Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Elch whoops after him "Kiss her once for me!" He smiles under his mask and starts to wander a bit. He ends up at the infirmary where he sees a blonde aristocratic kid around his age in there. He shrugs, adjusts his mask and walks in. "Hey." He says in his thick Russian accent. 

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud
Fley felt her cheeks burning up at the compliment. "Thanks," she murmured. "I-I was thinking that maybe you wanted to go somewhere. I kind of wanted to just take things off of my mind, ya know?" She tugged at his shirt a little. "Please?" She shot a look in a Russian boy's direction - that was someone she had yet to introduce herself to. 


@Dante Verren (It's okay, take your time! I'll look forward to when you get online to post replies to the interaction, and I have one other char plus one I'm making at the moment so... - that one is going to be male lol cuz I have two females already xD  and I have to edit both of my current chars so I have work to do anyway)
Caesar's vision had begun to clear now and noticed a masked person had wandered close by. The person spoke with an accent that gave a strong inpression of Russia. He propped his head up on his pillow and squinted at him, "Hello? I dont think I recognise you, my name is Caesar." The mask was oddly unsettling, but he had seen a lot of weirdness lately already, and that wasnt even to mention the gap in his memory prior to landing in the infirmary or the black mist that seemed to to trail from his feet. 

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Caesar's vision had begun to clear now and noticed a masked person had wandered close by. The person spoke with an accent that gave a strong inpression of Russia. He propped his head up on his pillow and squinted at him, "Hello? I dont think I recognise you, my name is Caesar." The mask was oddly unsettling, but he had seen a lot of weirdness lately already, and that wasnt even to mention the gap in his memory prior to landing in the infirmary or the black mist that seemed to to trail from his feet. 


"You look like shit my friend. What'd you do disrespect a girl?" The Russian chuckled. "My name is Wraith. And I noticed you seemed to be hurt so I came to help you out." Wraith offered. 

He shrugged from his laid down position, "I honestly have no clue. I was enforcing school rules as part of the disciplinary committed and then I was in this strange other place. But then everything went dark and here I am." He sighed, "I feel like shit. Anyway, how come you're here? Im sure they are more interesting things to do than chat to a  hospitalised guy in a tux with memory loss and black stuff coming out of his shoes." He was slightly concerned about it, but he was more concerned where Ari had gone. He hoped she hadnt gone and gotten herself into any trouble. They still had seafood to feast on. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun



As much as Arian would've like to have been with Caesar at that time, she was busy being melded with the ground and Lyssa, who refused cooperate her flailing pigtails. Her arms were still wrapped around Lyssa, but after tugging a little, the concrete started giving in. Large scrapes formed up her arms as pulled and with an odd sound, recoiled backward. She was free! But what about Lyssa? Caesar's ability would've been helpful right then, but, all she had was regeneration. Sighing, she gets to work. Where her arms had been where whole to pry from, so she was able to pry up some of loose rock, but Lyssa was still firmly buried. 


Maybe a sledgehammer? No... that's hurt Lyssa more... hmmm... 


However, as she prepared to start again, Lyssa burst form the ground, completely unruffled and finally dressed. Holding a cat. 




Then she proceed to calm the.. fox... girl.... 




Sizing the the situation, Arian waves a goodbye to Lyssa and scurries off. Hoping for some normalcy. With the dorms rooms in mind, she slips down the paved sidewalk with ease, her thoughts focused on the events of the day. A stumble forces her to take in her surroundings, nearly falling headlong into a trashcan. Rubbing her temples in embarrassment, she looks up to read the Infirmary. Huh. One place she'd never need to go. Though, she might need to take someone to the nurse...  Well, as they say a stranger is simply a friend you haven't met... 


"Hello?" Arian asks opening the door slightly, blinking to adjust her eyes to the sudden and distinct darkness of the room. 



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He shrugged from his laid down position, "I honestly have no clue. I was enforcing school rules as part of the disciplinary committed and then I was in this strange other place. But then everything went dark and here I am." He sighed, "I feel like shit. Anyway, how come you're here? Im sure they are more interesting things to do than chat to a  hospitalised guy in a tux with memory loss and black stuff coming out of his shoes." He was slightly concerned about it, but he was more concerned where Ari had gone. He hoped she hadnt gone and gotten herself into any trouble. They still had seafood to feast on. 

@TheGreyCthulhu @SolistheSun

Believe it or I don't." Elch said as he looked at the girl who walked in. He waved to her and laid back. He took in the girls looks. 'She was pretty' he thought. 




(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

Professor Xian Qui didn’t know what to do after over-hearing that Ryo and A were going to make a beeline straight for the infirmary in a vicious attempt to kill Auriel. He knew that she wasn’t exactly capable of handling both of them on at once and knowingly understood the fact that she acts like a saint. However he didn’t really want to interfere due to the fact he was extraordinarily tired. Yet an idea popped up in his head as he took a swift glimpse over at Setsuna and Lyssa, although after seeing what Lyssa was doing he pressed his palm against his face in annoyance before he finally approached them both. “So as I was saying Setsuna, i’m sorry about standing on your big ol’ bongos but they’re so nice and soft! They’re like mine, but yours!” Lyssa replies before lunging herself forward at Setsuna in a quick attempt to feel her breasts but she is hastily pulled back by her collar with Xian Qui heavily tugging on it. “Ugh it seems that you can’t control yourself for 5 seconds around someone." He says to her in an irritated tone while holding her back from Setsuna. “Yes, I can! See? 1..2..-” Lyssa declares to him before stopping and deciding to sluggishly bring up her index finger and poke the tip of Xian Qui’s nose. “Boopsies!’

She loudly says as she continues to jab her finger on the outside of his nose. With all of Xian Qui’s efforts he tried not to go into a complete destruction frenzy from rage sparked by her aggravating personality. He carefully hoisted her up by the end of collar and glared at her with his menacing eyes as she twirled around in his grasp. Lyssa’s blissful attitude was none affected by his monstrous temper as she was whistling while spinning herself as she was being dangled above the ground. “Woooo! You’re like a living-breathing carnival ride. Spin-me faster” She shouts at him in a euphoric voice before quickly having her mouth held shut and clamped down by his forceful hand. Despite this she still continued to talk even as the sound of her voice was dampened and limited her into only making odd sounds. “Murrmuff Mff!” Xian Qui then reconsiders if what he was doing would wind up making the condition of this situation even worse for Auriel. “Listen for once, one of my friends are in trouble she’s one of faculty members here and I want you to help them, her name is Auriel and she’s a nurse here that works in the infirmary down the hall-way. Do you think that you’re capable of supporting her? If anything else happens I swear to everything unholy that i'll place you back into the realm.” The professor states to the oblivious Lyssa. Not knowing what’s going on and wanting to be involved she rapidly nods her head up and down resulting in Xian Qui to remove his hand from her mouth.

(Lyssa, otherwise known as crazy-bitch. Or the goddess of insanity.)
“Gah! Did you even hear what I was saying? I said you had something stuck in the gap of your teeth. It looked like some corn-flakes or something but it could be something completely different! But yes I want to help!” She squeals in pure joy while continuously bouncing up and down out of pure adrenaline rushing throughout her tiny mind after being dropped back on to her feet by him. Her eyes lit up with emotion after noticing Arian wave in her direction. “Aaayeee! That’s my pal Arian, she’s super-cute! I hope she likes my special muffins, i’ll have to give her some soon! Hopefully she’s going to the same place where i’m going!” Lyssa announces before placing both of her fingers into her mouth and softly blowing into them creating a whistle sound. Without warning the zipper opens from her bag that’s positioned leaning against a wall which causes a massive freight-train to blow through the opening of her bag and stop in its tracks right in front of her. “Alright you dinguses! It’s time to take take an adventure on the pain-train, Choo-Choo!” Lyssa shouts to the rest of the people in the vicinity as she cartwheels herself into the conductor seat of the train.
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Auriel Dwelle

"Oh hello there!" Auriel said to the newly arrived blonde girl as she turned on the infirmary lights, "So, you say you don't remember anything?, and that odd place was ruled by Xian Qui, apparently he took the ones that were fighting and placed them in this new dimension of sorts, to protect the academy from being destroyed"  She explained to the disciplinary committee member as she took a glass jar and but the black mist like thing on it, but she also felt something quite strange.... an ominous and menacing feeling, that sent shivers to Auriel's legs.


At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  Arian Lee Fulhumn (@SolistheSun), Caesar (@Destructus Kloud), Elch Sistco (@TheGreyCthulhu)

Mentions:  Prof. Xian Qui (@Obsidian), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz), Astaroth (@Olivia Acerbi)


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"Hey!", A exclaims as she'd momentarily pinned between the wall and Ryo. She notices Ryo holding Setsuna in his arms she rolls her eyes as she peeks at her from over his shoulder. "Ugh, will you two get a f*cking room already? Or a kennel? All, this rom-com garbage is giving my soul cancer. I might have to hit up that dimension hording fossil, if you're gonna keep acting like a little bitch..", she states venomously to the two. 

EIch question is not well received by A in her current mood. "Huh? Uh, yea, yea she's dead, buried in my yard. Wanna see?", she says caustically before shooting Setsuna the bird from behind Ryo's back, mouthing 'Fuck Off' to her. 

A's expression grows into a mixture of almost endless smugness and sinister intent as Ryo plays right into her hand, keeping eye contact with Setsuna the whole time. 

"Haha! That's what I'm talking about! Fuck you, Setsuna!", A says excitedly. "Good to see you using your that thing between your ears and not the thing between your legs once in a while!", she chimes in. "Let's paint the campus whatever color is inside that nurse!" she cheers shooting a blast of fire into the air. "I'm obviously gonna kill her, it's my beef to squash! You get to watch. Don't worry I'll go slow.. "

@YungJazz @Obsidian @TheGreyCthulhu

(crime pays, here's proof. Also I'm outski, nite)

(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna couldn’t help but have a pure look of devastation on her face as helplessly watched Ryo and wander off, she tried to extend her hand out once more to get his attention but ceased mid-way causing her to clench her fist and look down at the ground with a cold-sensation lurking in her gaze. She couldn’t help but feel that everything that was about to happen was her fault, “Why? Why does she keep failing like this?” she was constantly thinking to herself as a sudden frown begins to reveal itself. Emotions of disappointment, happiness, and anger nearly all of it was swirling inside that head of hers while recalling what Ryo said. Setsuna was grateful for every passionate thing she said to her, each word of his made her heart-beat drastically increase and he gave her the feeling as if she was finally his to behold and comfort. “What do I do? Help the one that I truly love… Or protect someone who has been overly-friendly to me since day 1.” She silently asked herself as her eyes quaked in confusion and sorrow.

She could care less about who Ryo demolished, hell he could even slaughter a majority of the people on this Earth and she’d still be content. But Auriel in her mind was a beacon of innocence, she was just a pawn in this deranged game of A’s, Setsuna didn’t comprehend why A wanted her dead with great passion but she did know that A had a twisted ideology about life and was absolutely void of any sense of regret when it came to senseless murder. Setsuna gradually sniffled as tears quickly formed underneath her trembling eyes at that instance she realized that this really wasn’t what she wanted to happen all she could feel inside her was the thought of the insanity encompassing her entire body.
Who could help Auriel in her time of need? Who could Setsuna find that would provide help against the inevitable event? All these notions of hers became immediately interrupted,

Trae 1.jpg

Ryo sighed in annoyance during his trek to the infirmary, adjusting every once in a while so that he doesn't make A uncomfortable. Man, he felt kinda bad about the truths he laid out to Setsuna. All in all, he felt like shit about the way he left Setsuna. Well, only one way to solve this. USELESS BLOODSHED AND VIOLENCE!...Then probably apologize to Setsuna afterwards, maybe rub her tails or something, anything to get away from the future female fury that would probably be sent his way.

Ryo glanced back at A, his manic grin shining, "I think we need more than a single person's blood to paint this campus," Ryo gained a contemplative look on his face, actually trying to find out how much blood they need, "We could always bleed out the rest of the scrubs in the infirmary. I can sense a few of them in there, should be a good time."

As Ryo walked towards the school infirmary, he couldn't help but notice that the front side of the school was still blown apart. Huh, someone should probably fix that. Heading inside the building, Ryo's grin only got wider the closer they got to the infirmary. People would probably try to stop them, but Ryo looked forward to the fight. Stopping in front of the door, Ryo lifted his right leg up and spartan kicked the door off, positioning himself so that A wouldn't fall off his back, sending it flying across the room and through the wall, man there goes door number two.


@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian

(Setsuna Hayate)
Setsuna couldn’t help but have a pure look of devastation on her face as helplessly watched Ryo and wander off, she tried to extend her hand out once more to get his attention but ceased mid-way causing her to clench her fist and look down at the ground with a cold-sensation lurking in her gaze. She couldn’t help but feel that everything that was about to happen was her fault, “Why? Why does she keep failing like this?” she was constantly thinking to herself as a sudden frown begins to reveal itself. Emotions of disappointment, happiness, and anger nearly all of it was swirling inside that head of hers while recalling what Ryo said. Setsuna was grateful for every passionate thing she said to her, each word of his made her heart-beat drastically increase and he gave her the feeling as if she was finally his to behold and comfort. “What do I do? Help the one that I truly love… Or protect someone who has been overly-friendly to me since day 1.” She silently asked herself as her eyes quaked in confusion and sorrow.

She could care less about who Ryo demolished, hell he could even slaughter a majority of the people on this Earth and she’d still be content. But Auriel in her mind was a beacon of innocence, she was just a pawn in this deranged game of A’s, Setsuna didn’t comprehend why A wanted her dead with great passion but she did know that A had a twisted ideology about life and was absolutely void of any sense of regret when it came to senseless murder. Setsuna gradually sniffled as tears quickly formed underneath her trembling eyes at that instance she realized that this really wasn’t what she wanted to happen all she could feel inside her was the thought of the insanity encompassing her entire body.
Who could help Auriel in her time of need? Who could Setsuna find that would provide help against the inevitable event? All these notions of hers became immediately interrupted,


(Lyssa/Goddess of Insanity - Temporary acquaintance until CS is accepted.)
When suddenly she felt what to be a fluffy small paw brushing against her smooth cheek wiping the oncoming tears from her face, this startled her causing Setsuna to turn her fixed stare over to what was behind her. All she could see was an enormous crater adjacent from her and a somehow infront of her a fully-clothed Lyssa holding a plump oversized ‘British Shorthair’ cat with what appears to be a pair of googly-eyes glued to its forehead as the cat slept quietly in her Lyssa’s arms. She was motioning the feline’s comfortable toe beans against her saddened jowl.  “Don’t be so gloom my cozy-chested friend. A wise-uh person once said! If life gives you hard-candy, eat them until you get diabetes!” Lyssa replies to her with an awkward grin across her dumbfounded face then quickly bringing back the odd cat into her chest and proceeding to thoroughly sniff its fur. “Ooo! Peppermint! My fav!” She says before wrapping the rather obese cat around Setsuna's throat like a winter-scarf. "He looks so good on you! You should definitely add this to your wardrobe!" Lyssa tells her while having her pupils dart off in different direction looking at multiple things at a continuous rate. Setsuna looked at her in complete awe as she never encountered anyone this stupid in her entire existence.

Seo after witnessing the usual affairs of his brother delinquents battle lust he walks toward Setsuna and Lyssa after Lyssa places the cat around her neck. He places his hand on her shoulder then leans over talking to her upside down which kind of defeats the purpose of the extremely serious facial expression he is now wearing.

"Listen Setsuna is it? We are Dragons this very fact intensifies our desires we kill people..mostly Ryo.. We fight people, again mostly Ryo.. and we do other things like color! That would be me. You have to accept this and um try to find away besides this poor display to get his attention." Seo then stands upright waiting for the dizziness to fade then continues. "Come on she is like a Lust demon thing. Sex from that HAS to be great."

Before walking into the infirmary to watch this hopefully epic display of fireworks and dragon dances, kinda like the Chinese parades he has seen in his past, he stops at the door looks at Lyssa with a Sly Smirk then points at her. "And you, you wonderfully intelligent beauty are now my favorite."

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Ryujin scratched his chin in thought. "Well I guess there is a town nearby if you want to go walk around. Other then that the school has a library and I think the shopping center. Its your choice sense your the one who called me. Unless you don't want to make the desicion."

"All right, let's hit the town. How do we get there? Don't tell me we're going to walk." Fley scowled. "Let's fly or something," she joked, laughing a little. She nudged him, implying that he chooses their method of transportation. "You know," she started, just as an afterthought. She bit her lower lip. Not now. "Eh, I'll tell ya later. Let's just go right now." 

@Dante Verren
Caesar looked over to the nurse, "Oh... Wow, okay then. I guess I'm glad no one got really hurt but me." He said, relieved. He saw Ari come in and he smiled, pleased to see her.  It was then that Ryo and A burst through the door like a dual jack in the box on its side. His eyes widened in surprise, "Wha-? A? Ryu- Rya... Ryo was it? What are you guys doing here?" His eyebrows raised in further confusion at the last part, "Wait, paint the room red? What do you mean?" 


@YungJazz @Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi @Storm Guardian @whoever else that's here
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Sythnar Dochrohen

"D-Don't say t-that! You're q-quite exquisite! And b-beauty doesn't t-tell everything a-about you!" Seth telepathically said to Lydia, agreeing to Miyuki as he continued to write everything that Lydia said, he then watched in shock as Miyuki plunged her hand deep into Lydia's body, "S-So, t-that's your p-power?" He telepathically asked Miyuki as a spider crawled down to Sythnar's shoulder, "A-And Lydia, what d-did you t-think about m-my encyclopedia?" He seemed oblivious to the spider as he telepathically asked Lydia about his notebook.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Miyuki Mori (@Fazy)
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 Arian stepped in and farther into the room, but before she could reply to the woman, the door blasted in behind her revealing Ryo backpacking A. However, the door didn't stop coming, and plowed into Arian, the momentum sending her partially through the brick infirmary walls. Arian cries out, not in pain of course, but out of surprise. Her bones felt all jagged and weird. Mostly crushed and fractured as well. 


As her body heals, her bones audibly crack back into place, the door burgeoning outward as she shoves it away. Surprisingly, her borrowed clothes from Lyssa managed to survive through it. Dusting herself off, she looks up at the invading pair. Nonchalantly, she points to Ryo and then A, giving them their names. 


"Booze-Boy and his partner,  Demon-Girl!" 


For whatever reason that it might be stress, anxiety, madness, she starts laughing. Maniacally.  After a second or so, her face slackens with her posture, her voice dying. 


"Seriously? This is your solution? A massacre? I mean everyone has a bad day, but seriously. It's just ONE day. Get over it. Don't be so pathetic when you have the choice not to be." 

@YungJazz @Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi @Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud @EVERYONE ELSEWEENFA 

(I'm tired guys ;w;)



(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)

Setsuna’s eyes remain widened as she didn’t believe what was happening in-front of her. This young girl literally had a life-sized freight train propel out rapidly out from her compact backpack. That and to what Seo hinted about Ryo and Astaroth which caused her to return back to her irritated self. “He is not going to do anything with that freaking demon wench! You can have her but Ryo is with me!” Setsuna shouts back to him as Seo gradually gained distance while walking away from her. “Alright time to ruin this shin-dig! Now where this the damned gas pedal in the beast of machine?” Lyssa shouts while inspecting the inside of the freight-train’s control room. She scratches her head in slight amazement and ignorance after seeing all of the panels, levers, and buttons. Sweat begins to drip from her brow as she approaches the various amounts of controls in front of her however she quickly stops after an idea comes to mind. “Alright! Elvis take the wheel!” She says in an overjoyed manner as she snaps her fingers creating an ominous-looking being who reveals itself to be a completely random panda bear-like creature dressed up as Elvis Presley with an enormous wig over its head. “Uh-uh thank ya, thank ya very much Lyssa.” The creature said before pulling out a CB Radio from out of the conductor seat and placing it onto the dashboard while blowing the dust off of it. “Alright ladies and gentlemen it seems that we will be reaching our destination within 32.5 seconds we’ll be doing a one-stop rodeo so make sure that you have you leaked the lizard and got a few snacks for the trip.”  The odd creature says into the CB radio while holding it in his furry grasp before placing it down and tugging on a handle right above him causing the train to make a ‘cartoonish’ tooting sound.

Lyssa quickly pulls out a soaked stuffed blue-colored lizard of hers from out of her backpack and quickly begins to drain it thoroughly of water then soon after pulls out a substantial amount of cup-cakes. Without warning the freight-train begins tugging along very sluggishly and Lyssa quickly falls asleep as it carries on.
“Passengers it seems that we’re going to have a bit of turbulence along our once steady journey so, I hope you all buckled up because it’s about to get god-damn crazy in here.” The panda-bear says in a identical Elvis Presley impression before the bear’s eyes light up with a clouded red aura which bursts out from its sockets. A sadistic and sinister smile stretches from the panda-bear from ear to ear as it presses a single button inside of the freight-train causing it to go into brief light-speed which results in the train soaring forward at unfathomable speeds which then collides through the side of the infirmary surprisingly avoiding everyone and hitting other-side of the wall instantly stopping it and causing the panda-conductor to fly out of his seat and through the structure. Large amounts of debris and dust are pushed through the atmosphere of the infirmary causing people to cough violently while Lyssa wakes up and leaps out from the passenger-seat adjacent to the driver’s seat. “Hello boys and girls! I made cup-cakes! The ingredients are a dash of sprinkles, over-abundances of love, and last but not least DEATH!” Lyssa yells out to everyone inside of the infirmary as her pupils dilate and turn to a menacing red at the last portion as ridiculous amounts of black-hued aura consumes her entire body, without warning "Hollaback girl by Gwen Stefani" begins playing as her phone starts vibrating on the side of her waist. "Oh, heh! Sorry about that guys it seems that someone is calling me." Lyssa announces nervously while sitting down on top of a pile of rubble while quietly talking on her phone. @SolistheSun @Lucremoirre @YungJazz @Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi (and so many more)

(Had to leave it at that because I need to go to an appointment at 2:30ish which wont last very long though!)
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Wraith immediately drew a Python and pointed the gun at the loud mouth who's friend wanted to paint the room red. The friend was A, the one who he was sent to serve. He didn't put the gun away just took his finger off the trigger.
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Auriel Dwelle

Auriel then heard a loud bang behind her, as she turned around, she saw Ryo and A, she instantaneously realized who where they going to paint the room in red, right after that, a huge train bursted out of the wall behind her, Auriel then grabbed Caesar's body and put him on one of the train's chairs, quickly going outside of the train to grab both Arian and Elch, but a knife ended up stopping her from grabbing Elch's hand as she got to the train, she went to grab Elch, but the train's doors closed, "We need to go back and get him!" She pratically yelled at the blonde girl riding the train.

At:  A train

With:  Lyssa Yasa (@Obsidian), Arian Lee Fulhamn (@SolistheSun), Caesar (@Destructus Kloud)

Mentions:  Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz), A (@Olivia Acerbi), Levia (@Lucremoirre), Elch Sistco (@TheGreyCthulhu)



Levia was now found right on the beach, ready to slice her wrist and poison the ocean, but something stopped her, her laziness, yes, her own sloth is stopping her from poisoning the whole ocean, but it wasn't Levia's sloth, it was Alexis' sloth, as her vessel's soul is still on it's body, and so her personality still stays within the vessel, but only exaggerated, the female Leviathan sighed in disappointment, she'd have to find a new vessel soon, maybe her body's still on the bottom of the ocean floor?, she wondered as she returned to Luxor Academy, the front of the academy was blown up, but it seemed like the fight had stopped, she then heard a small boom coming from the infirmary, to find A and the guy who she was fighting with, did A manage to persuade him to join their side, she wondered as she threw the knife she held towards Auriel's hand, she missed, but managed to make the guy who had a gun stay as the sound of a train took off, she then walked towards the duo as her body transformed into a grotesque slimy fish-like being, "A! Old buddy, Old friend, Old pal! Who's this?"  She said as she stared into the unknown boy in distrust.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  A (@Olivia Acerbi), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz), Elch Sistco (@TheGreyCthulhu)

Mentions: Auriel Dwelle (@Lucremoirre), Alexis De La Fontaine (@Lucremoirre)
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Ryujin turned around as he heard the sound of combat and something that sounded like a train comeing from the other side of the school. He quickly grabbed Fley in a hug. He wrapped himself around her so she was protected. "Town it is and hold on tight." the two rocketed up wards in a flash of lightning as they reached the sky Ryujin changed course and directed it towards town. The bolt impacted in a small park with Ryujin laying in his back with Fley on top of him so he took the full force of the impact.

"Miyuki, please don't do that to me... it creeps me out." Lydia said to Miyuki, backing off so that her hand was out of her body. Could she feel anything in there? It was almost as bad as that melting  girl, she shuddered as Lydia remembered all of the red flesh falling apart. Turning back to face Seth, she saw the little spider on his shoulder and gave a little smirk. The spider started to crawl down him and onto the notebook he was writing in as Lydia replied "Well I love all of the sketches and the information about how they act, but you are missing out quite a bit on a particular subject that should be in the encyclopaedia. You should add another category where you write about how they're adapted to their surroundings." . With the baby spider Lydia used it to point at different parts of the page that Seth's writing on, using it as a visual guide.

@Lucremoirre @Fazy
Whether she did so out of fear or just because she felt like it, Fley was unsure, but she wrapped her rams around him tightly, holding on. She heard the sounds of a train's wheels moving along tracks, and then a whistle - but where could that be coming from? There were no train tracks here as far as she was concerned. All thoughts of the train disappeared as soon as Ryujin told her to hold on tight. There was an amazing rush of air as they bolted upwards toward the sky. She was just barely breathing when they hit the ground, but she barely had a scratch on her. How could that be... ? Fley glanced upwards to see that Ryujin had fallen on his back, still hugging her. She winced as she realized that Ryujin had probably softened her fall, maybe injuring himself in the process. He protected you. Sure, it may have been a small move. Sure, anyone would have done it. But it was something else for her - no one ever bothered to go out of their way in order to make sure she was safe. A strange feeling came over her as she felt the sudden urge to do something; this was nothing like she'd ever experienced ever before. 

Her heart rate accelerated, and her breaths were faster. She hugged him a little closer, wrapping one arm around his neck while moving the hand trapped beneath him to his hair, which she ruffled affectionately. Her head touching his, she leaned in to kiss him, but stopped herself, her lips mere inches away from his. 

What am I doing?

@Dante Verren
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Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Oh.... I s-see, T-Thanks for the c-criticism!" Seth telepathically said with a joyful expression etched on his eyes as the spider pointed pages of the notebook with it's legs, he then opened his other notebook to compare it to his new one, trying to see if there where any more errors or repeated pages he could correct as a small breeze passed through the garden, slightly lifting his hair.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Lydia and Honey (@Cheryl), Miyuki Mori (@Fazy)


(Lyssa - Goddess of Insanity)

“Yeah, i’m just chilling with my buddies, sounds like there is a train behind me? Yeah I had a little bit of a situation, if you could come over here that would be nice! Artillery you say? Well prep the bitches and let’em rip when I give you the signal! Alright ciao!” Lyssa says to the mysterious person on her cell-phone in a carefree tone before she shuts the off the device in her hand and places it back onto her hip. “Hm now where was I?” She says quietly to herself as she retrieves an extensive play-script from out behind her as she adjusts her reading glasses and analyzes the script carefully before looking up and coughing a tad bit. “Ah, okay! Have no fear Lyssa is here! Auriel i’m here to protect your from this world’s unrelenting evil!” Lyssa shouts out in a dramatic voice as she takes a heroic pose and shifts her hand into that of a peace-sign and points it outward as she smiles brightly.

Lyssa quickly makes a pouting face as she shifts her gaze slowly across the room looking at everyone while attempting to be intimidating.
“Alright! Y’all better form a line because if anyone wants to get to the nurse with the nice boobies you’ll have to get through me! Who am I you may ask?” She responds and commences a haughty laughter as she descends her hands onto the sides of her hips while pointing back her thumb towards herself. “Let me tell you! I am Lyssa the goddess of Insanity! As i’m a very pleasant and generous woman i’ll give you all a second chance to reconsider your selfish actions, also if you’re wondering who just crashed through the wall at high-speeds that’s Elvis the panda! Lyssa announces to everyone in the room while the panda-creature sitting in the broken debris of wall waves at them.

(Rpnation is acting up again.)
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(I got off work early so my replies will be faster.)

Ryujin felt a hand running through his hair and opened his eyes to the sight Fley leaning in. his arms tightened around Fley and he leaned in as well. He stopped when shed did. His arms also loosened so that she could get up if she wanted to. A feeling of disappointment washed over Ryujin when Fley stopped but he wasn't going to force her into anything she didn't want.


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