became determined to find Setsuna, apologize for some (Not all) of his actions, gaze into her eyes, and take care of her.

With new determination in his soul, Ryo shot off with a happy smile on his face, aiming to find his girl shouting along the way, "OI! SETSUNA! WHERE ARE YOU GIRL! YOU ARE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THE DAY I'M HAVING!" Ryo's voice echoed as he began his trek all across the school to find his girl. Poor idiot, your lady has gone Yandere and an insane goddess are plotting revenge on you, this is not time to be happy! Also you're skipping class jackass!


@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi

(Honestly, I was gonna have Ryo sleep with A, you know dig himself deeper into the hole he is in, but then A was like, GET TA STEPPIN' WUSS! So now Ryo is off to find his now insane girl....RUN JACKASS! SHE GONE KILL YOU!)

[Fley Sanders]


"Well, being a wolf is far better than being a prostituting, red-bodied freak that comes from the depths of hell. Unlike you, who came to bang men everywhere you go, I came here to work. Did you understand that, you brainless dumb fuck? I suppose you didn't, seeing as you're so desperate to flirt with our teacher, trying to score an A. Unfortunately, however much your alias might suggest that you're smart, it's just a cover-up for how desperate you are to show off. What does the A stand for, huh? It's certainly not A+ or Appealing, not even Attractive or Astounding. Perhaps we might as well all call you Asshole," Fley said, her voice flat and monotonous, since she did not seem to be bothered by A after Ryujin had said something about how she was trying to piss her off. She was doing a damn good job of it, but Fley was not ready to admit to A and give her the satisfaction of making her angry.  She brushed Ryujin's hand off of her arm, nodding at him. 


[Miyuki Mori]


"Maybe we should all calm down. Let A wear what she wants. I personally think that she looks quite good in th-" 


[Fley Sanders]


"Shut the fuck up, smartass!" 



[By the way, are any moderators of the role play online right now? I wanted to make one final male character and I need him to get accepted once I post.]
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(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
With all the intense fighting happening inside of the infirmary it’s not really a surprise that Xian Qui’s classroom is relatively silent. The once-destroyed walkway to the classroom was completely restored due to the lingering sorcery that brushed through the debris which caused the multiple layers of demolished wall to return to its normal position. Not many first-year students knew what type of magic and secrets this classroom of his held all they knew was that it wasn’t very holy as the place reeked with sinister energy. Professor Xian Qui abruptly ended the silence as a inter-dimensional portal presented itself in the center of his classroom that was suspended high above the ground. His bulky body as well as a numerous amount of ripped apart teddy bears drops promptly to the surface of the floor which is also observed by a couple of shocked students passing by, resulting in them speeding up their pace to avoid being encountered and used as a demonstration of his wrath. “Lyssa, if I ever manage to get my hands on you. I swear to go-” The professor mutters silently before being interrupted by the echoing of a loud bell throughout his room.

He chuckled lightheartedly as he knew he was going to enjoy what was coming up next as this bell signified that his class was going to begin very very shortly.
 “Let’s see what Luxor Academy’s first-year students can muster up. Hopefully they can out-match second year. Heh, maybe i’m giving them too much credit.” Professor Xian Qui arrogantly declared as he lazily stretched his arms and legs before regaining his footing and crossing his arms over-top his chest as the menacing sorcery in the atmosphere causes the piles of the torn-up plush bears to liquify and then evaporate into the sky. “Hopefully they haven’t died yet from all the ruination going on beyond the nearby hallway. Psh, children are such a pain in my ass. They better not be late for their first class or they’ll have true hell to pay.” Xian Qui utters from his cold lips before strolling over to his wide teacher’s desk and then sitting down in the seat behind it. He boringly taps one of the erasers of the pencils onto the exterior of the desk while impatiently waiting for the first set of students.

(Class will be in session shortly. WHAT A CLASS? WUT? Getcha asses over here whoever wants to participate. Once I get my first class i'll write down their names so I am able to make a certain schedule @Cheryl @ ANYONE WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE.)

(Professor Xian Qui's classroom.)


(Can you add Seo in I'll make a post soon he will probably be late anyways because he can barely navigate his way through the school)
(Can you add Seo in I'll make a post soon he will probably be late anyways because he can barely navigate his way through the school)

Yeah i'll have you in @Marumatsu also @YungJazz once the field trip is split up into partners you'll find Setsuna but you're going to be rather surprised. Also guys make sure to keep your bodily fluids intact because we got to wait on a certain person COUGH COUGH *ANGRY LOOK* So keep talking to each other in the classroom. 

@Destructus Kloud AHHHHHH, you can show up as a late student the portal will still be open to Niflheim.
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The two had been sitting by the tree directly outside the classroom that was now in session, "Ah crap, Ari, they're starting without us!" He got up, giving his blonde compatriot a hand up too, and ran around to the front entrance that led to the classroom, "Come on!" He called back to her, "We'll be late!"

@SolistheSun @Obsidian(don't start without us! D:)


Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth woke up a bit after the bell rang loudly, after picking up his stuff, he then noticed that he was actually really late, he then sprinted out of his dorm towards the academy, also noticing that the front part of the academy was broken, he then remembered this wasn't the first time he saw it. [Flashback] - He quickly followed Lydia after her proclaiming of the clouds, but then, Seth saw the school's frontal part broken, with gigantic holes within the school grounds and wounded students screaming for help, Sythnar himself couldn't hold it anymore and sprinted back towards his dorm, crying himself to sleep - [Flashback End] After his memories of the event returned, Seth quickly pushed of his thoughts and went towards his classroom, instantaneously noticing the naked lady, he then swiftly made his way towards the desk on the side of a young boy.

At:  Monster Hunting Classroom

With:  Micheal (@Kisaki), Miyuki Mori and Fley Sanders (@Fazy), Ryujin and Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Prof. Xian Qui (@Obsidian)A (@Olivia Acerbi), Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl)

(Seth sat next to Michael btw)



"Aww.... That's sad, I'm honestly crying for you"  Levia sarcastically said towards Ryo after A answered her sneer, after A teleported Ryo away from the Condorm™, the female Leviathan stepped away from A's way towards the room as she commented about A's own appearance, "I would've asked you the same thing, Pornstar"  She responded to A's remark as her clone speaked to A about actually going to class, "Wait, Is a demon actually considering going to class?, Am I dreaming?"  Levia provoked A as she giggled, after A teleported herself towards Prof. Xian Qui's class, "If you come across Xiuruk or A, give them this stone, say that it's from Levia, and that I stole it from Prof. Sharp"   She said said to A's clone as she handed the amber gemstone, Levia then picked up a notebook, a pen and a water bottle, and then she went towards Prof. Xian Qui's class, seeing an opened window on the Monster Hunt classroom, she dropped a few driblets of water on the ground, and then created a pillar of water which stopped right on the window of the monster hunt classroom, Levia yawned as she saw A on her naked body while she sat on a desk.

At: Monster Hunt Classroom

With: A (@Olivia Acerbi), Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Prof. Xian Qui (@Obsidian), Sythnar Dochrohen (@Lucremoirre), Fley Sanders and Miyuki Mori (@Fazy), Ryujin and Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Michael (@Kisaki)

Mentions: Xiuruk (@Olivia Acerbi), Prof. Troy Sharp (@Storm Guardian)



"Yea, see that's what I'm talking about. Only a lower life form would be content being a lower life form. I'm sure you're here to work, pooch. That's what dogs are for.", A continues to instigate Fley, it's almost instinctual. "A stands for Aliicide, as in what I'm going to do to you if you don't shut your goddamn mouth."

A address Ryujin's remark. "I'm not the one that needs controlling, lover-boy. Keep your dog in check or we're all gonna be sorry.", she threatens.

A backs away from Xian, legitimately worried given his threat and Auriel's.......incident. She laughs nervously, moving back towards the center of the room, expecting the portal.

"I haven't seen the nurse in a while, maybe she went on vacation.....forever. ANYWAY! Don't worry about me, Long Dong. I'm very resilient", she turns away from him waiting for the opening to appear, her ass all but out in the open.


@Dante Verren


( @SolistheSun that's only partially true.....frontal lobes also play a big part in motor functions, problem solving, memory, language, judgement, impulse control, and social/sexual behavior.....)

[Fley Sanders]


Fley was about to shoot another response at A, but changed her mind about doing so. Eh, she didn't care so much anymore. Leaning back into her chair, she stretched for a moment before picking herself up, standing. "Nnngh, all right, are we leaving?" 


[Miyuki Mori]


Wishing she could work up the nerve to say something, all Miyuki did was glance back and forth between all the people in the room. Seth entered the classroom, and she gave him a short smile.




(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
Xian Qui begins to shiver from anticipation as A was very close to his body, he nervously gulp as she looks into his eyes. Then notices as she step backs away from him in a sign of fear, Xian Qui then quickly snatches her by the wrist and pulls her against him and brings his lips next to her ears.  “Heh, you should be more threatened about what I can do to you in private, devil-girl.” Professor Xian Qui whispers quietly into her ear with a seductive tone resonating from his voice before stepping back away from her and regaining his composure in front of the class. “Ahem, as I was saying previously let’s begin shall we. You’ll choose your partners once you arrive.” The professor states to the entire class as he patiently leans back and forth waiting for them to huddle into the center of the room he then overhears the argument occurring as well as the question Lydia proposed to him. “Alright you god-damn cry babies let’s not continue this fight, this is suppose to be a learning experience not a playground. As for your suggestion goes, i’ll make sure that Honey is warm but only for this one time. Make sure that you’re prepared next time.” Professor Xian Qui replies in a irked manner before placing his hands over the wasp concealing it in the palm of his hands as his heated aura began to envelop it causing a sphere around its tiny body. “There, it should feel like spring time to that little bug, so it should be all warm and toasty once we arrive. Now let’s not stall anymore shall we?” Professor Xian Qui replies before stomping his foot onto the ground making a spiralling portal form around the center of the room making him plunge through the floor and into the different world. “Last one there has to give me a scrub-bath!” Ratatoskr shouts out before doing a front flip into the portal as electricity surges out from its tiny body accidentally knocking out one of the lights.


(Ratatoskr - Temporary Monster-hunting 102 guide.)

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Fazy @SolistheSun @Destructus Kloud @Kisaki (TOO MANY PEOPLE TO MENTION)
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Ryujin's head-

Ryujin heard the mocking voice of his Oni in his head."She is so pissed at you." Oh shut up you where thinking the exact same thing as me. He was greeted by amoment of silence in his head before the Oni had an idea. "Fine then. Just keep you eyes on Fley and imagine her in that outfit that way you won't be tempted to look at A." His imagination reacted quicker then his common sense and the image of Fley wearing the very very revealing outfit appeared in his head. in short term it pretty much fried his brain.

Real world-

Ryujin quickly slammed his head down of the table with a loud *Bam* denting the table and giving himself a massive headache along with clearing the image out of his head. He pointed a finger at A with his head still on the table. "Curse you." was all he could say. he heard the portal open and looked up. standing up he through his bag over his shoulder and sighed while rubbing his forehead. Hikaru jumped on his other shoulder as he waited for the other students

@Olivia Acerbi @Fazy @Cheryl @Obsidian
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[Fley Sanders]


Fley's eyes widened at Ryujin's odd reaction. She smiled devilishly as she jumped off of her desk, which she'd been previously sitting on. "Fuck this, I'm out, y'all," she muttered, jumping into the portal with much excitement, right after the lightning squirrel had gone.


[Miyuki Mori]


With a solemn expression on her face, Miyuki glanced around at the whole lot of students. Sighing, she looked over at Seth. Perhaps he would be her partner. Or maybe Lydia. No matter, she wasn't going to get hurt, anyway. Encouraged by Fley and Ratatoskr, Miyuki walked straight into the portal without another word, barely noticed by anyone in the room - she liked it that way, anyway. Her body did a strange glitch - the portal seemed to be a wall of some sort, and as she went through it, it reacted quite strangely as she fell into the dimension. 

@Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Cheryl @Lucremoirre
Ryujin looked over at Hikaru. "Ready buddy?" The fox nodded and Ryujin stepped up to the portal. He looked into it and shrugged. he had done stranger before. Ryujin hopped onto the portal wondering what was on the other side.

@Everyone in the classroom.
It was obvious when Honey got the magic wrapped around him. He started to zip around the room, narrowly dodging the light that had just exploded. Smiling, Lydia watched the couple people plunge into portal without any fear. It looked like fun until she had came up to the edge of the portal. The swirling vortex of it made it look like once Lydia went in, she would never come back out. She slipped on the silver winter coat and started worrying if she would make it out onto the other side intact. In the end Honey had to push her into the portal himself before coming after her.

@Obsidian (Honey is BIG. He isn't your everyday bug, he's like the size of a house cat xD .)
It was obvious when Honey got the magic wrapped around him. He started to zip around the room, narrowly dodging the light that had just exploded. Smiling, Lydia watched the couple people plunge into portal without any fear. It looked like fun until she had came up to the edge of the portal. The swirling vortex of it made it look like once Lydia went in, she would never come back out. She slipped on the silver winter coat and started worrying if she would make it out onto the other side intact. In the end Honey had to push her into the portal himself before coming after her.

@Obsidian (Honey is BIG. He isn't your everyday bug, he's like the size of a house cat xD .)

(Oh whoops, I thought he was small.)



A stared into the portal, seemingly amused. "Where are we going again? Nippleheim?", A turned to ask Xian but he'd already made the plunge so she shrugged and stared back at the hole watching students jump in. "....this portal could lead anywhere...into a volcano or the jaws of a giant beast. These kids are just hopping in without question....hmmm, maybe I should become a teacher...", A smiles villainously before flipping down into the portal landing onto Lydia's abdomen on the way through, shouting "Yeehaw!", as they traveled to Niflheim(Ah yeah, It's getting Norse up in here). 
(Actually, the pons control arousal and such, A must have some incredibly large ones XD) The Parietal lobes mainly controls personal memory, but several parts of the brain contribute. The temporal lobe is the one that controls  language and processes what the occipital lobe sends. Just.. .saying ... . ) 
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(Actually, the pons control arousal and such, A must have some incredibly large ones XD) The Parietal lobes mainly controls personal memory, but several parts of the brain contribute. The temporal lobe is the one that controls  language and processes what the occipital lobe sends. Just.. .saying ... . ) 

"frontal lobes also play a big part in"

play a big part in

big part


(that's like arguing against the back being fundamental in walking by saying the legs also serve that function...........frontal lobes are what separates us from the rest for doing exactly what I said they do, I'm pretty sure other ape and dolphin brains work similarly but lack the overdeveloped frontal lobe of humans.....knit-pick all ya want girly, it's science. :D )


Auriel Dwelle

Auriel woke up in the cupboard with a extreme bleeding sensation on all of her body, noticing various spears impaled on her whole body, blood covering the soft pink of her dress, her scarlet blood seeping out of the cupboard's doors, she smiled in tears as she realized her destination, she was bleeding to death, just like in the forest a few years ago, in Auriel's last moments, you would expect it all to end in black, but instead, it all started to go in white, something in Auriel's memories sprung up, a scream echoed within her brain, "I'm sorry but.... I WILL NOT LET THEM DIE! I CAN'T LET THEM DIE!" She recoiled as a memory suddenly appeared in her mind, "W-What...d-did I...f-forget?"  Was her last words before everything in her sight went white.


Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth shyly waved at Miyuki as she gave a short smile, he slightly recoiled as the professor said they were going to hunt, he really hated fighting in all of it's forms, what was Seth himself going to do anyway?, he was really weak and his only method of defense is his ear-piercing scream, he wondered as he jumped in the portal.

At: Niflheim

With: Fley Sanders and Miyuki Mori (@Fazy), Ryujin and Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Prof. Xian Qui (@Obsidian), A (@Olivia Acerbi), Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Levia (@Lucremoirre)



Levia quickly jumped into the portal with A, "YA-HOOOOOOOOOO!!!"  The female Leviathan screamed in excitement with union of A's scream, all while she landed on Lydia's fractured horn.

At: Niflheim

With: A (@Olivia Acerbi), Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Fley Sanders and Miyuki Mori (@Fazy), Ryujin and Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Sythnar Dochrohen (@Lucremoirre), Prof. Xian Qui (@Obsidian)
"frontal lobes also play a big part in"

play a big part in

big part


(that's like arguing against the back being fundamental in walking by saying the legs also serve that function...........frontal lobes are what separates us from the rest for doing exactly what I said they do, I'm pretty sure other ape and dolphin brains work similarly but lack the overdeveloped frontal lobe of humans.....knit-pick all ya want girly, it's science. :D )

(SCIENCE FIGHTTTTT OHHHHHH @YungJazz Also, I don't wanna leave you out of this so i'm going to try to kill two birds with one stone and play as Setsuna and crazy-bitch Lyssa so you can have your role in all of this stuff!)

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