Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)
“Aye isn’t that my friend Arian?” Lyssa asks herself while squinting her eyes and looking at the miniscule spec beneath her that she was hurdling rapidly towards as her altitude decreased by the second. “Oh my love, catch me in your strong embraceful arms huuu.” She says in a sarcastically damsel in distress-like tone before being within a few-hundred feet of her position Lyssa to her surprise completely misses Arian and hits the surface of the ground at a mind-boggling pace creating an explosion of cataclysmic proportions.

That is if it were for ants, Lyssa is then noticed to be perfectly unscathed from the situation as she overlooks a colony of tiny ants scurrying away from the miniature atomic explosion with a hand-held microscope. “Run you little bastards, run from the destroyer of all worlds! Lyssa will be the only name you hear before you meet your inevitable demise!” Lyssa shouts towards the fleeing insects as she laughs maniacally. After forgetting what she was doing she approaches Arian and begins to thoroughly sniff her for some odd reason which kinda creeps out Arian. Lyssa then begins to analyze her by feeling her chest up then randomly booping her nose to feel the texture of it. Lyssa’s eyes then light-up with surprising glee before hugging Arian tightly. “Arian it really is you! Oh, how I missed you so much. Did you see me falling down from outer space while I was cooking marshmallows? Speaking of that I actually made you smores, be careful they’re kind of toasty also I brought Larry the Llama to come and visit us today!” She announces to her in a overly excited voice as she pulled out a plate full of overcooked marshmallows that looks like they were burnt until they were turned into rocks. Not to mention there was a Llama that was standing next to her looking around the room with its derpy eyes. Larry suddenly looked at Arian and neighed loudly like a horse before twisting its head side to side and spitting out his saliva at any person nearby in a sprinkler like motion.

Without warning she drops to her knees and appears behind Arian while caressing her plump butt. “Oh and how i’ve missed you my second love.” Lyssa replies in a French accent before setting up an entire table adjacent to her rear-end which contained a majority of food, wine, and lovely candles that were set for the ambience. “You’re looking rather ravishing tonight honey. I hope that we’ll enjoy our evening together.” Lyssa mutters in a lust-filled passion before poking the side of Arians butt and then immediately gasping after noticing a strange teddy-bear like creature wearing work-attire walk into the room quietly. At the point nobody understands what’s happening with Arian or Lyssa, it's just complete insanity.  “Alejandro, it’s not what you think. She’s just a friend!” Lyssa shouts out to to the random stuffed bear while leaping out from her chair and shaking nervously as she looked at it. “No need, I already know that i’m not wanted here.” The teddy bear says in a disappointed tone as it takes its wide-brim cap off the hat rack near the entrance and proceeds to walk out of the room that they were in. “Alejandro! Noooooo!” Lyssa cried out as she flipped the dining table over and collapsed to her knees while positioning her palms underneath her chin.

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Ryujin was spat out of the ground and landed hard but stood up breathing heavily. He watched A do a weird puppet thing but he then sprung into action blasting bolts of electricity like bullets through the cords she was using to control the vessel. "Sorry but I happen to like the nurse so I can't let you kill her."

@Olivia Acerbi

A falls to the floor, face first as Ryujin cuts her wires. "Ow! You bitch", she insults Ryujin from the dirt. "Damn it! It's always you, isn't it? Always coming out of f*cking nowhere to ruin my good times." A's body catches fire and begins to twitch and shift briefly before starting to stand. "That won't work twice, sparky. I adapt and overcome! Like a water bear, a red, beautiful water bear. Now, come at me!", she shouts before teleporting right into his face and wrapping her arms around him. "Or you could stop being such a p*ssy and join me....we could share a romantic candlelit dinner of Nurse Tartare? Maybe get to know each the biblical sense...." 
The clone A looked at Caesar completely lost, then to Ryo. "Did he just reject me?", she asked Ryo almost as if seeking counsel. " that's impossible. Haha, I must've just misheard you.", the clone laughs off before instantaneously being in Caesar's face. "You better hope I did...because if you won't give it to me....I'm gonna have to take it.", she says making a snipping motion with her fingers, an insidious grin drawn across her face.

(congrats there's your fight.....also I noticed your comment about "OP"ness and if you want to be more powerful just edit your CS to say you're Ker, son of Nyx, patron to Death and Destruction and commander of the Keres or something. Get some Greek Mytho up in here boi. either that or be contempt with being less powerful than some other characters, everyone isn't always a match for each other. I'm pretty sure Hundun could wreck everyone here, twice.)

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Ryo's eye twitch, matter of fact, his whole body twitched in anger. Ryo glared at A in anger, his fury at its peak, This was at least the third time he had been fight blocked, why did people keep interrupting his fights! "Oi! WHY THE HELL DID YOU COCK BLOCK MY FIGHT! AND ALSO, I AM TOTALLY GREAT AT RANDOM SEX! I'M TOTALLY BANGABLE!" Ryo then turned to his (un)official rival, pointing at Caesar angrily, "AND YOU! WE'RE PUTTING PAUSE ON THIS FIGHT! I HAVE A SEXY/SERIOUS CHAT TO HAVE WITH MY BESTY DEVIL!" Ryo yelled before exploding in energy.

Revealing his true form, black scales pulsing with azure energy. He sensed where the real A was and immediately shot off into the hole Caesar and him had made. Bursting through to the top, pretty much warping to the area, things eroding around him as his aura flared wildly, Ryo landed with a loud bang that crumble a few objects. Zeroing in on A, Ryo began stomping over to her, craters being formed with every step. On his way, he shoved aside Ryujin with a light push, "MOVE ASIDE WEABOO JR! I HAVE PRIOR ENGAGEMENTS WITH THAT SEXY PIECE OF POON RIGHT THERE!"

Ryo stopped in front of A, slamming his forehead down to hers, literally making them eye to eye, "Oi! What's with you not so mini me fight blocking me! Also, i'm totally bangable! RANDOM SEX ENCOUNTERS WITH ME WOULD BE AWESOME!"

Ryo then blinked and moved back as he finally took notice of his surroundings. Weird fleshy monster, not the strangest thing he had seen. Nurse that A was supposed to be killing, man, though she would've nipped that in the bud by now. And....great! Now A was hung all over Weaboo Jr. after he zapped the red string thingies she had attached to her. Taking a moment to breathe, his power fluctuating slightly and destroying things here and there. Ryo's monstrous form looked out of place with such a dead pan look on his face.

"What the hell A-dawg! What's with Weaboo Jr. there, why's he all charged up like the energizer bunny?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud

(This ain't over Kloud! Ryo and Caesar are now manly rivals! Prepare for eternal manly fights! cause we keep getting fight blocked! Also Dante....It's time for Ryo's racism towards the japanese pantheon to shine through! Prepare for a unwanted dragon rival.)
A look of surprise washed over Ryujin face as she wrapped her arms over his neck. "I will pass upon joining you . after all fooling your plans is just to much fun." once he was finished talking he felt demonic hands push him aside and a very loud and a very confusing man push him out of the way. He pointed at the newcomer and mouthed the words. "He sounds like he needs mental help" to A. Of course that's when his brain managed to untagle the man's words and realize he was just called weaboo jr.

He was annoyed earlier but now he was pissed. "The hell did you just call me! I am a pureblood grandson of Rajin which means I am full blooded Japanese! If your going to use a word make sure you use it in the right context you scaly reject of a man whore!" the sky turned pitch black as thunder roared in the sky's silenced by the ocasinal streak of lightning. Spakrs of golden electricity danced around him shocking anything that got close.

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz

(challenge accepted.)
Caesar looked up wearily as Ryo left, sighing, and then looked back to the A clone, "Whatever, talk to Arian about whatever it is you want to do, I'm just gonna..." He fell back, unconscious. There was still large bits of metal and a massive Ryo's leg sized hole in his chest, which strangely enough didn't bleed, and the black mist had gone. The worst part? Supposing A followed through with her suggestion, Ari would throw a fit at the idea of a threesome, probably. Not that he had agreed to it of course, but he was too tired to do anything else but drop right now. He wondered if this was how his girlfriend felt all the time, just dying and coming back like it was no ones business. A better question was also how it was possible that he wasn't dead yet. Wait, the Shinigami. Of course, that's what was keeping him alive. What a fucking joke. 

@YungJazz @SolistheSun 

( @Olivia Acerbi That's not the point though, even if I made myself stronger, which I already tried btw, it won't solve the fact that you guys will just blow up everything. If it's not each other, it's everyone else. :3 All I'm saying is that this is starting to become more like the Colosseum and less like Luxor Academy.)
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Caesar looked up wearily as Ryo left, sighing, and then looked back to the A clone, "Whatever, talk to Arian about whatever it is you want to do, I'm just gonna..." He fell back, unconscious. There was still large bits of metal and a massive Ryo's leg sized hole in his chest, which strangely enough didn't bleed, and the black mist had gone. The worst part? Supposing A followed through with her suggestion, Ari would throw a fit at the idea of a threesome, probably. Not that he had agreed to it of course, but he was too tired to do anything else but drop right now. He wondered if this was how his girlfriend felt all the time, just dying and coming back like it was no ones business. A better question was also how it was possible that he wasn't dead yet. Wait, the Shinigami. Of course, that's what was keeping him alive. What a fucking joke. 

@YungJazz @SolistheSun 

( @Olivia Acerbi That's not the point though, even if I made myself stronger, which I already tried btw, it won't solve the fact that you guys will just blow up everything. If it's not each other, it's everyone else. :3 All I'm saying is that this is starting to become more like the Colosseum and less like Luxor Academy.)

(fair point! However! I must point out that has entirely to do with the fact not a single benevolent teacher has been seen up until this point. You want order? Be the order! I expect your OP keeper of the peace CS in characters by tomorrow morning)

[Fley Sanders]


Still unsatisfied from destroying one of A's clones, Fley continued to take on a few more before getting bored. None of them seemed to put up much of a fight - in fact, she could say they were rather weak. She was not fully in control of herself, and she was losing it by the minute. She looked back in Caesar's direction, where he seemed to be doing somewhat okay. The person who she still did not know had taken to going elsewhere. Following his movements, she bounded over to the area he was in, running around him aimlessly. He looked to be something like a god; he was with a demon-girl - she was forgetting now. Forgetting everything. Who was this demon again? Right, she'd been fighting her a few minutes ago... trying to remember was pointless. Another familiar face, with a name she could not place. This person also seemed to be rather powerful, he was radiating electricity. Circling the three over and over again, she waited for the right moment. Should anyone make one move of attacking her, she'd strike.


@Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @YungJazz


- Fley's Mind -


Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Of course, we went over this before, but I think I should remind you again. You're wrong. No, not just your mental state, which is in a very poor condition. You, meaning your physical state, is wrong. Funny how we're the same person, but one has reason (me), and the other clearly does not (you). What is your goal right now? What do you want to do?

I want to fight. I want to save myself. I want to help people - including myself - and find out what the fuck is going on.

You can't do that if you don't stop freaking out. Don't move.

I can't do anything of my own will. Something is happening. Something is... wrong. 

Well, then, you can't control yourself, and you'll never get to do anything you want. Good job. Keep this up and you'll lose just about everything before you can recover.

Stop. Use your common sense. I'm going to die at this rate.

I am your common sense, you idiot, don't you see that? Anyways, snap out of it. Someone is waiting for you. Can't you see? OPEN YOUR EYES-


Haven't you got a brain? Control your emotions. Must I remind you that you're the only one who can control yourself? There isn't anyone else here.
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it won't solve the fact that you guys will just blow up everything. If it's not each other, it's everyone else. :3 All I'm saying is that this is starting to become more like the Colosseum and less like Luxor Academy.)

(If you really wanna fix this we need someone with a helluva lot of authority. Like Luxor.)
Lydia's eyes drifted upwards to the clouds, "Oh, it looks like it's going to rain soon guys. I think we're gonna either get wet soon or have to go inside right now." mentioned Lydia, seeing that the sky was turning pitch black. Even if it was night she could tell that some pretty nasty clouds were rolling in. A quick crack of thunder also suggested that it was going to be a pretty heavy thunderstorm. Not wanting to get soaked, Lydia started to skitter off to the dorms, unaware that she was going to see a whole bunch of chaos and people fighting. "Unless you two also want to be mopping wet, you may wanna come back to the dorms too." .

@Lucremoirre @Fazy (I've been left out for so long, I just have to make Lydia come over to the chaos.)


(Setsuna Hayate)

"Seems like you’re right Maria.. I just can’t believe he was manipulated by her. But who am I saying, i’m not attractive enough nor am I the one he wants. I’m not even sure if anyone else would want me in their life. I just seem like a burden that I carry on their shoulders." Setsuna replies to her with a saddened look before shifting to her side on the bench and using her a few of her tails to gently maneuver her head above them so that it’s comfortably supported. “There’s this one professor named Xian Qui. He’s ridiculously powerful. If you smelt anything reeking of a sinister presence that’s most likely him nearby. I’ve never seen anyone like him before, absolutely terrifying. Yet I don’t where he’s at. Also a few of the people inside of the infirmary are going to harm that nurse, including my Ryo…” Setsuna says to her before closing her eyes trying not to rethink the situation.  (Ehh I think Solis left me too :c, Ima take a nap and wait, also a bit of a short reply due to how tired I am.)


(Also I mean, Xian Qui (Hundun) is a professor he can simply show up and just immediately stop the fight if you really wanted, but where is the fun in that? Also speaking of which you told me your plans and everything so i'm holding back Hundun from trying to fix the situation.) @Olivia Acerbi


(Setsuna Hayate)

"Seems like you’re right Maria.. I just can’t believe he was manipulated by her. But who am I saying, i’m not attractive enough nor am I the one he wants. I’m not even sure if anyone else would want me in their life. I just seem like a burden that I carry on their shoulders." Setsuna replies to her with a saddened look before shifting to her side on the bench and using her a few of her tails to gently maneuver her head above them so that it’s comfortably supported. “There’s this one professor named Xian Qui. He’s ridiculously powerful. If you smelt anything reeking of a sinister presence that’s most likely him nearby. I’ve never seen anyone like him before, absolutely terrifying. Yet I don’t where he’s at. Also a few of the people inside of the infirmary are going to harm that nurse, including my Ryo…” Setsuna says to her before closing her eyes trying not to rethink the situation.  (Ehh I think Solis left me too :c, Ima take a nap and wait, also a bit of a short reply due to how tired I am.)


(Also I mean, Xian Qui (Hundun) is a professor he can simply show up and just immediately stop the fight if you really wanted, but where is the fun in that? Also speaking of which you told me your plans and everything so i'm holding back Hundun from trying to fix the situation.) @Olivia Acerbi





Arian Lee Fulhumn


"C-caesar...?!" Arian asks, falling to her knees. He had just... took substantial damage. She watched pull the pieces out. Watched them fall to the ground as he pulled them out one by one. Watched as his body sustained another massive blast from Ryo, blowing out his chest. However, his words at such an event only stunned her into slipping a fat tear down her cheek.


"Sorry Ryo, looks like your move did kill me."


Then she saw it. A shadowy wraith lurching over his form, like the opacity of another superimposed layer had been put to nearly zero. She could smell him. A rotting sickly smell, something only described as death-like. Fear creeped up her spine, alerting her that Caesar wasn't quite Caesar. Before she could flee, one of A's clones stormed the event. And out of the corner of Arian's eye, she watched a huge wolf beast take out another of the clones. Her fear spiked to a whole other level as it savagely ripped into the red-skinned duplicate. 


Then Lyssa fell from the sky, literally, and started yelling about her conquering the world of insects, judging from the way she watched them with a lens. Then, without warning she titters over to Arian and breathes her in. Arian steps back her face worried but then, smiling oddly, returns the gesture. Lyssa... smelled like strawberries. After Lisa's thorough groping, Arian waves dully to the llama, "Hello," and chomps on a smore-rock. 


Completely motionless, she stares ahead as Lyssa fluffs her bottom and then sets about preparing an entire table of refreshments. Arian takes a stand at the opposite end, and watches the bear enter, and then exit with a face of extreme intensity. However, at Lyssa's intense sorrow and general upset, Arian kneels down beside the goddess and cups her chin.


"It's alright Lyssa, Alejandro didn't deserve such a beautiful woman as yourself," she says, slightly monotone, yet still conveying a sense of nurturing being. As Caesar falls onto his back out of the corner of her vision, she locks up completely, and then shakes her head, smiling at Lyssa. 


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Ryujin saw movement out of the side of his vision. It was Fley but something was wrong with her. "Hey Fley. What's wrong your not hurt right? Talk to me Fley."

(Just so we all know, Caesar is done with fighting for today. It's like 3 am in the morning *in the rp of course* and idk about you guys, but my char is getting tired. It's either sleepy times, sexy times, or both for Caesar. Also the fucking hole in his chest lol Halp. )

[Fley Sanders]


Fley saw someone move. Electric-guy. He was saying something - words she couldn't fully comprehend. Reading his lips did not help her - she could not understand. She took this to mean he wanted to kill her. She'd kill him first; she wasn't dying today. Uttering a loud, guttural growl, she jumped on top of him, catching him off-guard as he finished speaking. She'd better make this fight quick. She could feel her body's exhaustion taking its toll upon her. Scratching his chest with sharpened claws, the pain was amplified by the solid iciness of the nail, creating a large, bloodied gash.


- Fley's Mind - 

What are you doing?

What am I doing? What am I DOING? I actually don't know. I can't see anymore. I just know that it's... bad.

You're in your wolf form.

I know.

You know what happ-



I don't know where he is. He's not around me, anyway.

Yes, he is. Look. There. In front of you.


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Roy laughed, enthusiastic at first, but then slowly started to laugh slower, until he stopped, a serious look on his face,"I have the feeling that this isn't supposed to be all so funny, but it sure is cracking me up. And I'd better deal with the nurse. It's not that I think the nurse is important, it's that I'm worried about what will happen in the event that someone gets hurt, and we don't have a nurse. So, cha-cha!" He moves towards the infirmity, then stops, "Demon Hoe? Uh... female demon... someone comes to mind... A! For god's fudgin ' sake, is it A that is causing all this rackus?" He looked around, seeing a bunch of demon clones, and a cell phone. On the screen, it said, "1 missed call." A sudden chill went down Roy's throat to his heart, and he quickly picked the phone up. As he thought, the "missed call" was his phone number. So... Caesar dropped the phone in the middle of the battle? Roy looked around, the chill becoming colder as he sees Caesar wounded. He grimaced, knowing that Caesar was probably done for, and wished there was time to mourn him. He growled, looking around, and seeing one of A's clones, and immediately summons his sword, and in a rage, summons a cleaver, then duplicates it into a dozen other cleavers, which all follow the path of Roy's throwing, at A. 

To put it in simpler words, 13 cleavers are flying at A's clone.

@Marumatsu @Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi
 Ryujin froze as fley lunged at him. He felt a dwirce pain in his chest as claws of ice pierced through his skin and blood erupted from his mouth. He fell backwards as claws cut continued to cut through his chest but he refused to use his lightning on her. I'm going to use he thought. The woman I love is going to kill me. Ryujin held up his hands grabing her arms firmly and stopping her onslaught. "Listen to me. Snap out of it." his voice was weak but the authority in it was unmistackibly that of it a gods.



(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)

“Thank you Arian, that meant so much to me. Also you shouldn’t be crying. Your butt had a wonderful dinner before Alejandro showed up.” Lyssa tells her in a sorrowful voice while adjusting her thumb so it wipes the few tears running down her cheek, then oddly enough regaining a serious complexion on her face and brushing off the dust from her own clothes. “Hear me out Arian, you are an amazing young woman.. You manage to put up with all of my shenanigans and somehow you still find it in your adoring heart to be considerably nice to me, like an actual friend. You’re someone that I care a lot about even if one of us is completely different from the other, I won't let anyone hurt the feelings of someone who I consider to be my friend.” Lyssa says to Arian softly while having a gentle smile expression reveal itself on her face. Something was different about Lyssa for a split-moment it’s as if she regained sensibility and her insanity was a thing of the past. Lyssa carefully adjusts herself off the ground while bringing up Arian with her after Lyssa wrapped her own arm around her firm waist. “Don’t you worry about Caesar, he’s not going to die. I’ll make sure of that, as for that Ryo-character. I’ll make him pay eventually, i’ve noticed him quite a lot around here, he’s pretty goddamn good at making people cry. Right now Arian you should be concerned for your own safety, this place isn’t safe. It definitely won't be after I turn this entire place into a living-breathing insane asylum.. Make sure that you’re safe okay? I’ll be back in momentarily, there's just something I need to do.” Lyssa says to Arian before hugging her once and stepping back away from her and shifting her own intense gaze back at Ryo. She knew that he was going to pay dearly for deeply hurting a true-friend of hers but Lyssa knew that this wasn’t the right time to have a conflict with him, she wanted it to be a personal fight between him and her. Without warning Lyssa disappears without a trace of her to be seen although she seemingly left a pink colored box filled with small decorative candy-canes on top of Arian’s head.

(Okay now i'm gonna take a short-nap! I'll be back momentarily, hopefully I wont be asleep for that long! @SolistheSun)

- Fley's Mind -


See for yourself.

No. Tell me you're lying. Please.

You hurt him. Or rather, you're hurting him.


Stop. Stop, you have to face the truth, you're a monster, you're destroying him.

I won't. I can't.

It's too late. You already are.

I love him.

You do, but you're hurting him.

I won't do that.

Find yourself.

Listen to me. Snap out of it.


[Fley Sanders]


"Listen to me. Snap out of it." These words registered in Fley's mind, but it was not before her wolf-form could make one last move. A huge flurry of icicles shot out from her front paws, possibly stabbing any passersby or anyone standing around her. Then came the chilly feeling of the ice shield again, but this was different from before. It was like a gravitational force field blocking anyone from coming inside, and though it was small, she could clearly see that she was trapped in a rectangular form of ice. Trapped within this solid, seemingly unbreakable prism, she was forced to morph to human, her mind finally connecting with her body. Her eyes still blue, she stared at Ryujin from the inside of the wall. Had she done that? No. I didn't do that. I didn't. I couldn't have. She hit the ice-wall with her fists repeatedly, causing her knuckles to bleed. Pointless.





"Hey Redface, could you go and open the portal to our destination already?, I'm tired of holding this skunk."  Levia demanded of the clone as she kicked the nurse's head, rendering her unconscious, "Chillax Salty Fins!, It's already open!"  A's clone said as it opened the portal to the Condorm™, the female Leviathan then picked up Auriel's body and went through the portal, Levia then placed Auriel's body on a cupboard as she started to transform back into her own self.

At:  A's Dorm

With:  Auriel Dwelle (@Lucremoirre), A's clone (@Olivia Acerbi)
"Listen damnit! I don't know what happened to you but you can get through this. Show me that fire you always have. Where is that Fire you had ealier. Do I really not mean anything to you? " he tried to put more effort in his voice but he was growing weaker. "You said you where lost right? well follow the sound of my voice. Break through it! If the girl I love is still in there then I know you can break through."

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"Guess who's back" Izona spoke behind Luxor. 

Luxor glanced behind him. Of course it was purple headed demon."Like your new dark and mysterious look , but we have a problem."

"And what's the problem? "

he asked, leaning away from Izona.

"Demons , and lots of explosions. " she replied.

Luxor shook his head. Is the school becoming more and more pathetic. He seems that he has to do everything by himself. 

"Fine....I'll get up and deal with the problems." He pushed his glasses back on .

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