Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna and Lyssa finally arrived to their destination, although it was a tad bit dark and slightly hard to see. “Here we are, Hundun’s private quarters, this place of his is on-campus but in an underground area beneath the dorms. Nobody actually knows about this place except for me and him. He took me down here on our date once, for a Primordial God of Chaos he sure is a charming guy.” Lyssa announces before clapping her hands once causing the blackened area to light up with a series of candles leading to an unholy chapel adjacent from their position. Setsuna stares in amazement and confusion after seeing this incredible discovery as well as wondering about what Lyssa said. “Hundun, my very very distant relative? He-he lives here? Also he dated you out of all people?!” Setsuna exclaimed in a shocked tone while looking at the young appearing girl. “Haha, how offensive! Yes he dated me oh and you should’ve seen him in the confines of his bedroom.” Lyssa says to Setsuna while blushing and making creepy motions with her hand as she envisioned him and her together. Setsuna felt disgusted after hearing what she said about her supposed grandfather figure, she couldn’t believe that him and her actually did something like that together. “Ugh please leave me out of the detail.” Setsuna responds while motioning her index finger towards her mouth pretending to barf as she followed Lyssa into the massive chapel. “Ah, we’re here. Also there’s a reason why I brought you here, there’s a certain book that we need to look for and then you’ll be able to have your revenge against Ryo and you’ll have him forever. No-one will be able to take him away from you.” Lyssa announces to Setsuna with a devilish smirk across her face as she rummaged through Hundun’s belongings and finding a disturbing looking book. Lyssa’s face quickly lit up with joy, it’s what she’s been looking for and she found it so easily.

She snatches the book from one of the bookcases across from the oddly looking ritual area then places it onto an oddly shaped pedestal with peculiar sigils carved into the granite material.
“Alright you, now do me a favor and place that cute little behind of yours up onto that stone slab across from me.” Lyssa says to Setsuna while scurrying through the many pages of the book while directing her finger towards the slab that was perfectly centered near the end of the eerie structure. Setsuna didn’t know what to say, she was completely nervous of what might await her next but she couldn’t help but comply to Lyssa’s demands as she carefully sat herself down onto the slab across from Lyssa. “Alright good! So here’s the issue, we need two people for this specific ritual to work! So c’mere and snuggle with me girl.” Lyssa announces to Setsuna while quickly pouncing down onto the slab and sat herself next to Setsuna as she still continued to sit there patiently. Lyssa then scrunched her eyes trying to read the directions of this page then without warning she retrieved a very extensive scythe that Hundun had left in a display-case that was positioned awkwardly on one of the columns. Lyssa sluggishly sat back down next to Setsuna while being shoulder to shoulder with her as she shifted the large blade towards them both. “Once I cause a laceration on the exterior of our shoulders there’s no going back, this stone circle that we’re above will light up like the fourth of July!” Lyssa announced as she carefully edged the blade against their bodies causing a small incision on both of their limbs. Setsuna cringed as small bursts of pain went throughout her entire frame, her mind was numb from thought.

She continued thinking about how she was going to become everything that Ryo wanted. She wasn’t going to let anyone take him away from her, Setsuna smiled menacingly as the altar amassed an enormous amount of energy causing it to light up a bright crimson red as the blood pooled around both Lyssa and her. The humongous aura completely blanketed the entirety of the chapel before surging back into both Lyssa and Setsuna causing them to be completely covered in the wicked mist. Suddenly the mist started to clear as the glowing hue of the slab started to fade, a silhouette of a figure was seen gently pressing both of her hands in between her legs as massive wings emerged out from the mist causing it to hastily blow away revealing this mysterious person, this ritual caused both Setsuna and Lyssa to become one being however their mindset was completely changed and a seemingly limitless amount of energy radiated of their new body.
“Ryo.. Ryo.. I’m coming for you. And you're going to be all mine and we're going to suffer together.” This being said as her eyes glimmered with a tint of red while pressing the hilt of her scythe up against her waist.

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(Thanks ya'll. @Cheryl , I'll make you an manager then. Over the weekend I will make some changes to the rp ...nothing to major. Maybe we can discuss the story that is going on since I was gone)

There was an opened window , a bird flew in and carried a letter in its mouth. "A letter...for me!"he took it from the birds mouth. 


Clyde M. Sade


The flight had been dreadfully dull, and he had been fitted next to a repulsive male who had the most disgusting smell that Clyde had ever been submitted to. And that was a lot. 

However, they had landed with relative ease, and he made sure to stand as far as possible from other people as they disembarked. He had brought only his staff with him, and there was no luggage to be picked up. So, with a disinterested gaze, he strolls from the airport, and stands outside, watching the sunrise slowly over the horizon. As it steadily crosses the sky, Clyde digs into his coat pocked indiscriminately, and flips open a phone. 


After dialing the number he had memorized prior to the flight, he presses it against his ear. 


It was ringing the Principal of Luxor Academy, Luxor himself. 




(Hey @Kisaki, did you see this tag?) 

(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna and Lyssa finally arrived to their destination, although it was a tad bit dark and slightly hard to see. “Here we are, Hundun’s private quarters, this place of his is on-campus but in an underground area beneath the dorms. Nobody actually knows about this place except for me and him. He took me down here on our date once, for a Primordial God of Chaos he sure is a charming guy.” Lyssa announces before clapping her hands once causing the blackened area to light up with a series of candles leading to an unholy chapel adjacent from their position. Setsuna stares in amazement and confusion after seeing this incredible discovery as well as wondering about what Lyssa said. “Hundun, my very very distant relative? He-he lives here? Also he dated you out of all people?!” Setsuna exclaimed in a shocked tone while looking at the young appearing girl. “Haha, how offensive! Yes he dated me oh and you should’ve seen him in the confines of his bedroom.” Lyssa says to Setsuna while blushing and making creepy motions with her hand as she envisioned him and her together. Setsuna felt disgusted after hearing what she said about her supposed grandfather figure, she couldn’t believe that him and her actually did something like that together. “Ugh please leave me out of the detail.” Setsuna responds while motioning her index finger towards her mouth pretending to barf as she followed Lyssa into the massive chapel. “Ah, we’re here. Also there’s a reason why I brought you here, there’s a certain book that we need to look for and then you’ll be able to have your revenge against Ryo and you’ll have him forever. No-one will be able to take him away from you.” Lyssa announces to Setsuna with a devilish smirk across her face as she rummaged through Hundun’s belongings and finding a disturbing looking book. Lyssa’s face quickly lit up with joy, it’s what she’s been looking for and she found it so easily.

She snatches the book from one of the bookcases across from the oddly looking ritual area then places it onto an oddly shaped pedestal with peculiar sigils carved into the granite material.
“Alright you, now do me a favor and place that cute little behind of yours up onto that stone slab across from me.” Lyssa says to Setsuna while scurrying through the many pages of the book while directing her finger towards the slab that was perfectly centered near the end of the eerie structure. Setsuna didn’t know what to say, she was completely nervous of what might await her next but she couldn’t help but comply to Lyssa’s demands as she carefully sat herself down onto the slab across from Lyssa. “Alright good! So here’s the issue, we need two people for this specific ritual to work! So c’mere and snuggle with me girl.” Lyssa announces to Setsuna while quickly pouncing down onto the slab and sat herself next to Setsuna as she still continued to sit there patiently. Lyssa then scrunched her eyes trying to read the directions of this page then without warning she retrieved a very extensive scythe that Hundun had left in a display-case that was positioned awkwardly on one of the columns. Lyssa sluggishly sat back down next to Setsuna while being shoulder to shoulder with her as she shifted the large blade towards them both. “Once I cause a laceration on the exterior of our shoulders there’s no going back, this stone circle that we’re above will light up like the fourth of July!” Lyssa announced as she carefully edged the blade against their bodies causing a small incision on both of their limbs. Setsuna cringed as small bursts of pain went throughout her entire frame, her mind was numb from thought.

She continued thinking about how she was going to become everything that Ryo wanted. She wasn’t going to let anyone take him away from her, Setsuna smiled menacingly as the altar amassed an enormous amount of energy causing it to light up a bright crimson red as the blood pooled around both Lyssa and her. The humongous aura completely blanketed the entirety of the chapel before surging back into both Lyssa and Setsuna causing them to be completely covered in the wicked mist. Suddenly the mist started to clear as the glowing hue of the slab started to fade, a silhouette of a figure was seen gently pressing both of her hands in between her legs as massive wings emerged out from the mist causing it to hastily blow away revealing this mysterious person, this ritual caused both Setsuna and Lyssa to become one being however their mindset was completely changed and a seemingly limitless amount of energy radiated of their new body.
“Ryo.. Ryo.. I’m coming for you. And you're going to be all mine and we're going to suffer together.” This being said as her eyes glimmered with a tint of red while pressing the hilt of her scythe up against her waist.



i hate you yungjazz you have effectively ruined this for me LMAO) 



Clyde M. Sade


Giving a smile to no one, save for his success, Clyde replies, " Hello Principal Luxor, my name is Clyde Slade, I'm calling about a possible job application for the librarian and custodial positions you advertised. My work experience is incredible as I have ran an entire household for the past three years, and I can guarantee satisfaction." 


He turns and flags a taxi, the ugly yellow vehicle pulling up beside him, a hideous balding man with a bloated build as the driver. Curling his lip slightly, Clyde opens the door and slides in, muttering "2410 South Angel Drive" to the driver. It was a merely a code name for the academy, and the driver's eyes flashed gold for a second then returned to normal. Hinting that he knew just how what the well-dressed gentleman was after. 


"As you wish sir," the driver grunted back, and set to expertly and somewhat illegally down through the busy streets as Clyde awaited the angel's response. 


( @SolistheSun So is Arian coming to the class or what? I was kinda waiting on you but I can go ahead and meet you there if you want?)

(why didn't you tag me dammit!!! Jeudnebskcidjwbzjfien)

(now I have to make up an excuse for why I'm late. Thanks a lot GIRLFRIEND ahhhhh)
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"Hrnnn.... okay, okay, I'm up," Arian mutters sleepily, even immortals needed sleep. Well, she did anyway. She smiled as she opened her eyes, feeling a tingling sensation as Caesar brushed back her hair. She pats his cheek in return lightly, holding it there for a second before standing up not so gracefully 


"Oh yeah... that's right... class officially start today...," she muses to herself, stretching. She brushes off her skirt, and found it to be utterly clean. Whatever the crazy Lyssa girl wore, obviously was suited for her odd antics. It was notable that Lyssa always appeared to be clean. Now she knew why. Nor did her garments bear any wear. 


"Well, let's head to class shall we? " she asks, holding out a hand for him, "We probably don't want to be late after yesterday's... incident. " 


(YOU WEREEEEE QUOTED. u didn't respond.... so i continued.... ;w; @Destructus Kloud)
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(I did respond to that tho. I ran off to the classroom saying we're late after that post, but I got nothin. ;~;)
(Or rather, I had...? It seems my reply is gone. Idk. I guess I'll just make my way over now. :3)
(I did respond to that tho. I ran off to the classroom saying we're late after that post, but I got nothin. ;~;)


Just say you followed right after me. I've already posted on the MH page, so you can come join.... 
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(Venganza ~ Lyssa/Setsuna) (Warped and combined body of both.)
The creature who was mixed with the bodies of Setsuna and Lyssa gently caressed the sharpened blade and begun to quietly and sensually lick up the flat surface of the scythe’s side. Her nine-tails were suspended high in the air from the excitement traveling throughout her slim body. She then closes her mouth and positions herself up onto her feet while pressing herself tightly against the pole of the Scythe. “Hehehe, i’ll make sure to give you that sensation no other girl can give you. Although. I’ll have to tease you first by destroying everything you love. Anything that’ll hurt you, i’ll do. And once you’re nothing but a fragile shell of a being that’s when i’ll take that very sensation away from you.” She shouts in an insane manner while shifting her body in and up and down motion while arching herself forward against the scythe and laughing maniacally. “You’ll see..” She mutters to herself before disappearing into an intense cloud of aura and showing up at A’s dorm near the motionless body of Auriel as it was impaled against a multitude of long spears. After seeing Auriel’s corpse nothing but rage and sickness boiled in this mysterious girl’s stomach, memories of Auriel helping Setsuna during her first time here as well as Lyssa doing her absolute best to protect her but failing, all of it came rushing through her brain. “Graaagh! My head, it hurts so much. Why?! Why!? I’m a failure, she was innocent! Everything is my fault! She died because of me!” She screamed out in a panicked voice while clutching the sides of her head in pain.

With all of her strength she ripped Auriel from off of the spears and placed her gently onto the ground and softly looks into her pale eyes.
“Why do these voices… Keep screaming at me Auriel? I know it’s my fault, I know that everything I do is my fault. But why? I’m sorry Auriel, you shouldn’t of died, not like this. Please wake up, tell me that you’re alive, tell me that everything will be okay…?! Please…?” She mutters quietly as she tries and rapidly shakes her in an attempt to 'wake' Auriel up but it fails then she hastily pulls up Auriels body off the ground and hugs it tightly. Droplets of blood being to smear against Lyssa/Setsuna’s clothing as she holds her body. Tears stream down her face as she lifts her up off the ground and carries her in her arms. Without warning she presses her fingers against her eyelids and slowly closes her eyes making her death seem rather peaceful. Auriel’s cold bloodied body becomes soaked with the tears rolling off of Lyssa/Setsuna’s cheeks as she firmly closes her eyes. “They’ll pay, I promise. I promise. Venganza , they’ll remember that name. Spanish for vengeance. They’ll know what true vengeance is.” She says in a nonsensical voice with a tone riddled with despair and pain. Finally she had a name to go by, Venganza.
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(Btw, I could totally have Caesar be possessed by his Shinigami and revive Auriel for you if you want? It'll come at a heavy price for us both tho. :P  @Obsidian)
(Yeah Seo has some amazing healing magic but the plot that be kinda why i followed Caesar and Arian instead of staying in the scene to find Auriel

@Destructus Kloud could not quote the right post)
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(Funnily enough, I haven't really been following what you've been going for @Obsidian all I see is a basically dead character as a result of sorta-God modding. Idk, whatever works. I'm past the point of believing this can just be a normal school full of magic people or whatever we're classed as by regular humans. :3) 

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