Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

A and her clone go silent, stopping their celebration in its tracks and letting go of each other, both facing away from him. They simultaneously turn towards him, A with an -Are you serious right now?- expression and her clone with a -Oh really?- look on her face. Her clone leans in to A and whispers something in her ear, something that changes A's mien go from 'wtf?' to an excited tail wag and insidious giggle. 

A moves to meet Ryo, her clone stepping to her side. "You wanna save this hunk of dirt? You want me to spill my guts?", A says bringing her clone into her arms. "Easy..kill Foxy.", she orders, breaking her clone's neck as a visual aid, it's body landing on the ground with a thud before falling into ash. 

A smiles enthusiatically, knowing full well she has no plan on stopping this train, and giddily wondering at how far she could push Ryo by simply denying him. 

"Look she's even all f*cked up and helpless. It'll be easy! Like squashing a bug!", A reassures Ryo as she slams her hand into the ground, somehow having it surface out of the floor where Setsuna had fallen, grabbing her head and pulling her through. She holds her up to Ryo, swinging her around like a treat. "Come on!...You know you want to..", she sings. 

Seo after feeling the pulse of energy from Ryo he notices the temperature has descended enough to freeze over the hall way he waits listening to the conversation between the two barely hearing much down the hall besides a powerful crash into the ground and a girl being waved by someone emitting a powerful aura Seo notices Ryo and immediately dashes through the crystals accelerating himself and grabbing Setsuna, pulling her into the ice, transporting them to safety. Seo skidded to a halt, facing Ryo and A's direction while putting Setsuna on the ground. Yelling at his idiot brother, Seo loudly exlaimed:


@YungJazz @Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi
"Awww," she then turns back to the ticket boot." We have to play some other games that give you tickets. Lets hoops. That's an easy way to earn some tickets."

He nods and walks to it with her, he slipped a coin in, and saw basketballs roll down to them, "So...I'm guessing these go in the hoops there right?" he asked her.
('"RYO! RYO! STOP FUCKING AROUND AND DECK THAT HOE!"' -My new favourite quote of the year. You can totally tell they're related. xD )



"Ehh! Caesar!" Arian calls after him, but he was already gone. With an irritated humph, she growls, after all, she was missing out on FOOD.

Though, she sighs, and realizes something else. There were literal demons out there. And Caesar just charge into them. Alarmed, Arian rummages through his closet and finds some old clothes, assuringly from the last tenant, as they were a girl's. 


With some infamous rock band name declared across her breasts and some rugged cut-off jean shorts, Arian cuts out of the room like a bat out of hell.

Oddly enough, it was getting warm and the ground kept rumbling. So was she a bat in hell? 


She notices Caesar slow, and she hides, not daring to peak lest he saw her. 


@Destructus Kloud @Everyoneelseinhell
Standing up straight, still pleased to see the pebble was attached to her horn, Lydia scuttled out of her napping zone to grab the book on the ground. It seemed slightly tattered, but the title seemed to say Seth's Encyclopedia of Supernatural Insects Vol.1. A rather long title for a simple notebook. Lydia started to skitter around the garden, flipping through the pages of the encyclopedia and reading on these fascinating beetles. She went down the route Honey came from, while Honey was humming above her head on the lookout for any other dangerous people.

@Lucremoirre (Np ^^ . I'm going to go sleep soon anyway.)
Seo after feeling the pulse of energy from Ryo he notices the temperature has descended enough to freeze over the hall way he waits listening to the conversation between the two barely hearing much down the hall besides a powerful crash into the ground and a girl being waved by someone emitting a powerful aura Seo notices Ryo and immediately dashes through the crystals accelerating himself and grabbing Setsuna, pulling her into the ice, transporting them to safety. Seo skidded to a halt, facing Ryo and A's direction while putting Setsuna on the ground. Yelling at his idiot brother, Seo loudly exlaimed:


@YungJazz @Obsidian @Olivia Acerbi

Ryo partial dragon.jpg

Ryo was honestly stunned when A held Setsuna hostage. He didn't know what to do, his anger was flaring and his energy began building up to a boiling point. Ryo clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to decide. A's true colors were showing and Ryo had no other choice. Raising his head in pain, Ryo inhaled and said,

"I will-" And then Seo popped out of the ice and grabbed Setsuna. Ryo stared stunned as his brother got Setsuna to a safe area, before telling him to fight A. Ryo paused before nodding his head at his brother in thanks, a beast like smile adorning his face. Ryo slammed his feet on the ground, finally letting loose as primordial energies began surging throughout the hallway. The objects around him began disintegrating from the energy. An oppressive aura surged through the hallway as things literally began fading away due to the dark blue energy being emitted from Ryo, as if the walls and windows didn't even exist.

As if the world itself was slowly eroding away, this was destruction itself taking a physical form. The end of all things and collapse of stars, the singular point where all life, light, and darkness fade away leaving nothing. This was Ryo's energy, obliteration, destruction, annihalation.

All Shall End.

Ryo's skin was replaced with black scales and horns, blue lines all across his body, his power surging to the limit. Finally crouching down, the beast that had replaced Ryo's form began laughing, a guttural sound that sounded like a thousand screeching souls wailing in horror. Of a million beasts howling in pain. This was the ultimate predator. The Dragon.

"I GAVE YOU A CHANCE WOMAN! LET'S GO!" The inhuman creature said as it launched towards A, decking her in the face and sending her flying out of the school and away from the infirmary, the shock wave causing the front side of the school to be blown away. Ryo chased after A, a black miasma flowing around him, eviscerating anything it touched, ready to truly begin this fight.


@Obsidian @Marumatsu @Olivia Acerbi
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(Just putting this out there, low top jeans, or shorts I guess, are like the hottest thing out there for a girl to wear for me. You hit the nail on the head with that one and I commend you, madam. @SolistheSun)
(More flashback

"Same.. but we are earning lots of tickets."she said, focusing on the game. She was beating the highest score and the tickets kept on coming.


Cody kept trying to beat her but failed, while still getting a steady flow of tickets. He was happy that she was also beating the highscore of a game too.
(Just waiting for @Olivia Acerbi to post before I party crash btw @YungJazz. And before you snort at laughter as to what exactly my character can do to you deities. We shall see...)

"Because if he used his power you would be lamb for a slaughter. If I fight him he wont be able to throw back what I throw at him. Thats why. Now run!" He turned to the night guy and saw him backing up. "Thank you now both of you get out of here."


Hikaru looked at the nurse and shrugged. "I'm sure we will be fine."


Sythnar Dochrohen

As Seth stopped crying, sniffling a little bit, he heard a skittering, like various polished shoes walking together at once, he turned around to see the noise, and it truly astonished him, a spider lady walking down a stony route, with the same enormous hornet-like insect that took his book earlier flapping it's wings right next to her, he then started writing down her appearance, how she walked, everything he can see from her, it was recorded in ink on his notebook.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Lydia(@Cheryl), Honey(@Cheryl)
Misogi looked at Ryujin and simply said " pffft you think i cant hurt you but you forgot emotional pain right right right right right" misogi started to move towards Fley and simply smiled " should i take her darkness right now infront of everyone and just leave her empty"

@Dante Verren


@TheGreyCthulhu man i am tired lol sorry 
Misogi looked at Ryujin and simply said " pffft you think i cant hurt you but you forgot emotional pain right right right right right" misogi started to move towards Fley and simply smiled " should i take her darkness right now infront of everyone and just leave her empty"

@Dante Verren


@TheGreyCthulhu man i am tired lol sorry 

'I should turn you mortal just for saying that...' The knight threatened as he pressed his fathers sword up against the beings throat.

@Dante Verren

Misogi smiled " ahhhhh but i am Mortal its just that Lady Death loves me and i love her aswell its the best thing when we die and comeback don't you think so after all we are basicly the same but what happen's when i take your darkness " said misogi looking at Shadow"


@Dante Verren

Ryujin looked like he was about to shoot himself. "That's it where all dead. we three are going to die. All because two idiots didn't listen to a god." He quickly wrapped fley in a tight embrace while grabbing a hold of the Knights arm. He looked up at the sky and shouted as all three of them rocjketed upwards toward the stars before landing on the exact opposite side of the school.

(Lightning jumps)

@kenchin @TheGreyCthulhu @Fazy
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Auriel Dwelle

"But what about them?!" Auriel asked with a sign of worry towards the three outside of the infirmary, as a glowing blue aura suddenly shined between the infirmary door's frames, Auriel was tempted on opening it, but felt it was too dangerous to go there right now, with A unsealed and an angered Setsuna, things are bound to be no good, she also heard a loud boom somewhere in the academy, seemingly on the front.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With: Hikaru (@Dante Verren), Axel Hazaki (@kenchin), Kori Shimo (@TaraSobiki)

Mentions: A (@Olivia Acerbi), Setsuna Hayate (@Obsidian), Ryo Sentrale (@YungJazz)
(Yeah I have to knock out. I'll attempt to enforce school rules between heaven and hell over there tomorrow. :P )



A's eyes lit up with anticipation as Ryo began to speak, only to be replaced by a disappointed grimace when Seo ripped Setsuna out of her grasp. She looks in his direction, unsure who he is exactly. "Hoe?...meh.", A questions before shrugging in agreement. "Welp, looks that hall-monitor over there just sh*t on your one chance to get some closure.", she said seemingly uninterested in the situation.

She backpedals a little as when Ryo's energy begins to build. The surge of power blows past her, moving through her hair like a strong wind. A keeps her characteristic, amused smile on her face. One hand on her hip and the other used like a visor, A watches Ryo's form twist and morph. "So do you want to save the world or....what? You're sending really mixed messages....and you're ruining my clothes with that stupid beastly power of yours.", she comments creating a shield around herself to save a little clothes she had on to begin with. "You know, I find it hard to believe that something that needs to stand around and "unleash" itself is really all that powerful....I could've put a million spears in you and used them to pry you open like a clam by now. I don't want you de-", A is interrupted by a blow that torpedos her out the wall and into the sky. "That was rude.", she says to herself as she sails through the air. "This guy's dug his own grave."

A slows her glide and turns back towards Ryo, now closing in. She shoots a massive blast of energy behind her with her hands, propelling herself toward him feet first. A projects a blinding light towards before acquainting both her feet to his face with a soul shattering kick. The force sends Ryo's hulking mass speeding towards the earth like a missile, landing with a mighty smash. 

In freefall, A sends a few bolts of hellfire his way, each on striking his general area with an odd implosive then explosive effect. "Where ya at?" A says scanning the ground she's now plummeting to, knowing there was no way that did him in. 

(@Destructus Kloud sorry it was the dog again. I let him in, but he's kinda weird....I am about to be in horror movie?)
(Yeah I have to knock out. I'll attempt to enforce school rules between heaven and hell over there tomorrow. :P )

((One step ahead of you, pal. Sorry. Hope Caesar joins in tomorow))

Roy, done with making a quick phone call to "send his ring" over, he seeked shelter and headed to the front door, only to see that the place was blown to smithereens. "Uh, what in the great flying spaghetti monster happened?" he asked to himself. He considered walking away, but then realized he had the enforcement committee badge pinned to his black lab coat, and realizing that he had no choice, he headed inside the school, going towards where he heard the noise coming in from, to see two people and a giant demon. quickly, he yelled, "Under the name of the school, please stop blowing the place up!" He summons his falchion, just to arm himself in case he needs to defend himself.

More Info

Tags: @Olivia Acerbi @Obsidian @YungJazz

Interacting with: A, Ryo, and Setsuna

Mood: Nervous and cheerful at the same time, if that's possible. And confused.

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