Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Ryujin? Ryujin from the future with many grandsons? I don't give a fuck." She ran up to the man, and gave him a hug, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was not, indeed, Ryujin, but a different person entirely. She was so dazed she could not seem to tell the difference. Roy seemed to know what he was doing, so she left him alone.

@Dante Verren @Storm Guardian
"Well hello there strange wolf girl. As much as I enjoy being hugged by a beautiful woman only wearing form up pants and a bra you'd btmetter have had a good reason to call me here. My time is very valuble and do you realise what time it is?" just then his nose picked up the smell of blood and his eye fell upon the man working on the body. The man seperatdd himself from Fley and made his way over to Ryujin and Roy. Once he arrived he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Dear Lord you got your ass handed to you my litle jin."

Fley's face turned red. "You could've said you were his grandfather," she murmured, embarrassed. "Can you summon me a shirt or something, err, Lord Rajin? Please? But if you can't do that- no, wait, make healing Ryujin your first priority. And then give me a shirt." Her other shirt was covered in Ryujin's blood stains.

@Dante Verren
Takin sighed and took of his black jacket tossing it to Fley. "I can't heal his wounds. Just because I am a god doesn't mean I can do anything to help a wounded..." his words trailed off and he leaned closer to Ryujin anaylizing him. "Interesting. They really did Do a number on you. Looks like someone even separated your Oni as well."

"You're honestly the most useless person I've ever seen. You don't seem to care much." Fley moved the unconscious Ryujin over slightly and lay beside him. She wrapped an arm around him so gently he probably wouldn't even notice even if he became conscious. "Maybe I'll just die before you. Then I won't have to face the pain of losing you."

@Dante Verren
"Well if that's the way you want it then Fine I will just go back home and sleep." He yawned once again. "I mean I was going to reatach his soul to his Oni which would allow for regeneration of his wounds and would heal him but if I'm so useless I guess I won't help." He turned around and began walking for the door. " say hello to my grandson if he ever wakes up since you had to chase away his dear old grandfather."

"All right, you complete shithead of a geezer, come back and help your grandson!" Fley shot into a sitting position and grabbed a pillow from one of the nearby beds, throwing it at the back of his head as he said this. "Y-you'd better not do anything to hurt him, you- I mean, Lord Rajin." She went back to her hugging position, not completely ready to let go. Pulling him closer to her, bodies touching... he was warmer than her. Her breasts pressed against his chest, but she wasn't worried about anything except for him and his wellbeing.

@Dante Verren
Rajin made his way to the side opposite of fley. He held out his and in a gesture that ment for boylth of them to get back but he doubted that she would leave Ryujin alone for a while. Rajin sighed placeing his hand on Ryujin forehead and closed his eyes. "Time to wake up my foolish grandson." as he spoke arcs of electricity shot through Ryujin's body.however the light was coming from inside of his body as the electricity traveled through his blood. Soon Ryujin's entire body was vlwoing highlighting the flow of blood and a bright light glowed where his heart would be. "Mrs. Sanders please do me a favor and kiss my grandson on his lips as steamily as you can. I need something to entice him with. Oh and don't worry I will close my eyes so you won't have to get weirded out by kissing him in front of his grandfather." Keeping his promise Rajin closed his eyes.

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Fley gulped at the request. He couldn't possibly be serious? What the- what the hell? What kind of strange request was that? What was Rajin trying to do, create thundering-ice wolf hybrid offspring?

But she couldn't say she didn't want to do it - truth be told, she was quite happy.

Wrapping her arms around his bare chest, which seemed to be radiating with pure electricity, she leaned upwards, her other hand snaking into the waistline of his pants, pulling him closer than he already was. She kissed his neck first, her desire for him so unreal, she could never have wanted something - or someone - more. Inhaling that familiar smell of his, the one she knew oh-so-well though it had only been days after they'd met, she reached up to him and kissed his soft lips hard, the hand on his chest moving up to stroke his hair playfully. She allowed her tongue to slip inside of his mouth, wrapping it around his own. She loved him so much, the word 'love' itself was an understatement. 

@Dante Verren
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Ryujin's dream world-

Ryujin looked around. It was the same field as earlier when he lost his Oni. The thunder still raged yet he cound't hear anything. He sat down in the grass and sighed. "I wonder if I'm dead" Ryujin thought allowed. A deep rumbling laugh greeted his question and Ryujin's face became one of Joy. He knew that voice. Ryujin turned around to see what was behind him and their stood his Oni. 

"Did you miss our struggle that much my human counterpart" asked the beast. Ryujin started to say something but he was silenced by the raising of the Oni's hand. "I will only admit this once. You and I are both strong apart. However if we worked together we could be stronger. In times of battle you shall give me control and lend me your strength while I shall give you the power to protect the one you love." Ryujin didn't know what the hell was happening or how his Oni was back but it was and Ryujin stood up smileing and nodded his head in agreement. 

Suddenly Ryujin's body started to feel warm. It was a forgein warmth not unlike the warmth of another humans. His tongue also felt weird like something was pressed against it. The two have each other qustioning looks and shrugged. Guess it was time to part ways. 

Real world-

Electricity dance through Ryujin's wounds slowly reforming what was damaged as Rajin moved his hand away still keeping his eyes closed. Ryujin's eyes slowly opened to a sight he didn't excpect. Fley was laying on top of him and kissing him. Damn did it feel good.

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Fley's hand moved back to his chest and felt that the gash had been healed. She started to forget anyone was in the room - as far as she was concerned, this space was for the two of them only. He started to become responsive, and suddenly - there they were, the eyes she knew and loved, just like his scent. As she kissed him, her lips formed a smile, tongue pressing against his, pulling it in and out teasingly. Finally, and with much reluctance only, did Fley pull away, gasping for air. But she wasn't done. The hand that had been firmly locked within the waistline of his pants traveled further down, slipping inside his boxers. Though her hand was still on his hip, she was tempted to go just a little further, just a little closer - she waited for his reaction, her eyes wide and alluring. "Come on," she murmured, her voice displaying a hint of seduction as she nibbled his earlobe, kissing it. 

@Dante Verren
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Her advances where greeted by a loud laugh corning from Rajin. "My little Ryujin's all grown up. At this rate I will even have little great grandchildren running around. I'm such a proud Grandfather." Ryujin's mind had started to go blank as his hands started to wander at least they did until his grandfather spoke. Ryujin froze as he heard Rajin's voice. "G-G-Grandfather what are you doing here?" Rajin replied with another yawn. "Ask your future wife. She is the one who called me after all."

"I-I just asked him for some help, all right? And I didn't even ask! I was thinking, man, why didn't he heal you? To-to help you, and stuff, you know?" Her face brightened at the mention of being his future wife, but then her eyebrows furrowed. "Is that true?" She felt Ryujin's hands on her for a few seconds, and she took that as approval to what she was doing. Her hand continued to go down, fingertips skimming the top of his- she blushed when her slow-functioning mind registered Rajin's presence. In the name of Rajin, this was embarrassing.

@Dante Verren
"I did say you have my permission to kiss him But I didn't say you could do anything else. If your going to do that at least return to the dorms." said Rajin.

"Either way it was good to see you again Jin." Rajin walked to the door turning around before existing. "Wolf girl take care of my grandson for me. Oh and Ryujin. Next time you face that Dragon don't lose." with that he was gone leaving only Ryujin, Fley, and Roy.

@Fazy @Storm Guardian
Pouting miserably, Fley released a resigned sigh of distress. She pulled her hand out of his boxers, and sneaked one more kiss. "We have a lot to talk about, but let's save it for later. I'm damn tired and I need sleep." She rubbed her eyes tiredly. No energy left in her limp body, she lay on the infirmary bed, motionless next to him. "I'll sleep here. You can go back to your dorm, or something."

@Dante Verren (It is with a heavy heart I tell you that I must go to sleep. Reply and I'll respond upon waking.)
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Ryujin silently picked Fley up from the infirmary bed and thanked Roy for helping Patch him up. He walked down to the dorms and dropped Fley off at here borrowing a key from the office lady. He opened the door and placed Fley on her bed before kissing her forehead and leaving. He returned the key to the lady before returning to his own form and going to sleep.

@Fazy (goodnight madam.) 
Maria nods at the fox. ''I will remember that.'' she says to Setsuna before picking up her bag. ''I will be eating outside so I will be safe when the school falls down.'' she gets out of the school and goes back to the schoolgates. she puts her bag on the ground and turns into her horseform and eats some grass from the ground. '"Atleast the grass here is good.'' she says to herself between bites.
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(Setsuna Hayate ~ Nine-tails)
Setsuna exhales briefly as she watches one of the only that would talk to her sluggishly walk away from the conversation that they were having. Setsuna began to comfortably hug her chin with one of her fluffy tails as she stared into blank space wondering what she meant to him, she couldn’t help but feel the emotion of despair clouding her mind and judgement. Without warning her lips altered their movement revealing a twisted smile, she gingerly lifted her back side from off of the cold surface of the cafeteria bench. “I knew it.. I knew it!” Setsuna yelled out towards the empty sky, vast amounts of mixed feelings flurried though her voice. A gleaming light shined throughout the lunch-room as she presented a balisong knife from out of of the interior of her sash that is wrapped around her midsection.

Pain and sadness caused her body to softly tremble as she pressed the sharp blade against her delicate cheek, the idea of Ryo being with A broke her mind resulted in her going full yandere. Setsuna precisely carved two X shaped lacerations on the outside of both of her cheeks, after she was finished droplets of blood ran down her face and onto the ground beneath her forming a small puddle. Suddenly she swings her arm outwards towards a mysterious creature that presented itself behind her. Lyssa casually caught her swing by grasping her wrist tightly stopping the momentum.
“You really are mental for that boy aren’t you? I’ve heard you continuously balling your eyes out for a few minutes now.” Lyssa replies to Setsuna slightly shocked by her violently maniacal behavior. Setsuna’s eyebrows descend after hearing Lyssa’s discomforting words that nearly caused her to go into a frenzy. “What the hell do you want?” She barks angrily at her before approaching her in a murderous manner then randomly thrusting the very tip of her Balisong towards Lyssa’s throat.


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)
After the side of the blade connects with her neck it quickly corrodes and snaps off the handle causing the bloodied steel to slide across the cafeteria. “You really need to be careful with that thing, you’re going to hurt someone crazy! Now I have a deal to offer you softy bonkers. Now this Ryo fellow, I know that you want revenge. I can see it in those precious eyes of yours, abandoning you for that one girl and leaving you all the time. That’s no way to beautiful girl such as yourself. So i'm offering you a chance at redemption, a way to get him back." Lyssa responds as she began to wipe away the dried blood smears off of Setsuna’s face. Lyssa glared into her eyes and smiled brightly knowing that she had her in the treacherous palm of her hands. Setsuna at this point was extremely desperate she wanted Ryo only to herself and would do anything in order to keep him close to her. Hesitation took over her body for a moment while thinking about what Lyssa was telling her, yet after a couple minutes of decision making she sluggishly nodded her head. “Perfect.” Lyssa whispered towards her before gently wrapping her arms around Setsuna’s waist and disappearing with her.
When Lydia got back the stormy clouds had disappeared and it was only the starry night sky left. She guessed it must've been Ryujin, he does have that Oni inside of him causing ruckus. Well, it looked like everything was good otherwise. Until she almost fell down into the gaping chasm while looking up. "Gah! Honey what happened here? How did I not know that this was happening?" screeched Lydia, struggling to not fall over to her doom. Luckily Honey came to save the day by pulling on her wings to remind her that she could glide, not quite fly though. Embarrassed, Lydia started to flutter her magenta wings and flew back to safety, not going more than an inch off of the ground. Her wings weren't strong enough yet, and she hasn't had anyone teach her how to properly fly. 

After that near death experience of falling to her death, Lydia just sat there panting with her wings still flapping every so often. Why was this school so dangerous? If this stuff could happen, she should probably just leave since she looked just like a normal human being compared to these powers, although she did still have the body of a spider. Otherwise she believed she didn't have any other powers apart from controlling insects, unless she hasn't discovered another power within her. Or if it just wasn't the time for the power to come up.



"I...I understand. I'll tell him when he wakes up that you offered," Arian replies, looking at Seo, intrigued. He seemed to take social interactions and write them down for future reference. Using this situation wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just something that wasn't going to happen again anytime soon. Instead of correcting him, she merely takes the piece of paper he offered her, glance at the number, and then tucks it... well she didn't have any pockets because she was still wearing Lyssa's clothes, so use you imagination. As she watches him apologize again, something connects. It was his face, the way it was shaped. It wasn't the same, but very close to Ryo's.... 


Maybe he felt guilty for his brother's ordeals? She didn't blame him though, and gave him only a sympathetic smile. 


"Thank you, but don't apologize for something you don't have control over..." she tells him, mustering a a polite aura, and adjusts Caesar and herself to where they were side by side against a smooth barked cherry tree of some sort. Arian nestles under his chin, sitting in silence. 


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(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
With all the intense fighting happening inside of the infirmary it’s not really a surprise that Xian Qui’s classroom is relatively silent. The once-destroyed walkway to the classroom was completely restored due to the lingering sorcery that brushed through the debris which caused the multiple layers of demolished wall to return to its normal position. Not many first-year students knew what type of magic and secrets this classroom of his held all they knew was that it wasn’t very holy as the place reeked with sinister energy. Professor Xian Qui abruptly ended the silence as a inter-dimensional portal presented itself in the center of his classroom that was suspended high above the ground. His bulky body as well as a numerous amount of ripped apart teddy bears drops promptly to the surface of the floor which is also observed by a couple of shocked students passing by, resulting in them speeding up their pace to avoid being encountered and used as a demonstration of his wrath. “Lyssa, if I ever manage to get my hands on you. I swear to go-” The professor mutters silently before being interrupted by the echoing of a loud bell throughout his room.

He chuckled lightheartedly as he knew he was going to enjoy what was coming up next as this bell signified that his class was going to begin very very shortly.
 “Let’s see what Luxor Academy’s first-year students can muster up. Hopefully they can out-match second year. Heh, maybe i’m giving them too much credit.” Professor Xian Qui arrogantly declared as he lazily stretched his arms and legs before regaining his footing and crossing his arms over-top his chest as the menacing sorcery in the atmosphere causes the piles of the torn-up plush bears to liquify and then evaporate into the sky. “Hopefully they haven’t died yet from all the ruination going on beyond the nearby hallway. Psh, children are such a pain in my ass. They better not be late for their first class or they’ll have true hell to pay.” Xian Qui utters from his cold lips before strolling over to his wide teacher’s desk and then sitting down in the seat behind it. He boringly taps one of the erasers of the pencils onto the exterior of the desk while impatiently waiting for the first set of students.

(Class will be in session shortly. WHAT A CLASS? WUT? Getcha asses over here whoever wants to participate. Once I get my first class i'll write down their names so I am able to make a certain schedule @Cheryl @ ANYONE WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE.)


(Professor Xian Qui's classroom.)

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(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
With all the intense fighting happening inside of the infirmary it’s not really a surprise that Xian Qui’s classroom is relatively silent. The once-destroyed walkway to the classroom was completely restored due to the lingering sorcery that brushed through the debris which caused the multiple layers of demolished wall to return to its normal position. Not many first-year students knew what type of magic and secrets this classroom of his held all they knew was that it wasn’t very holy as the place reeked with sinister energy. Professor Xian Qui abruptly ended the silence as a inter-dimensional portal presented itself in the center of his classroom that was suspended high above the ground. His bulky body as well as a numerous amount of ripped apart teddy bears drops promptly to the surface of the floor which is also observed by a couple of shocked students passing by, resulting in them speeding up their pace to avoid being encountered and used as a demonstration of his wrath. “Lyssa, if I ever manage to get my hands on you. I swear to go-” The professor mutters silently before being interrupted by the echoing of a loud bell throughout his room.

He chuckled lightheartedly as he knew he was going to enjoy what was coming up next as this bell signified that his class was going to begin very very shortly.
 “Let’s see what Luxor Academy’s first-year students can muster up. Hopefully they can out-match second year. Heh, maybe i’m giving them too much credit.” Professor Xian Qui arrogantly declared as he lazily stretched his arms and legs before regaining his footing and crossing his arms over-top his chest as the menacing sorcery in the atmosphere causes the piles of the torn-up plush bears to liquify and then evaporate into the sky. “Hopefully they haven’t died yet from all the ruination going on beyond the nearby hallway. Psh, children are such a pain in my ass. They better not be late for their first class or they’ll have true hell to pay.” Xian Qui utters from his cold lips before strolling over to his wide teacher’s desk and then sitting down in the seat behind it. He boringly taps one of the erasers of the pencils onto the exterior of the desk while impatiently waiting for the first set of students.

(Class will be in session shortly. WHAT A CLASS? WUT? Getcha asses over here whoever wants to participate. Once I get my first class i'll write down their names so I am able to make a certain schedule @Cheryl @ ANYONE WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE.)

(Professor Xian Qui's classroom.)


"Sorry that I'm late. Let me introduce myself sir....I'm Mikeal. ..but you can call me Mike for short " the black boy said as he arrived to class.

Michael made sure to not reveal himself to everyone.  He was an archangel and God's warrior , but being scary isn't going to be his intentions. It seems only Gods and certain fallen ones can fell his prescence.
(I wanna be in that class, but my character is currently asleep by a serene cherry tree under the night sky with his girl. :P  I'll try to get over there somehow tho. xD )

Several hours passed and dawn broke. It was a new day, the third day of being at Luxor academy for the students and already the entire world had nearly been destroyed several times. Caesar stirred as a ray of sunlight fell across his face and he opened his eyes slowly. He found himself leaning against a tree with Ari at his side, sleeping peacefully. He smiled and nudged her. He didn't want to disturb her when she looked so comfortable, but it was getting bright and they had been out here all night. He brushed a strand of hair from her face as a cloud parted and the morning beams of light appeared at full strength, bathing the field in a glorious glow. 

"Ari. Wake up, it's time to get back." He whispered to her softly. 

@SolistheSun (awwwwww xD )


(Hundun disguised as Professor "Xian Qui")
Professor Xian Qui smirks in response after noticing Michael’s arrival, Hundun was none to take for granted he could see right through that archangel’s clever ruse. However due to the fact he was an archangel he was nervous that he could expose Hundun’s disguise and reveal him for what he truly is. He smiled at him for a brief moment while gazing into his eyes with only pure death and chaos lurking around in Xian Qui's endless gaze. The professor softly laughed and quickly turned his head around trying to break the connected eyesight between him and that mysterious student. “Haha! You’re a special one, I can see it. Please, why don’t you take a seat anywhere, if I take a while introducing myself to other first-year students feel free to talk to the others seated around you. Oh and i’m happy to have you in my classroom ‘Mike.’ Xian Qui replies to him while gesturing to him with his hand to the surrounding seats located in a neat fashion amidst the room as he gives him a wicked smirk.

(Going to be doing short-replies since i'm going to be having quite a bit of students and I want to be able to mention them all. @Kisaki)
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