Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)



Astaroth deals with the most immediate threat first, Caesar's singularity flying towards it. Easily and almost uninterestedly, Astaroth spawns million trillions of twin particles around its event horizon, evaporating the black hole into hawking radiation.  With an annoyed grumble it teleports to Caesar and headbutts him sending him rocketing towards Ryo.  Turning away from everyone Astaroth's entire being lights ablaze, the mutations and augmentations of the vessel falling away like shed skin. The body parts hit the floor slowly burning to a char. As flames subside, they reveal A in her usual form stretching jadedly. "I thought I told you the role of geezer giving me orders was already taken, Bing Bing. If you have a problem take it up with my manager.", she says to Xian Qui, back to her smartass disposition. "Anyway, I got what I came her for. Ryo's on my side now and I didn't even have to find all nine dragon balls."
She falls onto her back on the grass and puts her hands behind her head, closing her eyes. "Let us out, don't let us out. I don't care, I literally have all of it's kinda nice here.", she admits, a calm smile on her face. "It'd be a perfect setting for a little coitus between beings of ultimate power......"


(after several scraps and rewrites I decided to defuse the situation with more nonsense. You're welcome....and if it seems like I ignored something you said it's because I probably did :D)
"I used to play basketball all the way up until 9th grade. Unfortunately,  my life got more busy and I give it up. "

She finished the game with the highest score. "I have 500 tickets now."she smiled.

He smiled to her, "I uh...never went to a normal school..." he said, he's barely even learned more than stuff from 8th grade. He was thinking about playing football, but he doesn't know if the school here has a team. "So, what else is there?" he asked, looking around for something to do. 


(Lyssa - Making CS for her) (Yes she's the Goddess of Insanity)

Lyssa stands motionlessly while looking at Arian completely dumbfounded as her pupils drift apart to the sides of her eyes making Lyssa look derpy as all hell until she notices the stone that was clenched in Arian’s hand. Lyssa’s face lit up with pure happiness as she observed the rock for some odd reason. “How did you know?!?! Pebbles are Juzuki’s favorite treat. He absolutely loves the taste of rocks!” Let me go get him real quick! She said before unstrapping the teddy bear backpack off from her shoulder which immediately plummets to the ground and wiggles a tiny portion after making contact with the surface. Lyssa gradually pulls open the zipper on the tiny backpack of hers and sticks her head straight into the inside. “Juuuzuuki! I have a treat, get out of there!” She screams into the bag trying to get the attention of whatever the hell was in there. Suddenly after she pulls her head out of the bookbag a 120 foot long massive crocodile-like creature leaps out from the inside at great speeds causing the winds to rush through the trees and uproot them, as the crocodile propels itself through the atmosphere at mind-boggling speeds it quickly snatches the rock out from Arian’s palm and swallows the stone whole while scampering off into a nearby bush and disappearing.

Lyssa’s cheeks proceed to stream with tears as she watches the beast run-away into the wilderness.
“T-t-they grow up so fast.” She mutters while making sniffling noises and waving goodbye to her once fellow creature then directing her eyes back at Arian as she stands there confused as hell. “Well, hello there my name is Lyssa! Or you can call me by my nickname that a lot of people call me. Psycho, Crazy woman, Insane-bitch, and last but not least nut-case! They are such pretty names even though people say them a bit loud when i’m near them. Oh! I love your clothes they look so pretty, you look so pretty too! Wanna trade?! She says before swinging her hand down onto her own collar in one swift motion causing her entire clothing to be ripped off completely from her body revealing Lyssa’s naked body. Lyssa then presses her finger against Arian’s lips while looking around nervously. “You should probably take this clothing of mine, I wouldn’t want you to go hungry.” She whispers to him while arching herself back to her normal posture and smiling brightly towards her as she stands there completely naked.

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Astaroth deals with the most immediate threat first, Caesar's singularity flying towards it. Easily and almost uninterestedly, Astaroth spawns million trillions of twin particles around its event horizon, evaporating the black hole into hawking radiation.  With an annoyed grumble it teleports to Caesar and headbutts him sending him rocketing towards Ryo.  Turning away from everyone Astaroth's entire being lights ablaze, the mutations and augmentations of the vessel falling away like shed skin. The body parts hit the floor slowly burning to a char. As flames subside, they reveal A in her usual form stretching jadedly. "I thought I told you the role of geezer giving me orders was already taken, Bing Bing. If you have a problem take it up with my manager.", she says to Xian Qui, back to her smartass disposition. "Anyway, I got what I came her for. Ryo's on my side now and I didn't even have to find all nine dragon balls."
She falls onto her back on the grass and puts her hands behind her head, closing her eyes. "Let us out, don't let us out. I don't care, I literally have all of it's kinda nice here.", she admits, a calm smile on her face. "It'd be a perfect setting for a little coitus between beings of ultimate power......"


(after several scraps and rewrites I decided to defuse the situation with more nonsense. You're welcome....and if it seems like I ignored something you said it's because I probably did :D)

Trae 1.jpg

"Oi woman! Don't just kick random NPCs towards me" Ryo yelled as he kicked Caesar away from him, sending him flying in a different direction. Ryo cracked his neck afterwards, spitting out a glob of blue blood. The dumb mortal could hit pretty hard, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Although Ryo did make a note to fight him later.

His beastly visage was slowly replaced by the image of his human form. Now walking up next to A and sitting down. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and his lighter, taking one out and lighting it up. He let out a puff of smoke as he got comfortable. Ryo raised an eyebrow at A's joke, "Really, Dragon Ball Z jokes? That's what we're resorting to?"

Ryo sighed before brushing a hand through his hair, standing up, Ryo began walking over to Seo and Setsuna's position, waving his hand over his shoulder, "Imma go check up on Setsuna, and probably deck Seo across the face, let me know what you need me to do A."

Ryo stopped next to Setsuna and Seo, crouching down and looking at Setsuna's form. He ran a hand through her hair, before letting out a puff of smoke into the air.

"Man. I really hope you don't get all pissy at me fox princess, but I gotta fight me some Thrones. Way too much fun to pass up," Ryo then got up and flipped Seo off, "And you, next time I ask you to heal me, FUCKING HEAL ME!"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Marumatsu @Destructus Kloud

(I've been there before. For that whole previous response to everyone, I stared at it for like....20 minutes.)
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She flinched slightly. How'd she managed to make herself so incredibly stupid...or maybe just partially deaf. Either way she felt like she screwed her first impressions up with his....master? She didn't know what to consider him to be. A father figure? "Sorry. Love is a strong word and currently I can't figure myself out....I wouldn't want to hurt him at all because I think I do care for him right now. I wouldn't want him to get depressed over my death or whatever else happens to me that's not good...There's also...her." her mother was something else for sure. Wait...was she considering marriage without knowing it? 

@kenchin (I'm surprised you guys didn't go through more pages...)
He smiled to her, "I uh...never went to a normal school..." he said, he's barely even learned more than stuff from 8th grade. He was thinking about playing football, but he doesn't know if the school here has a team. "So, what else is there?" he asked, looking around for something to do. 

" I think we earn another 500 from the spinning wheel. Then we can do some air hockey if ya like."she replied.



Either A, the language here was altered compared to normal English, or B, customs here were way different. 

However, Lolitas were still definitely unstable. 


After what looked to be Godzilla, Juzuki,  stole the large rock from her hand and rocketed into the rest of the forest, Arian was left alone with this girl Lyssa. She seemed misunderstood really, but not crazy. Perhaps this was maybe some sort of autism, or perhaps damage to the frontal lobe, the place of the brain to hold personality. 


"I'm sorry about your friend," Arian begins, trying to console the girl, but her words aren't needed as she instantly perks up when speaking to the taller blonde. 


However, because apparently logic was out of question, and this realm, she is asked to strip and switch. Clothes. Because she'd be 'hungry' otherwise.  Arian, still very confused, but adapting, slips off her clothes and trades with the girl. Well, there goes the only thing she could've lost. Feeling a little to exposed to the wilderness, she looks at the swapped clothes. Judging by height these clothes would no way in heck fit her. However, holding the garment up to her curvaceous bosom and against her ample hips, she finds that they were nearly the same size. Or maybe the clothes had changed size. That was always possible. 


"You're pretty too, and I think Lyssa is an awesome name too, unique," Arian comments slipping on the switched clothes, still trying to handle the situation in a delicate manner, "Far better than the ones other people call you."


The clothes were so snug, bringing out every curve Arian possessed, her body slender, even if her breasts seem slightly disproportionate. Her hips rounded, producing an annunciated and very slappable well-proportioned backside. Arian feels dirty just wearing it, but if it satisfied the Lyssa girl... 


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Reborn smiled at her while holding the unconcious Axel " Look don't worry to much about it and you don't have to be so stiff and just so you know yes i am his master and not father figure more of a Grampa figure sense i am few years older than 200 i lost count " he said smirking his cool smirk" Reborn then looks at kori and smiled " do you want to know about his past little miss snow princess"



(Professor Xian Qui “Hundun”)

“Bah, you’re both too boring. Fine, I’ll take you back to Luxor Academy as long as you don’t destroy the damn thing. Children these days! Never grateful for what I do.” Xian Qui (Hundun) replies to Ryo and A before thrusting his hand upward into the sky causing everyone in the realm to show up near his direction as an immense stream of aura thrusts inward towards him causing a vast gravitational pull. Suddenly the atmosphere around them grows quite dense making the grass around them collapse to the ground with great force which even sends the majority of the trees to slightly sink through the surface of the ground. Without warning the ambiance suddenly hushes and the lighting fades back to it’s once darkened state blinding everyone nearby. Hundun’s stench quickly fills the air from his enormous strength as he ascends his arm and points his palm in the opposite direction of him. “Let’s get this over with.” He states quietly to himself before clenching his hand into a fist resulting in the energy to collapse in on his body and then hastily retreat outwards making the darkness fade away. To their surprise they wind up back in Luxor Academy where all a few of the other students are onlooking in shock as they notice a random naked person standing on top of an unconscious girl.

Setsuna begins to open her eyes for a brief moment as she proceeds to yawn and look around. “Whe-Where Am-” She is immediately cut-off from her sentence as she notices Lyssa standing ontop of her without any article of clothing on her body. “Oh what the hell!? She says before pushing Lyssa off of her and crawling back towards Ryo and looking up at him with passion after seeing him. “Oh, hi there stud.” Setsuna replies to him while her eyes focus in on his then she gradually lifts up her hands towards his face then swiftly slaps him across the cheek. “Who is this naked girl across from you!?!” Setsuna screams at him in a furious tone causing her eyes to light up with anger. “Taa-daa I got new clothes! Let's eat!” Lyssa happily shouted while leaping back to her feet and raising her arms in the air causing her unconcealed chest to bulge out a bit more as she held the pieces of clothing that she got from Arian.

@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz @SolistheSun @ Everyone else who was in Hundun's realm.)
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Elch was sitting in the grass playing cards with Smoke. They were playing black jack, it was nice for both of them. Smoke didn't have his helmet on and Elch his mask. They were just talking and playing...and talking about other guys and girls. They heard someone coming and they both put on their masks. (Helmets)

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And Caesar was nowhere to be found. Trails of smoke remained where he should have been proportionate to where everyone else as back in the other world, but the actual person was gone. 

@no one

She nodded slightly but didn't plan to actually stop being cautious. Maybe once she felt out her ground then she would probably calm down. She was being offered a chance to learn about Axel...Was she supposed to appear more eager or stay neutral? "Sure...Granpa? I would be happy to learn about him." It almost felt wrong to call him that. He was nearly ''cool'' but not quite. 




The changing scenery made Arian feel sick to her stomach for a second, but thankfully enough, it was PLANET EARTH. AND SHE RECOGNIZED EVERYTHING. She couldn't wait to find Caesar and explain everything. 


Except now there was the scary red-skinned demon, A, who was slapping Ryo. Lover's quarrel, perhaps? Judging by her anger, it was entirely possible. Arian would've never thought them a couple but... She didn't have a chance to finish that though as Lyssa had also come with them to Earth. 

Still in the nude. 


"L-lysa!?" Arian screeches in embarrassment. 


As the demoness raised her voice, Arian quickly dove forward from behind, her hands covering Llyssa's boingy bits while the wide hem of her skirt covered her nether. Unintentionally groping, she shifts Lysaa around away from prying eyes.



@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz
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" You just pull the lever down" she went over and placed a coin into the slot.

"Lets see if we can get the jackpot."

He nodded, putting his hands on the lever and pulled, making it spin around, he kept seeing 5000 pass by, it started to slow down, landing on 5000. He cheered. 
Luxor glanced up at the boy standing in front of him. He seems strange . "Excuse me , but I'm new here. "the boy bowed.

"Yes, what do you need.." he looked down at the profile," Mikel?" questioned the blonde man.

"Just a schedule ..", Mike answered. Luxor gave the strange boy his schedule.

"thank you A- I mean Luxor sir "the black haired boy bowed and walked away.
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"Well, it seems that you guys aren't fighting anymore," Roy said nervously, "So I'm out!" He chucks his sword out of the front door, teleporting to it, then chucks it to the right, teleports again, and heads off.
He nodded, putting his hands on the lever and pulled, making it spin around, he kept seeing 5000 pass by, it started to slow down, landing on 5000. He cheered. 

"Awesome! "she cheered and gave Cody a big hug. "Air hockey then prizes ?" she said as she collected the tickets.

Reborn luaghed and smiled " you can call me Reborn but not granpa" he then looked at her and said " well lets start with his Childhood how he was alway the weakest and dumbest boy in his whole school but his sister was quite the oppisite she was smart and athletic but they loved each other alot especially sense they were twins. Reborn looked at her and said " where is your room.


Misogi was walking around the School when he noticed a boy and Luxor Misogi then Froze in Anger and happiness " ooohhhhhh i found someone that could be hard to deal with but very delishious to drain " said Misogi walking towards Luxor and said " hello i came here to transfer in as a Teacher's Aid yea that"


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"Awesome! "she cheered and gave Cody a big hug. "Air hockey then prizes ?" she said as she collected the tickets.

"Sure, i don't know how to play it though. .." he said shyly, he really wishes he had a regular child life before he lost everything. 

"Oi woman! Don't just kick random NPCs towards me" Ryo yelled as he kicked Caesar away from him, sending him flying in a different direction. Ryo cracked his neck afterwards, spitting out a glob of blue blood. The dumb mortal could hit pretty hard, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Although Ryo did make a note to fight him later.

His beastly visage was slowly replaced by the image of his human form. Now walking up next to A and sitting down. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and his lighter, taking one out and lighting it up. He let out a puff of smoke as he got comfortable. Ryo raised an eyebrow at A's joke, "Really, Dragon Ball Z jokes? That's what we're resorting to?"

Ryo sighed before brushing a hand through his hair, standing up, Ryo began walking over to Seo and Setsuna's position, waving his hand over his shoulder, "Imma go check up on Setsuna, and probably deck Seo across the face, let me know what you need me to do A."

Ryo stopped next to Setsuna and Seo, crouching down and looking at Setsuna's form. He ran a hand through her hair, before letting out a puff of smoke into the air.

"Man. I really hope you don't get all pissy at me fox princess, but I gotta fight me some Thrones. Way too much fun to pass up," Ryo then got up and flipped Seo off, "And you, next time I ask you to heal me, FUCKING HEAL ME!"

@Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @Marumatsu @Destructus Kloud

(I've been there before. For that whole previous response to everyone, I stared at it for like....20 minutes.)

Seo looked at Ryo with an "Oh really face" as he points to Setsuna. "Now is that away to treat your brother after healing this girl for you?"Seo said mocking Ryo for not being able to protect the Fox Demon. "Besides had I healed you I would not have been able to heal her I still hurt from that encounter with Spooky the ghost doll" Seo stands up to somehow find himself back at school not paying attention that he was back at Luxor Academy. Seo looked at Ryo very confused and upset. "Ryo i just need my bagels okay look at this Sh!t." Seo pulled out his bagels opening the case revealing ice encased treats drawling a single tear. "See this its just just so"- immediately stopping Seo tosses the case out the window completely changing his attitude. "Ehh they are obsolete now, so what to do.. what to do. Fuck it! I'll get more bagels later." Seo paused in his musings to lift three fingers, indicating a countdown to his brother Ryo, "Okay. Three questions fuckface. One: What just happened." Seo then pointed down at Setsuna, "Two, who the hell is this fox chick with the big ass melons, that you made me save," Seo pointed at A, "And three: why did you stop decking that hoe in the face?"

@YungJazz @Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi
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Reborn luaghed and smiled " you can call me Reborn but not granpa" he then looked at her and said " well lets start with his Childhood how he was alway the weakest and dumbest boy in his whole school but his sister was quite the oppisite she was smart and athletic but they loved each other alot especially sense they were twins. Reborn looked at her and said " where is your room.


Misogi was walking around the School when he noticed a boy and Luxor Misogi then Froze in Anger and happiness " ooohhhhhh i found someone that could be hard to deal with but very delishious to drain " said Misogi walking towards Luxor and said " hello i came here to transfer in as a Teacher's Aid yea that"



Micheal looked back at the boy walking  to the office ," He seems troublesome "he  muttered to himself.

"Teacher aid? You must be the one Mei is talking about." Luxor gestures over to the couch. Mei lays upside down and stares at the Tv. "Your that guy" she got up from her position and walks over to him. "Hi , I'm Mei its nice to meet you. I hope to learn more about you"she gave Misogi an innocent smile. Her hair was down so it indicated that she was in her normal, kind state. "I hope you two get a long" the blonde man said as her looked at his paperwork.

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