Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(Venganza ~ Lyssa/Setsuna) (Warped and combined body of both.)
The creature who was mixed with the bodies of Setsuna and Lyssa gently caressed the sharpened blade and begun to quietly and sensually lick up the flat surface of the scythe’s side. Her nine-tails were suspended high in the air from the excitement traveling throughout her slim body. She then closes her mouth and positions herself up onto her feet while pressing herself tightly against the pole of the Scythe. “Hehehe, i’ll make sure to give you that sensation no other girl can give you. Although. I’ll have to tease you first by destroying everything you love. Anything that’ll hurt you, i’ll do. And once you’re nothing but a fragile shell of a being that’s when i’ll take that very sensation away from you.” She shouts in an insane manner while shifting her body in and up and down motion while arching herself forward against the scythe and laughing maniacally. “You’ll see..” She mutters to herself before disappearing into an intense cloud of aura and showing up at A’s dorm near the motionless body of Auriel as it was impaled against a multitude of long spears. After seeing Auriel’s corpse nothing but rage and sickness boiled in this mysterious girl’s stomach, memories of Auriel helping Setsuna during her first time here as well as Lyssa doing her absolute best to protect her but failing, all of it came rushing through her brain. “Graaagh! My head, it hurts so much. Why?! Why!? I’m a failure, she was innocent! Everything is my fault! She died because of me!” She screamed out in a panicked voice while clutching the sides of her head in pain.

With all of her strength she ripped Auriel from off of the spears and placed her gently onto the ground and softly looks into her pale eyes.
“Why do these voices… Keep screaming at me Auriel? I know it’s my fault, I know that everything I do is my fault. But why? I’m sorry Auriel, you shouldn’t of died, not like this. Please wake up, tell me that you’re alive, tell me that everything will be okay…?! Please…?” She mutters quietly as she tries and rapidly shakes her in an attempt to 'wake' Auriel up but it fails then she hastily pulls up Auriels body off the ground and hugs it tightly. Droplets of blood being to smear against Lyssa/Setsuna’s clothing as she holds her body. Tears stream down her face as she lifts her up off the ground and carries her in her arms. Without warning she presses her fingers against her eyelids and slowly closes her eyes making her death seem rather peaceful. Auriel’s cold bloodied body becomes soaked with the tears rolling off of Lyssa/Setsuna’s cheeks as she firmly closes her eyes. “They’ll pay, I promise. I promise. Venganza , they’ll remember that name. Spanish for vengeance. They’ll know what true vengeance is.” She says in a nonsensical voice with a tone riddled with despair and pain. Finally she had a name to go by, Venganza.

(I didn't even know that Auriel died. I guess multiple people are going to be pissed , including Luxor)
(Funnily enough, I haven't really been following what you've been going for @Obsidian all I see is a basically dead character as a result of sorta-God modding. Idk, whatever works. I'm past the point of believing this can just be a normal school full of magic people or whatever we're classed as by regular humans. :3) 

(Well, posting her isn't the only way of communication, like, say PM. It  was probs accidental, and then discussed through PM, now its played on to give the story more plot.  EDIT: I'VE UPDATED ARIAN'S RELATIONS)
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I can't find it so ill post my last. As my puppy licks me to death) )

Cody pulled the lever making it spin, each pass slowing, soon landing on 5000.

(Lucky! My dog just begs for snacks and petting :3)

Kagami hugged Cody from behind. "Hey! You actually did it. It must be a lucky day for you " she said, placing her chin on his shoulder.
(Lucky! My dog just begs for snacks and petting :3)

Kagami hugged Cody from behind. "Hey! You actually did it. It must be a lucky day for you " she said, placing her chin on his shoulder.

(We have this one, we call her PITA for Pain in the ass, she licks every part of your face and she licks very fast) 

He smiled, "Guess so, it's nice to have some kind of luck. " he said, collecting the tickets. 
(Funnily enough, I haven't really been following what you've been going for @Obsidian all I see is a basically dead character as a result of sorta-God modding. Idk, whatever works. I'm past the point of believing this can just be a normal school full of magic people or whatever we're classed as by regular humans. :3) 

Technically Auriel died not because of that but more due to the fact that Lucremoirre wanted her dead. Setsuna is moderate Lyssa can be considered moderate with strength, Hundun is insanely strong. For that reason he avoids combat and his strength is able to drive events to certain points. (If i'm not mistaken he was one of the teachers to calm down the student vs student violence. Especially once he started the monster-hunting class.)

Setsuna has overly emotional tendencies because of her upbringing causing her to become extremely attached to people which made her lose her mind after becoming attached to Ryo and suspecting him of being with other people. Lyssa is just insane yet she does have emotions especially grief. She's taking advantage of Setsuna in order to seek revenge on him. Professor Xian Qui (Hundun) is a character who is there just for the purpose of teaching and stopping issues from arriving and then driving the Academy plot forward. 

Setsuna and Lyssa both blame Ryo for certain issues both of them are similar yet they want different conclusions. Lyssa wants to kill Ryo and make him suffer indefinitely and Setsuna wants to keep Ryo to herself but keep others away from him, even if that means hurting those who interfere with their twisted love. 
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Clyde M. Sade


Giving a smile to no one, save for his success, Clyde replies, " Hello Principal Luxor, my name is Clyde Slade, I'm calling about a possible job application for the librarian and custodial positions you advertised. My work experience is incredible as I have ran an entire household for the past three years, and I can guarantee satisfaction." 


He turns and flags a taxi, the ugly yellow vehicle pulling up beside him, a hideous balding man with a bloated build as the driver. Curling his lip slightly, Clyde opens the door and slides in, muttering "2410 South Angel Drive" to the driver. It was a merely a code name for the academy, and the driver's eyes flashed gold for a second then returned to normal. Hinting that he knew just how what the well-dressed gentleman was after. 


"As you wish sir," the driver grunted back, and set to expertly and somewhat illegally down through the busy streets as Clyde awaited the angel's response. 



(We have this one, we call her PITA for Pain in the ass, she licks every part of your face and she licks very fast) 

He smiled, "Guess so, it's nice to have some kind of luck. " he said, collecting the tickets. 

(You got to love puppies.  They'll love you to death)

Kagami patted him on the back. "Now what are ya going to buy with your tickets?"she asked. 
"Nothing but nightmares," Roy said, kicking the infirmary bed as he wandered the destroyed place. He took a sack from what seemed to be the nurse's office, Auriel, it seems her name was, and salvaged what medicine he could find, whether it was spare inhalers, pain-relieving tablets or magical potions. He then left the destroyed room, and headed to the office, asking if there was any empty classrooms. Upon hearing that one of the rooms were unoccupied, Roy travelled over there, setting up a temporary health room. He headed back to the Auriel's destroyed infirmary, dumping rolling chairs, bed covers and pillows, and a bunch of other stuff on one rolling bed, and moved that bed back to the temporary health room, putting the bed in a corner, and lining up the desk chairs into a couch with the bed covers and pillows. After that, he collapses on the rolling chair, uncertain of what to do.

Meanwhile, Professor Troy leaves his classroom, and suddenly realizes he lost his soulstone, and growled in frustration, but does nothing of it. 
(You got to love puppies.  They'll love you to death)

Kagami patted him on the back. "Now what are ya going to buy with your tickets?"she asked. 

He looked at what they had, "I don't know... Lets get a closer look, " he said, walking towards the stand, trying to see what they had. 
Luxor looked through his file book. "Ah! What a great offer. I'll gladly give you the job. Of course some paper work needs to be sign , but that can be saved once you arrive at the school."


Clyde M. Sade


"That won't be a problem sir, as I've just arrived. I'll come to your office immediately." 


Clyde disembarks, giving the taxi driver a superb tip, so much so, that the spews out his false teeth. He steps onto the sidewalk, smiling in amusement despite himself. His staff in hand, he strolls leisurely into the school front, picking out the angel's corridor's easily. Unlike many people, he had gone through the maps and blueprints to the point he memorized every little detail. 


With a light rap on the office door, he opens it, looking every bit the gentleman he was. 


"Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh," he nods his head in respect, his staff glowing slightly in the presence of the ethereal being. 


"Lots of toys , candy, ooh! a giant teddy bear " she said as she wondered around .

Cody smiled, and took the candy and a small teddy bear, course the candy was something they both could enjoy, "Here... Thanks for the best day of my life. " he says, handing her the bear. 
The archangel nodded . He took off his glasses and placed his work on the table. "Its nice to meet you as well." the  archangel grabbed a few papers and placed them infront of him. " sign these and you will be ready by tomorrow. I must warn you that this school is very...chaotic at the least"

Clyde M. Sade


"That won't be a problem sir, as I've just arrived. I'll come to your office immediately." 


Clyde disembarks, giving the taxi driver a superb tip, so much so, that the spews out his false teeth. He steps onto the sidewalk, smiling in amusement despite himself. His staff in hand, he strolls leisurely into the school front, picking out the angel's corridor's easily. Unlike many people, he had gone through the maps and blueprints to the point he memorized every little detail. 


With a light rap on the office door, he opens it, looking every bit the gentleman he was. 


"Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh," he nods his head in respect, his staff glowing slightly in the presence of the ethereal being. 


Cody smiled, and took the candy and a small teddy bear, course the candy was something they both could enjoy, "Here... Thanks for the best day of my life. " he says, handing her the bear. 

She squeezed the teddy bear," Thanks Cody. I'm glad you enjoyed the day. Now we should do some shopping and get back to school" she then walked up to Cody and leaned and kissed his cheek. " That's just another gift from me"she smirked.

Cody smiled, and took the candy and a small teddy bear, course the candy was something they both could enjoy, "Here... Thanks for the best day of my life. " he says, handing her the bear. 
She squeezed the teddy bear," Thanks Cody. I'm glad you enjoyed the day. Now we should do some shopping and get back to school" she then walked up to Cody and leaned and kissed his cheek. " That's just another gift from me"she smirked.

Codys face went red, he smiled to her, kissing her on cheek to, as he got even redder. "T-that is al-lso a gift. " he said, trying to play it cool. 
Aiko Kirishima:


Aiko awoke from her temporary rest what one on earth might call sleep. She was already in her school uniform as she prepared to enter last night. She checked the time using the clock on the wall and realized she was late. Although she was late, she seemed not to care that much and walked to school with toast in her mouth based on her witnessing someone running to school with toast in his mouth a few days ago. A few minutes later, she arrived at the school and looked around before walking in the gate. She scanned her surroundings as she walked in.

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